Forget Me Never

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Forget Me Never Page 5

by M J Rutter

  “Earth quakes, forest fires,” I added.

  “Okay, but we have had fires in London too,” he said squeezing my hand.

  “That is true,” I agreed as we reached the water’s edge. I stepped out of my sandals and dipped my toes into the water. It didn’t feel as cold although I knew that was impossible, it was the same Pacific Ocean after all. “So, can you see yourself doing your job until you retire?” I asked.

  “Um, I don’t know, the pay is brilliant, but the stress and this overseas malarkey is a bit much. I think I’d like to run a different type of company one day.”

  “I’d like to be a publisher,”

  “Of books?”

  I smiled, “Yes, I love to read and I know there are some amazing authors out there trying very hard to make it. I want to change the industry and make it fairer, I’d certainly stop all of these so called celebs who claim they have written books when they have actually used ghost writers and just put their name on it. That is just wrong and biographies, seriously, if I wanted to know something about a star, I’d Google them.” He just stared and smiled, “What?”

  “You are very passionate about this.”

  “I am, I am sick of hearing about agents ripping off authors and publishers not backing them in plagiarism cases. I want a press that looks after its authors, one they can rely on and trust.”

  “Well, I really hope you get that, Grace, I had no idea it was like that.”

  “I have heard a few things,” I smiled, slightly embarrassed by my rant.

  “I also read, who is or are your favourite authors?”

  “Too many to name, although the indie world is full of them, I probably have more indie authors on my e-reader than anything.” I replied, “You?”

  “Anything that keeps me on my toes, thrillers and horrors are my favourites and I love Stephen King books.” He added and turned around, he walked back from the water’s edge and sat on the sand. I joined him and we gazed silently at the water. He folded his arm around me and pulled me into the side of his body. “I need to ask you something, I don’t want you to get upset but, well, you know I like you and by the way you kissed me earlier, I am guessing you like me too, I just need to know if I am catching you on the rebound.”

  “No,” I answered honestly, “definitely not.”

  “Good, because I don’t want this to just be a holiday fling, I want to see you when we are back in London,” he explained. “If you want that too of course.”

  “I do,” I nodded and rested my head against his shoulder.

  He lifted my hand to his mouth and pecked my fingers, then pushing his hand into my hair and pressing it against the side of my face, he touched his lips to mine. Slowly at first, then pushing his tongue into my mouth, I fell back on the sand pulling him on top of me, his leg pushed between my legs as my pulse began to thud again. His hands moved down my shoulders and arms, caressing the side of my breasts, causing me to press against his leg, the hunger I felt for him was driving me wild, I had never been like this before. His tongue pushed in deeper and I pushed my hand under the collar of his shirt, touching his neck and ears, I could feel him smile under my mouth, but as if some kind of force was trying to stop us from going any further, cold water splashed over my feet and up my legs.

  He stopped kissing me and lifted from my body looking down the front of him, my eyes followed his… Oh my God, a huge bulge pressed against his shorts and where the sea had soaked us, it had left his shorts wet over the front.

  “Bugger,” he groaned and knelt up. “I look like I have wet myself.”

  “Oh, don’t worry,” I smiled tapping his shoulder lightly, “happens to the best of us.”

  “Is that right?” he grinned. “It’s probably your fault, something had to cool us down and I think you summoned the waves to soak us.”

  “So, now I am a sea witch as well as Kryptonite,” I grinned.

  “I never said you were a witch, but the Krypto thing, I still believe that is true,” he smiled and stood. He held out his hand, when I placed my hands into his, he pulled me to my feet pecking my lips as I met him. “You are incredible; you know that?”

  “So are you,” I muttered. “Shall we head back to LA?” I asked, I had a heat raging my body that not even the cold waves of the Pacific could cool.

  He grinned, “Miss Matthews, are you going to seduce me?”

  I couldn’t help but smile as my cheeks warmed, “Maybe,” I replied coyly.

  “Then let’s go.”

