Teaching His Babygirl

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Teaching His Babygirl Page 3

by Rory Reynolds

  “Todd, Leon… What brings you to my office on the first day of school?” A familiar voice asks from inside the office. My heart starts to race as I close the door and step around the boys. I gasp in shock as I take in Colt sitting behind a big wooden desk, looking every part the stern disciplinarian.

  “Darlene,” Colt says, equally as shocked at my appearance as I am at having just walked into his office. He clears his throat. “Miss Larson,” he quickly corrects himself.

  “Mr. James,” I say with a nod of deference to his position. “It seems that Mr. Zimmerman and Mr. Yardley need a lesson in respect.”

  He raises his brow at the acid in my tone. Both boys have their shoulders hunched and are looking very much like petulant children.

  “Is that true, boys?”

  They both shrug their shoulders.

  “Why don’t you tell Mr. James exactly what you said, Mr. Zimmerman,” I say with a benevolent smile. A smile that says I’m very much going to enjoy what’s about to happen.

  Neither of the boys makes a move to say anything, which is unsurprising. I wouldn’t want to be called out in front of Colt James either. He’s looking especially stern—and sexy—today. Unfortunately, my pussy agrees, and I’m finding myself horny on top of being angry about the disrespectful kids we’re here for.

  I clear my throat, trying to shake off the memories from Friday night. “Well, boys, will you tell him, or should I?” I ask, feeling vindicated at their obvious embarrassment in the face of a man like Colt. He’s the kind of man that demands respect, and I can only imagine his reaction.

  “Alright, then. Let’s see if I can recall correctly,” I say to Mr. Zimmerman. The boy cringes back like I just verbally smacked him. He doesn’t think I’ll say it… I know what he’s thinking. The buttoned-up art teacher will shy away, and they’ll be off the hook. He’d be wrong. I may dress the part of a conservative woman to the outside world, but inside I’m wild and untamed. “You’ll correct me if I’m wrong, won’t you?” I ask innocently, making both boys cringe again.

  This is too much fun, really. I’ve moved on from anger to enjoying watching them squirm like fish on a hook.

  “Mr. Zimmerman here was wondering if my pussy tastes like cherry pie, and Mr. Yardley seconded his musings.”

  Colt’s icy blue eyes turn furious as he slams his hands on his desk, rising from his seat like an avenging angel.

  “You what?!” he bellows, looking between the boys and me. A possessive fury is written on his features as plain as day. I hope the boys only see it as outrage and not the protectiveness it appears to be.

  Maybe I’m just seeing things that aren’t there. Wishful thinking is what it is… what it has to be. Which is stupid now that it’s finally sinking in that Colt is, for all intents and purposes, my new boss and entirely off-limits. No matter how much I want him, it just can’t happen. I can’t risk messing up my new job. Even if it means giving up something that I spent every minute of every day obsessing over since he kissed me goodbye Friday night.

  “I cannot believe you would say something like that,” Colt says, reining in his anger slightly. “The disrespect you’ve shown Miss Larson, on her first day no less, is utterly appalling.”

  “Sorry, Mr. James,” both boys parrot.

  “It’s not me you should be apologizing to.” He points my direction, and both boys turn to me with repentant expressions. Obviously, these boys respect Colt and hate that they’ve disappointed him.

  “Sorry, Miss Larson,” they both say together, making it almost comical.

  “I would say it’s okay, but it isn’t. I can forgive this little misunderstanding, though, provided you never speak to a woman that way again.”

  “We won’t. We promise.”

  I don’t believe them for a second, but I can hope they understand words have consequences and what they said is absolutely wrong.

  “Now that Miss Larson has magnanimously forgiven you, your punishment is that you’ll be sitting out the next two games.”

  Both boys groan and open their mouths to protest, but they both fall silent with a raise of Colt’s hand. “And you get to explain to coach exactly why you have to sit out.”

  “He’s going to kill us,” Leon says.

