Heart Broken

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Heart Broken Page 13

by Sarah Alabaster

  “Baby, what’s going on?”

  I nudged him so I could move slightly to regain feeling. The pins and needles in both of my sleeping legs were beginning to throb.

  Roger woke slowly, rubbing his eyes as he looked toward me.

  “Hi, baby.”

  He smiled sleepily as he spoke the words.

  Puzzled, I couldn’t help but ask, “Roger, where are we?”

  I immediately regretted asking once I she saw the officers standing outside the room.

  “Police station. One of the conference rooms, I think. We’re on 24-hour guard duty until they figure out what caused the explosion at your old place.”

  “And Bethany?”

  “She showed up about an hour after we arrived. Since the threat was obviously aimed at you, the detective had officers get Bethany as well.”

  “Oh, God.” I was sick to my stomach knowing the amount of trouble I’d caused them both. “Why am I so woozy?”

  “That would be the sedative. You were a tad overwhelmed last night, and not handling all this commotion very well.”

  “Well, that’s embarrassing. I’m sorry.”

  “No, baby, don’t you be sorry. You have nothing to be sorry for. It’s a lot to take in.”

  Reaching for my hand, he pulled me toward him, covering me with his body. Pressing into the cushions of the couch, he curled around me with all his limbs engulfing me in a complete embrace. It made me feel so safe, even after everything we had been through. I knew it now: he was my peace.

  “What time is it?”

  They both startled as they heard Bethany begin to wake across the room.

  “Not sure, but feel free to sleep in a bit longer.”

  I was flattered that Roger obviously wanted to spend more time me as he bellowed to Bethany across the room.

  “You two decent, or do we need to get the sprinklers going on ya?”

  She smiled as she said it, and I tried to untangle myself from Roger’s hold, eventually falling on the floor with a loud thump.

  “That was graceful. What will you be doing for an encore?”

  “I give it a seven! You stuck the landing!”

  Peals of laughter broke out across the room, and it made me realize how I couldn’t live without these particular people in my life. Just last night I had been thinking of being a loner, but my how just a few hours changed so many things.

  Bowing gracefully as I made my way toward the restroom to freshen up, I watched as Roger stood to follow me. With his pants low on his waist, my libido wanted to give in to the lustful thoughts I was having.

  Hmmm, I wondered how many people had done it in a police station bathroom?


  He whispered the words into her ear.


  “You know what, and so do I, so behave.”

  Pouting was something she wasn’t against doing at this moment. He just turned her on so much. It was weird how the last few hours had changed everything.

  “If you two are quite done, I’d like to get into the bathroom, too, at some point.”

  “Yeah, we’re done.”

  For now.


  I stuck my tongue out at Bethany as she made her way to the bathroom, and Roger just laughed at the two of us. I think he’d realized that no matter what the situation was between the two of us, we would always take care of each other, giving whatever the other person needed in order to handle whatever came our way.

  After Roger finished brushing his teeth with the small hygiene kit provided by the detective, he made his way to the couch to watch the show before him as I tossed a towel at Bethany in retaliation.

  “You two done?” Smirking, he watched as we grew louder, racing around the table.


  I smeared some toothpaste down Bethany’s cheek.

  “Now I’m done.”

  I smiled triumphantly, fist-bumping the air.

  “Oh, this is so not over.”

  Laughing, Bethany carefully removed the smear.

  Detective Michaels knocked on the door before making his way inside.

  “I have some information for everyone.”

  Taking in the scene, he couldn’t help but chuckle himself.


  “The explosion at the apartment was from renovations, and we were unable to find anything to suspect the break-in was done by anyone other than a possible burglar.”

  “But nothing was missing from my place.”

  “I’m sorry, but as of now, it’s an open case. There’s nothing life-threatening happening right now, so we can’t help you anymore.”

  “Oh, thanks a lot!”

  Exasperated, Roger threw his hands up in the air.

  “Sir, I know this is frustrating, but there is no evidence to support anything other than a routine break-in.”

  Detective Michaels was standing to leave when I ventured a question.

  “So, what do I do now?”

  Detective Michaels explained that he wanted to help us, but legally, his hands were tied. There simply wasn’t enough evidence to support anything other than a burglary.

  “Now, you be smart. Stay in groups, and if you feel as though someone is following you, give us a call.”

  With that, he left the room.

  “Thanks!” I called out as the door shut, then I collected my things.

  All three of us looked at one another.

  “You heard the detective, everything could be explained.” Bethany’s mood had clearly fallen as she put her purse on her shoulder. “I’ll see you guys later. I need to make my first class of the day.”


  I couldn’t bring herself to look into her eyes.

  Stopping short, she turned to me.

  “You have nothing to be sorry for, honey. I believe you. Now we just need to be smart and try to live the best we can with whatever is going on.”

  I gave her a hug and she left.

  “Baby, we’ll figure this out. Let’s go get something to eat.”

  “Roger, I can’t possibly eat right now.”