  Of course there was traffic and of course it was over two miles long because that was my life, Karma always seemed to have her fill at my expense. So we sat there, wanting each other, almost on fire with a couple of miles of traffic to wade through before we could do anything about it.

  “I am going to book us a room in a motel if this takes any longer,” he grumbled.

  I thought about the idea, we would be totally incognito, “Well, neither of us has anything to go back for,” I smiled.

  I felt his eyes on me, “Okay, take the next exit.” I didn’t need to be told twice.

  I didn’t necessarily enjoy sex with Kevin, the man was a self-centred arse when it came to the bedroom, but I missed the closeness it sometimes gave me and I hoped that I would find that again.

  We found a clean looking motel after taking the next exit off the interstate. To be honest, it could have been a roach motel for all I cared, I had a thirst, a hunger burning inside and I knew Alec was the only one who could quench it. I parked the car as he went into the lobby to check us in. I shook with trepidation, but it wasn’t a fear of Alec, it was a fear of being that pathetic pillow Kevin called me after we split up. He blamed his lack of performance on me and after all those years we were together, I did wonder if it was true, maybe that’s why he went elsewhere. What if Alec discovered he was right? What if Alec felt like he was humping a pillow with me?

  He opened the door and I jumped out of my skin,

  “Park over there, we can take the outside staircase to the room.” I nodded and started the engine. I parked where he instructed and climbed out of the car. Just before climbing the stairs I stopped, “Grace?” he frowned.

  “I don’t normally do this,” I said, “In fact, there has only ever been Kevin, so, um…”

  “You’re scared?” he checked. I heaved a sigh and nodded. “So am I.” He took hold of my shaking hand. “You are quivering, Grace, we don’t have to do this. If you want to wait, then its fine with me.”

  “I want to, Oh God, I want to; I am just…” A man came out of a room, turned to us and smiled. “Let’s go to the room.” I said and hurried up the stairs. I didn’t know if he had followed me, but when I got to the top he had joined me.

  “It’s down here I think.” He said and took the lead, I nodded and followed him down the walkway.

  He stopped at a door and opened it. He moved back allowing me to enter, the room was painted a light green colour and the two double beds in the middle were covered with green and gold blankets. The air conditioning in the room was loud, but it was clean and fresh looking. Nicely decorated and the bathroom was spotless. I turned to him as he closed the door.

  “I have never done this before either,” he stated quietly.

  “No, but I bet you have had more than one partner before.” I retorted.

  “Not as many as you think, I expect.” He sat on one of the chairs surrounding a small table. “So, ask me anything, I won’t lie, I will tell you anything you want to know. I am not a maniac or anything like that.”

  “I didn’t presume you to be,” I muttered.

  “Okay, what would you like to know?”

  “Nothing, it’s not you, it’s… well, I... You know what, sod it. I refuse to let that idiot have any more control on my life.” I removed my shirt and lifted my top over my head.

  “Grace, I am not touching you unless you tell me you are absolutely sure of this.” He stood from the chair.

  “I am sure,” I nodded and l
aunched at his lips.

  I pulled his shirt over his head and kissed his neck, pulling him into my body. He trailed kisses across my shoulder and up to my hairline as that fire within began to burn once more. I pushed off my shorts and pulled Alec toward the bed. I sat in front of him and rubbed my fingertips over his torso, slowly down towards his button on his shorts where I stopped.

  He knelt in front of me and pushed my white bra straps over my shoulders, while kissing me deeply, moving his fingers around my back, he unclasped my bra and it fell to my lap. His hands moved lower, cupping my breasts and stroking his fingers down the centre of them. I leaned back against the bed and pulled him on top of me, his hands moved over my body as his lips caressed my neck and shoulders. While he devoured my body, my senses, heightened by the intensity and burst into to life.

  He stopped kissing me and gazed into my eyes, I knew they were smouldering, I could feel it.

