Scornfully Hers

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Scornfully Hers Page 4

by Pamela Ann

  I was blown away at the amount of tension my body felt before I let out a hoarse scream. “Emma!” My body shook rigid. My shaft shot rope after rope of my seed inside her.

  Hell, that was pure heaven. I grunted and grumbled something incoherent while I kept pulsating inside her womb. With another final push of my cock, I slowly lowered Emma back onto the marbled floor before burying my head deeply into the crook of her neck. Pleasure and satisfaction radiated off me, but most of all, I just felt great to have Emma here. I missed you so much, I thought as I gently planted a shaky kiss on her neck. Baby, you’re mine, I thought possessively.




  Emma tried to move, but I didn’t let her. I placed my hands on the sides of her head while my cock still throbbed deep within her walls, impaling her, preventing her from moving. We were great together, how could she even think this wasn’t working out? Her baby blues flicked back and forth, as if trying to read my mind, but I coldly matched her gaze, wishing I knew what was going on in that pretty head of hers.

  “There will be no talks of you leaving me, Em. The only way this ends is when I say it ends. You got that?”

  She looked panicked before she blurted out something that fucked me inside out. “Lewis and I are thinking of getting back together.”

  Aw, hell no.

  “I beg your pardon?” I uttered in my most deadly tone as I moved closer to her face.

  “You heard me. Don’t make me say it again.”

  She was dumping me, for her ex? Nothing was making sense. I was angry, I was hurt, but most of all, I was livid because I wasn’t ready to end it with her. Hell, after three months, I still wanted her so bad. Emma… you’re messing with my head so bad, I want to break something. I wanted to scream my anger and punch someone.

  Why? I wanted to ask. Wasn’t I good enough? I hadn’t even looked at another woman, , let alone dated anyone. Emma ruled me. Guess Lewis didn’t stop pursuing her. Somehow, the thought of her with another man created a surge of fierce feelings in me, making me more furious.

  “Was this your goodbye fuck then?” I nudge my hips forward, making her unconsciously moan. My cock was semi-hard after our session, but I was more than ready to take her again. I could feel my shaft growing rapidly to its full length and girth once more.

  “You’re the one who started it, but sure—if you want to call it that. You can un-sheath yourself from me now,” Emma ordered, but I wasn’t listening.

  If this was her goodbye fuck, then I better make sure that I fucked her until my dick was sick of fucking her. I wasn’t going to let her leave my house without achieving that. If she wanted to end it, then so be it but I was getting my fill first.

  My eyes wickedly twinkled, drowning in her beauty. “Oh no, my luminous beauty, I have yet to satiate myself. I must do that before I can un-sheath myself.” I smiled in such a way that only meant one thing. Sex—lots and lots of monkey sex, I thought before I unceremoniously picked her up and carried her up the flight of stairs and into the master bedroom.

  “Carter!” Emma screeched after I dumped her on the bed, splaying her legs wide open and quickly surging my shaft into her moist opening.

  Shit. How could you! I wanted to scream as I pounded her roughly, watching her as she gasped for air. When Emma started moaning, I got angrier.

  “Are you going to miss how I fuck you, Emma?”

  She met my gaze before turning her head to the side, which only got me more frenzied. Cupping her face, I probed into her, not letting her break eye contact as I stretched her vaginal walls. Emma was tightening around me, gripping me beautifully, but I wasn’t ready to let go, not yet. Slowing down, I rolled my hips slowly as I tried to breathe through my mouth. I wanted to imbed this feeling of her in my memory.

  Emma’s gaze dropped on my lips, and in that instant, I knew she wanted to kiss me and I had to fight with good resolve not to. Looking at the woman who was different amongst the rest for me, I felt a million different things in each heartbeat, but my mind wasn’t equipped to understand it. So I focused on the one thing I knew well. I took as much as I could from her lovely body and, after two hours of long arduous lovemaking, I finally relented.

