ROMANCE: PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Coveted by the Werewolves (Paranormal MMF Bisexual Menage Romance) (New Adult Shifter Romance Short Stories)

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ROMANCE: PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Coveted by the Werewolves (Paranormal MMF Bisexual Menage Romance) (New Adult Shifter Romance Short Stories) Page 3

by Hawke, Jessa

  She whipped her head around and saw two black wolves, struggling and gnawing at each other. It was like a blur of black smoke, as the two wolves struggled to pin the other down. It was clear that the other wolf was stronger. With one final bite, the black wolf with the brown across its back had knocked out the other wolf.

  It stared back at her with a knowing grin, and ran off into a maze of fog and narrow alleys.

  The wolf with the black fur and the silver across its eyes lay there still, heaving for breath that didn’t come. Hailey had finally risen from where she was. She walked slowly to the creature that had sacrificed itself to protect her. She wasn’t able to hold back the tears now. She scooped the beast’s head and laid it on her lap as she tried calming it.

  Then a warm light started emanating from the creature as it slowly transformed back into a young man with jet black hair and jade green eyes.


  “Please don’t bring me to a hospital.” The man told her as he passed out.

  She quickly dug her phone from her pocket and called Caleb to help her bring the wounded man to her apartment. She was a nurse, she knew what to do, and even though it was against her better judgement to not bring the man to the hospital, she didn’t. This was the man, or creature, who had sacrificed his life for her.

  A day had passed with her and Caleb, watching over the man who now lay in her bed. She tried so hard to not talk to Caleb. But they were there in that room, with a man who had saved her from an animal that, besides the color, looked much like Caleb when he transformed.

  “I want answers.” She said with a stoic face.

  “I know.” Caleb replied trying to give off an air of confidence.

  She knew some of the answers she’d be getting would be beyond her own understanding and some might actually get her into more trouble, but she decided she just had to know. She needed to at least get a semblance of understanding.

  “Who are you?” She asked

  “I am Caleb Storm, but you already know that.” He looked at her, staring into her eyes. She didn’t flinch.

  “My family came here during the Civil War to help the confederate armies. We had a huge stake in the cotton industry, so we felt we had to at least pitch in. We were originally from Wales. After we lost the war, we decided to settle here.”

  He breathed in. “A few years ago, my entire family was murdered. I’m the only one left.”

  She stared at him in shock, not knowing how to reply. He said it like it was just some common fact.

  “You see, being a werewolf without a family – a pack – is the hardest kind of wolf there is to be. But I didn’t choose this. Someone else chose this for me. Now, I am an Alpha; the strongest kind of wolf, but one without a pack.”

  “I moved to New York to find peace with myself and I almost did.” He said.

  Suddenly, the bed creaked, it was the jade-eyed man.

  “Until he met me.” He piped in.

  His injuries had healed so quickly, but it was obvious that he was in a lot of pain.

  “Hailey, listen to me. I don’t care what happened to you. But you must understand this. That man is dangerous. His family killed mine.” Caleb’s face was painted with frustration, with fear – with anger. Hailey had forced Caleb to help her rescue the man whose family murdered his. She almost felt pity for him.

  “It wasn’t me. I had nothing to do with those situations in the past. It was years ago. We were at war.” The man didn’t even try denying what Caleb had said.

  “Yes, but you’re the Alpha of your pack now. The sins of your father’s are your sins too.” Caleb barked back.

  Caleb’s eyes started glowing as his anger boiled over.

  “Why not tell her why I was here the other night?” The man calmly asked.

  “She doesn’t need to know anything.” Caleb was getting riled up.

  “I remember. You were that wolf. You were here before. You’re…”

  “Anton.” He said.

  “Caleb? What do I need to know?” Hailey looked to him for an explanation.

  “Nothing.” Caleb said under his breath.

  Hailey looked to Anton.

  “That time in the alley. I was the one who saved you. I brought you to the hospital.” Anton said flatly.

  “What?” Hailey questioned

  “It was a full moon. As my pack and I were running I caught your scent. I saved you.” Anton said. “And I am telling you now what I have told Caleb. You are not safe here. There is a rogue wolf out there that is out to get you. I don’t know why, but he is out there.”

  “No. I’ll be here. I’ll protect her.” Caleb interjected.

  Hailey was getting so confused. But now Anton was getting angry. Caleb stepped forward and grabbed Hailey by the arm. Hailey was too shaken to react. Out of nowhere, Anton forcefully jabbed Caleb, causing him to let go of her. She stumbled down, but Anton caught her just in time.

  “Do not touch her ever again.” He growled. His eyes melted into a rage that scared Hailey.

  Caleb slumped over only to raise his head to bare his fangs. This wasn’t the beautiful white wolf she saw; this was a vicious creature. Anton didn’t take a second to react. He too had transformed into a huge black wolf. Hailey was dwarfed as she curled up on the floor next to this huge creature.

