Teaching His Babygirl

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Teaching His Babygirl Page 6

by Rory Reynolds


  “Seeing you on a weekday isn’t against the rules as long as we are professionals at work. Anything goes on our off hours…”

  “Anything?” he growls possessively.

  “Why don’t you come over and find out?” I tease.

  I give him my address, though I have a feeling he already knows it. He promises to see me soon, and we hang up. I look around my apartment. Crap. I should have asked to go to his place. Mine looks like I haven’t been living here for three weeks. I haven’t even started unpacking the living room, and my kitchen looks like I’m living out of boxes—because I am.

  Twenty minutes later, there is a knock on my door. I open it to find Colt looking sexy as heck in a pair of dark wash jeans and a t-shirt that’s stretched tight across his broad shoulders and chest. I lick my lips taking him in. It’s the most casual I’ve seen him except for his sweatpants at his house yesterday morning.

  He looks darn sexy in his buttoned-up suits, but he is a sight to behold in casual jeans and a fitted t-shirt.

  “Are you going to invite me in?” he asks with a chuckle.

  “Oh, yes…” I stutter, “Yes, come in. Sorry.”

  “No need to apologize. I like that you enjoy what you see.”

  I blush hotly and step aside, inviting him in. He takes in my place with a frown.

  “Sorry, it’s kind of a mess. I wasn’t thinking when I invited you,” I say, feeling silly for having a visitor—especially Colt—with my home looking so messy and not put together.

  “Why haven’t you unpacked yet?” he asks, looking at the piles of boxes.

  I shrug. “I’ve been distracted… and I hate unpacking. Well, packing too… really the whole moving process stinks. I did unpack my bathroom and my studio,” I say proudly.

  Colt smirks and comes closer to me until I can feel the heat of his body. I instantly come alive, desperate for his touch. My body sways towards him, wanting to close that small distance between us. Wanting to touch and be touched. Everything inside me sings whenever he’s near.

  Just like at lunch today, my body responds. My nipples pebble, and my pussy heats. Just being close has me wanton and needy.

  I clutch his shirt in my fists, tipping my head back and closing my eyes as I wordlessly ask for a kiss. He doesn’t leave me wanting. Colt cups my cheeks in his big hands, caressing me with his thumbs as his lips land on mine in a soul-searing kiss.

  Our lips move together like we’ve kissed a million times before. His hands gently hold me to him as if I might disappear if he doesn’t. What he doesn’t realize is that I’m not going anywhere. My lips part, and Colt deepens our kiss. Our tongues dance together with him leading the way. I completely lose myself in him. The kiss goes on forever, and yet, not nearly long enough.

  He pulls his lips from mine, and I gasp for breath. His arms wrap around me, holding me close. I positively melt into him, feeling content and cherished for the first time ever. No one has ever made me feel the way Colt does. He fills a hole I didn’t even realize was inside me. I should be freaked out—and to some extent, I am, but I also feel elated.

  “Better now?” he quietly asks.

  “Mm… much, daddy. I’m glad you’re here.”

  He kisses the top of my head. “Good. I’m glad.”

  He holds me for a long time, and it feels fantastic to be wrapped up in him. When he finally releases me, I feel centered in a way that only comes with a good spanking. That’s another thing that should scare me about this thing with Colt. It’s too soon to be feeling so much… isn’t it? I shake the thought off and pull him further into my apartment and give him a tour.

  “Well, this is the living room and kitchen… obviously. I lead him down the hallway pointing to the bathroom and my bedroom. I bypass the studio, not sure that I want him to see what I’ve been working on lately, considering how often he’s shown up in my work recently.

  “Is this your studio?” he asks, indicating the only closed door. He gives me a quizzical look and asks if he can see it. I chew on my bottom lip nervously but nod. I open the door and let him enter ahead of me.

  He grunts when he sees the room for the first time, and my lip gets another bit of abuse from my teeth as I bite down on it to keep myself from asking him what he’s thinking. I choke back my words. I don’t want praise for my art. I’m confident that the paintings and sketches are good. It’s the wanting to know if he’s freaked out that I have half a dozen pieces that are nothing but him.