  “It would be well deserved after your behavior today, but we all know you’re only going to be running drills… lots of drills,” Colt says with a malevolent smile.

  I smirk at the look Colt gives me and know that they’re going to be well punished, more punished than any suspension from school would provide. Hopefully, it will be enough to really hit home the consequences for their actions, but only time will tell.

  “You boys get on to class. Miss Larson, if I could have a word…”

  My eyes widen at the firmness in his tone. He probably sensed my desire to bolt as soon as this conversation ended. He wouldn’t be wrong. The sooner we talk, the sooner I have to admit that things can’t proceed with our budding relationship. I know it was only one night—one scene—but it felt like so much more. I’ve never felt such a connection with another person in all of my life.

  I don’t want it to end, but what choice do I have?

  Chapter Four


  When she first entered the office, I was shocked to find out that the new art teacher is my Darlene. The woman I’ve spent the whole weekend lusting after. Leon and Todd are lucky to be leaving this office without being pummeled. No one talks to my girl like that. The only one who should think about what her sweet pussy tastes like is me.

  As soon as the boys leave, I’m striding around the desk and locking the door to my office. She’s watching me warily like I’m some kind of feral animal that’s about to pounce. She wouldn’t be wrong. I am about to pounce. I’ve been without her lips for two days too long. Darlene takes a step back, and I growl low in my throat, not liking her backing away from me. Before she can take another step, I’ve got her wrapped up in my arms, her curvy body pressed against the hard plains of mine.

  She stands stiff in my arms until I wrap her hair around my fist and tip her head back. Her eyes fall closed, and her lips part as she awaits my kiss. I bypass her lips, going instead to her neck. I lick and suck the delicate skin, enjoying the salty-sweet flavor of her. Darlene lets out a low moan that I steal away with a fierce kiss.

  For the briefest of moments, she’s stiff in my arms, but then she melts. Her soft tongue licks at mine as I plunder her mouth. Ravaging any bit of hesitance she has away. With hands fisted in my shirt, she holds me to her, kissing me back like she’s starved for it. Our tongues dance together, mine possessive and hers sweet and seeking. She lets me lead with low whimpers and moans.

  My hands roam over her body, lifting her skirt up so that I can grip the round globes of her ass through the simple cotton panties she’s wearing. I itch to spank her but don’t dare because if I do, I won’t stop until my cock is buried deep inside her wet heat.

  Darlene rips her lips from mine, pushing me away. She couldn’t actually move me if she tried, but I take a step back, not wanting to make her feel caged entirely—even if she is. Her breasts rise and fall as she desperately sucks in air like she’s seconds away from drowning. I move to grab her up again, but she raises her hands and takes a step back to ward me off.

  “We can’t…” she says, her fingers coming to her lips as if to silence her own protests. It’s like she knows if she doesn’t keep them there, she will lose control and fall into me all over again despite her own resolve to deny us this reunion.

  “We can, babygirl,” I growl possessively.

  “You’re my boss!” she whisper-shouts. “Don’t you know what that means?”

  “What does it mean?” I ask, stalking her as she backs away.

  “This can’t happen,” she waves her hands between us, “us—whatever this connection is—it can’t… we can’t.”

  “We can… we will,” I practically snarl the words as I back her against the wall. “There’s no rule that
says we can’t.”

  I brush my lips lightly over hers, and she whimpers. Her head thumping against the wall as she tries to pull away. I chase her lips with my own until it’s her that’s kissing me. We catch fire. Burning bright as our tongues seek out one another and the kiss ignites all of the pent-up passion from Friday night.

  We break apart again, her eyes heavy-lidded. She licks her lips, savoring the taste of our kiss. “People won’t respect me,” she whispers. “They’ll think…”

  Darlene shakes her head, ducks under my arm, and flees my office.

  Runaway, little girl… daddy isn’t afraid of a little chase.

  Chapter Five


  The week flies by. I’ve somehow managed to avoid being alone with Colt, despite his many attempts to corner me. It’s only a matter of time before it happens though. Each time I see him, it becomes harder to resist him. Not that I even want to resist him… I want him more than I’ve ever wanted anyone in my life.

