Loving Daniel (MC Securities Book 3)

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Loving Daniel (MC Securities Book 3) Page 17

by Ruby Moone

  Christian thought for a moment, then nodded. Probably true.

  “She said his father was…” Tassos shook his head. “Violent, but not just in a physical way, he was violent to the soul. She said he damaged Daniel so badly. I’m not sure I should say this, but…well…” He shrugged. “You might already know. Forgive me. I’d like to see him happy.”

  “Me too.” Christian looked at Daniel as he walked ahead, talking to Asher and ached for him. Tassos was so right.

  Tassos swallowed. “Do you know Asher?”

  Christian shook his head. “Not really. I’ve only recently met him, but he seems like a good guy.”

  Tassos nodded. “He is very…” He took a deep breath and blew it out.

  Christian laughed. “Yeah, I suppose he is.”

  Tassos rolled his eyes. “He’s probably too old for me. Too sophisticated.”

  “He doesn’t give much away so I’m afraid I’ve no idea. I don’t even know if he’s gay.”

  Tassos grinned. “I think he’s at least a little bit gay.”

  Christian laughed. “A little bit?”

  “Yeah. I’ve noticed him looking a couple of times.”

  Christian grinned. “How big is the foundation?”

  “It started small, but it’s really growing. We’ve got a great reputation. Daniel funding it helped us secure some great patrons, and we help young people from all over now. Daniel started the support for trans kids, and the foundation now makes sure everyone has counselling if they needed it, surgery if they need it and anything else they might need, including support with families, or safe spaces when things go wrong.”

  Christian looked over at Daniel who strode alongside Asher into the house.

  “Daniel is a man of few words.”

  Christian nodded. “Not exactly talkative, is he?”

  Tassos shook his head. “That’s why you have to listen carefully when he speaks. He has a good heart.”

  “True.” Christian smiled and wondered at Tassos’ wisdom for one so young. It was true, Daniel had never been talkative. Even less so now. As they headed for the house, and all sat with cold drinks on the terrace, Christian kept going back to what Tassos said about Kenneth damaging Daniel’s soul. He looked at him as he talked to Asher. He sat in the comfortable chair, ankle resting on one knee, foot jiggling a little. He'd seemed more relaxed lately, and particularly over dinner, but now he looked anything but. A muscle ticked along his jaw, and his hand went constantly to the back of his head. The only time he seemed really relaxed was after sex, and then he sprawled like a magnificent beast. Christian smiled at the thought. When they were kids, whenever they were alone, Daniel wanted to be touching. Holding hands, leaning against each other, arms around waists… as long as no-one was around. The minute anyone else showed up, it all stopped, and he disappeared behind the facade that he wore so well. The façade wore now. He’d been emerging from behind it, but something had sent him back

  “You are cousins, no?”

  “Second cousins. My father and his were cousins. My father didn’t have anything to do with Daniel’s side of the family, so we weren’t brought up together.”

  “How long were you together?”

  Christian smiled at the memory. “Only a few months, but it felt like a lifetime.”

  “It meant a lot to you?”


  “What happened?”

  Christian wasn’t sure where to begin with that. Did it start when his dad died, when he tried to lean on Daniel for support? Who knew? He couldn’t explain it to himself, never mind to Tassos.


  Daniel headed for the bedroom, feeling uneasy. The message Asher had received as they headed back from the restaurant was disturbing. Bryce was on the move. Possibly even followed them to Greece. He and Asher had quietly checked all the locks, checked the area but found nothing. He knew he should tell Christian what he’d heard, but he was already looking pensive. He’d been deep in discussion with Tassos, and whatever they’d talked about seemed to have left him thoughtful. He sent a text message to Eric Daly as he walked to the bedroom, and another message to Asher. Tomorrow, he’d look into everything more carefully, once he had a full report of Bryce’s movements, but for now, now he wanted to focus on Christian.

  He peeled back the coverlet and sheet on the bed revealing the crisp white linen and watched Christian move silently about the room.

  “Shower?” Christian asked.

  “You first.”