  Colt turns and looks at me with an unreadable expression. “You did all these?”

  I nod, unable to form words.

  “These are…” he starts but stops and walks to the big painting in the center of the room that’s my favorite. The only thing I can’t seem to get right is the exact icy blue of his eyes… other than that, it’s perfectly him. “They’re amazing. I can’t believe you did this. Why me?”

  I laugh. “Isn’t it a bit obvious?” I ask. “It seems like I’m a little obsessed with you. I promise it’s not in a creepy way. I just can’t seem to get you out of my head and whenever something is stuck in my mind,” I wave my hands around the room, indicating the images of him on the walls and easels, “it comes out in my art.”

  He sweeps me off my feet and kisses me with a fierce ownership. I don’t question it. I wrap my legs around his waist and kiss him back just as ferociously. My back hits the wall, and I groan. Colt thrusts up against my aching pussy. My eyes roll back in my head at the sensation. Not just the physical, but the heady feeling of him wanting me so much too.

  It’s intoxicating.

  His hands tug at my shirt, and mine are tugging at his. Then we are skin on skin, and it’s everything. My bra falls away, and his chest hair abrades my hard nipples shooting pleasure straight to my core. Our kiss intensifies, then slows, turning into something softer… gentler. He kisses me like I’m something precious. Something that deserves to be treasured.

  With a hand under my butt and one threaded through my hair, he carries me to the bedroom, never once lifting his lips from mine. I slide down his body, he holds me close, tilting my head just so to deepen our kiss even further. Our tongues dance and twirl. I reach for his jeans, quickly undoing his belt and unzipping them. I put my hand inside, rubbing his hard length behind the soft cotton of his underwear.

  Colt groans into my lips, telling me how good my touch feels. With reluctance, he pulls away from my hand. “Not yet, babygirl.”

  I whimper, not liking being denied. “I want to make you feel good, daddy.”

  He lowers his lips to my nipple, licking the tight peak. “You do make me feel good,” he growls against my flesh.

  He nips the sensitive bud, and it’s my turn to groan at the lust-inducing feeling. That little bit of pain amps up my desire, bringing my wanton self to the forefront. I thread my fingers through his hair, messing up his perfectly styled locks. Colt falls to his knees in front of me and slowly works my yoga pants and panties down my legs. I step out of them, now completely bared to him.

  If it weren’t for the look of hunger on his face, I might feel self-conscious about being naked with him on his knees in front of me. He’s at perfect eye level to see all of my least favorite parts of my body, but the way he’s looking at me makes it impossible to listen to any of those insecurities.

  Colt taps one of my ankles, soundlessly telling me to open my legs for him. I widen my stance and watch as he leans in, kissing the top of my mound. He kisses lower until his lips are directly over my sensitive clit. He lightly kisses the bundle of nerves sending waves of need coursing through me. My knees buckle as his touch overwhelms my senses.

  “Lay back on the bed, beauty.”

  I do as he says, letting him take the lead. My heart beats an uneven staccato at how easily I surrender to his every whim. Trust doesn’t come easily for me, and already I trust this man to take care of me and not abuse his power.

  I lie on the bed, waiting for whatever Colt is going to do nex
t. I watch as he discards his jeans and underwear, leaving him completely naked in front of me. I eat up the image he makes. He’s tall with broad shoulders and sculpted muscles that trail down his abdomen to the thick length that’s standing proudly against his lower stomach. I lick my lips at the sight of his needy cock.

  I only get a brief moment to enjoy him before he’s kneeling between my thighs and kissing me. His lips don’t linger at mine, despite my trying to hold him to me. He instead kisses down my jaw, lightly nipping the place on my neck where my pulse thrums before working his way down to my breasts. He spends time licking and sucking at each nipple. My pussy floods with arousal, desperate for his touch.