  We lay naked against the sheets, both staring blankly at the ceiling. I didn’t even bother holding Emma like I usually did after sex. This was break-up sex, but the urge to reach out and hold her close for the last time was so strong, I kept telling myself that she wanted to be with Lewis. From the corner of my eyes, I could still see that she had her legs open, still a little shaky from our rigorous, sweaty engagement.

  I sat up and planted my feet on the floor, my mind more befuddled than anything as I tried to figure out a way to end it without begging her to stay. Truthfully speaking, I had never parted or dismissed a relationship when I wasn’t ready to let the woman go yet. So this was pretty new to me. If I asked her to stay, would she or would she laugh at me?

  The decision was made the second I heard her heavy sigh that was so loaded with sadness, that it instantly made me snap back to reality. I guess having sex with me was such a task that she had to sigh like that, huh?

  To hell with it, I’m sure I could find another replacement. I guess there’s always going to be a first for everything. Standing up, bare naked, I started to head towards the bathroom, but halted midstride, knowing I had to break away without looking at her. Call me a pussy, but I couldn’t look at her and say goodbye.

  “You can gather your things and go now, Em. Thanks for the great sex. I’ll see you around.” I heard her gasp, but I went straight to the bathroom, turning on the dials before I stared at the mirror before me, wondering what I did wrong again.

  Where did it start going sour? I shook my head, as if to get rid of the heaviness inside my chest, before getting in the stream of the showerhead. Closing my eyes, I recalled the first time I kissed her. How could something that beautiful turn into something like this in a span of three months? I just didn’t get it. The thought of Lewis and Emma together again made me viciously punch the tiled wall of the shower. I didn’t even flinch when my knuckles hit the cold stone.

  “Emma…” I whispered, swallowing the lump in my throat.

  I wasn’t ready to let you go, but I tried to reason with myself that I could easily replace her, forget her because she could drop me so easily without remorse. Why couldn’t I do the same?

  At midnight, I found myself at another college party after the tenth call from people trying to get me to drop by. After saying hello to a few people from the team, I went straight to a brooding-looking Brody. “What’s up with you?” I asked, sipping half of my beer down.

  “I think something’s going on with your sister and Cooper, that’s what!”

  Shrugging, I glanced at Brody and then followed where his gaze was staring, at Lindsey and Cooper who looked like they’re talking about something amusing. “Looks like they’re enjoying a good laugh.”

  Brody snorted, not breaking his scrutiny at the duo that looked like they were having the time of their lives, laughing. “You’re okay that Cooper is interested in your baby sister?”

  “As long as he doesn’t hurt her, I don’t mind. I think it’s time she sticks to one relationship. Well, I think at least one of us needs to be in a good relationship, and Coop’s a good guy so why the hell not.”

  “You’re good with Emma, too, bro.”

  I thought so, too, but hell, she punched me out of nowhere, knocking me back down. “Nah, we broke up earlier. We’re through.”

  Brody eyed me like I was a sick fucker. “Fuck, Mason! Can’t you keep a good woman for once in your life? Why do you have to keep bouncing from one woman to the next?”

  Pot meet kettle, seriously. “Are you talking to me or referring to yourself? It’s not like I wanted to end it, she called it quits.” Breaking it off with Emma, the thought never crossed my mind. Maybe that’s why this was messing me up like a bad flu.

  Brody didn’t beli
eve me. “Get out of here!”

  Dammit, but Emma dumped me. “She fucking did.”

  “And you just said what? Okay, we good? You’re an idiot, Carter. If you’re not ready to end it, fucking fight it with her, dude. She probably heard some rumor about you or something stupid like that. Women over-think things too much.”

  I wish that were the case, at least I could sweeten my way out of it or better yet, kiss my way out of it. In this case, though, nothing would do. “She’s going back to her ex.”

  “You sure? When you were with her last week, did it seem like she wanted to end it?” he asked, frowning.

  Last week? No, she was very sweet, gentle and extra clingy. Emma seemed like she couldn’t get enough of me. “No, I don’t think so.”

