Teaching His Babygirl

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Teaching His Babygirl Page 10

by Rory Reynolds

  My heart thumps in my chest, and for the first time, I doubt myself and if Colt and I can survive the fact that our coworkers now know that we are together. There’s no way that rumors haven’t spread like wildfire through the school after the way Colt practically carried me from the school. This is the kind of thing that gets everyone talking and speculating.

  This is the exact thing I was afraid of happening. Add the extra drama surrounding Leon and his thwarted attack and it’s a recipe for judgment. I’m not sure how I feel about our relationship being brought into the open. Relief? Fear?

  Look how Leon responded to knowing… He knew about our BDSM relationship. Did he tell other people? Do they know about the nature of Colt and I’s relationship? Do they think we are just dating, or do they know we are kinky?

  Shame and fear burn in my belly. I don’t have time to dwell on my feelings because Colt comes back into the room with a steaming bowl of soup and a grilled cheese. My stomach growls at the smell proving that I am, in fact, starving.

  “How are you feeling?” he asks after I finish my soup.

  I shrug. “I’m okay. A little overwhelmed still. Nervous about what the school might be saying about me right now.”

  He nods. “I talked to Judy this morning. She put out a statement to the faculty about what happened with Leon.” At the look of fear on my face, he quickly adds, “Only about his attack. There have been several people asking about our relationship, and I thought it best to be as transparent as possible.” He looks at me uncomfortably, knowing that whatever he’s about to say is going to go against my feelings on the subject. “I confirmed that we are dating. Everyone was speculating on our relationship, and it just seemed wiser to confirm it than to make up some elaborate lie.”

  I nod. Having things confirmed and out in the open is a bit of a relief now that I know for sure that people know. However, it brings up those fears of judgment I’ve been stressing over ever since I realized that Colt is the principal of the school.

  “No one is judging you, babygirl. Everyone is just concerned about you and if you’re okay after being attacked. I assure you, us being together isn’t even a blip on their radar.”

  I let out a sigh that was practically dragged out from the tip of my toes. “I knew it was going to happen sooner or later. I just hope you’re right.”

  He takes my empty bowl and plate to the kitchen and cleans them up. He comes back into the room, and I notice he’s wearing the same clothes from yesterday. “I need to run home and get a few things. Will you be okay here alone, or would you like to come with me?”

  I chew on my lip, wondering if it will hurt his feelings if I tell him he can just stay at home. Everything has happened so fast, I kind of want to lock myself in my studio and ignore the outside world for the rest of the day. I don’t want to be reminded about what happened anymore, and having Colt here is a huge reminder of how my life here is about to change.

  “I’ll be fine. In fact, you can stay at your house. I don’t need to be babysat.”

  He frowns at me. “Are you sure? I’d feel better staying with you, babygirl.”

  I know he is just concerned, but still, I bristle. “I’m fine, Colt. I just need some time alone.”

  He reluctantly agrees and leaves a few minutes later, promising to come check on me in the morning. Once he’s gone, I immediately regret sending him away. Being alone with my thoughts definitely isn’t a good thing, but it’s already too late. The doubts have crept in, and pushing them out is a war I’m not strong enough to fight.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Despite my misgivings, I leave Darlene’s apartment without putting up a big fight. Leaving is the last thing I want to do. I can feel the emotional distance she’s trying to put between us, and I fear that this physical distance will only add to it. The last thing I want to do is suffocate her, though, so I’ll give her what she wants.

  Instead of going home, I head to Thurston and the gym to work off some of the pent-up rage from what could have happened to Darlene. I spend hours running and lifting until my muscles burn and my mind is quiet save for the worry I have for my girl.

  I sleep like absolute shit. Missing the warm weight of my babygirl in my arms. Wishing that we were together. Wondering if she’s okay or not. I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t wake up early just so I could hurry over to see Darlene. When she opens her door, I feel like I take a breath for the first time since I left.

  Darlene looks like she hasn’t slept at all. The second I lay eyes on her, I pull her into my arms. She’s stiff for a second but then sinks into my hold. She hugs me back for long minutes, and all is right in the world again.

  “I missed you, beauty.”

  “I missed you, too, but you didn’t have to come by this morning. I know you need to get to school.”

  I scoff. “You’re more important. Besides, I planned to stay here with you today.”

  She frowns. “You should go to work like it’s a normal day.”

  “What? Why would I do that when you need me?” I ask, taken aback.

  “Because if you’re at school, you can stop any rumors from spreading… maybe find out exactly what people know. If anyone else knows about the BDSM aspect of our relationship…” She whispers that last part and almost looks ashamed.

  With a knuckle under her chin, I lift her face to mine. “You have nothing to feel ashamed for… we are both consenting adults. So what if you’re a babygirl? So what if I’m a daddy dom? There are way more of us out there than you’d think. Heck, there are several working at the school.”

  She closes her eyes in a grimace. “I just don’t like the thought of people judging me. You know how people can be. I don’t want to be known as the pervert.”

  I wrap her up in my arms again. “You’re not at fault here, Darlene. I think you’re wrong about people judging us—you. I have faith that everything is going to work out.”

