Heart Broken

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Heart Broken Page 16

by Sarah Alabaster

  “Happy now?”

  Smacking my lips together dramatically, I licked my lips of any excess whipped cream.

  “Man, that’s good.”

  “God, that’s hot. Come on.”

  Taking my hand, Roger and I said our goodbyes and left to go to his place.

  “Great, wanna do another later?”

  “No!” I said as I left the building.

  Roger just mouthed the word yes in my ear as we headed in the direction of his car.

  “I can’t wait to get you back to my place.”

  “Me, too.”

  I had an idea that was maybe a bit risky, but I decided to try it anyway. Besides, how many opportunities really came along to do something that provocative?

  We left the pub, heading in the direction of his condo. I was shocked that I wanted to do this, but the liquid courage fueled my ambition, and it was all I could think about.

  Removing my seatbelt, Rogers eyed me but didn’t say anything, probably thinking I just needed something from the back seat. When I leaned across the counsel and took his pants in my hand, his hold on the steering wheel tightened.

  “Um, whatcha doing babe?”

  “Nothing,” I said as I began to lower his zipper. His erection was straining against the confines of his pants as he tried desperately to focus on the road.

  “Nothing, huh?”

  I didn’t give him an answer verbally. Instead, I just reached into his pants and removed his hard cock. Finding the tip already oozing with precum, he nearly slammed on the brakes when my tongue glided across the tip.

  “That’s enough now. Let’s wait until we get back to the condo.”

  But he made no move to stop my movements as his gaze moved from the road to me and back again, before his hands gripped the wheel so tight his knuckles turned white.

  I could barely see them from my position, but once in a while I tried to give him some reprieve so he didn’t crash.

  “You have great concentration. I’m sure we’ll be fine.”

  I just let the words hang in the air as I took him to the back of my throat with no preamble and no foreplay. Sucking him until I knew his eyes must be crossing, he tried to hold himself together enough to concentrate on the road. I felt the car sway as he swore under his breath. Then he righted the car.

  “You okay there, babe?” I asked as his cock popped out of my mouth. I was well aware the effort it was taking him to keep us from hitting something, but I didn’t want to stop until he made me.

  “You are so going to get it when we get inside my place.”


  I took his erection back into my mouth. Cupping his balls, I made him groan from the effort it took to contain his upcoming release.

  “Fuck!” he shouted when I took him to the back of my throat again. I was lost in teasing him, feeling his balls tighten until I held him off by backing off, just licking him until his thighs quivered from the effort to hold off his release. Then I took him to the back of my throat again. I knew I was in for a world of great payback, and I just couldn’t wait to see what he would do to retaliate. I was lost in this sensual reverie until the car suddenly slammed into park.


  “Oh, you’re so mine!” he exclaimed, pulling me from the vehicle and over his shoulder.


  I swatted his ass, but he only swatted my ass in return.

  It was hot. He knew it. I knew it.

  “Roger, come on! Put me down!” I said playfully as he swatted my ass again.

  “No, baby, I have plans for you. I intend on putting you down when I’m good and ready.”


  His hand connected with my ass, and I was sure it was red from the amount of times he’d smacked me there.

  Laughing as I bounced up the hall to his place, I felt the need to find some control, so I began to rub his cheeks, fondling my way between his legs every chance I got.

  He was so turned on the slightest touch of my fingers grazing his cock that it drew a hiss from him. It was incredibly erotic, to say the least.

  “Roger, please.”

  “Not yet, baby.”

  He made his way down the hall to his bedroom. Then he slowly deposited me on the bed, smack-dab in the center. He pulled my pants off one leg at a time until he revealed my panties as his ultimate prize.

  “God, you’re so wet. Does spanking your ass turn you on, baby?”

  Embarrassment coursed through my body and my face reddened, along with my chest.

  “My baby loves her ass spanked, doesn’t she?”

  He was so turned on right now that he couldn’t remove his pants fast enough, falling over as he took off the last leg.