  His rough hands rub up and down my belly, cupping my breasts then moving lower until his fingers are slipping through my folds, finding me hot and wet.

  “Fuck, babygirl, you’re drenched.”

  I nod quickly. “For you, always.”

  He growls low in his throat, a feral sound if ever there was one. “Only for me.”

  “Yes,” I moan as he thrusts one thick digit deep inside my needy pussy. I whimper when he kisses his way down my body and to my clit. He takes it between his lips and lashes it with his tongue—my back arches at the intensity. The fingers of one hand pluck my nipple while the other thrusts deep inside my core, finding my g-spot with every motion.

  It doesn’t take long before my body seizes up in an earth-quaking orgasm. “That’s it. Come all over my fingers. Let me lick up your sweet cream.”

  As if I could hold back. My thighs squeeze around his head, and he pushes them open wider, keeping me from controlling any part of his glorious assault against my senses. He sucks my clit between his teeth, nipping the oversensitive bundle of nerves until I’m screaming. My pussy clenches hard around his fingers.

  He wrings every bit of release from my body until I’m limp on the bed, spread out for his pleasure. I watch him lick his lips, then clean his fingers with his mouth before crawling up my body and resting his hard cock at the apex of my thighs. He reaches for the condom I didn’t realize he produced from his pants pocket.

  “I’m on the pill,” I say before he can roll the condom down his length. “And I’m clean.”

  He groans and tosses the condom aside. “I’m clean… fuck baby, are you sure?”

  I move my hips, rubbing my wetness over his thick cock. “Yes. Make love to me, daddy. I want to feel you… all of you.”

  He takes me at my word and slowly starts to enter me. He feels like heaven inside me. He doesn’t just slam into me; he slowly breaches my entrance… sliding each inch inside me in an achingly slow stroke.

  “You feel so fucking good, Darlene. Like a little piece of heaven sent down just for me.”

  Colt buries himself deep and I groan at the sharpness of the feeling of him pressed so firmly against the end of me. Never has a man filled me so completely—my core aches in the best way. I roll my hips, wrapping my legs around him to hold him tight to me.

  “Please, daddy…”

  With aching slowness, he retreats until just the tip of him is perched at my entrance, then he thrusts forward, slow and steady. I claw at his back, urging him on. His control doesn’t waver though. No, he builds a slow but hard pace, burying himself deep with every thrust.

  “Yesss…” I hiss, raking my nails over his shoulders as I pull him down for a kiss. Our bodies move in perfect sync as we make love. Slow and hard. Heat builds gradually in my core. My orgasm is slowly being pulled out from my depths. Each stroke against my g-spot makes me see stars. Before long, my climax is crashing through me, and I’m screaming Colt's name. He kisses away my noises. Fireworks explode before my eyes, and I’m temporarily blinded by the light and heat that’s engulfing me.

  “Look at me,” Colt demands.

  I pry my eyes open, meeting his fierce blue gaze as he works me through my orgasm. He quickens his pace, driving my pleasure higher until I’m crying out again. Colt grinds against my clit and even though my eyes want to fall closed, I keep them on him. Watching as his own pleasure grows to a crescendo.

  “Gonna fill this pussy so good, babygirl.”

  “Come in me, daddy. Fill me up,” I beg. “I want to feel it. Feel you.”

  My dirty words are all it takes for him to lose control. He pounds into my pussy, chasing his own release. I watch as he stares straight through me, his cock pulsing inside me as his release overcomes him. I feel his warmth fill me and spill out between us. The dirtiness of it triggers another, smaller orgasm from me. I collapse under him completely and utterly replete.

  He leans in and kisses me soft and sweet before moving beside me on the bed and pulling me against his chest. We’re quiet as our breathing evens out and our hearts stop pounding. I snuggle deep inside the circle of his arms, loving how good it feels to be held. My eyes fall closed, and drowsiness pulls me under into a restful sleep.

  The next morning, I wake up in a panic when I realize my alarm didn’t go off. Strong arms flex around me, and I relax. “It’s only five, babygirl, relax.” My alarm didn’t go off because it’s not even time to wake up yet. I doze for the next half hour cuddled against Colt’s strong body.