  “You are so beautiful,” he grinned. “I need to check on something,” he said and put his hand into his back pocket and pulled his wallet out. He opened it and pulled out a wrapped condom and held it up. “I am going to ask one last time, are you sure?” If I had answered, I would have said no, if I had allowed my brain to control my mouth, I would have said no. But my body wanted him, I wanted him and I suppose I wanted to know if I was as bad in bed as Kevin said I was.

  I sat up and reached forward to his shorts, hooking my finger behind the button, I pulled at the button until it popped open. He looked down and then back at me, popping the condom between his teeth, he pushed off his shorts. His black boxer shorts were pressing tightly across his hard on and I have to be honest, he made Kevin look like a child. Seriously, I almost allowed my mouth to drop open. I laid back down as he moved back up the bed, lightly dragging his fingers over my legs and up the inside of them. All the while, he trailed his soft lips over my body.

  Once back at my side, he paused and gazed into my eyes,

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “Let’s put it this way, if you don’t get a move on, I am going to burst into flames.” With that he pushed his hand into my underwear and deep within me.

  “You are hot, aren’t you?”

  “So, they tell me,” I grinned.

  He laid on his back and pushed off his boxers, I had never seen a circumcised man before in the flesh and watched intensely as he pulled on the condom. Something else Kevin and I never really used. I was on the pill and as we were each other’s first, neither of us had a history to worry about, after a scare of me forgetting to take it one time, I had implant put into my arm, so no more scares or accidents for me. He climbed between my legs and hooked his fingers under the white lace of my knickers, slowly pulling them down my legs and off my feet.

  As he gently eased inside of me, I bit on my bottom lip to suppress my moan. He gazed into my eyes and smiled before he kissed me. As he began to move, I pressed my legs against him, his mouth moved over my lips, face, my neck. We moved together, and the deeper he stirred within me, I wanted him to go a little bit further. He lifted up from my body and pulled me up to meet him, pulling me against his slick chest. I slowly dragged my nails up his back as pressure began to build, the throb thudded with my heart and the burning wouldn’t stop.

  Heat rushed through my body, I cried out as a spine tingling orgasm rocked my core and burst throughout my nerves, from the tips of my toes to the top of my head. I pushed against him, as he began to moan lightly into my hair, finally he let out,

  “Oh my God!” And his body seized, locking inside of me, he lightly nipped my shoulder and smiled as he finally relaxed against me. “Bloody hell,” he panted.

  “That was incredible,” I grinned.

  “It was that good for you then?”

  “Trust me, I feel like a new woman,” I admitted. He grinned proudly. “You have no idea what you have done to me.” I said as I climbed from him and laid on the bed, he laid beside me and turned on his side.

  “It was just as amazing for me too,” he stated.

  “Alec, that was my, um, my first ever, um…”

  “You are kidding?” he asked. I shook my head. “So, the idiot who let you go never gave you an orgasm?”

  “Not during sex, maybe once when we were first going out, I got drunk and allowed him to touch me, but he could never hit the spot during sex and I wondered if there was something wrong with me.”

  “I can’t believe that, didn’t it bother him?”

  “I never let on, I uh, I faked it.”

  “You poor girl,” he said and pecked my shoulder. “The man should be hung, drawn and quartered. You are such a wonderful person, Grace, he should have tendered to your every need. I’d know if a girl faked it, I haven’t had that many, but I would know if I did it for them. It’s not just about the vocals, everything changes.” He smiled. “Well, now you have me, you never have to worry about that again.”

  “Maybe it’s because I haven’t had sex for something like nine months. Maybe I was so desperate…”

  “There is only one way to find out,” he grinned.

  “Not before I pee,” I smiled and climbed from the bed, wrapping the sheet around me and trotting into the bathroom.

  When I returned to the bedroom, he was checking his phone, he looked upset by something and glanced up at me as I sat on the bed,

  “We have to go back, don’t we?”

  “No, not at all.” He answered.


  “But I have two more meetings added to my schedule for next week. I have some business to take of before next weekend, so I may have to head up to San Francisco.”

