Loving Colt

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Loving Colt Page 12

by C. A. Harms

  The idea of Seth out there somewhere made my blood boil. He was charged with a number of offenses that should have landed him behind bars for years. He also was charged with intent to sell drugs, because a large amount of drugs had been found in his car, packaged and ready for purchase.

  Now he was out roaming the streets, and no one had any idea where he was.

  “Shh. I got you, baby. He doesn’t know where you are. You’re safe,” I reassured her.

  “No, I’m not. Maddi and I are not safe as long as he is out there.” She pulled back and looked up at me. She looked lost and terrified, and it broke my heart.

  I waited until she fell asleep before slipping from bed and taking her phone with me. I scrolled through the numbers until I found Jett.

  I went downstairs to my shop, so I could talk freely without her hearing.

  “Hey, sis, can’t sleep?” Jett yawned into the phone.

  “Jett, it’s me, Colt,” I stated.

  “Hey, how is she doing?” I could sense he was a little more alert than when he had first answered.

  “She’s slowly falling apart. Won’t let Maddi leave her side. She even made her sleep in the bed with us. She’s terrified he’s gonna show up here.” I slouched back in the chair and squeezed the bridge of my nose. “Is there any news? Do they have any idea where he is, who he’s with?”

  “Dad’s been talking to a detective, who said that Seth was wrapped up with some guys he was selling drugs for. Apparently they don’t like it when their dealers smoke the shit they’re supposed to be selling. He’s in pretty deep with them, and I’m pretty sure he’s hanging low, hiding out,” Jett said.

  It was silent for a few minutes before he spoke again. “Listen, Colt, she’s got you on her side, man. You just need to reassure her, daily. She has every reason to be scared, because she went through hell with that asshole. You’ve got to keep it together for her. They need you.”

  “I know, they got me and they always will. I just wish I could reassure her that he would never find her again.” I wanted to tell her there was no reason to fear Seth any longer, but I couldn’t honestly say that.


  “So let me get this straight. They just lost him?” Maria asked from across the table. I just nodded my head and took a sip of coffee. “How the hell? He should never have been let out on bail. That is ridiculous.”

  “I know Mar, I know.” What else could I say? I completely agreed with her. “Her dad has been doing everything he can. He spends most of his day on the phone with detectives and investigators. Hell, he even hired his own investigator to track Seth’s friends and family. She doesn’t know that he calls me daily to keep me posted.”

  Maddison was in my mom’s living room watching cartoons. Momma, Maria, and I sat at the table as I filled them in on everything.

  “She’s scared and jumpy. She doesn’t eat, barely sleeps. I find her staring off at nothing, like she is lost in her own head. When I try talking to her, she shuts herself down. It’s a repeat cycle every day, and I feel like I’m losing her.” My chest was tight and my stomach churned with uneasiness.

  “It’s been a week, and she just seems more lost every day that passes. I hear her at night, crying and getting sick from it. She won’t let me in, though. She pushes me away.”

  “I’ve tried to soothe her. I’ve tried to kiss her and distract her with touch. Every time I make an attempt, she finds a way to pretend to be busy. It’s her subtle way of saying she’s not in the mood.”

  “Hey, why don’t you let us take Maddison tonight? Give you two some time to talk,” Maria suggested. It sounded great, but I was sure Alex wouldn’t allow it. She had a hard time leaving her daily to go in to work, let alone leaving her somewhere overnight.

  “I’ll ask her myself. Make it sound like I had it planned.” Maria didn’t even wait for me to answer, she just dialed her phone and left a message for Alex.

  “Hey girl, Mikey wants to have a kid’s night. He was hoping Maddison could spend the night with him and Rhett. He’s super excited and could barely sleep last night. He already had the night all planned out. Give me a call on your break.”

  After she had hung up, she looked up and me and shrugged her shoulders. “What?”