  I take another glass from the box sitting on my kitchen floor and give it a quick rinse before filling it with orange juice. I consider adding some vodka but don’t. Alcohol will only make the situation that much worse. I lean against the counter as I sip my juice. The place is still full of boxes. The only room I’ve unpacked is my studio… which I’ve spent every night after school painting.

  I finish my juice and wander back into my studio. Icy blue eyes meet me. Despite trying to paint something else… each painting this week ends up with icy blue eyes and the stern features of Colt James. They burn through me from the canvas.

  My eyes flick to the clock and my insides twist. I’m supposed to meet Colt at the club in an hour. But that was before… I’ve vacillated between my decision to go or not go for days now. Finally, making the wise choice to not go. Now that the time is upon me, I’m second-guessing my decision.

  One more night couldn’t hurt… In fact, we could work this thing out of our systems… that’s what we need to do. We will sate this undeniable need, and it’ll be over.


  Even though it’s probably the worst decision, I change my mind. I’m going. Come what may.

  I take a quick shower, washing off the paint, and shaving every inch of my body. I pull on my favorite pink satin and lace bra with matching boy short panties. I turn and look in the mirror admiring my curves. I might not be a skinny girl, but even I can admit my curves are sexy. I have an hourglass figure—large breasts with a nipped-in waist and curvy hips.

  With a hum, I pull on a frilly pink dress over my lingerie and slide my feet into my favorite ballerina slippers. I may choose heels and conservative dresses in my day-to-day life, but I shed that protective outer layer for the club. I no longer look like that put together teacher, I look like the little I am. In these clothes, I feel like me.

  I let go of the confines of society and can just be unapologetically me. I let out a sigh, feeling free for the first time in what feels like forever.

  The club is packed. Obviously, Saturday night starts earlier than a Friday. If I were in a better frame of mind, I would be excited by the buzz around the club. As it is, I’m nervous. What if Colt doesn’t come? What if he decided that because I avoided him all week that it wouldn’t be worth coming?

  What if he does come? Will we talk? Do we come to terms that this wild attraction between us can’t go anywhere? Or do we let go of logic for one night and do exactly what we want?

  My mind is saying that I came here to get some form of closure, but my body knows better. I’ve silenced the rational side of my mind and let go of common sense. Even coming here was tempting the unrestrained, passionate parts of me. Parts that only spark to life when Colt is near.

  I wander around the club and find the only other friendly face I know swinging. Tessa smiles and waves me over. I smile back and wave. The grumpy guy—Ransom, I think—is standing off to one side with his big arms crossed over his chest. He’s watching the room, but even I can tell his focus is really on Tessa. His navy-blue shirt with a white band around the sleeve labels him as club security, but the way he’s watching her makes me think there is a story there.

  Tessa calls me over again. Just as I start to head her way, I catch sight of Colt. He’s striding towards me with a single-minded purpose. I take two steps back, my eyes wide at the fierce look on his face.

  He quickly closes the distance and tugs me into his arms. His lips landing on mine in a toe-curling kiss. I don’t have time to think, let alone protest as he plunders, taking what he wants. There’s no fight left in me. The moment his lips touch mine, I catch fire. I’m lost to our kiss, and the whole world fades away in our endless passion.

  Colt lifts me from my feet, and I wrap my legs around him. Our lips don’t part as he walks us away from the gathering crowd. I’m mildly aware that in this position, my bottom is likely on display. Again, I can’t seem to worry about it. My butt cheeks are hardly the most scandalous thing this club will see tonight.

  He kisses me with fierce possession all the way to one of the private rooms. The door slams shut behind us, and he twirls, pinning me to it. His cock presses firmly to my pussy as he rubs against me. My moans are swallowed by his mouth. His rough hands tug at the front of my dress, pulling it down until it’s below my satin covered breasts.

