Sinister Love (Dark Intentions Duet Book 2)

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Sinister Love (Dark Intentions Duet Book 2) Page 6

by T. L Smith

  “Not hard enough. He’s going to find his best fighter. Do you understand, Boss?”

  My hands rub together, standing back up again. “I know this, Quinn. I fucking know this.”

  He taps his gloves together. “Well, fucking start acting like it, because I don’t plan to carry your body bag out of that place. I plan to carry your opponent. Do you hear me?”

  I swing. He catches it with the pad, and I continue.

  Left, right, left, left, right.

  “If you weren’t so good, I’d punch you in the face right fucking now.”

  “Do it. Try to get in a hit, right in my fucking jaw. If you get in a hit, I’ll ease up.”

  Bang! I hit him square in the jaw.

  He swears at me, shaking his head. “I didn’t mean right then.” He spits out some blood. “But if you want to play dirty, I recommend it.” Un-taping my wrists, a knock comes on the door. Quinn pulls the gloves off going to get it. When he walks back in it’s Cane who’s standing next to him.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?”

  He shrugs his shoulders. “If you die, I don’t want to miss it.” I scrunch my eyebrows at him. “Come on, man, I’m here to support you. Plus, Cunt Trap hasn’t stopped calling me, telling me you’re going to kill yourself.”

  “She’s been calling you, too?” This time my head drops. I told her to give me space. So she calls everyone else. Why do I love her again?

  “She hasn’t stopped. Pleaded with me to come and talk you out of it. Of course, I told her I’d try.” He smiles. “But she doesn’t need to know I won’t.” He pops some gum into his mouth, and Quinn walks out of the room. They never seem to get along. I’ve never really understood why, but I’ve never cared to look into it either.

  “You came to watch me get my ass beaten,” I joke with him.

  He nods his head, smiling. “I’ll cheer for you on the sidelines. How does that sound?”

  “As long as you don’t do anything stupid. This isn’t your world. I can’t protect you from on the stage.”

  Cane sits back on the couch his foot coming up to rest on his leg. “I don’t need protecting.”

  Quinn walks in behind Cane, shaking his head but not uttering a word. “Eat and rest. One more day of training.”

  Cane looks over his shoulder at him then back to me. I’m either going to die and ruin absolutely everything my father has built, or I’m going to live, and hopefully take her with me. Because Barbie is all that seems to consume my mind.

  And like chocolate, you can’t help but go back for more.


  “Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. It’s been three days since my last confession. And this time I have a plan in place. I’m about to ruin it all for them. They just don’t realize it. Their love isn’t as important as my love.” My hand slams on the seat, as I stand to leave.

  The priest goes to speak. To offer me his absolution, but I block it all out as I walk away.

  Chapter Nine


  I’ve not moved. Her eyes and the way she looked at me like I could help her weighs heavily on my mind. I never asked her name because I think a part of me never wanted to know, never wanted to feel any type of closeness to her.

  He’s back at my door again. Scott looks at me waiting for me to get up. My ribs don’t hurt as much now, and my facial swelling has reduced slightly. I haven’t eaten. By choice. I just couldn’t bring myself to eat knowing what happened to her. Or is happening to her right now.

  “Tonight?” he confirms, pointing to the dresser that holds the dresses. So tonight is one of those nights, similar to the other time. I would prefer one of these than what I’ve just been through with that poor girl.

  “You have one more girl to clean before you head out. She’s feisty. So put a shirt over the dress.” He walks off with no further instructions. Standing, I pick a dress that fits loosely but is still nice, and I slide it on so it doesn’t squeeze my ribs, or I would have to lift my hands in the air. I find foundation in one of the drawers and apply it over my bruised face before I walk out in a pair of heels.

  Heading in the direction of the cement room, the door isn’t open like it was last time. My hand lifts to knock, then I realize that’s probably the stupidest thing I could do. Unlocking it from the outside, I turn the handle, and my eyes instantly go to the floor. But she isn’t there. No. When I look up, I see her. She runs at me full force knocking me to the ground. My head hits the floor hard, and her body’s now on top of mine.