  Christian nodded and moved past him. He paused, looked him in the eye, and brushed a soft, slow kiss against his lips before going to the bathroom and closing the door. Daniel stood stock still, fingers on his lips where the kiss had landed. He closed his eyes. It was the softest, gentlest kiss ever. Over the last few days, they’d fucked each other senseless, but they’d not kissed. Not properly. When Christian had tried to, he’d moved away, and Christian hadn’t pursued it. Daniel couldn’t explain it. Kissing was something so special, so intimate and loving. It was more than sex. It was…just more. He was coming to terms with the prospect of a relationship with Christian, but clearly, he wasn’t fully there. He guessed it would take time to square things with his conscience. One thing was clear, he wasn’t giving Christian up. This brief taste of what it could be like, how they could be, was so incredible. He felt the same sense of awe, of incredulousness, that Christian would want him that he’d felt when they were young. It was like being poised on the cusp of something wonderful.

  He sat on the edge of the bed and put head in hands. What had Tassos said to make him want to kiss? He ached with the need to kiss Christian but hadn’t quite felt that he could. Had felt it would be a traitor’s kiss. Yet here they were, about to go to bed together. He needed to keep reminding himself that Kenneth couldn’t return and ruin things, it was safe. He was protecting Christian, not betraying him. Giving them a chance.

  He shook his head to clear it. Just let it be. He’d tell him about Bryce in the morning, but tonight he wanted to take that faraway look from his eyes and hold him tight. Make sure he knew how important he was.

  The shower stopped, and moments later, Christian came back into the room. A towel slung low around his hips showed off his lean, swimmer’s build. He was rubbing his hair with another towel.

  “All yours,” he mumbled as he emerged from the white cloth.

  “Thanks.” Daniel went into the bathroom and closed the door behind him. It didn’t take long for him to shower and return to the room much in the same state that Christian had. Christian was propped up in the bed, covers over his hips, reading something on his Kindle. He glanced up and smiled. It was so damned domestic.

  When Daniel was dry, he got into the bed beside him. Christian put the Kindle down, and Daniel waited.

  “Tassos is a nice guy.”

  Not what he was expecting. “Yeah. He was in a bit of a mess with his family.”

  “He said you paid for his surgery.”

  Daniel nodded.

  “You help a lot of people?”

  Daniel turned to look at him, worried about where he was going with that one. “Some.” He held his breath and waited for the questions.

  Christian nodded. He slid a hand beneath the covers and rested it on Daniel’s hip, immediately making him ache. He wanted Christian so damned much. Sometimes he felt as though there was a great gaping hole inside of him that only Christian had ever come close to filling. Only Christian could silence the voices that told him he was stupid, worthless, traitor. Faggot. Fairy. Poof. Words put there by his father, he knew that on an intellectual level, but in his heart, and in his head, they remained. Beating at him. He looked at Christian’s profile. He was so fucking handsome. So good and honest. Was he stupid for thinking they could have had something all those years ago? Was he stupid for thinking they could have something now? He closed his eyes and wished he could just stop bloody thinking and enjoy being in bed with Christian.

  “I can hear you thinking f
rom over here.”

  Daniel grimaced and looked at him. “Sorry.” He took a few deep breaths.

  “If you’re too tired for sex, that’s fine. We can just curl up and go to sleep.”

  “Don’t you want sex?”

  Christian gave him a long look, like he was trying to see into his head. “That’s not what I said.” He rolled over and draped himself over Daniel’s chest. Their faces were inches apart. “You’re so deep in thought. I know it’s been hard for you having me here. I know it’s been hard for you losing your father. You mightn’t have had the best relationship, but he was your dad, and I know what losing your dad feels like.” He gave him a sad, lopsided smile. “I thought that if you’d rather cuddle up, I’m good with that. If you want sex, then that’s fine too. You’ve avoided kissing me, so I think you’ve got some issues going on in that head of yours. If you want to share with me, that’s fine too.”

  He couldn’t look away from Christian’s beautiful aqua eyes.

  “Do you remember our first kiss?”

