Forget Me Never

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Forget Me Never Page 19

by M J Rutter

  “Hello, Angela,” he smiled and pecked her cheek. “Grace, this is my housekeeper, Angela. She is the reason this place looks impeccable,” he added. I shook her hand hello.

  “I have unpacked your case, all of your laundry is done and put away. You have pork chops for dinner, they are in the oven in my white wine sauce. All you need to do is cook the potatoes and vegetables.” She explained. “There is enough for you both,” she added.

  “As always, Angela, you are amazing.”

  “Someone has to look after you,” she smiled and left us in the hall. Returning while putting on her jacket she handed him a new pile of mail. “These came for you, postman hadn’t been yesterday when I left, so sorry if you had a huge pile of male to come back to.”

  “I coped,” he grinned. “I’ll see you next week then.”

  “Okay, goodbye, Grace, nice to meet you,” she said and left the house.

  “She’s nice,” I remarked.

  “She is a diamond, a true diamond,” he agreed.

  “So, what would you like to do now?” I asked.

  “Let me take you upstairs so you can put your things in my room.” He said.

  “As long as you behave, I know what you are like. You see a bed and immediately think we should be in it.” I chuckled.

  “That’s a thought,” he grinned.

  The rest of the weekend flew by. Saturday evening, we enjoyed an amazing dinner and drank wine until our eyes could stay open no longer. We talked about so much, how this would work with me living the other side of the city. Sunday morning, we laid in bed and watched a movie on his huge TV, then after dinner later that day, he arranged for David to come and take me home. He had to prepare for work and in truth, so did I.

  Kissing him goodbye on his doorstep pinched a bit, truth be told. It was a hard realisation that life had to continue now as normal. That our blossoming love had to take the back seat so that work and deadlines could take over once more. The only thing I looked forward to at work was telling the girls about Alec and how amazing he was.

  Monday morning started with yet more thunder and lightning. Alec and I had spoken on the phone the night before and I so wanted to be with him. Not having him sleep beside me and the warmth of his body kept me on the brink of semi consciousness all night. I couldn’t seem to relax without him there.

  I woke feeling heavy from hardly any sleep, showered and dressed in my grey trouser suit with a white blouse. I lifted my laptop bag and hooked it over my shoulder before heading out of the door.

  I got onto the tube and headed towards Canary Wharf which was about two a minute walk from my office. Just as I got to the top of the station’s steps, the heavens opened up. I hadn’t planned on jogging which is why I had worn my high heeled shoes. I hurried as fast as someone can in four inch heels, dodging the clever sods who had remembered to bring their umbrellas.

  I pulled open the glass doors to the office, relieved and dripping from rain, I looked back outside and in true British style, the sodding sun beamed rays through the clouds.

  “Hi, Grace,” Holly, our bleach blonde receptionist said chirpily.

  “Hello, Holly.” I replied turning to face her.

  “Wow, you look fantastic,” she grinned looking me up and down with her hazel eyes.

  “Thank you,” I smiled. “Is uh, is Kim in yet?”

  “She’s been here since half seven this morning. We are releasing the new feature today.”

  “Of course, sorry. My head is anywhere but work right now.” I explained.

  “Well, she’s on the rampage so you had better hope it returns and soon,” she smiled apologetically.

  “I had better get in there then,” I sighed.

  “It suits you,” she added as I turned to leave.

  “What does?”

  “Being in love.” She grinned, I smiled and blushed slightly before pushing the main office door open. Great, everybody knows, Grace has a boyfriend!

  The office, as always, was buzzing with life. Whenever we had a new publication coming out or a feature, it was all hands on deck and we loved the excitement it caused. I sat at my desk and switched on my computer. It had been three weeks since I sat there and I felt I had changed so much in that time. I had grown in mind and soul, I had opened my heart again and I liked the new me. I just wondered what my friends would think when they heard how serious Alec and I already were.