  I chuckled as I watched him.

  “Oh, really? I think another spanking is in order now if you think that’s funny, little girl.”

  I tried to roll over, away from his grasp, but he took hold of my foot, pulling me toward him.

  His hand making contact with my almost bare ass, he suddenly flipped me over.

  “Roger!” I laughed as he smacked me again.

  “I love watching your ass redden after I spank you.”

  I wasn’t concerned he would hurt me. He had proven over and over again that he loved me. The fire on my ass was intoxicating as my panties became wetter from my desire for him.

  “I can’t wait, baby.” Ripping my panties off as he said the words.

  He plunged into me then, and I couldn’t think of anything other than my heat clenching around his manhood. I was so full with him that I squirmed when he pushed even further inside me.

  “Fuck, you’re so tight.” When I groaned, he looked into my eyes. “Am I hurting you?”

  He stopped, stilling his movements so I could adjust to his width.

  I didn’t want him to stop, though, so I grabbed for his ass, squeezing it until he lost control. He pushed into me with one swift motion, making my eyes roll back in pleasure.

  “God, I love you. I love being inside you. Nothing feels this good.”

  We rocked against each other as the waves took us further into the thralls of ecstasy. His pulsating cock deep inside me, I screamed my release and heard it echo throughout the condo.

  He stayed on top of me until I opened my eyes.

  “I love you, too,” I said before he slowly removed his cock from me and went to the bathroom for a towel to clean me up. I loved how he took care of me. Before I knew it, we were asleep in each other’s arms, unable to move.

  “Remind me to make sure you get the blow job shot whenever we go to the pub.”

  I laughed as he tightened his hold, resting my head on his chest to hear his heartbeat against my ear. I was comforted by the sound of his breathing and the lull I found in the steady beats.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Oh, come on! Let your hair down. You need to relax.”

  I was anything but relaxed as I glanced around the bar. I could feel the shivers as they made their way down my spine. Whoever was watching should enjoy the show, because I planned on finally having some fun tonight.


  It was after three in the morning, and Bethany and I were definitely hammered. We returned to our building arm in arm and tried to make our way up the stairs to our apartments.

  “Maybe we should be there for one another tonight.”

  “No way.”

  “Why not?”

  “We each only have one bathroom.”

  “Crap, you’re right.”

  “And no matter how much I love you, I’m not sharing with you tonight. I’d like to be alone with my toilet, bestie, if you don’t mind.”

  Giggling as we climbed another flight of stairs, we were unaware of how loud we had become until our voices started echoing throughout the hallway.

  “Shhh. Someone’s gonna hear you, then we’ll be in big trouble.”

  “Shush, don’t wake the neighbors.”

  We erupted into fits of giggling—as we
ll as hiccups—as we came to our doorways.

  “Night, bitch.”

  “Hey! Sleep tight, slut.”

  “It’s the love I feel with you that I can’t live without. Do you know that?”

  Both of us laughed harder at that as we fell into our apartments and tried not to fall on our faces.

  I worked my coat off, leaving it wherever it fell as I made my way toward the kitchen for the aspirin I knew I’d need if I was ever going to survive this up-and-coming hangover. Pulling the bottle from the cabinet, it seemed to take me hours to pry the cap off for the two pills. Once I finally got them in my hand, I reached for a glass to fill with water. With the liquid filled to halfway, I popped the pills into my mouth, followed by the water to wash them down my throat.

  Strolling to the living room in an effort to make the room stop spinning, I collapsed without grace onto the sofa. Closing my eyes with my arm draped across, I began to doze off.

  I dreamed of finishing school, with my parents attending my graduation, congratulating me on my accomplishments. I dreamed of Roger one day proposing, and us building a life together with three beautiful children running around a large yard, with a dog chasing them as they all laughed together. I dreamed of the world I’d enjoy after graduation. In my dream, I thought of telling Roger I was pregnant when the time came, and the two of us would be so excited that he’d pull me into his arms, worshiping me in carnal ways, over and over, until exhaustion claimed us. The dreams were so vivid, so real, I didn’t want to leave them as they played out before me.

