Loving Daniel (MC Securities Book 3)

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Loving Daniel (MC Securities Book 3) Page 8

by Ruby Moone


  They nodded at him, and Cross unlocked the door. Inside, in the hallway stood a suitcase, a holdall and a laptop bag. “Is that it?”

  Cross nodded. “That’s it.”

  Daniel picked up the suitcase, Masters took the holdall and the laptop bag. They deposited it all in the boot of Daniel’s car.

  “Nice car,” Masters murmured, running a hand over the top.

  “Yep. Not had it long.”

  Masters shot him a wry grin. “Bet that set you back a bit?”

  Daniel rolled his eyes. “Just a bit.”

  Cross interrupted the mutual appreciation society. “Do you want help putting this away for him?”

  Daniel roughly translated that as, ‘Christian doesn’t want you touching his things’, so he gave Cross an approximation of a smile. “You’d be more than welcome to come back with me and sort it all out.”

  Cross nodded and flicked a glance at Masters who shrugged. He gave them his address. As he climbed into the car, he reflected that at least Christian had good friends.

  Daniel pulled up outside the house, and Cross parked beside him. They both got out of the car, giving his pile the side-eye. Again, he buried a smile.

  “This way.” He navigated the alarm, and invited them in the cold, stark mausoleum.

  “You live here alone?” Cross said, looking almost sympathetic.

  “Not quite.” Mavis came trotting along the corridor, meowing and waving her tail. “Hey babe.” He scooped her up and held her under his chin. She headbutted him repeatedly. He looked at the two men who were now openly gaping. “Meet Mavis. My roomie.”


  “I’m not kidding,” Finlay said, with a wide grin. “He lives in a house the size of Buckingham Palace, and he has a cat called Mavis.”

  Christian grinned at him. “Mavis?”


  Christian laughed then groaned and clutched his stomach with his good arm.

  “Sorry, but really?”

  “He strikes me as a lonely type,” Michael offered.

  Jack, Michael’s partner, laughed. “Are you kidding? Daniel McCafferty is only as lonely as he wants to be. He has a load of people at his beck and call. His business interests are enormous, and he has a circle of friends the size of Manchester. He’s totally badass.”

  Aaron shrugged. “Doesn’t mean he isn’t lonely.”

  Jack shot him a sceptical look.

  “Anyway, the upshot is, you are installed in a very nice room in this weirdly soulless mansion, with your own bathroom. There’s a gym, sauna, swimming pool…” Finlay shrugged. “His security is bob-on too.”

  “Did you check it out thoroughly?”

  Finlay grinned. “Yeah. Don’t think he liked that much.”

  “Bet he didn’t.”

  “He’s good at being intimidating, I’ll give him that. But cuddling a cat called Mavis...” Finlay winked at him.

  Christian wasn’t at all sure this was a good idea. He could only put it down to his weakened state. Going to live with Daniel was…well, so far off what he ever imagined doing it wasn’t true. He looked at the men who were distributed about the room. Michael with Jack, Finlay with Aaron. Aaron’s son, Travis sat in the chair quietly. He seemed to tag along with the two of them permanently. Given his close call with drugs, it was hardly surprising. He wondered briefly how Finn felt about it. If the way he and Aaron looked at each other from time to time was any indication, he didn’t think it was an issue. They were so obviously in love. Just like Jack and Michael. He glanced at Travis and wondered if he felt like a complete failure in the relationship stakes too. Travis glanced over at him, so he rolled his eyes. Travis glanced at the others in the room and chuckled softly.

  Daniel paused at the door to Christian’s hospital room and heard the laughter coming from within. He glanced through the window and could see all his friends there. He frowned and sighed. He was one who had simultaneously solved their immediate problems but left them vulnerable. He hesitated and pushed the door open. The laughter subsided immediately.