  Stephanie Albert, the robust, red haired girl who sat opposite me grinned from ear to ear,

  “Are you new?” she asked.

  “What do you mean?” I frowned trying to log in.

  “Well, the girl who sat there three weeks ago was a broken, burned out shell and you do not resemble her at all.”

  “Let’s put it this way, I am nothing like the girl who flew to America three weeks ago, she is gone, hopefully for good too.” I added.

  “Aside from the obvious tan and the fact that you have lost a few pounds, I would say that you are a completely new person, Grace Matthews and you look absolutely amazing. This guy you met must be a miracle worker or a doctor, because he has bought you back to life.”

  “He’s not a doctor, but the miracle thing could be true,” I winked.

  “Grace?” Kim called out, “Can you come in for a moment?”

  “Sure,” I smiled and stood. I crossed the office and entered her office.

  “Close the door,” she told me. I did so and sat in front of her. Her black hair looked like silk and her dark brown eyes sparkled in the lights. “It’s so good to have you back,” she began. “I can see the holiday did wonders for you. How are things with Mr Richards?”

  “Brilliant,” I replied though didn’t feel comfortable talking to her about Alec.

  “Good to hear it. As you know, ‘Celebattack’ starts this week,” I frowned, not aware of the new name. “Sorry, we thought the title fit the magazine better, after all, featuring Celebs who have battled with addictions and weight issues to look amazing needed a title that kicked arse and we felt this fit better.”

  “Okay, so what do you need me to do?” I nodded.

  “To start with, you have a new assistant, he is called Jason…”


  “Jason, he is the son of Max Williams in Finance, he is fresh out of a design degree and going to be the new you, so you have to train him over the next six months…” Was I losing my job? “so that when you step in for me, he will know all there is to know for setting up the pages.”

  “Have I missed something, Kim?” I asked feeling a little hot under the collar all of a sudden.

  “Oh yes, God, for some unknown reason, has blessed us with twins, so I have to take a five-year career break. I want my best girl to take over and that happens to be you.” She smiled.

  I almost laughed, it sounded so crazy, “Congratulations, but me, really?”

  “Yes, Grace, really.”

  “Wow,” I frowned. “I um, I don’t know what to say.”

  “Well, I am staying until I can, so you had better get out those managing skills training modules you did in training and brush off the cobwebs, apparently, twins like to arrive early.”

  “Kim, you must be thrilled,” I smiled once the shock had settled.

  “I am, in a way. Hoping for a C-section, I have no desire to push them out and stretch my… whatever, anyway. So, Jason started last week, he has been going through emails and stuff but cannot wait to meet you. It seems you have become a celebratory yourself of late.”

  “I have not,” I grumbled.

  “Just promise me you will let us have the rights to your wedding.”

  “We have been going out for three weeks, Kim, I doubt there will be wedding bells yet,” I scoffed. “Is that all?”

  “Yes, there are some emails you need to read and here,” she handed me a letter. “Your new contract as of September. We started it a month early just in case.”

  “Thank you for believing in me,” I smiled. “Please take it easy, Kim, anythi
ng you need, just ask.”

  “I intend to, Grace, so good to see you back.”

  I called Alec at lunch time to tell him my good news. He seemed pleased for me, but if I am honest, he was a little distracted by something. I promised to call him after work and got back to it. We had too much to do to have lengthy lunches and that is exactly how the week panned out.

  One minute I was racing through the rain to the office on Monday and the next it was Friday. The sun was shining and although I hadn’t seen Alec since Sunday, I hadn’t really had much time to think about it. We had both worked long hours that week, but the Magazine was ready for print by three that Friday afternoon, then I could relax for a few days.

  Our planned trip to Oxford had to be cancelled because Paige, Alec’s youngest niece had been sent home from school with a tummy bug and neither of us could afford to be home from work sick. A last minute change of plans meant that we were heading for my home town of Lowestoft instead.

