Sons of Justice 12_Confident in Love

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Sons of Justice 12_Confident in Love Page 9

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  * * * *

  “I got nothing on this end. The guy must be super meticulous when he cleans up, because there wasn’t a print, a hair, not a single DNA on any of the victims’ bodies. However, going back to initial reports from the police officers on the scene, and various witnesses had seen a blue van. No license plates, but a blue van. It disappeared, and was never mentioned again in any investigation or report that it was found abandoned, or located anywhere. So I went on a hunch, and looked it up through the government criminal records system in the department in Repose. This is what I found out.” Damon, Cesar’s brother, a Texas Ranger found out. “A week ago, a van matching the description, and make of the vehicle in the case was located in Texas. It was abandoned right over city lines,” he added.

  “Did you contact them, whomever got the vehicle?” Tat asked him. There were a bunch of men gathered around the room in the cottage put back from Tat’s and the team’s home. Including Nathan and his team.

  “Sure did, and just got a call twenty minutes ago that it was never opened up or looked into. It’s been sitting in a parking lot behind a fence three hours from here,” Damon told them.

  “Damon, you said you have a connection to one of the lead investigators in the federal government that is involved in the serial killer cases?”

  “I sure do, and considering the possibility that this van could have evidence to lead to not only the killer, but to your friends’ friend Meredith, I think it would be wise to get things moving along and have them take possession of that van as potential evidence to send a forensic team,” Damon suggested.

  Tat looked at Falzone. The rest of his team, Biani, Vella, and Messina were there, too. They arrived just about two days earlier, and were settling into the cottage and setting things up as a command center. Woodrow and Cole were working with Slane and Yani setting up computers and connections to police scanners, and government resources.

  “Falzone, it’s our best option. We don’t want to go take that van, snoop around, and fuck up evidence. We should leave that to the forensics teams,” Tat said to him.

  “I just hope they don’t fuck things up,” he replied.

  “They won’t. This guy is one of us. A retired soldier, a man living in Repose. You met him before Tat, and Cesar knows him well. It’s Finnian Cartwright,” Damon told them.

  “One of Brooklyn’s men? That Finnian?” Spadaro asked.

  “That’s him. He’ll make sure that things are done the right way. His friend is on top of things and took over as a lead investigator months ago on the cases involving couples being abducted, tortured and murdered down south. He wants this killer, and knowing the details of Meredith’s disappearance and he wants him badly,” Damon said.

  Falzone nodded.

  “We let him handle it. It sounds like this guy Finnian is on our side,” Falzone said, and they agreed and then Tat ended the call.

  “Okay, we sit and wait this out, but in the meantime, let’s see what else our connections and sources can pull from the previous murders. Like I’m wondering why this guy killed couples and then seemed to go after women?” Tata asked.

  “Because he’s a sick fuck and probably likes to kill,” Basile said.

  “Well, we need more than that if we want to find this monster before he kills Meredith. How about looking into the location where the van was found before being towed? Maybe taking a shot at looking into the nearby areas, or other places this guy could take Meredith?” Vella suggested.

  “That’s a good idea. It’s a shot in the dark because there could be loads of places, and he may not necessarily be so close to where the van was found, but it’s a start. Let’s get going on that,” Tat said.

  “We’ll look into the addresses and locations where some of the more recent victims’ were seen last before being taken. Maybe it will be within a certain distance, like perhaps this guy stays local, in a comfort zone or something,” Nathan suggested.

  “That’s a good idea. Good thinking. Messina, work with Nathan on that,” Tat said, and then everyone started to do their part in hopes of coming up with some sort of clue and a lead in the case. Meredith’s life could depend on one tiny screw up from this killer. One, and Tat hoped that they would find that screw up sooner than later.

