The Visitor - The Final Ride 1875-1928

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The Visitor - The Final Ride 1875-1928 Page 9

by Barbara Svetlick

  “Was there damage to the club?”

  “If there was, it was minimal. Women tend to roll and tear at each other more than swing. I haven’t figured out if it is because women are never taught to cold cock someone or they just enjoy a good tussle now and again. I would say the only damage is to their pretty little dresses.”

  Garnett turned and looked at the women who were primping and waving at him. He smiled as he turned back around. “Did you take statements?”

  “Obviously you have never tried to break up a fight between angry women. I’d rather face a gang of bank robbers than a passel of women. I can tell you that the little one there in the front has a mouth that would make a dock worker blush though she was very peaceful when we cuffed her.” The Sheriff smiled at Mirisa. “What I couldn’t figure out is why she asked if I was related to you since I seemed to enjoy cuffing pretty women.”

  Garnett turned as Dominic tried to keep a straight face but the girls broke out in laughter. “Then you did not get any statements?”

  “No, we just wanted to get them into court because they were causing a terrible commotion in the jail and nothing we did appeased them enough to quiet them down. They threatened to sue us for illegal arrest, threatened to turn us into the sanitation department for unfit conditions, demanded they be allowed to clean up and well the demands never stopped. Plus the other prisoners were egging them on and propositioning them.”

  Garnett walked back to the table as the eyes of all thirteen women followed him. The prosecutor called the Madame to the stand.

  Garnett rose. “You honor I object to questioning the defendant when she has not had the opportunity to speak to legal counsel.”

  “Would you like to confer with her?”

  “It would be a conflict of interest.”

  “I see.”

  “Your honor, Miss Sherman has waived her right to counsel.”

  “Very well. Miss Sherman?”

  The woman stood up and straightened out her skirts as she stepped down. Her hair was slightly askew and the tear in her top looked to be tucked in thought every man was waiting for it to fall exposing her. She walked regally across the room and sat upright.

  “Miss Sherman, what is your occupation?”

  “I manage the floor of the gentleman’s club.”

  “Are you in charge of everything?”

  “Everything except the bar.”

  “And did you by chance have an opportunity to meet Mrs. Meeks and Mrs. Casper this morning?”

  “I did.”

  “And did you know them before this meeting?”

  “No, I have never met either of them before. I thought they were seeking employment.”

  “Did either of the display a firearm?”

  “Not that I can recall.”

  The prosecutor knitted his eyebrows. “Miss Sherman you are under oath.”

  “Sir, I believe the judge made that perfectly clear but you may wish to temper your tone and consider your questions carefully because my answers might be too honest even for you.”

  “You heard the bartender and the doorman did you not?”

  “I did but I really don’t know why they would lie to the court.”

  “Miss Sherman, have you been offered money to change your testimony? Have any of the other defendants or Mr. Alexander approached you?”

  “Sir, are you questioning my memory?”

  “Were you not attacked by Mrs. Meeks?”

  “I don’t believe so.”

  “Please explain how your dress was torn?”

  “Well I was coming down the stairs and lost my balance and she was at the bottom of the stairs talking to several of the girls so it became a big bundle of bodies all trying to get out of the way.”

  “Your honor, I would like to treat this witness as a hostile witness.”

  “Sir, it is your witness. Treat her as you wish.”

  “Miss Sherman, it is your testimony that the bruise forming on your jaw was done by a fall?”

  “Well, you may certainly speak to my friends who all witnessed my unfortunate fall. I am just extremely lucky that they were there to break what could have been a very nasty accident.”

  “You honor.”

  “I can’t not make the witness say something different since I was not there.” The judge turned to the witness. “Sally…I mean Miss Sherman is there a reason why the police were summoned for an accident.”

  “Well I am not exactly sure unless someone thought I was seriously injured but one would be foolish to think that I would seek police attention which would end up with me being unlawfully detained. I believe the charges of disorderly conduct and assault is absurd. Do I look like I would be capable of such nonsense or that I would do anything to put my girls out of commission when there are so many wonderful men to visit us nightly?” She looked out across the galley as the men slumped down just a little.

  “No you don’t.” The judge sat back. “Did Mrs. Meeks or Mrs. Casper assault you or anyone in your employment?”

  “No sir.”

  “I’m dismissing the disorderly conduct and assault charges against all twelve…” He stopped and counted the women. “Thirteen women. Now the only issue is the trespassing charge against Mrs. Meeks and Mrs. Casper. Since no women are allowed in the club unless under the employment of the club I find that they have…”

  Garnett stood up. “Your honor.”

  “Yes, Mr. Alexander?”

  “Your honor, I believe in order to find someone guilty of trespassing that they have to be illegally on the property and do not leave when instructed to do so.”

  “Correct. According to the law, both ladies entered the club by less than subtle methods and they refused to leave when asked to.”

  “I ask that you put Mrs. Casper on the stand.”

  “Well I hardly think she has anything beneficial to add to these charges but do as you wish.”