  I changed out of my suit into some black trousers and a white camisole, I then packed a small bag while I waited for Alec to arrive. We had a two-and-a-half-hour train ride to the Suffolk, coastal town where I grew up, where I left to start a new life and where I left Kevin.

  It’s not a big town either and I was positive that I would bump into him, in a way, part of me wanted to. I wanted him to see me happy and in love. I wanted him to see that I was worthy of love, that someone as incredible of Alec was capable of loving someone like me.

  When Alec arrive, he carried my bag out to the car and David opened the door so that we could climb in. He drove us to Liverpool Street station and all Alec did was complain. He didn’t like the idea of catching a train at all.

  “Well, my car is at home and you can’t expect David to drive us all the way.” I chided.

  “Huh,” he scoffed, “it’s what I pay him for.” He grumbled as we watched his Mercedes leave the station.

  “Come on, Alec, you can slum it for one train ride,” I sighed and lifted my bag.

  “I’ll take that,” he said taking it from my hand.

  Once on the train, and of course, Alec insisted on getting first class tickets, he calmed down a bit. We sat in a compartment and waited for the train to start moving.

  “This is not so bad,” he muttered.

  “Since I met you, you have never shown me that you were a snob and above anyone, you have always appeared to be down to earth and level headed, right up until now. It’s a train ride, Alec, it won’t hurt and it means we don’t have to sit in Friday evening traffic.”

  “I suppose,” he shrugged, “but I am not a snob, I just don’t like trains.”

  “We also get to snuggle up to each other and enjoy the ride.” I added sitting next to him and cuddling his body.

  “I can start to see some advantages.” I said and pecked the top of my head. “I have missed you this week.”

  “I missed you too, but at least it went fast.”

  “There is that.” He agreed as the train started to move.

  “Are you nervous about meeting my parents?” I asked.

  “I am as it happens,” he admitted. I looked up from his shoulder.

  “They’ll love you, trust me.”

  “What’s not to love?” he sighed. “They know we only met a four weeks ago in America, I made you stay an extra week and here we are going to meet your parents…”

  “Who can’t wait to meet you.” I stated. “You suggested it and it’s too late to go back now.” I said sitting forward and removing my jacket. His finger lightly rubbed against my back. “That tickles,” I wriggled.

  “Sorry, but I have missed the touch of your skin,” he muttered and kissed my shoulder. “So, are we booking into a hotel or…?”

  “We are staying in my room at my house.” I replied and turned to face him.

  “I think I’d rather book in somewhere; I don’t think that I could keep my hands off you…”

  “We live in a bungalow and my room is at the back where as my parents sleep in the front. Honestly, Alec, it will be fine.” I smiled.

  “I hope they are hard of hearing then, because you, my little nymph, are a tad noisy,” he grinned. I blushed and couldn’t help but reciprocate his adorable smile, plus he was telling the truth.

  After a quick change of train, we were finally heading for my home town. I tried very hard not to show my rising anxiety, Alec was nervous enough without me adding to his panic. By the time we arrived in Lowestoft I needed to loo and a decent cup of tea, at least the sun was shining.

  We got into a taxi and I gave the address. Alec held my hand in the back of the car and as we stopped outside of my home, he sucked in an anxious breath. He paid the driver and we got out, after getting our bags from the boot, I led him up our rose trimmed garden path to the front door.

  Before I could get my key out, the door flew open and my mum, my beautiful, blonde haired mum, dived into my arms.

  “I missed you, love.” She said into my hair.

  “I missed you too, Mum.” I replied as I pulled from her arms. She flashed her blue, green eyes at Alec and straightened her clothes.

  “So, you must be Alec,” she smiled holding out her hand, he smiled and shook it politely.

  “Mrs Matthews,” he said. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  “And you,” she nodded and looked at me, “and please, called me Theresa.”

  “Like the saint?” he asked.

  “Of course,” she winked. “Well, come on inside, I’ll make us a nice cup of tea.”

  “Just what we need, Mum.” I said and led Alec inside.

