Loving Daniel (MC Securities Book 3)

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Loving Daniel (MC Securities Book 3) Page 14

by Ruby Moone

  “I’ll come with you.” Christian made the offer and waited.

  Daniel scowled. “I think you might be better resting. It’s been a busy day.”

  “I know. Sitting on a private jet, lounging by the pool. I’m exhausted.”

  “You know what I mean.”

  Tassos and Yanni interrupted them by bringing trays of amazing looking meze, olives, hummus, breads, and a load of things Christian was unfamiliar with, but everything smelled amazing. All olive oil, lemon, and oregano. Christian’s mouth watered and all three immediately paid attention to the food.

  Tassos returned shortly with glasses of a cool looking, fizzy drink. Christian tasted it. Lemon exploded over his tongue and then mellowed into sweetness. They ate pretty much in silence, and when the plates were empty, Asher sat back in his chair and patted his flat stomach.

  “If this is what we are going to be fed, I’m going to enjoy being here.”

  “Yep. Christian stretched and sat back.”

  Asher tapped his hands on his legs. “I’m going to have a nose around. Christian, I’d love for you to come with me, but do you mind if I have a look myself first time?”

  Christian had to smile. “Of course not.”

  “Thanks.” He got up and left. Christian looked over at Daniel who was trying not to look relieved.

  “I’m going for a look later.”

  “I’ll come with you.”

  “I’ll hold you to it.”

  As Asher disappeared, Christian looked over at Daniel. “You know Tassos?”

  “I know of him. I’ve never met him, though.”

  Christian waited.

  “My mother runs the LGBT foundation, and Tassos was one of the guys she did a lot of work with. I kept in touch.” He shrugged. Christian smiled. If Tassos’ greeting was anything to go by, Daniel had played a larger part in the foundation than he was letting on.

  Asher disappeared, and Tassos cleared the plates away. After a while, his mother gathered up the staff and ferried them down into the town to get the things that they needed, leaving them alone.

  Christian headed for the blue-padded sun loungers by the pool and flopped down. Daniel followed and lowered himself onto one. He didn’t do sunbathing, couldn’t sit still doing nothing for long enough, but he could probably lounge for a little while without fidgeting too much.

  He was fine until Christian sat up and pulled his T-shirt over his head and stripped off the board shorts to reveal tight blue speedos that barely covered his backside and gave Daniel a close up and personal view of every inch of skin.

  He folded his clothes and put them on the floor, then, picking up the sun cream, he sat on the lounger and started rubbing it in.

  Daniel nearly choked.

  Christian massaged it slowly into his feet and legs, parting his thighs and running his hands up the pale, tender flesh revealed there to his groin, fingertips disappearing beneath the edge of his swim trunks. Daniel couldn’t look away. He poured more onto his hands and rubbed it on his arms, then started on his torso, sucking his stomach in and running the tips of his fingers beneath his speedo again, paying attention to his sides. He rubbed some into his face, then turned and grinned.

  “Do my back?” The sensual challenge in those words was mesmerising.

  Daniel’s mouth was so dry he couldn’t speak. He was so damned hard he worried that he’d come just from touching him, but he accepted the challenge and took the bottle of lotion. Christian flipped onto his stomach. Daniel hesitated, then threw a towel on the paving to protect his knees and knelt beside him. Christian’s face was tilted to the side facing him. His eyes were closed, dark blond lashes glinting in the sun, and a smile curved his lips. The soft scent of skin-warmed, coconut sun cream mingled with the scent that was pure Christian.

  He closed his eyes, swallowed, and poured the cream onto his hands. He rubbed them together, then started on his shoulders. He rubbed with both hands and made sure he covered every spot. He dug his thumbs into the grooves beside his spine, and Christian groaned. He paused for more lotion, then rubbed his hands all down his back. He slid his fingertips underneath the waistband of his speedo, and then rubbed his way back up. All the time, Christian was making soft sounds of pleasure. Pretty much like the sounds when they had sex. Daniels hands lingered. He ached to lean over and kiss his head, his cheek, and the curve of his neck. Ached to slide Christian’s speedo off, drop his own, rub lotion all over his aching cock and ease himself into him. Press his chest against him, hold him tight, and just love him. He looked at him. The lotion was all rubbed in. He needed to stop. With considerable reluctance, he pulled his hands away and got to his feet.