  Charisse stood and it was the first time they realized that both of them were dressed in jeans. Everyone watched as she crossed the room and took the witness chair.

  “Your honor?”

  “Yes Charisse…Mrs. Casper.”

  “How is your wife? Please tell her that I am sorry that I could not make the luncheon this afternoon. It is generally one of my favorite holiday events.”

  “I shall express your regrets.”

  “Thank you and I hope I will be seeing you for dinner tomorrow night though I must tell you…” She leaned closer to him. “Jack has been served with papers and will not be in attendance to host but it shall be a wonderful dinner.”

  The judge leaned down and lowered his voice. “You served him?”

  “Yes sir, a woman can only take so much before she just can’t take another thing. It is a sad thing to see good men throw away their marriages and most of their assets for a little piece of ass. Don’t you agree?”

  The judge sat straight up clearing his throat. “Continue counselor.”

  “Mrs. Casper, do you know who owns the Gentleman’s Club?”

  “Yes sir. I currently own it.”

  The prosecutor stood and objected as the galley broke out in astonishment. Garnett walked over to the table and handed him the bill of sale. “Mrs. Casper, how long have you owned the club?”

  “Oh, I believe about a few weeks more or less.”

  “Your honor I object.”

  The judge banged his gavel as the courtroom settled back down. “Mrs. Casper, what are you planning on doing with this business?”

  “Well, we believe that it would be a perfect place for our Woman’s Auxiliary meetings and classes. I haven’t talked to the entire committee yet because you know that I was supposed to be at our holiday luncheon at your home but I think they will be very approving.”

  “And the club? Will it be relocated? You know that it has been well established for quite some time.”

  “I have learned that but with all new laws preventing the club from moving within the city, I am afra
id that it might be the demise of that great establishment.”

  “Mrs. Casper.” She batted her eyes so perfectly that Garnett bit his lip. “I am dropping all charges and expect the police captain to issue a formal apology to all of the ladies. This case is dismissed for lack of substantial evidence. “Mrs. Casper.”

  “Yes judge.”

  “I would like to see you in my chambers before you leave.”

  “Of course but I would much rather you invite me for lunch since I did not have the opportunity to have breakfast.”

  “Mr. Alexander, I am assuming that you will treat Mrs. Casper to lunch with appropriate advice as to her new adventure.”

  “I will your honor.”

  “Charisse, I hope our next meeting will be a little less stressful.”

  “Oh but I do not find today to be stressful at all.”

  The judge left the courtroom as Charisse stepped down from the witness stand. She walked across the room as Jack pushed his way across the room yelling at her. She turned facing him and without blinking hit him upside the head with her purse.

  “Jack, there is always consequences when you become an over confident blow heart. If I had been Mirisa, I would have shot off more than your ear.”

  The girls started filing out of the courtroom teasing the men as they did. The lobby of the courthouse was so packed that they had to squeeze through the crowds but they did it with shocking behavior. The bailiff closed the door as Mirisa sat in the jury box. Meeks walked through the gate and walked up to the jury box. Mirisa looked up at him as he put his hands on the railing and leaned over.

  “Well played.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Do you feel better?”

  “I do.”

  “I think there are numerous things that were reckless and you should be taken to task but right now I want to know where your gun is?”

  “It’s at home.”

  “It could have turned out bad.”

  “And what you did could have as well.”

  “Are we even?”

  “I think I have made my point and I think the slate has been wiped clean. If you are willing, I would like to start over and I would like to raise our children somewhere other than in a town that has no respect for women or marriage.”

  “You know your intelligence excites me.”

  “I did learn from the best.”

  “Is my sister bluffing?”

  “I don’t think so. I thought that was a particularly nice little bonus to the morning.”

  “How did he know to come to the courthouse?”

  “We sent a note to the office knowing he wouldn’t get there until after lunch.”

  “Did you send the bailiff to find Garnett?”

  “I did as well as a note to Dominic who was having a very important business lunch across the street.”

  “Are you hungry?”


  Meeks pulled her into his arms and kissed her. “I love you so much.”

  Mirisa put her hands on his face as the tears filled her eyes. He held her knowing if he said anything he would lose all control of his emotions. He turned back to Garnett. “Is there a way to get out of here without going through the reporters?”

  “Not really. There will be more covering the back entry than the front.”

  “Then I guess we’ll just have to deal with it.” He took Mirisa’s hand as she walked to the end of the jury box while they all waited. The bailiff opened the door as the prosecutor went out into the hallway ignoring the questions as the police Captain stopped and gave them explicit details. Jack threatened several reporters before he got to his carriage and left the courthouse.

  “Mirisa.” She looked up at James. “I don’t think the restaurant will allow either of you to go in because of your attire.”

  Charisse and Mirisa both looked down and began laughing. “We will have to find a restaurant that will.”

  “Where are your horses?”

  “They are at home but Matthew has sent Charisse’s carriage to pick us up.” She no sooner said it than the black carriage stopped in front of the courthouse.