  Sounds came through my dreams, but I tried to ignore them. When I heard something move in the hallway, close to where I was sleeping, I stirred. Pulling my arm away just enough to see the cause, I turned my head in that direction. But I couldn’t make out or see the hallway in its entirely.

  Deciding to properly wake up to investigate, I slowly blinked at my blurred vision until it cleared, then I got up from the couch. Heading toward the sound down the hallway, I could see the hall table, but nothing that would have made that sound I’d heard. Focusing on the bedroom, I strolled down the hall as scratching noises began to come from the closet. Thinking it was a mouse or something worse, I picked up the bat that sat in the corner of the room. It was an attempt, Roger said, at humoring him, by making some sort of effort to defend myself in case someone tried to break into the apartment. Smiling, I picked up the bat now, holding it as though I was about to hit a home run. Instead, I painstakingly made my way to the closet opposite where I stood.

  Opening the door with one hand, holding the bat with the other, I expected to see a small animal when the door fully opened. Instead, I saw nothing. The closet was empty except for my clothes and shoes. Shaking my head and laughing at myself for being so jumpy, I put the bat into the closet, turning to head for the kitchen. It seemed all I really needed was some tea to settle my nerves.

  As the pot of water slowly boiled, I prepared my cup, adding sugar and milk. My mind wandered back to the dreams I’d had, and how vivid they’d seemed to be. A feeling of love surrounded me and the life I’d seen stole my breath away. Everything I hoped to have someday had played out before her eyes. As tears threatened to fall, I reminded myself that it had only been a dream.

  Stress. It had to be stress. Bethany was right, I need to relax more. Maybe tomorrow I’d meet up with Roger and plan for a week away during break. Something sunny and tropical would do the trick. Something to take me away from the gloom that surrounded me here.

  The whistle from the tea kettle made me jump, pulling me out of my thoughts and back to the present moment. Tea. That’s what I needed, a hot cup of tea to sooth my nerves. Brushing away the tear that fell, I used the pot holder to hold the kettle as I poured the water into the mug. Letting the bag stew as I looked off into the distance, I was transfixed by a photo hanging on the opposite wall. It was nothing special, but something I’d found myself drawn to. Seattle. The skyline suited me, and I thought of the possibilities of visiting one day far away from today. What it would be like to go to the top of the Space Needle? See Mount St. Helens?

  With a slight chuckle, I took the questioning thoughts as nothing more than an ambitious attempt to find solace in other places. I desperately needed a vacation—and soon.

  Now that my tea was just the way I liked it, I decided it was time to go to bed—instead of the couch—to sleep. The apartment was quiet since the light was nowhere to be found. Everyone in the building was still sleeping, waiting for the day to begin. With my finals over, I planned on sleeping away the day. I would wake only when I needed to meet with Bethany for sustenance. A greasy burger was definitely called when we met up, I decided. It was the best hangover food, after all. Burger, fries, and to hell with the calories.

  Falling asleep proved easier this time, with the apartment so quiet. The noises seemed to stop, and the coolness in the air made it all that much nicer to curl up in a blanket.

  Thoughts of the dreams I’d had about the life I wanted made me smile as sleep claimed me. I wanted to get back to everything that had happened in the dreams, hopefully continuing where I left off before I had awoken earlier.

  But another noise startled me a short time after my eyes had closed. Whether it was minutes or hours, I couldn’t be sure, but the noise was coming from the living room and I was sure this time that someone was in the apartment. They weren’t being subtle in their approach, either, and I reached for the bat that normally sat on the side of my bed, only to remember that I had put it in the closet earlier.

  As quietly as I could, I eased myself out of bed, tip-toing to the closet for the bat. Opening the closet door, praying it wouldn’t make any noise, I reached in with my hand to grab it, but nothing was there.