  * * * *

  Frankie, Cole, and Spade drove into Ausberry first, in order to meet up with Avana at the car show. Nathan, Woodrow, and Bronco were running late as they were still helping in the investigation and the van that was found. They were awaiting word on results from blood found in the back of the vehicle as well as various hairs and other evidence, but that would take a few days at least.

  Spade spotted her first. He stopped short, gave Cole and Frankie a tap, and then nodded toward the vending tables. In an instant he felt jealous, possessive, and angry at the sight of several men talking to Avana as Gail sat in a chair. His eyes narrowed.

  “Damn, I wonder if men have been going by her table to talk to her all day,” Frankie said.

  “Well look at her in that sundress. She looks sensational,” Cole said as they continued walking that way.

  “She looks sexy and sweet, and her hair is up and pulled back,” Frankie said.

  “Yeah, and exposed. Hell, look at that dick touching her arm. Let’s go,” Spade said, and they made their way closer.

  As they got closer they overheard the conversation.

  “Everyone has a chance to win, and if you’re interested in getting some insurance quotes it’s free. Just call the office and set up an appointment to talk to someone,” she said to the one guy as he touched her arm.

  “Can I call and talk to you, darling?” he asked.

  She gave a soft smile. “It’s a possibility, but the calls come in and whomever is available will take care of you. So did you want to take a chance at the raffle?”

  “What do you need?” one of the other guys asked.

  “Just your name and number, so if you win someone from the office can contact you.”

  “How about you? Will you call me if I give you my number?” the other guy asked.

  “Hey, get a ticket and put it in the box or move on,” Spade said loudly from behind the men. They turned to look and so did Avana.

  “We’re discussing business,” the one guy said to him

  “Not with her you aren’t. Move along, son, and play your games elsewhere,” Cole stated, and the men looked at them and then quickly got out of there.

  The other woman stood up. “Can I help you?” she asked, eyeing them over, and Spade just stared at Avana.

  “You ready, sweetie, it’s past four o’clock,” Spade said to her and Avana blushed, then turned toward the other woman.

  “Gail, meet some friends of mine. Frankie, Cole, and Spade. Guys, this is my friend Gail.”

  “I remember you guys. You were at Sandman’s that night after the club. Nice to see you again. Weren’t there like eight of you?” she asked.

  “Six of us, the other half are running late. Nice seeing you again, Gail.” Frankie said, and the woman smiled from ear to ear and then gave Avana a shove.

  “Lucky lady. Thanks for telling me,” she said to Avana as Avana bent down to grab something. Spade’s eyes zeroed in on her top that dipped when she bent and revealed deep, full cleavage. He felt protective of her, and that body.

  “You’ll be okay by yourself? I think Matt is running late,” Avana said.

  “He always runs late. No problem, have fun and see you Monday at work.”

  “Yes, talk to you later,” Avana said, and came around the table and Spade’s eyes roamed over her from top to bottom.

  Cole pulled her into his arms and kissed her cheek.

  “Hey, beautiful. You look gorgeous.” He winked at her when he pulled back and then pressed his lips to hers.

  When he released her, Frankie wrapped an arm around her waist and held her tight. “You need looking after, woman.”

  “Why is that?”

  “Have guys been flirting wit
h you all day?” he asked. She shook her head.

  “She has a garbage filled with phone numbers,” Gail chimed in and Avana swung around to give Gail a dirty look as Gail lifted the small garbage, and sure enough there were papers rolled up small, and others were tickets for the raffle that were crumbled up. Son of a bitch.

  “Shit,” Frankie said and pulled her close and kissed her. He then released her to Spade.

  “Those men can flirt and give you their numbers all they want. You’re ours,” Spade said, and pressed his lips to hers and kissed her tenderly, until people started whistling. He slowly released her lips. “Ready, baby?” he asked.

  She exhaled. “Probably not,” she said, and Frankie and Cole chuckled, but Spade held her gaze with an intense expression and could see it affected her. “You’re perfect, let’s walk a little until the others get here.” Spade took her hand and off they went.