  Resolved to my fate, I grabbed my things to leave, but he pulled me against his hard chest, making me instantly melt against him. Then he shushed away my trepidation and concerns with whispers of praise and encouragement. We stood like that for several moments, just rocking back and forth.

  “You okay now?”

  “As good as I’ll get, I suppose.”

  “I’m sorry, honey.”

  “It’s okay. I didn’t think they’d be able to do much of anything. Looks like I was right.”

  “Let’s go eat. I’m starving.”

  “Okay, I’ll go with you, but like I said, I really don’t think I could eat.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Laughter bubbled up from the center of the bar as my new friends and I called the waitress over for another round.

  Roger walked up to the table while I took another swig of my beer. He seemed unnerved by the situation, and the depth of his frown widened when I tossed my head back with a shot of God only knew. I was a little unsteady, to say the least.

  “Um, Clara.”

  “Hey, Roger’s here!”

  Not pleased with the situation, Roger approached me, shooting daggers at the man who was sitting a bit too close. Placing his hand on the small of my back, he leaned in to whisper in my ear.

  “What are you doing, darling?”

  It had only been a few weeks since we’d left the police station. A few weeks of me constantly looking over my shoulder, clearly upset with feelings of helplessness. Finally, seeing the state I was in, Bethany had suggested a much-needed night out with a group of friends.

  “Bethany thought this would be a good idea.”

  I had to focus on my words as I swayed in my seat.

  “And how much have you had to drink?”

  “Well, I’m still mostly upright, so not enough. But we’re working on that!

  “Yay!” the group chimed in, in unison.

  “Fantastic. So, have we progressed to self-pity stage yet?”

  “Nope. No self-pity, just shots.”

  “Clara, let’s just go.”

  Making to take my coat from the back of the chair, he swung me around to face him.

  “Um. No. I’m good here with my new friends.”

  “I can see that, but we have some things to work on tonight, remember?”

  “Nah, it can wait until tomorrow.”

  “Clara, I mean it. Let’s go. Now.”

  Narrowing his eyes at me with his face flushed from all the anger he was desperately trying to contain, Roger held my upper arm, squeezing until I snapped my head in his direction.

  “Ow! Let go.”

  “Clara, I’m sick of this. Let’s go. Now.”

  “I said no!” Pulling my arm out of his grip, I fumed at him. “I’m fine here. I need this break, not thinking about anything. So leave me be. Go away.”

  I dismissed him before returning my attention to the glass of alcohol in front of me waiting to be drunk.

  “Clara! Goddamn it, I said come on! Let’s go. Or else.”

  “Or else, what? You’ll slam me into a wall again?”

  Gasps erupted throughout the group as my words resonated with each of them.

  “Dude, I think that’s enough. The girl has said no. She wants to stay here, so why don’t you just leave her be?”

  “Fuck you. Who do you think you are?”

  He spat out the words, pissed that Clara was behaving this way.

  “No. Fuck you, Roger! I said I was fine here with my new friends, so just go!”

  “Fine, you want to fucking stay here? Then stay here. We’ll discuss this at home.”

  “Home? Dude, you two live together?”

  “No, we don’t live together, and no, I won’t see you at my home. Go. I mean it, just go.”

  “Damnit, Clara! Fine. Be that way. I hope your new friends can deal with your shit.”

  Slamming his hand against the table, he stomped off, flinging the door open, then slamming it shut behind him.

  After tossing down another shot, I looked toward the door, sure regret was written all over my face. Tears threatening to spill as I turned back to my new friends and asked for another.


  “I am never drinking again.”

  “That may be a good idea. You weren’t that kind to Roger.”

  “Ugh, that was real? Oh God, I thought I dreamed that part. Since when are you on his side, anyway?”

  “Since he’s doing the best he can to be there for you during all this.”

  “Shush, my head is going to explode. Why are you screaming at me?”

  “When you feel better, you should go fix things with Roger.” Bethany went to the bathroom for the aspirin bottle and gave some to me along with a glass of water. “Here, this should help.”

  “Thank you. Please just let me die here.”

  “No, I’m not cleaning you up. That’s a mess that lingers way to long.”

  I threw my head back in laughter until the quick movement caused my stomach to churn. Widening my eyes in pain, I abruptly stopped moving. Jumping to my feet, I ran to pray to the porcelain gods.

  I deserved this after the way I’d acted last night.


  Several hours after clinging to the porcelain, I began to get my bearings back. I went to my place to shower, change, and go to bed. It was Saturday, and with no classes until Monday, I thought I would take advantage of the time off to sleep. It seemed like the best idea I had ever had. After a long shower, I made my way to bed quickly, falling fast asleep just as the buzzer for the entrance chimed.

  “I’m not getting that,” I said, groaning as I rolled over, hugging my pillow.

  Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.

  Putting the pillow over my head, I tried to drown out the relentless noise, but it didn’t work.

  “Fuck! Alright! I’m coming, already!”