  The bat was gone!

  Had I only dreamed that I’d put it into the closet? My heart slammed against my chest as the noise echoed down the hall. Where was the fucking bat? Trying to feel around with my hand to see if the bat had moved, I wondered if maybe it was just beyond my reach. Searching in the dark with my one hand flailing around in the closet, I watched the bedroom door, my other hand against the wall, holding me still while I kept searching. I was well aware that even with the bat, I probably didn’t stand much of a chance against whoever was in the apartment.

  The footsteps suddenly stopped just outside my door, and I thought the person outside could probably hear my heart racing on the other side. Eyes glued to the door, I held my breath, shaking to death, unable to move or think beyond what might happen next.

  After several minutes had passed without anything happening, I braved the fear that held me immobile and made my way into the hallway. I heard nothing when I peered through the door. Laughing at myself for being so paranoid, I turned to head back to bed, thinking maybe I should wake Roger to come get me so I could be with him instead of staying here in an empty apartment.

  When a shadow flickered on the wall across the room, I jumped and screamed. Only then did I realize that it wasn’t paranoia after all. There was someone in the apartment. Running to the phone, I picked it up to dial the police, but the line was dead. Reaching for my cell that normally sat on the bedside table, I found the spot empty. I had left it in the living room with my coat and car keys.


  Scraping noises echoed as the footsteps moved closer. The bat was gone, my phone was dead, and my cell was at the other end of the apartment passed the intruder. I knew now that he was messing with me. It had to be him, but my alarm had never made a sound. I had noticed recently that objects in the apartment seemed to disappear one minute, only to be found somewhere else the next. I’d thought I was going insane, and didn’t want anyone to know I’d finally cracked, but now this explained everything.

  “Leave me alone! Get out of my house!”

  “What fun would that be?”

  Fully awake now, I stood at attention, praying someone would hear me if I screamed again.

  “Help!” I shouted as loud as I could, but it was so l
ate I wondered if anyone would be up to hear me.

  Laughter rang out through the apartment as the steps stopped, and I waited for a rescue that never would come.

  “They can’t hear you, bitch.”

  I needed to get to my phone, to call the police, call Roger, call for help, but dammit, how? Formulating a plan was easy, but executing it without getting captured or killed in the process seemed impossible. Running to the corner of the room, I grabbed for anything that would help me fend him off. Anything that would buy me enough time to reach my phone and get help.

  Almost unable to move, yet deciding I had to see for myself firsthand, I made my way into the hall. It was the only way to get to the living room from the bedroom, and intruder or not, I had to do something.

  Reaching the other side, I looked across the table to find a figure standing menacingly at the other end. Surprisingly, the hall was clear when I looked down it. The person in my apartment must have moved somewhere else, but where? I had no idea. Inching my way to the living room, sure he’d catch me at any moment, I tip-toed past the hall table, clenching a figurine in my hand, hoping it would be enough to hit the person over the head so I could get away.

  With the living room in sight, I stepped inside. This time the shadows were of a built man, and he was firm in his stance that he wasn’t going anywhere. Letting out a scream, I turned to run to the front door, heart pounding as I leaped over the chair next to the sofa, knowing I had no chance at eluding him unless I got out of the apartment. But with all the alcohol I’d ingested tonight, being able to outmaneuver furniture was not going to happen.

  When I hit the floor, the man was on top of me immediately, trying to press a cloth across my mouth and nose. Struggling against his hold was useless as my body became limp. Panicking only made inhaling the cloth worse, and I could feel the effects of whatever was on the cloth hitting me harder. Feeling my head spin, I tried to hold my breath and figure out something that would help me stay conscious. He was at least twice my size, pressing his weight against me so hard I could barely breathe, let alone scream. Everything seemed useless, and the darkness was beginning to seem so welcoming, inviting me to succumb and just let go.


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