  “Hi Daniel.” Christian waved from the bed. His colour was better, but his eyes still looked shadowed and tired. The men started making noises about leaving. He stood back and waited. He towered over all of them. Aaron Baker was probably the closest to him in height, but even then, he had a few inches on him. He felt like a fucking giant. He always did. It was useful at times. At others, an embarrassment. He stood by the wall and waited for them all to go. Michael Cross lingered with his partner, Jack.

  “Can we be helpful?” Michael asked.

  “Everything is loaded in the car, it’s just the things that you have here to pack up.”

  Christian was laying on the bed, fully clothed. He had sweats on and white socks. He peered over the edge of the bed as Michael gathered up the last of his things from the cabinet. “Just need my trainers.”

  Jack bent down and picked them up for him. Christian had to bend carefully, because of the stomach wound, but he managed to wrangle his feet into them one armed and leave the laces open, tucking them in.

  “The doctor has signed you off?”

  “Yep. Got pain pills and stuff in here.” He gestured to a white bag by the side of the bed.

  Between them, they picked up all the bags, and Michael gave Christian his arm to hold onto as he stood. A nurse appeared at the door with a wheelchair.

  “I’m fine, I can walk.”

  “I’m sure you can, my love, but I need to pop you in here.”

  Daniel thought he might argue, but he capitulated with only a sigh. They trailed through the busy hospital behind the chair until he was deposited by the main entrance. They got him into the car, and only then did Michael and Jack stand back.

  “Keep in touch,” Michael said to him.

  Daniel nodded, lowered himself into the driver seat, and shut the door. He looked across at Christian. He was pale, and perspiration sheened his skin, but otherwise he looked okay.

  “You good?”

  He nodded but didn’t speak. Daniel couldn’t quite believe they were going to do this, but he started the engine, and pulled out of the parking spot. Christian gave Michael and Jack a small wave, and they were off.

  “They seem like good people.” Daniel kept his eyes on the road.

  “They are. The best.”

  “You’ve got good friends.”

  “I do.”

  Daniel cast around for something else to say. “I’ve arranged for a nurse to come in to change your dressings and check you over.”

  At that, Christian turned to face him, but Daniel kept on looking forward.

  “I had a couple of cuts. Hardly need expert medical attention to change a dressing.”

  “You had a lot of stitches, and we need to keep an eye on your arm. There can be complications with arterial injuries.”

  “Even so,” Christian grumbled.

  Daniel bit his lip and swallowed before replying. “You nearly fucking died. Humour me.”

  Christian looked out of the side window. Daniel forced the emotion down and maintained his forward gaze. They travelled the rest of the distance in silence.


  Daniel sat in the kitchen nursing a mug of coffee. Christian was installed in the guest suite. One of the guest suites. He’d put him in the one closest to the master bedroom. He couldn’t quite believe he was in the same house as him. Breathing the same air. He sipped the coffee and wondered where Mavis was. He clicked his tongue a few times, and she appeared around the door.

  “Hey babe,” he murmured as she ran across the room and totally ignored him in favour of her food bowl. “Love you too.”

  She ate delicately for a moment or two, then wandered over to where he was sitting and rubbed against his leg. He bent down and scooped her up.

  “What do you think then? We have a house guest.”

  She rubbed her face against his. He was sure sometimes she knew how he was feeling. He stroked her
head, rubbing her ears gently, then tickled under her chin. It made her do the chattery thing that was really sweet.

  “You’re beautiful, aren’t you. Aren’t you?” He smiled as she pushed against his hand. Her fur was lush and coming off in clouds, sticking to his T-shirt. He didn’t care.

  “So this is the famed Mavis?”

  Daniel jumped so hard, Mavis shrank into him, giving Christian a mean stare. He walked carefully into the room wearing navy blue sweats that made his eyes look bluer than ever. His pale skin was perfectly matched by his blond hair, but at the moment, he looked washed out. He looked thin too. Thinner than Daniel remembered. He scratched Mavis’ ears, and held her tight to him like a shield.


  “She’s cute.”

  “Yep.” Christ, his conversation was scintillating.

  “Had her long?”