  I just chuckled and shook my head at her. She was really something else.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  The idea of Maddison not being with me made me extremely nervous. Knowing, though, that she would be completely safe with Gavin and Maria, I couldn’t continue to cage her up because it wasn’t fair to her. What kind of example was I teaching her by instilling fear in her, anyway?

  I wasn’t being fair to Colt, either. Things between us have been quiet. I’ve been distant, and I have to change that. There are things I need to talk to him about, and tonight is my chance.

  “Hey you, are ya on break?” Maria spoke through the phone.

  “Um, yeah, for just a few minutes. We are in between patients, actually. I’m just calling you back to say that tonight sounds great. I’m sure Maddison would love a night away from my hovering.” I laughed lightly, pretending I was joking, but I wasn’t.

  “Colton is really worried about you, about your relationship, actually. He was over at Momma’s this morning. I know I should mind my own business, but it’s hard not to say something. He loves you like crazy, Alex. Maybe tonight would be a good night for you two to talk.” She was right. I couldn’t argue with her.

  “Thanks, Maria, really. I love him too, very much. We’ll talk, I promise,” I guaranteed.

  When I got home after work, I told Maddi about her night out and she was bouncing off the walls. She loves Mikey. He is like a big brother to her. He treats her with such kindness. Baby Garrett was a huge bonus, because she loves babies.

  My stomach tightened as I thought about her and how she loved to feed him and help dress him.

  “Hey, little ladybug, you ready to go?” Colton asked from the doorway. Our eyes connected and he winked at me.

  Maddison jumped up and leaped into his arms, hugging him tightly. “Yes, let’s go.”

  I followed behind as we walked outside and gathered at the Tahoe. I looked back from the passenger seat as he buckled her up and tickled her tummy. Her giggles were bringing a matching smile to my face.

  As he climbed up and placed the truck in drive, Colt took my hand in his and brought it up to his lips, kissing my knuckles. “I love you,” he said.

  “I love you too,” I whispered in reply. His words were hitting me deep. Tonight would change everything.

  I turned and looked back over my shoulder at the empty space next to Maddison and swallowed hard. Tonight would reroute our lives forever.


  We stood in Maria and Gavin’s living room, laughing at Mikey and Maddi. He was doing the worm, making his body roll along the floor. Maddison was right alongside attempting to copy his movements. It was a weak attempt, but hilarious.

  My eyes watered from the laughter, and my ribs ached. I caught Maria watching me with a smile, and I wiped at the happy tears that had escaped. It felt really great to laugh. I had let fear and worry overtake me, and now it was time to find myself again. I couldn’t hide behind the what ifs. I had to remember I had some pretty amazing people on my side.

  Colt placed his hand on my back and gently rubbed up and down. “You ready to go, babe?” he asked.

  I nodded my head. After we had said our goodbyes and kissed and hugged Maddi, we made our way back to the truck.

  “Dinner?” he said. “Do you wanna go out and grab something? Or we could grab something and go back to the loft.”

  I turned to face him, and for a moment, just admired his gorgeous smile and strong jaw. Those caring eyes were so full of love. “I have a better idea.” I smiled and so did he, waiting for me to continue. “Can we grab something and go back to the house? I know you don’t want me to see some of the things you have going on until they’re done. I just want to talk,
and because of some things I want to say to you, I want to look back some day and remember it was in our home that I shared those things.”

  “Okay,” he replied.

  We stopped at the store and ransacked the deli department, grabbing a sub sandwich and a few cartons containing different kinds of pasta. “Do you want any wine or…?” he asked.

  I shook my head, “No, let’s just grab something here, unless you want some.”

  When we pulled up to the house, my mouth fell open in amazement. He wasn’t joking—it was like a whole new place. The exterior was covered with a gorgeous dark wood siding. A new, updated porch was on the front.

  As we stepped from the car, my eyes filled with tears as I looked up to find the walk-out patio off the room that would be ours. “You built the patio I saw in the magazine,” I whispered.