  Daniel’s chest tightened. He’d never forget it. He found it hard to speak. Hard to find enough air to form words.

  “So long ago.” His voice felt rusty.

  “I know. It was so warm and sunny. We’d gone for a walk on the river and I stuck my foot in a rabbit hole and fell.”

  Daniel closed his eyes. He could smell the grass, the water, feel the warmth of the sun on his face.

  “You reached down to give me a hand and I came up so fast we bumped into each other.” Christian’s gaze was far away. “And then you kissed me.”

  Daniel closed his eyes. Didn’t dare look at Christian.

  “I’ve never in my life been kissed like that,” Christian whispered.

  “What do you mean?” He opened his eyes and peered up at him cautiously.

  “Like you were starving. Like you’d die if I didn’t kiss you back.”

  “Pretty much sums it up.”

  Christian touched the tip of his nose to Daniel’s. “Kiss me like that again.” His words were a whisper. A dream. Daniel reached up with one hand, cupped his beautiful face, and pulled him towards him. Christian’s mouth parted but just as their lips touched, a commotion from outside broke them apart. They stared at each other for a second before Daniel pushed Christian off him and leaped from the bed. He grabbed his board shorts, crammed his legs in and fished under the bed. He emerged holding a gun and a knife. Stuffing them down the back of his waistband, he shot a look at Christian and pulled a T-shirt over his head.

  “What the fuck?” Christian whispered.

  “Shh. Stay here. I’ll sort it.” Daniel was heading for the door, but Christian grabbed his arm.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me. A gun?” His voice was a harsh, incredulous whisper.

  “Stay put.” Daniel ignored the question and eyeballed him. He held up a finger. “I mean it.”

  He moved into the corridor and made his way to the source of the disturbance. Asher was locked in combat with a man on the ground, but it was only a matter of time until he had him subdued. He recognised the moves. Tassos had another on the floor, knee between his shoulder blades, one arm bent at an excruciating angle. It accounted for the screaming. Behind him, he registered Christian’s presence and swore softly.

  Another sweep of the pool area revealed a man emerging from the shadows.


  He walked forward. Calm. Ignoring the struggling men, he grinned widely and held out his arms.

  “Danny boy. How the hell are you.”

  Christian couldn’t believe what was in front of him. Tassos and Asher each had a guy pinned on the ground, and Geoff Bryce stood there greeting Daniel like they were long lost friends.

  Daniel didn’t move.

  “You should have said you were off on holiday. We could have got this sorted before you went, and I wouldn’t have had to disturb you.”

  He was walking towards Daniel. Slowly.

  Bryce spotted him, and grinned. “Christian. Good to see you again. Worked out how to do your own dirty work yet, or are you still getting family to do it for you?”

  Daniel made a weird growling noise and his shoulders tensed. His hand twitched by his side.

  Christian’s heart was slamming against his ribs. “Evening, Bryce,” he said, sauntering forward. He grinned as he said it and stood next to Daniel. He’d no idea what to say or do next, but he couldn’t leave Daniel alone. He could feel the anger rolling off Daniel. Probably aimed at him for not staying put.

  “What was it you wanted?” Daniel asked.

  Bryce smiled. He looked sweaty in board shorts that were a tad too long, a Hawaiian shirt that made his skin look sallow in the soft lights that illuminated the pool. Christian would have been willing to bet he wasn’t nearly as calm as he was making out.

  Bryce turned his attention to Daniel. “Your father owes me a lot of money.”

  “My father is dead, so tough shit.”

  “Now now. Don’t be like that. I’m sure we can come to some kind of arrangement. Until I get the money that he owes me, I can’t pay the people I owe money to. So, you can see, it is a bit inconvenient. I know your father would want you to do what’s right.”

  Daniel just looked at him. Impassive. Bored almost. “Yeah, sure. Take it up with my solicitor.”

  Bryce turned his head and looked at Christian. It was a considering look. He turned back to Daniel.

  “You remember what happened last time you defied your father?”

  The atmosphere instantly dropped to freezing. Daniel went rigid. Christian didn’t move. The four men on the floor froze.

