Best of Penny Wylder: Boss Romance

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Best of Penny Wylder: Boss Romance Page 14

by Wylder, Penny

  "Put your mouth on me,” he says.

  I follow his command. I press my lips to the base of his cock, letting my tongue slip out and touch while I move up the length of him. I press my lips against the tip before moving back to the base. I tease him with my tongue, and graze him with my teeth. I can feel him shudder beneath my hands. I lick him slowly, moving up and down the sides of his cock, coming close, but never quite where he wants me to be.

  I run my tongue across the head of his cock and he swears. His hand grips my hair and he tilts my head back so I can look at him. "Put my cock inside your mouth. Now."

  I smirk at him as I obey, happy in my knowledge that I'm driving him to the edge. I suck him into my mouth, just the head, and stroke my tongue along him. He swears again, and I laugh knowing what the vibrations in my mouth will do to him. I take him deeper, closing my lips around him and creating a vacuum as I pull back. Every stroke I go just a little further. I glance up and see that his head has fallen back, and he's desperately trying to control his breathing.

  I use my tongue and swirl it around it the head over and over again until he's shaking. I plunge down on him again the deepest I've gone and he groans. I know what's coming next--he doesn't. I suck back to the tip and take a deep breath. I take him all the way into my mouth and swallow him. The tip of his cock is in my throat, and I seal my lips around his base.

  I swallow again, and again, stroking him with the walls of my throat. I hear him release a truly dirty string of curse words as I release him to breathe. He's staring at me, and I've never felt more powerful. I keep looking into his eyes as I use my tongue on him, watching him fight his control. I take a breath and swallow him again, humming so my throat vibrates around him.

  Then I hear the door open.



  The door is opening. Shit. Neither of us thought to lock it, it all happened so quickly. I lean forward onto my desk to disguise that Alyssa is underneath it, and see that a man I don't recognize walk through the door. "Can I help you?"

  "I hope I'm not interrupting anything. Your secretary wasn't outside."

  "Yes, she took a late lunch break today." I reach under the desk and try to make it look like I'm scratching my leg. Instead I tangle my fingers in Alyssa's hair and guide her mouth back to my cock. If she's going to hide under there, it should be for a reason. "What can I do for you?"

  He comes forward and shakes my hand. "My name is Robert Jenkins, I'm the financial manager for the Seattle hotel. Your secretary left me a message. She left me many messages actually."

  Robert Jenkins is here? I try to wrap my brain around it, but Alyssa chooses that moment to tease me with her tongue and I nearly lose my words. "She does a good job for me. It's nice to have someone around to do the dirty work." The vibrations from her laughter force me to bite the inside of my cheek. "Why are you in New York?"

  "I was on vacation and visiting family, and I was unreachable last week. When I got your message I thought it might just be easier to stop by."

  "That was good of you. I'll be honest, some of the expense reports are concerning me." Alyssa takes me deep into her throat and I cover myself with a chuckle. "Listen, Robert. I really appreciate you coming in, but I'm booked for the rest of today. Is there any way you could come in tomorrow morning around ten? I'll cover your hotel cost if it's an inconvenience."

  He smiles. "No inconvenience, Mr. Saxon. I'm happy to help. Do I need to leave a note for Ms. Harrington about the appointment?"

  Her teeth grazing along the length of me give me my answer. "That's all right. She'll be back shortly. I'll let her know."

  Robert nods. "Then I won't take up any more of your time." He stands and shakes my hand again. “I’ll see you tomorrow."

  "Thank you again, Robert. And if you don't mind, close the door on your way out?"

  "Sure thing."

  I wait until the door clicks before I slide back and look down at Alyssa, an evil grin on her face. "You're the one who told me to keep going,” she says.

  "Now I'm going to finish. Open your mouth." I take her face in my hands and guide her onto me. I don't stop until I feel myself enter her throat, then I roll my hips and thrusting in further. She swallows, squeezing me with her throat, and I swear I go blind. She comes up for air, and I give her a moment to breathe before pulling her onto me again.

  I'm so close, every inch of my cock is quivering and ready. She sucks me down and I feel my head pop into her throat, contracting around me. My hips have a mind of their own, thrusting into her mouth as she works her throat. I feel her tongue reach out and touch the skin at my base, and I come.

  Lightning jets of pleasure roll through me as I release into her throat again and again. It's longer than I've ever come before, pleasure pulled out of me almost on the edge of pain. I'm sure someone heard the swearing that came out of my mouth. I've never felt anything this good.

  I open my eyes, and find Alyssa's. Keeping her lips around me, she sucks her way back up my cock to the tip before releasing me. I realize then that she swallowed everything I gave her. She puts me away and buckles my pants. Then she leans over and kisses me deeply on the mouth. "Congratulations. I have to go put Mr. Jenkins on the schedule for ten tomorrow."

  I'm left staring after her, utterly speechless for the second time since we've met.



  The next week is a whirlwind of sex and whispered conversations. I learn that Charles' favorite color is burgundy. I learn that he hates the nickname Charlie because he was teased by kids calling him Charlie Brown. I learn he grew up on the outskirts of Tucson, and that his mother died when he was in college. He learns that we're both only children, and that I thought--briefly--about becoming an architect.