  He stepped up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. “Yes, you wanted it. I wanted to give you everything you were hoping for.” He paused and kissed my temple. “There’s more inside.”

  I turned in his arms and smiled up at him like a fool. “More,” I squeaked. “Let’s go.” I giggled and he shook his head, leading me inside.

  We went in through the back and entered the kitchen first. I couldn’t stop the happy tears that fell. “Wow,” I gasped. “It’s beautiful.”

  Looking around, I took in every detail--the handmade cabinets, the island in the center, a new sink and appliances, tiled flooring and a perfect nook with built-in seating in a new addition built off the kitchen. “It’s almost just like the picture I saw.”

  I turned around and stared at the man who had my soul in his hands. He had completely captivated me and stolen all hope of ever being able to live without him in my life. He was now and forever the man I was destined to be with.

  He took two steps toward me, bringing his body flush with mine. His lips covered mine gently, lovingly.

  He slowly backed me up to the island in the center and lifted me up, placing me on top. I instantly wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him in tighter.

  His hands rolled along my sides, coming to a rest on my hips. Our lips were moving in a perfect rhythm, tasting, savoring one another. The bags of food sitting on the floor in the doorway were easily forgotten. “I’ve missed this,” he groaned against my lips. “I’ve missed us.”

  “I’m sorry,” I answered. I pulled back and looked in his eyes. “No more. I’m not letting fear control me any longer. Fear took over, and I let myself hide out, like I always chose to do before. I’m so sorry I pushed you away.” With his eyes still locked on mine, I traced the curve of his lower lip with my thumb. “No more hiding. We’re in this together,” Colt said.

  “That’s right. Always together,” I replied. Kissing me once more, he stepped away and looked back at the bags of food. “We could eat at the table. I have a blanket in the back of the Tahoe. We could throw it over the top, cover the dust.”

  I smiled and agreed. “Will you grab my bag for me too?”

  “Sure, babe, I’ll be right back,” he said as he walked outside through the back door.

  I was nervous all afternoon about tonight and what I needed to tell him. Now I was just anxious.

  I watched as he walked back in with the blanket in one arm and my bag in the other. He closed the door and twisted the lock. I took my bag as he flipped the blanket out and shook it once, walking toward the table.

  “What about a picnic on the floor?” I stated, just as he was about to lay the blanket on the table.

  He smiled and placed it on the floor instead. Taking off his boots, he sat down. Carefully he began placing the food and drinks on the top. I took the spot next to him and we ate together, stealing kisses and gentle touches while enjoying the thrown-together dinner that was one of the best I had ever shared with anyone.

  When we were all finished and the garbage had been picked up, Colt grabbed a small container from a bag behind him. It was from the bakery at the store, and my mouth watered. “When did you get dessert?”

  He held it out and grinned. “It’s for you.”

  “Where’s yours?” I asked him.

  “This is specially made, just for you. Watching you enjoy it will be all I need,” he stated, still wearing that perfect grin of his.

  He was definitely up to something. I could feel it. He never took his eyes from the container as he held it out, and I took it from his hands. I was almost afraid to open it, nervous suddenly about its contents.

  The hopeful look on his face gave me no other choice. I slowly and carefully lifted the lid. My eyes instantly looked up to meet his. He watched me closely, nervously. “What is it?” I asked, looking back down to the velvet box just inside the container.

  “Open it and find out,” he said, scooting in just a little closer.

  I pulled the red box out and dropped the container beside me. I had a strong feeling I already knew what was in the box. The moment I flipped open the lid, I gasped, taking in the gorgeous diamond inside. “It’s…” There were no words.

  “I don’t know what you’re thinking right now. I don’t know if this is the wrong or right time to do this. I just know that there isn’t anything I want more than to have you both officially as my family.” Colt reached into the box I held and pulled the ring from its place. As he twisted it between his fingertips, our eyes both focused on its glimmer in the light.