  Christian peeled open one eye and squinted up at him. “Want me to do you?”

  Daniel hesitated. He had a feeling he’d come like a fucking fountain if Christian started rubbing him, but he was lost. He stripped off his shirt. He caught Christian’s admiring look and his chest ached. He didn’t have skimpy trunks under his shorts, they were swim shorts, so he left them on and started briskly rubbing cream onto his arms.

  “Slow down.”

  “What?” Daniel looked at him. He had propped both arms under his chin and was watching closely.

  “I gave you a show. Slow down.”

  Daniel felt a smile creep out. “You did that on purpose?”

  Christian waggled his eyebrows.

  Daniel shook his head and slowed down a bit. He kept casting quick looks at Christian who looked to be enjoying things immensely. When he was finished, he hesitated, then handed Christian the bottle.

  Christian took it but didn’t sit up straight away. “Are we alone?”

  Daniel looked around. “Think so.”

  “Your mum isn’t going to pop out at any moment?”

  “No, she went into town, why?”

  Christian laughed. It crinkled his eyes and made them sparkle even more. “I’m not decent.” He looked around, then sat up on the lounger and swung his feet over the side closest to Daniel, adjusting himself as he did so. There was a massive bulge in his tight swim trunks, and the lycra clung lovingly to every inch of the cock that lay sideways to stay within the confines of the material, and every single bone in Daniel’s body ached.

  He groaned and rolled on his stomach and buried his face in his arms. Christian knelt beside him. He heard him uncap the cream and pour it into his hands and the skin between his shoulders prickled in anticipation. When Christian’s hands touched him, he tensed.

  “Relax. I’m not going to hurt you.”

  “I know.” Daniel’s voice was muffled.

  “Come on, breathe deep and let go.”

  “Fuck off and rub in the stuff.”

  He heard Christian chuckle and then he started massaging his shoulders. His hands were large, and his fingers were curiously strong. He rubbed and pulled, then dug his thumbs into the knots across the tops of his shoulders and Daniel couldn’t stop the moan that escaped.



  Christian renewed his efforts and gave him the massage of a lifetime.

  “Where’d you learn that?”

  “I used to have regular massages. I’m just going off what felt good for me.”

  “Well, it feels good for me too.”


  Christian carried on and Daniel gradually relaxed. Some of the screaming tension that had been his constant companion since Kenneth died ebbed. A different kind of tension grew in his stomach when Christian slid one hand beneath the waist of his shorts and rubbed his arse.

  “Keep doing that and I’ll be the one embarrassed.”

  “How so?” His fingers probed perilously close to his hole.

  “I’ll come.”

  Christian leaned over him and chuckled. “Remember when we were kids?”

  Daniel nodded. Being so close to Christian in the warm sun, with the smell of his skin, fresh clean sweat, and sun cream in his nose, how could he forget that summer so long a

  “Remember we used to lie facing each other and…”

  Daniel groaned.

  “Roll over.” Christian dropped a kiss between his shoulder blades, and he was done. Couldn’t fight any more. He rolled over onto his side, and Christian carefully joined him on the lounger. They were face to face, chest to chest. Their legs tangled together to hold them in place because it was a tight squeeze.

  Christian placed one hand along Daniel’s jaw and his thumb stroked his cheek. His eyes prickled so he closed them and swallowed.

  Christian’s lips touched his lightly with exquisite gentleness. He kissed back with the same tenderness, the same care, and the same bone deep emotion, but keeping the touch light.

  When Christian’s hand slid between them and freed both their cocks, Daniel wasn’t far from weeping with need. His grip on him tightened reflexively and when Christian took them both in one hand and started pumping them together, hands still slick with sun cream, Daniel held on for dear life, let the exquisite joy of being in Christian’s arms claim him and he came embarrassingly fast. His only consolation was that Christian was but a heartbeat behind him.