  Daniel shook his head. “Few weeks. Since Kenneth died. My aunt decided I needed company.”

  Christian smiled and raised his eyebrows. He came closer and held out one hand for Mavis to sniff. When she accepted him, he ran a finger under her chin, finding that spot she loved.

  “She doesn’t look very old.”

  “Just over a year. An old lady my aunt knows died and she needed a home. Well, that’s what she told me.” When Christian didn’t answer, he looked up. “What?”

  “Nothing. I just never had you pegged as a cat lover.”

  Daniel shrugged, not sure what to say. “I never had pets as a kid, so never got to find out.” He looked down at Mavis. “Remember I told you about Jethro?”

  “Shit. Yeah.” Christian scratched the back of his neck and grimaced.

  Daniel nodded as he remembered the dog he’d brought home, and remembered what Kenneth did to it. “You hungry?” He maintained his gaze on the cat purring in his arms.

  “I can help make something.”

  “No need. All done. Just needs putting in the oven. You still like shepherd’s pie?”


  Daniel gave Mavis a last scratch and then put her on the floor. She immediately turned her back on him and started washing herself. He shook the fluff off his T-shirt and went to wash his hands. He glanced over at Christian. “Go sit down. I’ll sort it.”

  Christian hesitated, but then nodded and disappeared. Daniel let out a breath. He put the shepherd’s pie that his housekeeper had made into the oven, following the instructions, and took out a box of prepared green beans and put them in a pan. He debated where to eat. There was a massive island in the kitchen with stools, or there was the huge formal dining room with a table to seat eight when it was folded away. Neither seemed appropriate. He went for the kitchen. He laid out cutlery and glassware, and after a brief hesitation, rummaged in a cupboard for some napkins to show he wasn’t a total savage. He checked he had bottled water and juice and had a peek at the pie. He put the veg on to boil, crossed his fingers because he could burn water, and headed for the lounge.

  Christian sat on the sofa, legs spread out in front of him, fast asleep. Daniel picked up the remote from the cushion beside him and turned the TV down. He sat in the chair, lowering himself carefully, and switched channels to the news. He kept flicking glances at Christian, whose breathing was slow and even, alarmed at how much he wanted to gather him into his arms and hold him tight. He’d wanted to do that ever since he’d received the call to say he’d been hurt. Ever since he’d seen how deathly pale and limp he was when they brought him in. He’d kept his distance, but it had been hard.

  He sighed. This wasn’t a great idea.

  It was a shit idea.

  It was the only way he could make sure he was safe.

  He got up and went back into the kitchen.


  Christian woke with a crick in his neck, his arm throbbing, and a cat on the pillow beside him sniffing his hand. He peeled open his eyes, blinked, and remembered. He was in Daniel’s house. Daniel’s massive, cold, empty house. He held onto his stomach and sat up. The lounge he was in was palatial. There were about half a dozen cream sofas that were as uncomfortable as they were posh. The walls were cream, the carpet was cream… It was utterly soulless. Yards and yards of material were draped over the window, and everywhere were huge vases and urns with massive bronze flowers in them. A coffee table made from what looked like marble, as big as a pool table, graced the middle of the room. What the fuck had happened to Daniel McCafferty?

  He heard movement somewhere in the house, and a faint smell of cooking wafted his way. He heaved himself up off the sofa and followed his nose. He came to the kitchen that was the size of a football pitch. Daniel was manhandling a dish out of the fancy oven with oven mitts. He put it carefully beside him, then picked up a couple of plates. The island in the middle appeared to be set for dinner. He jumped when he saw him.

  “You’re awake.”

  “Yep. Mavis gave me a nudge and said dinner was ready.”

  Daniel gave him a quizzical look and shook his head. “Are you okay eating in here? The dining room is a bit formal.”

  “Fine.” He perched on one of the stools. He’d have been happy with it on his knee in front of the TV. The kitchen was done in shades of cream. Even Daniel looked small in it. He put the plates down, and then brought the dish over. There were green beans in a bowl, and a bottle of sparkling water.