  “I thought I would wait until after we moved in, got settled. The problem with that idea was, once I had it, I couldn’t wait to ask you. I couldn’t wait to have it placed on your finger.” He lifted his head and his gaze locked with mine. “I was gonna ask a couple weeks ago but…” he paused. “Things happened. I’m just hoping that tonight I’m not making a mistake.”

  My vision became blurry and my eyes clouded with emotion. “It’s beautiful.”

  “A beautiful ring, for my beautiful girl.” His grin was so contagious. “I love you so much. I wasn’t looking to fall in love, but with you and Maddison, it was inevitable. There was no hope for me, not with the two of you. You both grabbed a hold of me, and I never want either of you to let me go.”

  “We’re not going anywhere.” I smiled up at him. My lip quivered with the intense emotions of the moment.

  “Will you marry me, Alex?”

  I rose up onto my knees and crawled toward him, straddling his lap. Staring into his eyes, I brought my lips closer to his.

  Just before I placed mine against his, I whispered. “Yes, Colton. I’ll marry you.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  She spoke the words and everything immediately fell into place. Gripping her hips, I pulled her closer and kissed her with all the love I felt for her.

  Placing the ring on her finger, I had never in my life felt as complete as I did in that moment. Her lips found their way back to mine, and she began kissing me once again.

  I gathered her shirt and slowly slid it upward, over her head. I trailed kisses over her neck, down to the swell of her breast, and unclasped her bra, allowing it to fall away slowly.

  Wrapping my arm around her waist, I turned her around and laid her on to the blanket. She lay beneath me, her hair fanned out behind her. She was so beautiful she made my chest ache.

  The way she looked up at me made me feel like I was the most powerful man in the world. Her adoring eyes held me with such intense power.

  I began to unbuckle her jeans and lower them. She bit her lower lip as she watched my movements. My clothes quickly joined hers in a pile at our side, I lowered my body over hers.

  Sinking inside her body, my heart beat rapidly in my chest. Our desire for one another was taking over, and we were lost in its depth.

  “You’re perfect, Alex. This, us,” I whispered. “I love you, baby.”

  Her body arched and her head tilted back. I felt her build, as I continued to thrust my hips.

  “Yes,” she moaned. Her fingernails were digging into my shoulders as she shuddered beneath me.
Our bodies were both covered in a glistening layer of sweat. Her eyes closed tightly as she panted through her release.

  Following just behind her, I buried my face in the crook of her neck and held her tightly, gently pumping my hips and giving her all of me.

  We lay in silence, relishing the aftermath of our love.

  “I just remembered you had something you needed to tell me.” I turned on my side and propped my head up with my bent arm. “Sorta got a little off course.” I winked and she smiled up at me.

  “The detour was definitely worth it, though,” she sighed as she was trailing her finger down my chest and circling my stomach in a teasing manner. “In fact, I’ll take that detour any time you offer it.”

  My little vixen was back. She had me worried for a while. “What was it you needed to talk about?” I couldn’t let her off the hook. Earlier it was important to be here and for her to tell me. Now it was still important, maybe even more so.

  “In my bag,” She pointed behind me. “Inside the front pocket, there is something for you.”

  I analyzed her expression for a few seconds before rolling over and grabbing her bag. Pulling out a small brown paper bag, I held it up. “This?” I asked and she nodded, biting down on her lip nervously.

  I sat up and opened the top slowly, peeking in like it was alive. I heard her giggle and she poked me in the side. “It won’t bite you. Just open it.”

  Sliding my hand into the front pocket, I wrapped my hand around the item inside and lifted it. My head whipped around and she was staring at me, waiting for my reaction. “Seriously?” I asked. Her head bobbed up and down slowly while she continued to wait for my reaction.

  “When? I mean, how?” my stutter continued. “Well, I know how, but…” I looked down at my hands. “I’m gonna be a father?” I whispered. I was almost scared to accept it, fearing I was imagining the entire night.


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