  “I hope you’re right,” she says morosely.

  With even more reluctance than last night, I leave Darlene’s apartment and a huge piece of my heart behind. If she feels better knowing that people aren’t talking about her, then I’ll do everything in my power to stop any incorrect rumors before they spread like wildfire.

  The first thing I do is call everyone in for a staff meeting before school starts, deciding it’s best to start off with complete transparency.

  Melinda is one of the first teachers in the room. She shyly comes up to me with a look of concern on her face. I know she is close to Darlene, and I’m sure she’s more worried than most.

  “Is it true that Mr. Troy attacked Darlene?” she asks in hushed tones.

  My brow furrows at the question. Is that the rumor going around? Or just an assumption on Melinda’s part? “No, it was Leon Zimmerman.”

  She gasps. “A student attacked her?”

  I nod gravely. “Yes, it seems he saw us together and decided to get revenge for missing out on two important games.”

  “I just assumed… I mean, all of us girls sort of thought it was Levi because he disappeared after you took Darlene home.”

  “He did?”

  “Yeah, we all had to scramble to help cover his classes. I just… I mean, he’d been borderline harassing her since she started. I can’t believe it was a student.”

  The wheels in my head are turning, trying to figure out why Levi would disappear like that. I know it wouldn’t have been out of concern for Darlene nor Leon. Is he connected to her attack in some way? I make a note to talk to Jasper as soon as the meeting is over. If anyone can find out why he cut out without a word, it’s him.

  “Okay, now that we are all here, I want to discuss what occurred yesterday. I’m sure some of you have already heard Miss Larson was attacked in her classroom yesterday—” I have to pause because of all of the gasps. “I’ve heard there’s a rumor going around that Mr. Troy was the one involved. That is incorrect. Leon Zimmerman is the one who attacked her. He was arrested
, and she is pressing charges.”

  There are more gasps and whispers. I raise my hand to quiet everyone down. “Another thing that I want to disclose is that Darlene and I are seeing each other. I know several of you were questioning this, and I don’t want rumors flying around. Yes, we are dating.”

  Many people smile, and there are congratulations thrown out there. No one looks scandalized or shocked even. I have to wonder if we were as discreet in our sneaking around as we thought we were being. Either way, everyone is supportive. There is an outpouring of well-wishes for Darlene, and many asking if there is anything they can do for her. She quickly became a part of the Thurston family with her sweet demeanor and helpful attitude. Everyone adores her. I promise to pass along the well-wishes and dismiss everyone to get ready for classes to start.

  “Hey, Coop,” I call out before he can leave too. “Can I have a word?”

  He nods and follows me into my office. “What’s up?”

  “Did Jasper tell you the details of what happened?”

  “Only the basics. Why?” he asks, concerned.

  “Somehow, Leon knew the nature of our relationship. Not just that we are seeing each other. He said some… concerning things regarding it. One of the only reasons I agreed to come in today was because of how worried Darlene is about people talking about her. She doesn’t want people judging her for dating me, let alone for the kind of relationship we have.”

  Coop's eyes grow wide, and he shakes his head. “How would that little fuck know? Someone at The Playground? No one would talk to him… or anyone for that matter. All the members sign non-disclosures.”

  “I just don’t understand how he could’ve found out. Have you heard anything about Levi being out?” I ask. “Melinda told me he took off yesterday without telling anyone, and he wasn’t at the staff meeting today.”

  “I haven’t heard anything. Want me to ask Jasper to look into it?”

  “Yeah, do that.” If anyone can get to the bottom of what’s going on with Levi, it’s Jasper. Whether through legal methods… or questionable ones, he will figure out what the little fucker is up to. I don’t like the timing of him disappearing from school at the same time as the attack. Something isn’t adding up, and I want to know why.

  I’m going through emails when there’s a knock on my office door. Judy is at lunch, or she would’ve announced who is here. I’ve had a lot of people dropping in today asking if there is anything they can do for Darlene. It’s sweet but fucking exhausting.

  “Come in,” I call out. The door swings open, and Jasper strides in with a grim look on his face. “Hey, man. Did you find out anything?”

  Jasper’s eyes narrow as he flops down into one of the chairs across from my desk. He tosses a file folder onto my desk. Warily, I open the folder finding it full of pictures. Pictures of what looks like a fucking shrine to Darlene. Dozens of pictures wallpaper a wall. Pictures of her walking to school, teaching class, smiling with Melinda, her head thrown back in laughter at something… Pictures of us walking into The Playground, of us on our date the night that Leon and his parents saw us, even some of us here at school together. Then more disturbing are the next set of pictures… Me coming and going into her apartment with vivid red x’s drawn over my face.

  I look up at Jasper. “What the fuck is this?” I growl, feeling a fierce protectiveness clawing at my throat, knowing that my Darlene is home alone right now and someone is obviously stalking her.

  “Levi Troy has fallen off the map. When I couldn’t track him down, I called in a couple favors for a search warrant for his apartment and found this.” He waves his hand toward the file I’m still thumbing through. “It seems he has a little bit more than a simple infatuation with Darlene. The fucker is obsessed. And he’s none too happy that you’re dating her.”