  They held onto each other, gasping, hearts thundering, just like they had years ago. Christian was the first to move, and he pulled back enough to kiss Daniel on the nose.

  “That’s better. You feel relaxed now.”

  “Must admit, I like your relaxation technique.”

  Christian’s body shook as he chuckled. He reached back, balanced precariously as he grabbed the towel on his lounger, cleaned them up, then ran a finger down Daniel’s chest. The lay together for some time in comfortable silence. Christian was the first to speak.

  “Wanna swim?” He ran his finger back up and then ran it across Daniel’s jaw, his eyes never left the track the finger made.

  “It’ll be cold.”

  “Might need cooling down.”

  “We just put cream on.”

  “We could put it on again?” Christian looked up and grinned, then jumped up. “Come on. Let’s do it.” He pulled on Daniel’s arm. He groaned but let himself be pulled up. He couldn’t resist. Couldn’t stop himself even though he knew he should. The post orgasm bliss was too strong. Or that’s what he told himself as he leaped into the pool and his lost his breath when the freezing cold hit.

  He surfaced to find Christian cursing and gasping at the cold.

  “Told you,” he said, grinning and treading water. He splashed him, and a water fight ensued that ended with Daniel swallowing half the pool when Christian jumped him.

  He came up coughing and laughing in equal measure. He waved Christian’s offer of help away and struck out for the side.

  “You’re lethal. Where’d you learn to do that?”

  “Misspent youth playing water polo one summer.” He arrived beside him and hooked one arm over the edge. He leaned over and kissed him fleetingly again.

  “What was that for?”

  “I haven’t seen you laugh like that since we were kids. It looks good on you.”

  He almost told him there’d been nothing to laugh at, but he kept his mouth shut and smiled.

  “We supposedly came here for me to recuperate, but I’m thinking it might be you that needs it.”

  “Might be right. Talking of which, how’s your arm and stomach?”

  Christian flexed his arm. “Good. They pull a bit, but nothing bad.”

  They lingered in the water a while, then hauled themselves out when the sun got too hot. Christian moved cautiously, mindful of his injuries. Daniel wanted to help but kept quiet.

  “This is where the sensible people of Greece go indoors for a siesta. Only us crazy Brits are out in the sun.” Daniel made himself comfortable in a shady spot.

  “We are so damned excited at the notion of warmth and sunshine that we are determined to make the most of every second. Don’t think it stopped raining at home all last year.”

  Daniel chuckled. “I know. Total novelty.”

  “Are there drinks in the fridge? I might need something cold after all that exertion.”

  Daniel nodded, one hand shielding his eyes from the sun. “Yeah. Loads. Beer if you want it.”

  Christian got up. “What do you want?”

  “Anything as long as it’s cold.”

  Christian laughed and walked away. Daniel watched every step, convinced that he was swaying his hips on purpose. His arse looked magnificent in those trunks.

  Once he was out of sight, the feelings of guilt slid back like an old blanket. He pinched the bridge of his nose. He was so fucking beautiful. So…everything.

  He came back carrying two bottles of Fanta in one hand and what looked like a dish of olives in the other.

  “You can drink beer, you know.”

  “I’m not much for drinking during the day. Puts me to sleep.”

  He handed one of the bottles over, sat on the sun lounger beside him and took a long drink. Daniel watched his throat work, then watched as he held the cold bottle against his forehead and wanted to drag him off to the bedroom and spend the day holding him and loving him. He took a long drink from the bottle and waited. This would be where Christian wanted to talk. Wanted answers. Despite the heat, he felt cold. His skin felt too tight and he wanted to get up and walk around.

  “You don’t drink at all?”

  Daniel shook his head.

  “Are you...”

  “Alcoholic,” Daniel said, keeping his eyes down. “I’m an alcoholic.” He waited. Waited for the third degree, the unpicking of his faults, the advice…

  He jumped when Christian reached out and took his hand. Daniel looked at him, but Christian was staring out over the sea. He just laced his fingers with Daniel’s and squeezed gently.