  “You can’t have me, you fucker.” My eyes go wide at her words, and her hands start slapping my chest. Just as I go to try to get her off of me, she’s clocked in the head and falls straight on me. She’s knocked out, and standing behind her is Scott with a wooden bat in his hand.

  “This one’s crazy.”

  She stirs but doesn’t wake. I struggle to breathe while she’s on me. She’s heavier than me, and now she’s asleep it’s like a dead weight.

  “And you thought I could handle her?” I ask him.

  He laughs, truly laughs at me. “No. I just wanted to see her tackle you. She’s done it to everyone that opens that fucking door.”

  “Thanks, fucker,” I say, trying to shove her off. He leans down and ties her wrists behind her back followed by her legs. Pushing her off, I stand looking down. Her hair is blonde, but it’s cut in a bob style. Her shorts are up her ass, and she has some tattoos covering her arms.

  “You still need to shower her.”

  I flip him the bird as I watch, waiting for her to wake up. She starts to move but doesn’t get up straight away.

  “She’s starting to stir.”

  “I can see that, asshole,” I say.

  Her head turns, and she looks at me. Tears are filling her eyes, but she has a look of determination in her. I lean down and try to not cry out as my ribs scream at me in protest. “I need you to stay calm, I’m not here to hurt you. Can you move?”

  She spits at me. “Fuck off! I know what this place is. You plan to sell me, you whore.”

  I look back to Scott who just shrugs his shoulders. “You could make this easy. I just want to take you to the showers. Don’t you want a shower?”

  “If they want to buy me, they can buy me like this. Dirty. Because that’s the best they will get.”

  Again, I look to Scott, and he turns pointing toward the hose that’s on the wall.

  “No way,” I say, and his eyebrow rises. Standing, I ask her again. “Are you sure you won’t come for a shower?”

  “Fuck you!” she screams at me again.

  “I really didn’t want to do it their way. I would rather do it the nice way. But you aren’t making it easy.” She sneers at me. “Please, would you just let me take you to the showers?”

  “Saskia, you’re expected in the Arena, now,” Scott says with a pointed look. I’d rather stay here all night arguing with her than go into that Arena.

  “I’m sorry,” I say, looking down at the girl. Turning the hose on, I aim it at her making sure I get as much as dirt off as possible, so I don’t have to hold it on her longer than necessary. When I see the color of her face again, I turn it off, and she spits out the water on the cold cement floor. Scott leans down and hits her on the back of the head, knocking her out cold again then drags her by her feet back into the room.

  He locks the door and smiles at me as he comes out. “Arena, now.”

  “I feel like you have a dual personality that I’m only just discovering,” I say, following him out to where the entry of the Arena is located. He touches the door handle and turns, smiling, then pulls it open.

  “Remember to smile and upsell.”

  I flip him the bird when I walk past him into the room. I spot Cecilia straight away standing at the bar with a tray in hand. Walking over to her, she immediately hands the tray to me, then turns me around pointing toward a group of guys.

  “Smile, don’t let it drop. Important night tonight, it will be
one of our busiest.”

  I nod my head, walking over in the direction she wanted me to go. The men take their drinks, one guy even leans in for a kiss, but I turn just in time for him to kiss my cheek instead of my lips. They all leave tips, large tips, enough to pay someone’s rent. But to them, it’s small change.

  Walking back to the bar, Amy is standing exactly where I grab the drinks from. Her arms are leaning on the counter as she waits for me to walk over to her. I notice Cecilia, she’s on the other side of the bar, and she’s shaking her head as if to tell me no. If I could turn around without her noticing I would, but her eyes are already on me. The music’s loud, almost deafening, so when I reach her and she starts to talk, I don’t hear the words that leave her mouth. I have to lean in, and it’s not something I want to do.

  “Did you hear me?”

  My forehead crinkles in confusion and anger takes hold of her face. Her eyes quickly skim the room then she looks back to me slapping me fast across the face. “Now listen, you... you little bitch. Stay away from the stage tonight. If you go near it, I’ll slice a finger off of you. Did you hear that?”