  He kept her close while Cole kept a hand at her lower back. Spade couldn’t stop looking down at her. At the way her neck was exposed, the dip in the front V of her dress, and how sensual and feminine she looked. As a gentle breeze drifted between them, the hem of her dress lifted and she pressed her palm to it. The scent of her shampoo wafted through the air, and this feeling of possessiveness, and desire went up another notch. Spade felt desperate, but then Avana got all excited about an old-fashioned military jeep, and the display around it with American flags and some older gentlemen dressed in uniform attire.

  Spade released her hand. “Mr. Walker, how are you?” she asked the older man who wore a World War II Veteran’s hat. The man pulled her into an embrace. “Ava Maria!” He softly sang and Avana chuckled, then pulled back slightly as the man sang the tune. His buddies gave her hugs hello next, and then she turned to introduce them.

  “Meet some friends of mine, Frankie, Cole, and Spade,” she said, and then Spade heard the bird sound and knew that Nathan, Woodrow, and Bronco arrived. Avana looked around hearing the sound, eyes squinted, and Frankie wrapped his arm around her waist and whispered to her, “A secret call we have so we know when one of the team is coming,” he told her.

  Her jaw dropped slightly and then she smiled. “Very cool,” she said to him, and he winked.

  Nathan hugged Avana hello, and then Woodrow did, and Bronco next.

  “Meet Nathan, Woodrow, and Bronco.” She introduced them to the older men who shook their hands hello and then smiled wide. They discussed being in the military and Mr. Walker asked what branch.

  “Marines, sir. We’re part of SoJ,” Nathan said.

  “Very impressive. Well, you men take care of this beautiful angel.”

  “You know I take care of myself, Mr. Walker,” she said, and then gave him another hug good-bye. The man pointed at Nathan and nodded, as if saying take care of her anyway. They smiled then said good-bye, and off they continued through the car show.

  Bronco wrapped his arm around her waist and cupped her cheek. He stared down into her eyes as the rest of them gathered around her.

  “I missed you,” he said to her.

  “You did?” she asked as if she didn’t believe him.

  “Oh yeah,” he said and eyed over her chest, then her lips. “You look so edible right now.”

  She smacked his arm and laughed, and he pressed his mouth to her neck. They all watched her grab his shoulders and giggle as she tried to pull back.

  “Bronco,” she complained, and then he released her neck.

  “I think we should leave love bites all over her,” Cole stated as they started walking again.

  “Why is that, Cole?” she asked.

  “To keep the guys away. Then they’ll know you’re taken,” Cole said.

  “Problem?” Nathan asked.

  “No, there isn’t a problem,” Avana said, and then gave Cole a firm expression.

  * * * *

  Avana was feeling a little bit intimidated by their possessive talk and moves as they walked through the outdoor car show. She was glad they hadn’t asked her how she knew Mr. Walker or the other men. She glanced back at Woodrow when he wrapped his arm around her waist.

  “Don’t get upset if we feel a little jealous over other men wanting what’s ours,” he said to her.

  “Well, I’m not yours. We’re getting to know one another, remember?” she asked. He squeezed her a little tighter.

  “Oh, I remember, so as we are walking ask me some questions. Get to know each of us,” he said to her.

  She looked to the right and Bronco was right there, Nathan next to him and Spade, Cole and Frankie right behind them. “Well, we could grab a drink and take a seat at one of the wooden tables on the outskirts of the show, before we head to the restaurant for dinner,” she suggested. She was really trying to stay in control here, but had a feeling they were letting her lead. All six men were commanding bosses, and she wasn’t fooled by them giving her some space and freedom here. Funny thing was, she didn’t think she would mind them taking control here and leading the way. She sort of needed the push, and being submissive to them didn’t seem so scary. However, that thought made her remember some things that Ben said and did, and how controlling her, putting fear in her, sent her deeper under his control.

