CELESTIA (Unicorn Blessed Chronicles Book 1)

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CELESTIA (Unicorn Blessed Chronicles Book 1) Page 3

by Yumoyori Wilson

  He stared at me, speechless; his gaze returned to the stack of mail in his hand and then back to meet my bored expression.

  "You’re certainly strong enough to get into that school, Celestia," he emphasized.

  "Strength means nothing when you're a shifter like me, Magnor. I have a mom who's in a different dimension and a dad who's thrilled to do his duty as a gatekeeper and has yet to come see his one and only daughter. What does that look like to you? If...if it wasn't for you...I most likely would have ended my life long ago. And we both know it."

  He was silent, the weight of my words lingered in the air. We didn't like talking about possibilities, especially regarding the past. But I'd never hesitated to make my Master understand how his interference that night saved my life. I had already made up my mind and wasn't scared of death, but now looking back, I was glad to be alive. Everything has a solution, even on the brink of chaos. You just have to find the light and realize what your purpose was to move forward.

  Magnor rose to his feet, holding out a gold envelope. Once he reached me, his hand gently brushed against my cheek, wiping away a tear that escaped from my glossy eyes. I hadn't even realized I was crying.

  "Celestia. You have a purpose, just like any living being across the dimensions. You are unique because you were created to be. Just because a group of people doesn't accept you, doesn't mean you are without worth. You know that," he began, his thumb rubbing my cheek gently.

  He continued, "I've known your father since he was five. I watched him grow into the man he is today and one thing I know for sure is that he would never leave you behind unless forced. He couldn't reject his calling as a gatekeeper and sadly, that means he can't visit until he's approved to do so. Trust me, it bothers him. Your mom would return if she didn't need to focus on her duties in Alevon. I'm not trying to defend the situation you're currently facing, but I want you to understand that you are loved. Even though neither can be here to share their affection, I hope I've done a bit to help ease the ache in your heart," he finished.

  I nodded, wiping away the tears that trailed down my cheeks.

  He gave me a soft smile, pulling me into a hug. His hand stroked my hair soothingly, as he always did to calm me.

  "Sorry," I mumbled. I didn't like showing my emotional side, especially in front of Magnor since he enjoyed ranting about how it could be used as a weakness, but I also didn't want him thinking I didn't love him as much as a child might love their parent. He had helped by stepping in as the missing parental figure I needed. I didn't resent my parents. I understood that they had to fulfill their duties, but that didn't stop me from wondering why I couldn't experience their love for me.

  "It's alright. Why don't you open this?" he encouraged, pulling out of our embrace to present me with the gold envelope.

  I eyed it cautiously, before taking it into my hands. I let my fingertips brush against the high-quality paper that shimmered in the light— the red seal with ‘AA’ made me realize where it was from.

  "Holy shit! A letter from Aslan Academy?" I cursed, flipping the envelope over and then back. When I didn't hear a reply, I looked up to Magnor who had an eyebrow raised. I groaned.

  "Oh c'mon. Can I at least swear in this moment? Pretty please?" I begged.

  Magnor hated when I swore, only allowing me to do it when we were outside or I was ranting about an injury I'd sustained.

  "Fine. Just this once." He sighed, losing his resolve to scowl at me.

  I grinned, walking over to his desk to retrieve the letter opener. "It's probably a rejection letter. You know they have to tell you why you didn't qualify. I bet they laughed at my application before stamping REJECT in big red letters," I joked, removing the contents of the envelope. My eyes scanned the top of the letter where my name was neatly written in cursive.

  "At least they have pretty calligraphy. See, let me read it loud and clear.

  My eyes grew wide and my voice went up an octave. I blinked, shaking my head before rubbing my eyes.

  I looked back at the letter. I read it over and over again, the same sentence informing me that I, Celestia Rainbow, had made it into Aslan Academy, the best school for in training hunters and huntresses in our dimension. This MUST be a mistake.