  With a low growl, he pushes my bra down too. My breasts are practically served up on a platter for him, and he takes full advantage. His fingers pluck at my nipples as his lips suck one tight bud into his mouth. I throw my head back against the door, moaning at the overwhelming sensations. I’m so turned on the littlest of touches could send me over the edge.

  Colt must sense that because he pulls away, looking at me with those fathomless blue eyes. Eyes that tell me he wants to devour me, but that he’s also furious and hasn’t forgotten a minute of the time I’ve kept us apart. I can’t hold in my whimper when he sets me down on the floor. Especially when my nipples rub over his shirt, sending shivers down my spine from their sensitivity.

  “Darlene, fuck, babygirl,” he growls. “I’ve needed to kiss you for days. Fucking days.”

  I nod, trying to catch my breath. The words escape me, but I can admit that I needed him too. This connection of ours won’t be denied, and I was a fool for thinking it could be.

  One night.

  I can let go for one night, then put my self-control back in the driver’s seat. I’m taking tonight for myself though. Nothing will stop me, not even the fact that it’s a terrible idea.

  “Me too… daddy?” I say the word like it’s a question… what if he no longer wants me that way?

  Colt makes a feral sound low in his throat. “Say it again, this time I want you to mean it.”


  His lips crush to mine again until we’re both breaking apart, panting for breath. With a groan of disappointment, he rights my bra and dress. “We need to talk, and I can’t concentrate with these beauties teasing me.”

  He leads me to the rocking chair in the corner of the room. He sits then pulls me into his lap. I wriggle around a little, hoping that my ass on his cock will distract him, but he slaps my thigh in warning. I still instantly.

  “Naughty girl.”

  I shrug. “I would say I’m sorry, but I’m not.”

  Colt chuckles, and I smile in return. He cups my cheek, and I sigh at the intimate contact, nuzzling into his touch. His fingertips skate down my neck then he’s got his hand wrapped around the nape of my neck, keeping me still so he can look me directly in the eyes.

  The way he’s studying my expressions makes me feel exposed in a way I have never felt before.

  “Tell me, why did you run from my office? Why have you been avoiding me?”

  “Because you’re my boss…”

  “But I’m not. Not really. And there’s no rule against us seeing each other.”

  He kisses me again, frying my brain cells and the protest that’s on the tip of my tongue. Our lips part, and his tongue del
ves in. We kiss slow and sweet, completely opposite of our previous kisses but no less arousing.

  This time it’s me that pulls away. “What would the other faculty think, though? I’m new to the school. What kind of first impression will it make if I’m…” I wave my hands between us… “doing whatever this is.”

  “Who cares what they think. Let them talk.”

  I shake my head. “I don’t want to get off on the wrong foot. This is my fresh start…”

  He caresses my cheek, looking at me with tender softness. “What if I want to be part of that fresh start?”

  “I-” I have to swallow around a lump in my throat. “I don’t know…”

  “Did you like what we did last Friday night?” he asks.

  I blow out a breath and roll my eyes. “You know I did.”

  “Do you want to do that again?” He gives me a wolfish grin.

  I shift on his lap, rubbing my thighs together. “Yes, daddy. But-”

  “No buts,” he growls. “You want to play, and so do I. In this room, we are just two consenting adults.”

  “What about outside this room?” I ask suspiciously.

  “Outside this room—the club—we are co-workers. Maybe friends, if you want.” He says it like it’s the simplest, most cut and dry thing there is.

  “I don’t know if I can keep things separate like that…” I admit with a blush.

  And it’s true. Whenever I’m around him, my little side comes out to play. Even the few times I couldn’t avoid him at school, I felt the instinct to defer to him… to let him lead the way. It’s too tempting to give up my control to him. It’s nothing like I’ve felt before for another person. It’s not fair that the one person to bring that out in me is forbidden fruit.

  “Darlene, we can be whatever you want us to be. I’m all in for whatever it is you decide. I want us to give this chemistry between us free reign, but I understand your reluctance, and in this one thing, I will let you lead the way.”


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