  Dominic turned to her. “Did you involve my son in this?”

  Mirisa measured her words. “If I had Dominic, he would have been sitting in that jury box with me but like a good son he offered.”

  Mirisa kissed Meeks and climbed in as Charisse settled back. Meeks watched the carriage as it disappeared down the avenue and turned heading to the brownstone.

  Dominic lit his cigar. “Garnett, this is a very serious problem.”

  Garnett took Dominic’s cigar and lit his. “It has been a long time since we have been hoodwinked so well but it seems that women are a lot better at covert assignments than we realized.”

  Dominic turned to Garnett. “You need to get control of the club before they do something stupid. It’s the only place in town that is safe.”

  “Obviously it is not that safe if two society women can get control making it a very public fiasco. This is going to be on the front page and it is going to shake up a lot of households.”

  “Who’s going to sacrifice for the club?”

  Meeks turned and joined the conversation. “Don’t look at me.”

  James shook his head. “This is your fault.”


  “You had to confess.”

  “Boys, they owned it before the house of cards fell all over my head.”

  “Yeah but if you hadn’t been so damn stupid none of this would have happened and I could enjoy the evening.”

  “Are you willing to buy them out?”

  “Why in the hell should it cost me money? Let me see the contract.” James handed it to Dominic who started laughing. “Did any of you read this?”

  James took it back and flipped through the pages stopping at paragraph thirteen.

  “…this contract is a performance specific contract that shall be in effect for a period of twenty days. On the twentieth day, the ownership of the business and the building shall be returned to Charles Gibby unless the buyers can obtain financing for the full sales price. The buyers shall be under no further obligation if they default on the twentieth day in that this contract is the complete and full understanding of the parties…”

  “Well, I guess business will return to normal. I think I’ll pick up flowers and chocolate and see whether or not it is safe to go back into my own house.” Meeks tipped his hat and walked across the street.

  “Meeks?” He turned back.

  “I ordered enough food for everyone.”

  Meeks walked through the back door and handed the bouquet of roses to the maid as he headed to the library. Mirisa was curled up on the couch talking to Charisse. He walked over put the chocolate on the table and bent over kissing her.

  “Alexander you are fortunate to find a woman who loves you.”

  “Would you like me to sit down for this lecture?”

  “No. I never thought you could ever be faithful so I can’t say I am surprised but I am extremely disappointed in your lack of control. No woman deserves to have an unfaithful husband or to accept it as normal male behavior. If you can explain to me why some tart is more attractive or provides better sex than your wife maybe I will understand it.”

  Garnett laughed as he sat down and opened the box of candy. “Would you like me to answer that question?”

  Charisse smiled. “You don’t count because you are not married.”

  “No, but I have spent time with married women as well as those nasty women that you find so disdainful.”

  Meeks sat down as James and Dominic came in and sat opposite Mirisa. Dominic looked at her seriously. “So, is it now your intent to just break the law when you are mad?”

  “No. I did exactly what any of you have done. I took my anger and my pain out on the person who tried to blackmail my husband. I just didn’t need the sex afterward. The woman was responsible for sending the letter at the request of Jack who seemed
to believe because I turned down his wonderful offer that I should be punished.” Mirisa took in her breath. “Do any of you really think about what your actions do to someone who loves you?”


  “No Alexander. I am tired of being treated with kid gloves, I am tired of being taken for granted and I am definitely tired of your form of ‘protection for my own good’. Every night, all night long, men walk into brothels thinking it is a victimless crime, thinking it is sparing their wives having to submit to some unmentionable sexual appetite and brushing it off like a badge of honor. Just because you have money and walk around like a rooster on the henhouse doesn’t mean that you aren’t breaking someone’s heart. You are cruel and thoughtless.” Mirisa stood and ran up the stairs slamming the door.

  Charisse put down her cup and looked at all of them. “Good lord, how in the world has she survived with the four of you? You should all be ashamed of yourselves.” Meeks stood and went upstairs as the maid came in and said that lunch had arrived. Garnett and Dominic headed toward the dining room as James put his head back closing his eyes.

  Charisse asked James if he wanted lunch and he told her he wasn’t hungry so she left him to his thoughts. Meeks opened the door to find Mirisa lying on the bed crying. He sat down next to her and pulled the hair away from her face as she turned over. “Do you want to talk?”

  “No, I want to eat lunch. I just need assurance that you love me.”

  He ran his finger under her swelling eye as she winced. “I’m going to send James up with something to put on her eye.” Meeks kissed her and checked on the children before he headed downstairs.



  “Can you fix something to put on Mirisa’s eye?”

  “Sure.” James pushed himself out of the chair and went into the kitchen putting together a paste to bring down the swelling. He went back up and put the bowl down before sitting down next to her. He looked at her eye as he dipped his fingers in the paste and carefully put it under her eye before putting a cold cloth over it. Mirisa wrapped her fingers around his as he smiled. They talked quietly for a while before she fell asleep. James went downstairs and sat down at the table.


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