  I scanned the remaining contents of the letter which explained that to get in, I'd have to complete a written exam during the day followed by an entrance exam with five other individuals. The practical exam would commence in the afternoon and continue overnight. In the morning, our scores would be compiled and we'd discover if we passed or not.

  I took a deep breath, lifting my head to see a grin on Magnor lips.

  "Magnor?" I whispered.

  "Yes, Celestia?"

  "I'm going to Aslan Academy."

  "Yes you are, Celestia, and you'll teach them that you aren't the defenseless unicorn shifter they believe you to be," he proclaimed.

  I nodded, feeling confident.

  This is my chance to prove that unicorn shifters can kick ass too.


  You won't beat me if you don't pick up your speed, Sia!"

  I frowned, my body arcing through the air to land a few feet from Magnor, who was acting as my opponent. I took a deep breath to steady my rapid heart which thrummed within my chest while my eyes darted from side to side.

  I cursed, jumping to the side at the right moment; a fireball soared by me.

  "ULASHA!" I commanded, aiming my hand out at the fireball that was headed for the three-hundred-year-old oak tree I was currently trying to protect.

  Water burst from the ground, forming a wall in front of the tree. The fireball crashed into it, fizzling out into smoke.

  I reached back to retrieve the pair of swords resting in their sheaths on my back, drawing them out in the nick of time; Magnor's sword clashed against them. I gritted my teeth at his immense power, my feet beginning to slide back from the force of his attack.

  I concentrated my magic into my blades— markings on the silver blades began to light up with every second that passed. I stood my ground as he tried to push me back, in an attempt to throw me off balance and land the final blow.

  I pushed forward, sending out enough of my built-up power to force him back, his body soaring into the air. I felt my body pulse with excitement as I pushed off the ground— going for a direct attack.

  He lifted his hand, preparing for another attack. I crossed my swords in a defensive move, ready for whatever he was about to send at me.

  "ETHERA!" he commanded; a bunch of vines shot out of the ground.

  I frowned, knowing in mere seconds I'd be stabbed by vines if I didn't think of something, fast. "ASHALA!" I commanded, pushing my arms out to create a magical barrier around me. The vines crashed into the bubble I'd created. I gritted my teeth, closing my eyes to focus my attention on holding the shield.

  I felt my body begin to drop toward the ground. The magic holding my body afloat began to fade.

  "TORANDA FLAMASO!" I commanded; a red magic circle formed above me while a cyan magic circle appeared below my feet. The wind circled around me as a form of protection before flames emerged, coating the outer shell of the barrier and beginning to burn away all the vines. I landed on the ground, continuing to maintain the inferno spiraling around me.

  I was ready to call the flames off when I heard the quick sound of footsteps approach me, right before Magnor slammed into me. We crashed in a heap on the ground, sliding to the middle of the tornado. I kicked him in the stomach with both feet, pushing him off and over my head. He let out a grunt, but was already back up and aimed to tackle me once again. I jumped up, high enough to flip over his head before landing in a crouched position.

  "ROSHA!" I roared, calling upon the earth to lift up— making a wall in front of me. I sheathed my swords, concentrating my magic in the palm of my hands. Within seconds they began to form gold glitter that began to rain down and take shape— forming a bow.

  I turned around and began to sprint, reaching
the edge of the flaming winds. I aimed my hand directly at the center of the wall, closing my eyes.

  "Shatter," I whispered, calling off both the wind and fire. They dissolved at my command, leaving a wave of smoke behind: the perfect cover.

  I stood in place, concentrating on the various sounds all around me. The soothing nature breeze that brushed past me, the sound of multiple creatures in the forest and the loud exhales I currently had no control over.

  I created an arrow, using the same sparkling gold glitter I had used to create my bow. I waited for the right moment, knowing my target would eventually reveal himself. I heard the snap of a branch behind me, spinning on my heel I took aim and fired.

  The arrow met its mark— the smoke cleared in one giant sweep, revealing Magnor who held the arrow in his hand, the point an inch from his heart.

  "Good aim,” he smirked.