  My eyes go wide in fear, and I nod my head fast in understanding. I believe her when she says it. She hates me, for reasons I don’t even understand. And there’s nothing I can do about that. It’s not like I could ever make her like me. And to be honest, I don’t think I could ever like her. She’s evil. All the way to the very core just like a damn hellhound.

  “Yes,” I say in a small voice. She walks past me so I can go to the bar.

  Cecilia reaches out her hand and touches my cheek. “I’m sorry she does that to you.” I shrug my shoulders, there’s nothing she can do about it. I just have to try and stay off Amy’s radar. If that’s even possible. I doubt it, but I’ll try. Grabbing the tray from Cecilia’s hands, I walk back out to the crowd of men. My smile is plastered on my face, so much so my face is stinging from holding it in place.

  As I walk up to the next group of men, I’m polite when I ask them what they would like to drink. “Saskia.” My name comes from one of the members of the group, shocking me. I quickly look up to see Cane standing there. My eyes search the room.

  Is he here by himself or is he with someone else?

  When I don’t see anyone, I look back to him. He’s already watching me, and he steps closer, his hand touching my shoulder softly. “We didn’t know you’d be watching.”

  “Watching what?” I ask, confused. His hand drops and his eyes look around the room and stop on Antonio’s. Who’s looking our way. Just as I go to ask what’s happening, Cecilia steps on the stage, and the music goes quiet. Her eyes find mine, and I can see the sorrow in them before she even speaks.

  “We have a special night tonight. Who’s excited?” she roars into the microphone. Everyone starts cheering and clapping loudly.

  I look back to Cane. He’s watching me. “What’s happening?”

  He shakes his head. “I’m sorry, Saskia.”

  He doesn’t tell me anything. Why is he apologizing?

  Cecilia starts talking again. Before she says another word, Amy has hold of my arm, I didn’t even see her come over. She pulls at it, making me drop the tray I was holding as we make our way through the crowd. We’re moving back to the same seats we were on the first night. It’s basically Antonio’s seat. Every time I look for him, he’s always sitting there.

  She pulls me down so I have to sit next to her, then grabs my chin forcefully turning it to the stage. I can feel her breath as she leans closer to whisper in my ear, “If you turn away once, I’ll cut your leg.” I want to look at her, but I’m afraid to. So I keep my eyes forward to where Cecilia is on the stage. “I’m going to enjoy this.”

  “That time of night has come when blood will be poured, hearts will be shattered, and fists will be bruised. Now tell me, gentlemen, are you ready for the most epic fight you’ll ever see in this Arena? Because this will never happen again, I can guarantee you that. Now, let me be the first to welcome our first opponent. They call him Knives, mainly because his hands are so sharp. You don’t want to step in his way. He’s won every fight he’s been in. So, tonight should be no different. Everybody clap loud and place your bets... for Knives.”

  Everyone claps so loud. She’s good at this. Cecilia. She knows how to make the room her own. The dude comes out with a black baton in his hand. He’s massive, and he jumps from one foot to the other soaking in every cheer he gets. He steps back, and Cecilia steps forward. She goes back to the middle of the stage, her eyes looking around until they stop on me. She quickly looks away before she speaks again. “Now, this is the reason you came. This is the reason every single one of you are here tonight. Our king, the creator of the underworld, is here. And tonight, he fights for love...” She pauses and looks back to me, my heart starts to beat hard.

  She couldn’t mean.... could she? No, she couldn’t.

  “He’s as smart as his father, but ever so much more dangerous. We’ve seen him fight before, but never to the death.”

  I gasp, covering my mouth. Amy laughs next to me, she’s apparently known all along. That’s why I’m not allowed to move. She thinks he’ll lose. Maybe she’s right, maybe I’ll be stuck here forever if he does.

  “Please welcome, Mr. Ryken Lord.”

  Everyone cheers, but my heart plummets. I don’t think it’s even in my chest anymore. He steps up with no shirt on, baton in his hand as well. Then, before I can even wrap my head around what’s about to happen, or even be thankful he’s here, the bell rings and Knives strikes first, knocking Ryken into the ground.