  After the meeting with Mr. Jenkins, Charles' wasn't happy. He retreated into his shell, and I used every trick I knew to draw him back out. Including kidnapping him in the middle of the day and taking him back to our diner.

  I finally got him to open up about it. The Seattle hotel is losing money. It's tanking, actually. Charles is worried that he might have to close it down in order stop the bleeding. Only shutting down a failing property while in the middle of an international expansion isn't good for business. If you can't have a successful business in the country where you have the most control, how will it be overseas?

  Even after getting him to talk about, he's been more withdrawn this week. His smiles come less frequently, and I know that the worry is eating away at him. The moments I pull him out of his shell he's completely focused and completely present, but then he retreats. From what I can tell, the negotiations are going well. As well as these things go--slowly and inch by inch. But when Friday comes around, I've had enough of his sulking. I go into the office and close the door.

  "You're going to take me out tonight."

  He was looking out over the city, but he turns and smiles softly at me. "Am I?"

  "Yes,” I say. "Because it's Friday night and you've had the luxury of sulking all week. You still haven't taken me any new places in New York. So you're going to take me somewhere, and we're going to leave work alone for awhile."

  He stands and comes over to me and straightens his jacket. "I thought I was the one who gave commands."

  "Only 'within the context of sex.’” I quote rule number one at him.

  He reaches down and tugs on the waistband of my pants, pulling me forward. "And you don't think me taking you somewhere will have something to do with sex?"

  "I guess we'll have to see."

  He laughs, and it's the first real laugh I've heard all week. "Do I have anything important left today?"


  "Then let's go." He grabs his phone off his desk.

  I take a moment to gather my things. "So where are we going?"

  "You'll see when we get there."

  I roll my eyes as we head to the door. "Really? You're going to play that game?"

  "My game, my rules,” he says.
  "Our rules." Across the floor I see Jennifer, she's watching us leave together. I send her a smile and a wave to fight the sinking feeling in my stomach at her seeing us leave. It could merely be a coincidence that we're leaving at the same time on a Friday night. I take a breath. It doesn't matter. Jennifer's opinion of me isn't something I should be worrying about, and I push the disquiet out of my head. I can't tell Charles' he's been sulking if I slip into the same thing.

  Our hands tangle together in the cab as we head downtown, and I feel Charles kiss my hair. It strikes me, how normal this all feels. It's almost too easy. I remember when I asked him 'Do things like this really happen?'

  Apparently they do.

  "I like us like this,” I say, squeezing his fingers between my own. "I like how easy it is to be with you."

  He doesn't say anything in response, only kisses my lips. There is no rush, no hesitation, just sweetness and light.

  That same raw feeling bubbles up in my gut, the one I felt when he met my parents. Like this is too deep too soon, moving so fast it's likely to pull me under. It's terrifying. I never thought I'd voluntarily drown.

  * * *

  "Where are we?" I ask. It doesn't look like much, just a back street downtown. He gets out of the cab and points to a set of stairs. "We're at the beginning of the High Line. It's an old elevated railroad track that's been converted into a park. And it's one of my favorite places in the city."

  "That's amazing,” I say.

  We climb the stairs and appear in a different world. Along this ledge above the city are paths filled with greenery and flowers. Strange statues and art appear at intervals along with views of downtown and glimpse of the Hudson. "I didn't know places like this existed in the city."

  His fingers curl through mine. "Most people don't when they first come here, which is why I wanted to show you."

  "Thank you." I tug on his hand. "It means a lot."

  He sighs, and pulls me over to the railing, overlooking an avenue filled with cars and people. This view sums up New York perfectly: beautiful and crowded and chaotic. "I know that I've been in my head. I'm sorry."

  "You don't have to apologize for that."

  "Being worried about something isn't an excuse for neglecting someone,” he says, looking down at our entwined hands.

  I cock my head to the side, "We've had...frankly mind-blowing sex in your office every day this week. I wouldn't say you're neglecting me. Are we even far enough down this road to worry about that?"

  "I just wanted to say I'm sorry, and explain why I've been so worried."

  I prop myself up on my toes and wrap my arms around his neck. I pull his lips in for a kiss, and this time I'm the one who asks for entrance. I run my tongue along his, hopefully reminding him of other things that I've done with my tongue. "I told you, you don't have to apologize, but I always want to hear what you're thinking."

  "I've started digging deeper into Seattle's books. It's worse than I thought. It's not just that the spending is out of control, there's a bunch of efficiency issues that are causing us to lose money. I started looking into the other cities as well, and Seattle is just the one that showed up first. We're weak as a company, and as CEO I should have known that. I should have been able to see it earlier."

  "You blame yourself for this?"

  He lets go of my hand and turns out towards the city. "It's like history is repeating itself, just like Peter. I made these decisions and now the company is falling apart. If the investors see how weak we really are, they'll walk away. And that will be the best of bad options because if they see how weak we are they could try to take the company."

  "Charles, your company isn't falling apart. Not yet. You can still fix things. You said that Seattle just showed up first--so change things in the other cities before they get so bad."