  I narrowed my eyes at him, knowing he must have something up his sleeve, but couldn't pinpoint what it was. "What are you planning? I automatically wo— EEP!" I began, taking a step back in an attempt to distance myself, when something wrapped around my legs, hoisting my body upward, off the ground.

  "FUCK!" I screamed, looking down at an amused Magnor, his hands behind his back as he looked up at my struggling figure dangling ten feet above him.

  "How did that get there, I wonder?" he questioned, more to himself than me.

  "WHY THE FUCK DO YOU HAVE THESE TRAPS EVERYWHERE?" I screamed; this was the eighth time this month I'd gotten caught in one of these annoying contraptions planted all over our backyard, which was actually the entire forest.

  "You know why. Sia, you know these forests better than I, yet you always fall for these traps," he teased.

  "Because you keep changing their location!" I pointed out.

  "That's the point," he countered.

  I growled, struggling to summon my magic, but felt dizzy. Aww, fuck!

  "Magnor! Let me down! I can't use any more magic without bothering Celestia," I admitted, holding still as I waited for the dizziness to pass.

  "You can do it without magic," he replied.

  I huffed. "No, I can't!" I argued.

  "C'mon, Sia. You have enough brains to figure this out," he remarked.

  "For fucks sake, cut it out already! Let me down."

  "Cut it yourself," he huffed.

  "I can't!"

  "You have two swords on your back, yet you’re asking me to help you?" He grinned at my upside down form.

  "This is stupid! Fucking magic draining piece of shit ass rope," I screamed, pulling out my swords and lifting my upper half to cut through the rope, forgetting I was ten feet off the ground. SHIT!

  I shrieked, letting go of my swords and prepared to summon my magic before I became one with the ground when a pair of arms caught me— Magnor's vexed expression looked down at me. I sighed in relief before rolling my eyes.

  "Don't go getting pissed off just because I used three swear words in one sentence. We're outside," I reminded.

  He shook his head, setting me back on the ground. He let my feet hit the ground, keeping his hand on my shoulder. "Steady there," he urged, not wanting me to move until my magic balanced itself.

  Being the other half of Celestia had its benefits, one being able to train and strengthen our skills while she rested. We both excelled in knowledge and power, but Celestia excelled at academics and I was better at magic.

  The problem with our duality was the shift of magic. If one had too much, it affected the other. Since Celestia was asleep, her magic level was stable, but if I dipped too low at a certain point, our body would respond to the difference and I'd faceplant into the ground. Trust me, it hurt like a bitch slapping you silly.

  "I'm fine. Thank you," I said softly, giving him a smile.

  Even though he looked pleasantly amused, I could see the concern he tried to hide. Celestia and I knew how Magnor was. He might act like the evil master who trained you till you begged for a reprieve and had a thing against swear words, but he treated his students like family. Even if we deserved a little whip and whacking, he didn't like seeing us hurt.

  "We'll end here. You need to start sleeping longer. Celestia has been looking really tired lately," he announced.

  "That's because she stays up all night reading those magic spells books. It's not my fault she's not getting enough sleep," I mumbled.

  He gave me a stern look.

  "Ugh. Okay, IT COULD be due to the increase in training," I relented, not wanting to admit it was my fault Celestia was taking naps in odd places.

  I had to take over and get us out of the damn lake last week. That was a chill adventure, floating all over the place and scaring the shit out of Arielle who'd been in her harpy form.

  "No more training. You have your entrance exam in three days. Both of you need to be ready for it."

  "Doesn't that mean I SHOULD be training?" I argued.

  "Sia. Both of you are more than ready to deal with a simple entrance exam and we all know it. The exam won't be difficult. It'll determine what group you're put into, but you are still scored individually. They merely bunch you guys together because the number of applicants are triple the allowed acceptance count. Go rest." He pressed his hand on my shoulder. "You did well. If you were fighting anyone other than me, they would have been dead. Keep it up and try to stick with your training schedule." He smiled proudly.

  I nodded in agreement, blushing from the compliments. I was used to Magnor scolding rather than praising me and it felt awkward.