  He looked at Lindsey again before speaking. “You sure she’s not in love with you? How many times have you been in this position before? I mean—women breaking it off so you could chase after them, but you never do. Maybe this is the same case, but now you really want to go after her?”

  This had happened a lot before, but Emma, in love? Was it possible? I wasn’t so sure. “I don’t know, man. She seriously caught me off guard today.”

  “Don’t just stand here and doubt some more. Go figure this shit out before news breaks out that you guys broke up,” Brody advised me, still not breaking his intensified gaze at my sister.

  “It already did. The second I showed up without her, they already assumed that we were through, without me saying anything.”

  “Guess you’re that predictable.” Brody frowned as he stared some more at Lindsey and Cooper.

  Sighing, I knew I had to say something. “You like Lindsey.”

  “Nah, nah.” He nervously glanced at me before staring back at them. “I grew up with her. I’m just protective, I guess.”

  “Bullshit, Thompson! You’re turning red.” I learned in third grade that Brody turned red when he was lying. I was the only person who knew that, but he was still hell-bent on denial.

  “Fuck off. You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  I love this dude, but wasn’t he a little too late for this? He messed it up so bad. “Whether you admit it or not, you’re on the outs man. You fucked her best friend. You killed it then.”

  “She’s fascinatingly scary,” he said out loud, amazement in his voice. “I’ve always been in love with your sister, but she was too young and too innocent. I didn’t want to disappoint her. We were just too young.”

  In love, I guess I knew that, too, deep down, I did. Why was he acting on this love now, though? He was cool with it before. Guess now things were different since one of his friends was all over the woman he couldn’t have. Well, no—Lindsey was the only woman he chose not to have. “Guess it’s best to keep it that way. She hates your guts, anyway.” Damn straight she does. Better not even try it with her. She was going to grill him until he was charred to perfection.

  Brody was right; Lindsey was damn scary.

  “She fucking does, doesn’t she?” he murmured, but his eyes looked like he was determined to get her.

  Lindsey always had that star-struck look about her every time Brody was around. I wasn’t blind, but I also trusted my best friend not to do something stupid when she was in middle school or a freshman. I didn’t say anything to him because I knew Brody; he respected me enough not to go after my naïve sister, even if she was throwing herself at him at one point. Brody was a good man, but it seemed that he was starting to really see Lindsey now, moving on, dating other men, and not as that little girl who fed him apples while we played video games, cheering him on that he was the best player in the world. Yeah, little girl adoration, Brody got that in spades.

  “Good luck.” I tapped his shoulder before downing my drink and placing it on a table. He sure needed all the luck he could get. Even if there’s a chance that Lindsey might still feel something for him, she sure as hell wouldn’t tell him that. I knew my sister. She’s going to make him suffer… maybe forever.

  “You leaving already?”

  I nodded, inserting my hands in my pocket before leaving Brody with his problems while I pondered some more about my situation with Emma.

  I found myself parking outside her place, sighing before killing the engine. I had keys to let myself inside, knowing that it was just Emma here, but I was scared to check if Lewis was in there with her. So I sat there for another hour, contemplating if I should go in, confront her with or without her ex and talk properly. I finally decided that I should sleep on it and come back tomorrow.

  Yeah, tomorrow would the best, I thought with certainty as I maneuvered out of the parking spot and back on the road, driving towards my house.


  A knock came on the door before it was shoved open by a sleepy looking Brody. Seeing that I was in my bed, staring at the ceiling, he let out a sigh before he leaned against the shut door. “Guess you didn’t see her last night.”

  “No, I thought maybe we needed some time—even just for a day—to breathe, you know? Anyway, I’m going to see her soon, maybe in a couple of hours.”

  “I don’t think that possible. Your sister left to party in Hollywood with the girls, Emma included.”

  “How’d you know?”

  “I called Lindsey after—well—”

  I raised my brow at him when he didn’t seem to know what to say next, which was mighty odd coming from the man I had known since birth.