  “Shut the fuck up.” Daniel’s voice was low. Hard. A vein throbbed in his temple and every muscle tensed.

  Bryce looked surprised for a moment, then a cocky grin spread across his face. Brash, delighted, it was the smile of a man who knew he was onto something.

  “He doesn’t know, does he.”

  He turned to Christian. “He never told you, did he? What happened to your dad…? What he did…?”

  In a blur of movement, Daniel covered the ground between him and Bryce, shoved him against the villa wall, pinned him with one arm against his throat, and had the gun pressed hard in the middle of his forehead.

  “I said. Shut. The. Fuck. Up.”

  Bryce held still. Eyes wide, unblinking. No-one moved.

  “Hands where I can see them.” Bryce held his hands out to the side. “Why are you here?” Daniel’s voice was so low it was more of a growl.

  “To get what is mine.”

  “I have nothing of yours. Whatever arrangements you had with Kenneth died with him. I will not tolerate you threatening my family. Are we clear?”

  “Clear.” Bryce was turning red and sweating. He wasn’t looking quite so cocky. “I think we might need to make a new arrangement.” Daniel leaned his weight against his arm. Bryce made a choking sound and started clawing at the arm that held him still.

  “There will be no new agreements. No money. Nothing.”

  Bryce nodded so Daniel eased up a little. Bryce coughed.

  “I’m going to let your friends go. Christian will take their weapons.”

  Bryce nodded.

  Christian unglued his feet from the floor and went to take the guns from the men currently disabled by Tassos and Asher. When he had them, he stood away from them. He couldn’t believe this was happening. Did Bryce have a gun? One shot would be all it needed, and Daniel would be gone. He couldn’t stand it. His heart was beating so fast he felt sick.

  He put the guns onto the table, well out of reach of anyone, and went to where Daniel still held Bryce pinned to the wall. He patted his hands over him, awkwardly, and found a gun stuck down the back of his pants. He took it carefully. He’d have looked to see if there was a safety catch if he’d had half a fucking idea what one looked like. He carried it and put it with the others.

  Asher and Tassos let the men go. They struggled to their feet and brushed them
selves off. Took another look at Bryce still pinned to the wall, the look on Daniel’s face, and ran. Down the side of the pool, across the bottom of the garden and out onto the lane that would take them to the road. Christian watched them go as Asher moved to stand by the weapons.

  Christian cleared his throat. “Maybe you should let him go?”

  Daniel’s nostrils flared and he leaned just a little harder on Bryce who coughed and clawed at his arm.

  “Daniel.” Asher’s voice was quiet, but firm as he moved closer. Asher, Christian, and Tassos were close enough to move should Bryce do anything stupid, but Christian was certain he wouldn’t. Not now he was unarmed, and his goons had legged it.

  Daniel pulled back in a sudden move, and Bryce’s legs almost gave way. He clutched at his throat and doubled up coughing. Daniel still had his gun trained on him, and Christian was shaken to realise he looked completely at home with it.

  “Not very friendly,” Bryce croaked as he stood up and shook himself.

  “Not another word.” Daniel towered over Bryce who seemed to have the sense to stay silent. “Get off my property.”

  He edged past Daniel, and all four of them watched him sidle down the edge of the pool. He got to the bottom and walked down the same path that the others had run. Just before he disappeared from sight, right at the bottom, he turned and waved.

  “See you in Manchester, Danny boy.”

  Before he could put his hand down, a loud crack made Christian and the others jump.

  Bryce snapped back, arms flailing, and almost as though he hung immobile for a second or two, collapsed backwards, and slammed onto the floor with a dark spreading stain on his chest.


  Daniel spun around and grabbed Christian, pushing him back towards the villa. Simultaneously, Asher took hold of Tassos. The four stared in disbelief at the sight in front of them. Asher pushed Tassos at Daniel.

  “Take them all inside. I’ll deal with him.”

  Christian was shaking. He couldn’t tear his eyes from the sight in front of him. Couldn’t process it. Bryce had been shot. Had Daniel shot him?


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