  “Oh,” I frowned, I couldn’t imagine being away from him, already I could feel apprehension filter through me at the thought of us being apart. Maybe I was desperate.

  He stood from the bed. “Let’s not allow it to ruin this afternoon. I’ll hop in the shower and then…”

  “Sounds good to me,” I smiled and stood with him. “There is shower gel and shampoo in there, but only enough for one shower, so there is only one thing for it.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “We’ll have to share,” I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him deeply.

  We didn’t have sex in the shower, but boy did we play. Touching, kissing, feeling, stroking and massaging. The warm water, the sensual smelling shower gel intensified everything. Water spraying over our slick bodies, fingers exploring, teeth biting, toe curling orgasms created by the playing, all of which added to another incredible love making session in the bedroom before we both drifted off to sleep.

  As I lay there in that moment between being asleep and being awake, I thought about him and how I had begun to feel at the thought that we may not meet again after this holiday. Call me crazy, call me ridiculous, but I knew my heart and my heart had fallen hard and fast.

  I opened my eyes finally and turned over to face him. He was asleep with his long eyelashes resting on his tanned cheeks, stubble had begun to pierce through his skin and I don’t know why or if it was possible, but it made him look insatiable in the soft golden glow of the room as the sun started to set.

  I watched him as he slept, not quite believing that he was there, let alone real and had given me the best sex I had ever had. At least I knew now that it wasn’t me, that it was a failure on Kevin’s part and he obviously hadn’t a clue. I decided that was the last thought I would allow Kevin to have, that he was a terrible lover. I had Alec now and however long or short that may have been, I couldn’t give him all of me if half was still wallowing over someone who, evidently, could not care less about me.

  I jumped awake when my phone rang out, I immediately checked on Alec and he was still sleeping, so I stopped my phone from ringing and ran into the bathroom pulling my loose shirt over my naked body,

  “Hello?” I whispered loudly.

  “Grace, its Saff,” she said, I could hear music in the back ground. “I thought you were going to phone me last night.”

  “Sorry, we uh, we ended up staying San Diego after going to Sea World.” I explained quietly.


  “And, wow,” I smiled. “He is amazing, Saff, you’d really like him.”

  “So, did he make you see stars?”

  “Stars, the moon, galaxies, fireworks…”

  “Agghh! Oh My God! Finally,” she screamed into my ear. “Where is he?”


  “You have worn him out.”

  “Yes I have,” I smiled proudly. “Saff, I think I’m in trouble.”

  “Great, now you are going to tell me he is under age, your new man is actually a toy boy.”

  “No, I think I am falling for him, in a big way. What if…?”

  “Sod the what if’s, just enjoy it, Grace, you deserve to smile.” The bathroom door opened and Alec frowned at the light.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you,” I said.

  “It’s almost three, who is it?” he asked.

  “My friend, Saffron.” With that he took the phone from me.

  “Hello, Saffron, this is Alec,” he smiled. “It’s nice to ‘sort of ‘meet you too. Your friend here is an amazing girl and I can assure you that she is not in any trouble at all.” He heard me, my face began to burn, I buried it in my hands, how could I look him in the eye now? “Yes, I don’t doubt that you are telling the truth, but I can guarantee you that we will meet when I get back to London, because in all honesty, I am falling for her too.” I looked up from my hands, he smiled warmly, “Thank you, and uh, goodnight, Saffron, it was nice talk to you.” He handed the phone back to me and left me standing in the bathroom, dumbfounded.

  “Oh my God, Grace, he sounds so charming, I am bursting for you here, really bursting.”

  “Thank you. I had better go, I’ll call you in a couple of days.”

  “Make sure you take lots of pictures, okay?”

  “Okay.” I smiled and hung up the phone. I gazed at my reflection, my hair was a fuzzy mess, but my eyes looked alive, wild and smouldering, Alec had put a spark back into them and it made me smile both on the inside and out.


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