  "Yeah.” He runs his fingers through his hair. "I'm already trying to. But these things have an impact. It may not be enough. If I lost Peter's company after everything that he did for me, I don't know how I could live with myself."

  I wrap my arms around him, pressing my head into his back. "Everything will work out. I promise." His stomach expands under my hands as he takes a breath. "You can't promise that, but thank you."

  The sun is slowly setting behind us, and neither of us move for a long time, simply breathing together. When he does he turns inside my arms to face me, taking my face in his hands. "I feel something for you." He says, "but I don't know if you want me to say it."

  "You can't possibly know that yet."

  "But I do know it," he says. “I want you to know that I know it."

  My stomach tumbles into freefall as he kisses me and my body comes alive. His lips press into me and his hands roam across my back and forward across my breasts leaving Goosebumps where his fingers touch me. I feel myself growing wet at the thought of where his hands might go next and I almost forget that we're in public. Almost.

  I think he might have forgotten too, or just didn't care, but his hands move back to safer grounds. I feel what he said in every kiss and sweep of his tongue. He doesn't stop kissing me until long after the sun has set, and deep in my gut I suspect I don't want him to ever stop.



  The phone has been ringing for a while, and I'm not sure she's going to pick up. It is pretty late, but I was hoping she'd still be awake. I hear a click. "Charles?"

  Her voice is happy and sleepy. "Were you sleeping?"

  "No of course not."

  "Mmm, so you're totally awake?"

  "Sure,” she says, her voice rough from just waking up and sending a bolt straight down to my cock. I reach down and take it in my hand, it's already hard from hearing her speak.

  "I want you to do something for me,” I say.

  She laughs. "Whatever you say, boss."


  The line goes still. "Sir?" Her mind is catching up to where mine is.

  "Open your legs," I say. "As far as they can go." There's a soft rustling from the phone and I can hear her breathing. "Are they open?"

  "Yes, Sir." The words are nothing more than a breath.

  "I want you to touch yourself. Slowly."

  I hear her breathing hitch, change. I begin to stroke myself to the sound of her breath, imagining her spread out across her bed with her hair wild and her fingers moving. "How does it feel?"

  "It feels good, Sir."

  I do feel good. I move my hand faster, grip myself harder. I close my eyes and focus on the feeling. "I want you to use your fingers,” I say. “Put a finger in your pussy, and imagine that it's me."

  She groans. "Are you imagining that it's you?"

  My memory floods with the sensation of having my fingers inside her. God. My cock twitches in my hand. "I don't have to remember," I say, my voice rougher than I'd like. "I know exactly what you feel like. Put in another finger." The sound she makes is low and guttural, and makes sure there's no blood in the rest of my body.

  "What do I feel like?"

  I make a fist around my cock, squeezing to hold myself back. Just the sound of her voice has me ready to explode. "You feel tight. Hot and slick..." She's moaning in my ear, louder than I've heard her moan because we don't have to hide this. "Alyssa, I want you to fuck yourself the way I would fuck you. Now."

  Her breaths are coming in short bursts, and my own are keeping up. My hand is moving almost on it's own, chasing the pleasure I know is coming.

  "Charles,” she says. "I'm going to come."

  "No,” I say, gritting my teeth to hold of my own climax. "Not yet."

  "Please,” she says, every breath a moan.

  "I'm going to count down from ten. You are not allowed to slow down or come until the countdown ends. Ten."

  "Nooo." It's a drawn out sound followed by a desperate panting. I can see her in my mind, her whole body flushed and straining for the orgasm I'm denying her. Pure lust washes through my body and I have to reign myself in. We're going to come, and we're goin
g to do it together. "Nine."

  "Please, Sir. Please."

  "No. Eight...Seven."

  She's begging me now, pleading with me to let her come. My whole body is filled with heat, and my cock is the hardest it's even been in its life. "Six." I imagine I'm in the same room with her, her begging for me to sink my cock deep into her pussy and never come back out. "Five." Alyssa cries out in frustration, and my own hips are arching off the bed under my hand. "Four. Three. Two." She's gasping for air, begging me for release, and I can't hold us back any more. "One. Come."

  Alyssa screams out as her orgasm hits her--the hottest sound I've ever heard. My whole body locks down as my own release floods through me like lightning, pulsing, pulling sounds out of me I've never made before. The aftermath is breathless for both of us, the sounds of our breathing echoing back and forth across the phone line.

  "You begging me to let you come may be the hottest thing I've ever heard."

  She takes a deep breath in, and lets it out. "Your voice is what made me write those fantasies. I wanted to hear your voice commanding me to do dirty things, and I wanted to do every single one."

  "Dirty things like this?"

  "Dirtier." Her voice is scratchy from screaming and I feel myself starting to get hard again. "I wanted you to command me to bend over so you could fuck me until I forgot my own name. I wanted you to tell me to hold still so you could take your pleasure from me while I was helpless."

  My cock once again stands at full attention. "Damn you. Now that's the hottest thing I've ever heard." Her throaty chuckle sinks straight into me. "If you were here I fuck you until you forgot anything else."


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