  “Looks lovely.”

  “Thanks.” Daniel served him a huge portion of the shepherd’s pie, and Christian helped himself to green veg from the bowl beside it. It was all so bloody polite. Christian put a bit in his mouth, chewed, and nearly orgasmed. He actually moaned as the taste burst over his tongue. “Hell, that’s good.”

  Daniel chuckled, but it was a nervous sound. “My housekeeper. She’s an amazing cook.”

  “You’re not kidding. This is delicious.” He ate with enthusiasm and managed to finish it all. Daniel had seconds, but Christian declined. He watched Daniel eat. He always did have a huge appetite, but he always burned it off in nervous energy. Christian wondered what he did for exercise these days. He looked as though he was in excellent shape and the day of the funeral when… Christian closed his eyes. He would not go there. Would not think about that.

  “You okay?”

  Christian pulled in a breath and looked at him. “Yeah.”

  “You sure?” He took another bite and chewed.


  Daniel shrugged.

  “How long do you think I need to stay here for?”

  “As long as it takes.” Daniel took the last bite and scraped bits up with his fork. He put them in his mouth.

  “As long as what takes.”

  “To neutralise the threat.”

  Christian stared at him warily. “What do you mean by neutralise?”

  Daniel replied as though he were speaking to a child. “Get rid of him.” He picked up Christian’s plate and his own and took them to the dishwasher.

  “What the hell are you talking about? You can’t go around getting rid of people!”

  Daniel’s gaze was implacable. “Watch me.”

  “For fuck’s sake…” Christian stood and followed him. “Are you out of your mind?”

  Daniel swung around. His face was deadly serious. “He tried to have you killed. It won’t happen again. I won’t allow it.”

  Christian swung his arms wide but winced when the wound in his arm pulled. “You can’t go around fucking killing people!” He held onto his arm. Daniel’s gaze followed his hand.

  “Like I said. Watch me.” He shoved the things in the dishwasher and slammed it shut. “Want to watch TV?”


  Christian closed his eyes and prayed for strength. When he opened them, Daniel was gone. Mavis sat on the floor looking up at him. He set off in pursuit, following the sound of Daniel’s voice. He found him in the lounge talking on his phone. He looked at Christian.

  “Come now. I’ll introduce you.” He hung up and faced Christian. Legs spread, chin in the air, brows dra
wn in that permanent scowl. The tattoo wrapped around his neck like a silk scarf, and the plug in his ear made him look not quite human. His mother’s words came back to him. His own, personal thunder cloud.

  “What’s going on?”

  Daniel tensed as though ready for an argument. “Your security detail is on its way.”

  “You are kidding me, right?”

  “Not a bit. I can’t be here all the time, and I’m not leaving you unprotected.”

  “I’ll get Finn to come over.”

  “As you wish.”

  “So, you’ll call them off?”

  “Why would I do that?”

  “Because Finn will come?”

  Daniel shook his head. “You don’t get it, do you.”

  Christian’s patience was wearing thin. His arm hurt, his gut pulled, and he still felt totally rattled every time he thought about what had happened, completely unable to get his head around the fact that he’d almost died. He pulled in a breath to get a hold of himself. “Get what?” He’d forgotten how overpowering Daniel could be.

  “He nearly killed you. Would have killed you had Finlay Masters not been behind you. I’d be organising your funeral now, not standing here arguing with you.” He pointed a finger at Christian’s chest. “He. Wants. You. Dead.”

  Christian opened his mouth and closed it. He pinched the bridge of his nose. Wished he’d stop saying that. The thought that he’d almost died plagued him enough without being constantly reminded.

  “You don’t know that. If he wants to get your attention, killing me wouldn’t make sense. He’s probably trying to scare you. Making a point.”

  Daniel’s eyes widened. “How much fucking evidence do you need? Your corpse?”

  “Stop it.” Christian held up a hand.

  “Well, come on.” Daniel let out a snort of exasperation. “You can’t possibly be that naive.”


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