  “Go on and ask,” Woodrow said to her as they took seats by the table, while Frankie and Cole got a few water bottles from the vendor.

  She crossed her legs and Woodrow and Spade stared at her. The guys pulled another table and bench closer, and so Frankie, Spade, Bronco, and Nathan were across from her, and Woodrow and Cole were on either side of her. They definitely had no problems with being close or surrounding her.

  She was quiet, but her mind was thinking.

  “What are you thinking right now?” Nathan asked her. She shook her head and exhaled then leaned back against the picnic table.

  They were all quiet and she took a moment to stare at each man. They were each unique, she could see that, and somehow she could tell in the short time she had known them. Spade and Woodrow had the least patience. They would take what they wanted when they wanted, and that thought aroused her and made her shake a little with fear of the unknown. She only had the past relationship with Ben to go by. One man, an abusive, controlling, evil jerk.

  Frankie was very outgoing, and joked around the most. She felt a little more comfortable with him because she had known him longer, that was all, otherwise the attraction to all six men was equal, which she found strange. She exhaled. Bronco and Cole were physically intimidating, with wide shoulders, big muscles, beards, and these expressions in their eyes they made her think they had a lot of experience in life. Way more than her, and they had seen things, perhaps done things she couldn’t ever imagine. That both aroused her and turned her on. She never thought she would lean toward an obvious aggressive, powerful man again, but these men each put Ben to shame in so many ways. She had been young and stupid, plus needy for attention. Her home life was no special place.

  Then there was Nathan. Oh boy, he seemed to be the leader of the team, and he was the quietest, most superior when he spoke, and she would definitely pay attention to his commands. Again, it aroused her, and it showed her that she wasn’t scared of the men in the sense that they could physically hurt her, was scared of taking a chance like this. Seriously, six men? Six soldiers? She didn’t want to talk personal stuff right now. She needed to start off with basics.

  “Where were you guys earlier? What were you working on?” she asked Nathan. She saw the change in his eyes and then him squint.

  “Just a case with Spartan and some of Tat’s friends who are staying in the cottage.”

  “Men are staying in the cottage? Talia didn’t mention that earlier.”

  “I don’t know why she wouldn’t, or maybe it’s because they’re friends of her men and just got there,” Nathan replied. But then he looked at the others and she saw Woodrow tighten his jaw, look away and exhale.

  “Something is going on? What is it? Who is leaving for a mission and how dangerous is it?” she asked.
Cole covered her knee with his hand. She turned to look up at him.

  “First of all, no one is leaving on a mission and if they were, it isn’t anyone’s business. You should know from your cousins and friends by now how things work when you’re the girlfriend of soldiers. You will need to accept whatever information you get.”

  She swallowed hard.

  “Are you guys leaving?” she asked.

  Bronco smiled, reached over and squeezed her knee. “Not a chance. We just got here, and still need to work things out with our careers, and what our next steps are,” he said to her.

  She nodded, finding peace of mind in knowing they weren’t about to disappear any minute.

  She leaned back.

  “So what do each of you think you want to do, besides still be involved with SoJ?” she asked.

  “We’ve been throwing around a few things,” Cole said, and then looked at Frankie.

  “Frankie had an idea about expanding the business. There are plenty of people who would love one-on-one instruction,” Cole said to her, and Frankie nodded.

  She couldn’t help but think about all the women who would be drawn to the six men training. How they would be rolling around on the mats with them, trying to caress their muscles and—

  Woodrow placed his hand on her knee and she jerked, looked at him. He squinted.

  “What’s wrong? Don’t like that idea?” She swallowed hard. Took a deep breath and then uncrossed her legs and sat forward. She placed her hands on her knees, lowered her head and tried to think of what to say. Of how to admit she would be jealous of other women touching them, being trained by them. Hell, those women the other day were all over Frankie “Oh what big muscles you have. Can I feel them?” Grrr.


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