  Dad was still at work and wouldn’t be home until after eight so Mum, Alec and I sat on the patio in the sun and drank tea while talking about our amazing holiday and how we met. We showed her our pictures and talked the evening away.

  “Oh no,” she announced suddenly, “I forgot to put the spuds on…”

  “What are we having?”

  “Well, I was making a Sheppard’s pie, but now it looks as though it will be mince and vegetables.” She frowned.

  “I wanted to take you all out for dinner,” Alec stated putting his cup down on the table.

  “That is not necessary,” Mum said and stood from the table. “It will be a little bit longer. It’s very nice of you, Alec and perhaps we can go out for a meal tomorrow.”

  “If you are sure, Mrs um, Theresa.”

  “I am,” she smiled and left. Alec breathed out a sigh.

  “Are you all right?” I asked.

  “Yes, actually, your mum is a wonderful lady.”

  “She is,” I agreed.

  My dad arrived home shortly before dinner was served. Alec shook his hand and they talked in the living room while I helped Mum to dish up and set the table in our small dining room. The Sheppard’s pie went down a treat and swiftly followed by Mum’s toffee sponge and custard, Alec beamed a grin I could only describe as that of a child in a sweet shop who had just found the golden ticket.

  The following day we woke early and ate toast with my parents and after about three cups of tea, I drove Alec down to the beach in my black Ford Focus, so that he could see where I spent a lot of my time growing up. We walked along the golden sand hand in hand enjoying the sunshine and fresh, sea air. The waves crashed against the shore and the white seagulls above us rode the wind like kites in the sky, their eyes fixed on the ground below looking for scraps to eat.

  “Your parents are lovely,” he remarked.

  “They’re the best,” I beamed, but pain shot through me, how could I be so insensitive? “I’m sorry, Alec.”

  “Grace, it’s fine, just because my parents are dead, it doesn’t mean that you don’t get to enjoy yours.”

  “Well, they like you too, I can tell.”

  “Oh really, how can you tell?”

  “Well, my dad never talked to Ke… uh, him the way he talks to you. I think they both could tell what he was like, it seemed everyone knew what an arsehole he was
before I did.”

  “Love is blind,” he nodded.

  “Not always,” I disagreed.

  “Okay, let’s drop that one then,” he shrugged. “Where’s the loo in this place?” he asked.

  “I’ll show you.” I said and led him towards the pier.

  Perched on the wall outside of the public toilets, I waited for Alec to return. I expected it was because of all the tea he was drinking. My parents loved their PG Tips and drank far too much of it, every time they put the kettle on, Alec had another cup. I don’t think he liked to say no, so graciously accepted all that was offered to him.

  “Grace?” a voice asked. I looked up and saw Pete, Kevin’s best mate, standing above me. His ginger hair had been cut short again and he was wearing ridiculous Hawaiian shorts and a muscle vest top, he looked so creepy too. “Wow, look at you. America was a good holiday I take it.”

  “Who told you?”

  “Saffron did, well, she told my sister.” He looked around, “You actually look really hot,” he added, making me feel even more awkward. “I hear you met someone new too.”

  “Saffron needs to keep her mouth shut,” I moaned and folded my arms over my chest.

  “I am happy for you, nice girl like you, you deserve to be happy.” He added. I nodded. “You moved on, Kev’s move on and everyone is happy.”

  Alec appeared at my side, Pete looked over at him and frowned. “Pete, this is Alec, my new boyfriend.” I smiled proudly and took his hand in mine.

  Alec smiled at Pete, but didn’t offer his hand which was a first, “Nice to meet you, Pete.” He muttered.

  “So, you bought him home already, must be serious.” Pete remarked.

  “Definitely,” Alec smiled. “Come on, Sweetheart, we’re going out tonight, remember?”

  “Of course, nice to see you again, Pete.” I said and left him standing there.

  “I take it he knows Kevin,” Alec said as we hurried to my car.


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