  When my alarm does go off, I lightly kiss his chest before turning it off. “You stayed.”

  He gives me a sexy, sleepy smile. “I stayed.”

  “What about work?” I ask, chewing my lip nervously. If we leave at the same time people will see us arrive together… People will talk.

  “What about it?” he asks, confused.

  “Well, you’re here… first of all, you don’t have anything to wear. Secondly, we can’t show up at the same time. This is bad…”

  He shakes his head, stands from the bed in all his naked glory. My mouth goes dry at seeing him in the light of day. His toned muscles flex as he walks out of the room. My eyes gravitate towards his ass and what a sexy ass it is. I lick my lips, wanting to take a bite out of it. He comes back into the room carrying a bag. I didn’t notice last night.

  Hell, I barely notice it right now. Now that he’s facing me, I’m drooling for another reason. His cock is hard and standing proudly against his lower abs. I prowl towards him, licking my lips hungrily. Colt lets out a low growl and stalks toward me. His hand grips the back of my head, pulling me into him for a searing kiss. I grind against his length, loving the feel of his hardness against my softness.

  I reach between us and grip his cock giving it a teasing stroke. “Fuck, babygirl.”

  I move away from him, taking a step towards the bathroom. “We’re going to be late…”

  He growls, following my retreat. “Then I guess we better take a shower.” He picks me up and tosses me over his shoulder, his hand cracking down on my upturned bottom. I giggle at his playfulness. The worries over him staying the night and us potentially getting caught together fading away.

  When we’re alone together, my worries seem far away, and I just feel happy—a ridiculous amount of happiness. I forget to be scared that our relationship has gone from zero to sixty and just concentrate on the time we are together. There will be time to worry about reality later. Right now, there is a naked man in my shower with me, and that’s the only thing that matters.

  Chapter Ten


  “We can’t show up together,” Darlene argues. The sweet pliable woman from our shared shower is gone. In her place is someone wrought with nervousness.

  “Beauty, no one is going to care if we are together,” I argue. “They will be happy for us.” No matter how many times I repeat myself, she doesn’t seem to listen.

  “You don’t know that for sure,” she accuses. “You don’t understand how it’ll look for the new girl to be dating the man in charge.”

  I shake my head, not liking how upset she’s getting. “Okay, okay, babygirl. We will do this your way.”

  Her shoulders fall, and she puffs out a deep breath releasing some of the anxiety that was building to a crescendo. “Thank you,” she says with noti
ceable relief.

  I’m not sure why she’s got it in her head that anyone will judge her for our relationship, but I’m determined to get to the bottom of it. Only once we get past that hurdle can we move forward beyond what we have now. For now, this will have to be enough. I don’t want to push her too hard and too fast.

  We’re already moving at lightning speed. In time she will realize how silly it is to hide our relationship.

  “I’ll go in first since I usually drive, and you can walk like normal. How does that sound?”

  She gives me a bright smile and nods. “Yes, that’s good. No one will suspect anything.”

  We walk to the front of her building together where I give her a scorching kiss before leaving her on the front steps and going to my car. I can’t help shaking my head at my woman walking in one of her prim skirts with her coat done up tight to fight away the chill in the morning air. She could be warm in the car beside me if she weren’t so damn stubborn.

  The school is already a livewire of activity when I pull into my parking space. Several of the students wave or stop me to talk to me about one of the many extracurriculars I take part in running here at school. When other schools are defunding the arts program and extracurricular activities, Thurston Academy is proudly adding funding to help promote creative development.

  “Morning, Colt,” Judy says with a smile. “How are you today?”

  I return her infectious smile. That’s one thing about the office administrator that I’ve always loved. She’s almost always smiling and happy to help. “I’m good, Judy. How are you?”

  “Oh, good, good, you know me. I’ve got some messages for you from the answering service,” she grumbles as much as her perkiness will allow, handing me the slips of paper.


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