  “Fuck, bro. I don’t know how to say this, but I can’t say I’m sorry because I’m not.” He paused, folding his arms, eyes not breaking from mine. “I slept with Lindsey last night.”

  Hearing that he slept with my baby sister was expected since the look on his face last night told me that he was going after her, but still, it was weird. I didn’t want to hear guys talk about my sister that way. I just didn’t want to tolerate it. “Huh.”

  “She fucking left the second I fell asleep. She fucks with my mind. I went to go see her, but Cooper was there, too. What the fuck!” Brody groaned out.

  Well, Lindsey wasn’t going to fall back into her Brody-was-my-god like how she did back a decade ago. I knew that. “You knew that was going to happen. Why are you even surprised?”

  “Hell, I don’t know. Because it’s supposed to mean more than that? It did to me. Guess she really wants to be with Coop.”

  “Guess so,” I agreed, not caring much.

  “Are you fucking serious? You’d rather want her to be with Cooper than with me?” Brody yelled at me, looking like I betrayed him or something.

  Whoa, calm down there, bud. “If she wants to be with you, all the better, but if she chooses Cooper, I’m fine with that, too. I want her happy, she’s been miserable for years because she didn’t see any other guy, other than you.”

  “I know. I know. After last night, I don’t think I—” Brody ran a hand over his hair, grunting. “I gotta go. I’m going to get this shit straightened out before I run over every single person on the road,” he muttered before slamming the door shut.

  Good for you, bro, I encouragingly thought. For years, I knew he liked my sister, but he kept his distance. Brody never voiced it out loud. It’s surprising to think that it took him this long to come to his senses.

  Back to my problem, now that I learned Emma was partying it up in Hollywood, I guess I had to change course. I could wait for her to come back from LA, or if I could reach her, I’d drive and check-in somewhere and we could talk from there. At this point, I was willing to do whatever it took to make her happy and stay with me. If she wanted more commitment, I’d do it, or at least, I’d like to try.

  Coming out of the shower, I strode over to my closet to get ready and head out to LA when my phone shrilled on my side table. Groaning, I shook the wetness out of my hair as I strolled towards my ringing device.

  Russo. Argh, no parties tonight, man, I thought with annoyance. “What up?” I answered before walking back towards my walk-in closet.

ck man! Go on Facebook. Cece just posted a video of Emma dancing with that Hollywood vampire guy. He’s all up in your girl, man.” Russo was pissed. He sounded like Emma betrayed him or something.

  With a calm voice, I spoke, “I’ll go ahead and do that. Thanks, bro. I’ll see you around.” Ending the call, I sprinted towards my laptop and logged on the social media site.

  My heart was hammering so hard before I clicked on the said video. Halfway through, I shut the lid before throwing it against the wall. It hit the floor, cracked and broke. Just like me. “FUUUUUUUCKKK!” I screamed on top of my lungs. My body was shaking uncontrollably as I slid against the foot of the bed, the images of what I had just seen flashing before me.

  After two minutes, I lifted myself off the floor and grabbed my phone to call Emma. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Yep, nine missed calls and no answer.

  Shaking with all thumbs, I decided to text her.

  Me: Where the fuck are you?

  After twenty minutes of agony, still no reply came. So I sent another message.

  Me: Cece just posted a video on Facebook of you and some celebrity guy dancing. What the fuck were you thinking?

  And then another for good measure.

  Me: Pick. The. Fuck. Up!!!!!

  When all of my messages went unanswered, I called Lindsey. No answer. Then, I was about to hang up on Amber when she picked up after the fifth ring.

  “You only call when you need something, Carter. Wonder what this call might be about?” Amber acted all innocent, but I knew better.

  These girls covered each other’s asses and I wasn’t about to play their game. I was going through hell right now and I wasn’t in the right mind to be fucked with. “Where the fuck is she? I’ve been calling her, but she’s not picking up. Give the phone to her. I need to speak to Emma, Amber.”

  My request was met with silence and after a good minute of waiting, I thought the line must be dead. “Amber, you there?”


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