  Daniel held on. He couldn’t have spoken if his life depended on it. They sat holding hands and sipping the cold lemonade for some time.

  Christian was the first to speak. “What would you like to do tonight?”

  “I’m easy.”

  “I know, but what would you like to do?”

  Daniel turned to look at him. Christian was smiling. He smiled back. Heart still too full.

  “We could chill here tonight?”

  Christian nodded. “Sounds good to me.” He drained the last of the drink. “Did you have anyone with you? Anyone to support you?”

  Daniel swirled the last of his drink around in the bottle. “No. Wasn’t in any fit state for a relationship.

  “Was… was that the reason you walked out on me?” Christian looked away as he said it. Daniel’s heart felt as though it was being ripped apart. He was handing him a reason he could use. He could blame the booze, the drugs, his father and Christian would believe him.

  His gaze slid away from Christian. “Yeah, something like that.”

  Christian nodded. He didn’t say anything. He ate more olives and they watched the sea in the distance.

  It wasn’t an uncomfortable silence, it was…peaceful. Daniel knew he didn’t deserve peace, but he allowed himself to bask in it for a while. One of the things he’d loved about Christian was the fact that he didn’t feel the need to fill every silence with chatter. As kids, they’d had long silences and being able to be quiet with someone was something Daniel had really appreciated. Still did. Nobody else had ever understood.

  He was the one to break it. “Would you like to walk into the town after dinner?”

  Christian shook his head. “No. I think maybe have dinner, sit here a little longer, then go to bed. You can show me the sights tomorrow.”

  Immediately, the air shifted, and crackled. Daniel’s heart beat fast, and his hands trembled. Would he still want to go to bed with him? He said he didn’t want the guest room. If they went to bed together would they fuck or just curl up and sleep. Both notions filled him with anxiety. He shouldn’t be doing this without telling him everything. Full disclosure.


  Daniel looked over at him.

  “It’s okay, I’ll
stay in my own room.”

  Daniel couldn’t speak. Was he so transparent? He hadn’t the faintest fucking idea what he wanted.

  Christian was watching his every move. “Or we could just cuddle up in your bed?”

  Daniel scrubbed his hands over his face. When he emerged, Christian’s eyes looked shadowed. Hurt. His smile was sad. “Sorry. I’ll stop pushing.”

  The sound of tyres on gravel heralded the return of someone. Christian nodded and headed for his room, leaving Daniel feeling like he’d ruined something special.

  He hauled himself to his feet and headed to see who it was. His mother got out of the car, along with the crew who were all carrying bags.

  “We’ve got everything planned for your dinner. It will be splendid.” His mother grinned at him and handed the last bag to Tassos and they all headed for the kitchen. His mother came to stand beside him.

  “Are you okay?” She rubbed his arm and he was filled with the urge to say no, but he nodded and smiled.

  She must have seen through him because she sat on the lounger Christian had just vacated. “Christian is beautiful.”

  The unexpected words punched him in the gut. He nodded. “Inside and out.”

  She tilted her head in the way he remembered from childhood. “You still care for him.” It wasn’t a question.

  Daniel nodded. He shot her a helpless look.

  “Have you told him?”

  Daniel closed his eyes, swallowed, and shook his head. “No.”

  “Are you going to?”

  That made him hesitate, but he shook his head. “No.”

  Something of the struggle going on inside him must have showed on his face because his mother took hold of both his hands and held them tight.

  “Darling, you look so conflicted.”

  “I am. How can I start up something with him when I haven’t been honest? He wants us to try again. Wants to see if there is something between us. How can I do that when he doesn’t know?”

  “You want to try again?”

  He squeezed her hands tight. “Yes.”

  She rubbed her thumbs over his knuckles. “Are you afraid if he knows the truth, he’ll leave you?”

  He nodded. “And I don’t want to hurt him. It would hurt him so much.”


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