  "Okay. Um, let me at least help out with the cleanup," I suggested.

  He shook his head. "It's fine. Go rest, Sia. Tonight we’ll focus on magic spells and summoning different weaponry to your aid without draining your magic."

  I took a step away from him and bowed. "Thank you, Master." I was grateful for his teachings and always tried to make sure he knew that.

  "You’re very welcome, Sia. Sleep well." Magnor wished me goodnight.

  Ten minutes later, I was unlocking the back door and pulled the hair tie out of my purple and pink locks. I headed straight for the washroom, wanting to be rid of the dirt that stuck to my skin and assess for any injuries.

  It always took some time for my body to identify it was hurt. Even a deep cut would go unnoticed unless Magnor or Arielle pointed it out. I had a high pain tolerance so maybe that contributed to my body's lack of awareness.

  I closed the washroom door, stripped off my clothes and threw them in the corner. I'd most likely have to throw them out due to all the new rips and tears. I glanced in the mirror; I looked exhausted. I hadn't noticed the dark circles under our eyes, the night already beginning to have an effect on our body. We were also in desperate need of sunlight, like a plant sucking up its nutrients to survive.

  "I don't get how we get so dead-looking with no sun or nature. Like geez, we aren't fae. It really would be nice to have a fucking unicorn hotline I could call and inquire about the million questions I had about my race. Too bad I am the only registered unicorn. Brilliant," I murmured to myself, letting my hand go through my hair.

  The two-toned layers of purple and pink surprisingly complimented my features. I took a closer look, noticing a few gold strands I hadn’t seen before.

  "Great. I'm gonna have the fucking rainbow in my hair. I can already imagine the name calling. “Look at Miss Rainbow, the freak of Aslan. You know she calls herself a unicorn? I bet she dyed her hair like that thinking people would believe her. Hahaha," I mocked, my voice filled with sarcasm as my mind imagined boys and girls making fun of us.

  I started the shower, turning up the heat before hopping in. I moaned in relief at the steamy hot water that hammered against my skin, already beginning to help me relax.

  "I hope Celestia will be okay. If anything, I can just come out and kick everyone's ass. Could get me killed, but it would be worth it. I'll leave my legacy as the murderous unicorn of Versa. Maybe then people would fear me," I mumbled, continuing to talk to myself.r />
  I took my time scrubbing the dirt off my skin, completing the task before moving on to wash my hair. When I was finished, the washroom was filled with hot steam, fogging the mirrors.

  I dried myself off, putting on a purple robe, noticing the pink robe next to mine and the white one for Magnor.

  "I don't get how we’re the same person; she likes pink and I like purple. Hmph, weird," I muttered. It always bothered me, but I guessed we were opposite of each other and had our own likes and preferences. This was just one of those differences we had from each other.

  I finished my nightly routine, entering my room in only my lingerie. It got way too hot for me at night, but Celestia didn't like waking up naked. Something about the chance of having to jump out the window due to a fire and being in front of ten million shifters.

  I flicked the light switch, headed to my bed and slipped into the comforting silk sheets. I took a moment to stare at the ceiling, lifting my hand to gaze at it too.

  Would it be wrong of me to say I'm lonely? I knew Celestia felt the same — both of us wishing for a companion. When the sun was high in the sky, we didn't need to ponder on those small details. But at night, when we lay there in silence, the thoughts began to creep in.

  Where is our other half? Would anyone date a unicorn shifter? Why didn't I have one friend? Would I be alone forever?

  I closed my eyes, my mind too tired to continue dwelling on questions I knew would never be answered. As I began to drift, I imagined myself standing in a field.

  I was alone at first, looking out at the beautiful scene before me. When I glanced over my shoulder, I saw a group of men. I didn't recognize any of them, their backs facing me. Even though I didn't know them, happiness blossomed within my soul, bringing a smile on my lips.

  They didn't care if I was different. They loved me.

  That was all I remembered as I entered the land of dreams.



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