  I look away, and in return, my leg starts to bleed. She cut me, just like she said she would.

  Chapter Ten


  Damn it! That first punch knocked me on my ass, I wasn’t expecting it. But he also never expected me to get back up. He’s fast. Antonio’s picked well. Every strike I make he makes two more. I can taste my own blood. My head’s sore, the adrenaline keeping me going. It feels like a good five minutes of nothing but solid punches until I finally pick up the black bat. He does as well, and he steps back. I step forward.

  He has a smile on his face like he knows he’s about to win. I don’t want to give him that satisfaction, I’m here for more than just money. I’m here for a life, Barbie’s life in particular. And I’m not leaving until I have her with me.

  Quinn has direct orders. If I’m to die in the ring, he’s to do all things necessary to get her back. Even if that means killing everyone here. Which I think about doing several times every second while I’m here.

  My name’s shouted, and it distracts me for a moment. Just enough for him to clock me across the jaw. My feet step back, and I quickly step forward. My hand with the bat strikes first, followed by my own fist. I’ve gotten in several solid hits before he’s able to hit me back.

  The crowd starts cheering, or chanting. I’m not paying attention. I can hardly work out what they’re saying. But all it takes is one minor distraction, of blonde hair, for him to get in his hit. It knocks me back to the ground, and the Arena goes quiet. He starts hitting into me, the bat followed by his fist, followed by his feet. He’s damn fast I’ll give him that. But he doesn’t expect my feet to move just as fast. I knock him, so his head slams back into the ground, the moment I heard the crack, I’m on him and beat him until his eyes no longer open and his face is nothing but blood.

  Everything falls silent, and I manage to stand back up. Everything’s sore, even my toes. Isn’t that a weird feeling? Why would I notice that my toes are sore? Then I can feel the blood dripping from my eye, feel the swelling on my lip, and feel the cracked rib as if I can’t breathe.

  Cecilia walks back out to the stage. She’s one of the girls we collected at the very beginning. When I was still learning. She’s good, too good to be here. But that’s why he keeps her, because she’s good at what she does. And Amy even likes her, and that cunt doesn’t like anyone. Unless it’s herself, then she’s in lov

  “Gentlemen, it seems we have a winner. Mr. Lord is still on top, and those that bet against him, I hope for your sake he never finds out.” Cecilia laughs and looks around the room. “Now let’s give him another round of applause, and I expect every one of you to buy him a drink. Especially those that bet against him.” She taps my shoulder, softly as she puts down the mic. She follows me down the stairs, but before we reach the bottom Antonio’s voice comes through the mic, “You didn’t kill him. You cannot claim what you came here for if you do not kill him.”

  Cecilia looks at me, then her eyes search across the room. Following her line of sight, I see her. Barbie is seated next to Amy, who seems to have a hold on her. I look around the room spotting Quinn, I motion with my head to where she is. Walking back up the stairs, Quinn throws me a knife as he walks around to where she’s sitting. This place is no weapons, they can’t stop me from bringing in my own. I reach the man, he’s still passed out, and in one swift movement I cut open his neck. He bleeds out everywhere. I look up to Antonio. He’s smiling as he watches me. He wanted to see that side of me. Plus, now he knows a weakness of mine.

  There are two things in this world that you should never do.

  One—owe someone a favor. Unless you plan on killing them.

  Two—let someone know your weakness.

  I’ve done both now within the span of a few years. I’ve royally fucked up. But that doesn’t matter because I’ll give everyone the same treatment they just gave this man on the floor, whose blood now soaks the bottom of my feet.

  As I pass Cecilia she doesn’t look to me, and I don’t look at her as I walk straight over to where Barbie is seated. I can’t see her face because Quinn’s now blocking my view, but when I reach them Quinn steps back, and that’s when I see the blood on her, her red face, and Amy sitting there smiling brightly, holding her.

  Everything in me boils. It’s the last damn straw of my sanity, and it’s snapped. With the knife still in hand, I step up closer and lean down and kiss Barbie’s cheek, the sore one. Whispering in her ear, so Amy can’t hear, I ask her a straightforward question, “Did she do that?”


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