  “So you think Troy put Leon up to attacking Darlene?” I growl, feeling positively feral with my anger.

  Jasper shrugs. “I assume so, but Leon isn’t talking. His lawyer wants no part of any conversation that doesn’t include him getting off without a record.”

  “No fucking way,” I spit. “Darlene is pressing charges. That little asshole is going to burn as far as we are concerned.”

  His lips twitch up in a smile. “That’s almost verbatim what I told them… except you were nicer.”

  I laugh darkly. “As long as everyone knows where we stand on the matter. Now what the fuck are we going to do about Troy?”

  “Already have a warrant out for him. I put Ransom on Darlene’s apartment building.”

  “I thought he retired?” I ask.

  “He did, but he’s more than happy to pull out some of his training to protect one of our own.”

  “Good. I wouldn’t trust anyone more than him with her safety.” And it’s true. Ransom is ex-military and used to run his own private security business before deciding to retire and take on a job with fewer bullets flying his way. If anyone can keep my girl safe, it’s him.

  “Don’t worry, Colt. We’ll find the bastard.”

  “He better pray you find him first.”

  Jasper chuckles. “Here’s hoping. I’d hate to have to arrest you for assault.”

  “It would be well worth it,” I growl.

  “Indeed.” Jasper grabs the folder from my desk and heads to the door. “We’ll find him. Until then, just focus on Darlene.”

  The rest of the day crawls by. When the final bell rings, I’m out the door and heading to Darlene’s place. I’ve been itching to hold her since I left her apartment this morning, and the desire has grown to a fever pitch since seeing those pictures Jasper brought.

  Darlene opens her door on the second knock. She’s still in the same clothes she was wearing yesterday, and her hair is in a messy knot on top of her head. She looks nothing like her usual happy self. She’d look beautiful in a burlap sack, but she seems almost defeated, and I hate it.

  She welcomes me inside with a hug. She holds onto me like she’s not sure she will ever get to hold me again. Wariness prickles down my spine, tripping warning bells in my mind. I brush it off as her just being upset and in need of comfort.

  “How was school?” she quietly asks. I know what she’s not saying. She wants to know if rumors are going around and what they are about.

  “Everything is okay. I called a staff meeting and laid everything out so that there won’t be any rumors. I told the faculty about Leon—a very watered-down version of what occurred. I also explained that you and I are in a relationship.”

  Darlene flinches at that. I know she wants to keep us a secret, I knew this would be the hardest part, but at least I can tell her with confidence that no one in the school is judging our relationship. None of the things she’s been worried about have come to pass.

  “Don’t worry, beauty. No one was shocked. In fact, everyone was happy for us. I was asked multiple times what people could do for you. They are all just upset that you were attacked at school. No one cares about us.”

  “For now. They only care about the sensationalism of the attack. When that wears off, they will start talking about us. I know how this story goes, Colt. Eventually, someone is going to think you’re playing favorites or worse. This sort of thing never ends well.”

  Cold chills race through me at that. Is she thinking about ending things? Why would she say it like that? “What do you mean, ‘never ends well?’”

  She throws her hands out and paces away from me. “I mean exactly that. Relationships like ours eventually cause drama within the faculty. Heck, the student body is impacted too. Look at Leon.”

  I growl. “Leon was not a normal situation.”

  Darlene sighs, “I know. I’m sorry… I’m just-”

  I tug her back into my arms, holding her close. “It’s okay, baby. I know this is hard.”

  She nods sniffling. I hate myself a little for what I have to tell her. My anger at Levi Troy grows even higher, knowing he’s forcing me to upset my girl even further. Part of me hopes that I
can get my hands on him before the police just to make him pay for every tear Darlene cries.

  “I need to tell you something…”

  She looks at me with wide, tearful eyes. “What is it?”

  “Let’s sit down…” I pull her along with me to the couch and sit with her on my lap. “There’s no easy way to tell you this, but I want you to know that you’re safe. Nothing is going to happen to you.”

  “You’re scaring me, Colt.”

  “I’m sorry, babygirl. I don’t want to scare you… Levi Troy has been stalking you,” I say bluntly, ripping off the band-aid. “We aren’t positive, but we think that he put Leon up to attacking you.”

  “What do you mean that he’s been stalking me?” Her tone is wary, if not a little fearful.

  “I mean, he’s been following you… us. His house is full of pictures of you. He’s obsessed.”

  “I don’t understand. He’s flirted some and asked me out a couple times… I’ve always turned him down. Why…?” She shakes her head, probably trying to wrap her mind around the information I just gave her.

  “He’s a sick man. There’s no way to know how his mind works or why he would start stalking you.”

  “Is it because of us?”

  “No, babygirl. Regardless if we were together or not, he would have still gotten to the same place. He’s sick. It has nothing to do with you, not really. You didn’t do anything to encourage his behavior.”

  Chapter Seventeen



  The very thought is ludicrous. Who would want to stalk me? I’m a nobody. But based on the fact that I’m being trailed on my walk to school by Ransom from The Playground—apparently, he’s a retired bodyguard and ex-military. Both Jasper and Colt were adamant that he play bodyguard to me until Levi is caught.


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