  Screaming as though the person on the other end of the buzzer could hear me, I got out of bed with a bit of a sway before making my way to the intercom.


  Who cared who it was. I was busy dying here, people.

  “Clara, it’s me. Let me up.”

  After a few minutes of silence, he softly added, “Please.”

  I pressed the button to unlock the door, allowing him access to enter. After unlocking the door, I headed back to bed, knowing full well that he’d find me there a few minutes later. Sure enough, once my head hit the pillow, he was there next to her, spooning his front to her back.

  With a sigh, I closed my eyes, breathing him in as the world faded away.


  “I know you’re pissed at me for the way I acted at the club, and I have no idea what to say, except that I’m sorry.”

  Stirring the coffee Roger had made for me, I breathed in the aroma, loving how he always knew exactly what I needed.

  “Are you?”

  Looking over her mug at him, feeling like the world’s biggest jerk, I fought the urge to throw myself at his mercy. I wanted to request forgiveness in any way I could, but I resisted. After the stunt he’d pulled the first time we were together, I remained quiet as I took a few sips of my coffee.

  “I guess I deserve that. I know you’re under a lot of stress with all that’s been going on, and us just getting back together…”

  He let the words hang in the air like a noose around our fragile relationship, but I could tell he was deeply upset.

  How long was it going to be before she realized that he had loved her then, and that he loved her even more now? How long would he be punished for one moment he couldn’t take back, no matter how much he wanted to?

  “I’m sorry. You didn’t deserve the way I treated you that night. I had no right to do that to you, especially since you’re going through all of this with me. I should be grateful, and not a brat as soon as I get liquored up.”

  My hand touched his arm, and his eyes blinked back the tears that were threatening to fall. It had been such an emotional roller coaster over these past few weeks, and neither one of us had let our guard down long enough to relax and enjoy each other’s company.

  We had also found it nearly impossible to not think, mention, or discuss everything that had been going on. The stress had been bound to break one of us, sooner or later. After all, how long could a person go being constantly on guard with everyone around them?

  “I hope you didn’t do anything you’ll regret?”

  He couldn’t help but worry about her after he’d left, but his anger was too palpable to stay idly by, watching her drink herself into a stupor.

  “No, nothing besides the hangover I rightly deserve. After you left, I felt so guilty for being a jerk to you that I just tried to forget the whole thing had happened.”

  “Did that work?”

  He was unsympathetic to her condition, and yet trying hard not to gloat.

  “Ugh.” Burying my head between my hands, I just groaned. “No. It only made it worse.”

  “I felt like crap all night, too. I’m really sorry about what I said.”

  “I knew you’d say something along those lines, sooner or later.”

  “You did? Why would you say that?”

  “Because.” He took another sip of his coffee before he explained further. “You never forgave me for it, and I know you. You’ll just wait until the opportune moment to bring it up. I couldn’t believe that that was the moment you chose, though.”

  He chuckled as he savored the last few sips before heading to the pot for a refill.

  I just nodded as he offered to refill my mug as well.

  “I forgive you for what happened before.”

  I spoke the words quietly, releasing the hold the incident had on us. Now we could find the peace we longed for—together.

  “Does this mean we can have make-up sex now?”

  I l
aughed so hard that I had to clenched my head and groan in agony.

  Roger picked me up, placing me on his lap and rocking me until my discomfort subsided.

  “I’m sorry you’re in so much pain.”

  “No, you’re not!”

  He just chuckled some more as he held her tighter.

  “I am sorry you’re hurting so much.”

  Kissing him, I felt his manhood begin to grow.

  “Oh no, no nookie right now. I need to recover first.”

  He just chuckled and kissed my neck. Blushing, I tried to remove myself from his lap, only to be pinned in place against his hard-on.

  “Stop moving,” he said, groaning as I tried to wiggle against his hold.

  “I need to get back to bed and sleep this off.”

  “I’m so ready for that.”


  “You’re lucky I love you, and that I don’t like seeing you in this much pain.”

  The words were out before he thought about them, but he had never stopped loving her, and he knew she loved him back. Since they’d reconnected, however, they hadn’t said the actual words out loud.

  I stopped turning down the covers and turned around to face him.

  “I love you, too, Roger. So much.”

  Quickly closing the distance between us, he took me into his arms, carrying me to the other side of the bed and placing me sweetly against the double pillows so I could sit up.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Showing you how much I love you.”

  “And how are you going to do that? Moving hurts too much right now for me to fully apologize to you the way I’d like to.”

  “Oh, baby, I have no worries about anything. This is my pleasure, to make up for what I did before. When you’ve recovered, you can make up for what you just did to me. Fair enough?”

  Licking my lips, I replied to him with half-closed eyes.

  “Fair enough.”

  But then my words were cut off when he removed my panties and pushed my legs apart.


  Fuck! What is he doing back here? I thought the bitch was done with this guy? She worked fast though. What the hell had happened to the last guy?


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