  “Stop.” She whispered, but the two didn’t seem to notice her.

  “Stop!” She screamed as she jumped to her feet. She bounded toward the door and fled from her apartment, yet again. Hailey thought this was crazy. She’d been driven out of her own home by two testosterone filled Alpha werewolves.

  She screamed. Waiting right at the bottom of her doorstep was the rogue wolf.

  “Hailey!” Caleb yelled as he and Anton heard her scream from downstairs.

  With lightning speed, the two Alphas bolted down the stairs to find Hailey curled up on the steps, whimpering and quivering in fear.

  The rogue wolf gritted its teeth as the two other wolves approached him.

  Without warning Caleb leapt through the air over Hailey, smashing into the vicious black wolf. Anton ran and grappled it down with his fangs, violently tearing his head from side to side, while Caleb struggled to pacify its attempt to break free.

  It seemed as though this rogue had finally met its match. One Alpha is already strong, two are undefeatable. This was just one rogue wolf, Caleb thought. How could it need two Alphas just to hold it down?

  The wolf stopped moving. A white light now enveloped it as it transformed back into its human form.

  “Uncle?” Anton had now changed back too, as he stared in shock at Castor laying there where the horrific monster that attacked Hailey was just moments ago.

  Caleb stepped back as he slowly became the Caleb that Hailey knew. He turned as Hailey ran towards him sobbing.

  “You are a fool, Anton.” Castor struggled. “You connive with a filthy Storm, to save a girl you don’t even know!” He continued. “You have shamed this family!”

  “Anton?” Hailey began.

  “No, uncle. You have shamed this family.” Anton said, as he finished off Castor with final blow to the head.

  He turned to the shivering Hailey. “I don’t understand all this, why my uncle chose to attack and try to kill you. But I swear on the moon, that so long as I shall live, I will protect you Hailey. I will protect you with my life.”

  Hailey ran to him as he swooped to hold her in a tight embrace. Hailey didn’t know what she felt. Caleb stood back and watched them in silence. She didn’t know how she felt for Caleb or Anton, but she knew, she needed to hold Anton, and she needed to be held by him.


  “You’re a mystery.” Anton whispered to her as he grabbed her hand and swiftly led her back to her apartment.

  “Am I?” She said shyly, following Anton but feeling Caleb’s silent stare as they retreated up the stairs.

  As soon as they entered the apartment Anton ravaged Hailey’s body, peeling off all her clothing as she
pulled him down onto the cool tile floor. They kissed wildly and passionately as Anton’s hands eagerly explored every shapely curve of her body. She threw her head back as her body tingled with anticipation for Anton’s advances.

  She could feel his hungry cock pressing against her thigh as he firmly pressed his mouth to hers. Hailey parted her lips as an open invitation for his tongue to plunge within. As their tongues joined together jolts of electric ecstasy descended to her sex and she felt her sweet juices starting to flow. She reached down and tore open his pants to unleash the beast of a dick that waited inside. His manhood sprung to attention and she stroked him as he grunted with pleasure.

  Anton squeezed and massaged her tits as his thumbs ran circles around her erect nipples. He lowered his head down and sucked hard on her nipple, his tongue flicking as Hailey started moving her hips closer toward his body. His mouth trailed down her stomach as he ran his fingers over her lace underwear, feeling her dripping wet slit. The heat of his tongue on the skin of her belly sent waves of pleasure through her body. She was drenched with desire as he maneuvered his way to her groin. She spread her legs inviting his head to go deeper into her.

  Hailey quivered as Anton slid his tongue through her slick folds and opening and she raised her hips aching for more. His tongue circled around her throbbing clit as he stuck a finger deep inside her, hooking his finger and rubbing her g-spot with skilled precision. Hailey lay there heaving and moaning as his tongue flicked her bud and lapped up her sweet nectar. Hailey could hold on no longer and let out a scream as she climaxed, now wanting Anton’s manhood deep inside her.

  With a certain lightness, Anton hovered momentarily over Hailey and kissed her passionately. Hailey could taste her juices on his mouth as she reached for his cock, drawing it closer to her. Responding to Hailey’s invitation, he shoved his dick into her pussy and he moaned at the tightness of her opening. He slid it in and out feeling every sensation as their bodies started to move in a rhythmic dance of pleasure. He grabbed one of her breasts and squeezed it as his other hand rubbed her clit.

  They were both close to coming and Hailey ached, clawing Anton’s back. Anton responded by shoving his cock deeper into Hailey, making her let out a strained moan. The pace of their fucking intensified, and Anton moaned as he released himself inside her.

  They were both panting, as they collapsed onto the floor with their limbs intertwined. Hailey stared at the ornate ceiling of the entranceway, getting lost in the intricate design. Her trance was abruptly broken by the chirping of her phone that was on the floor next to them. She looked and saw it was a text from Caleb. I can’t just let this all happen. I need to see you, the text read. Hailey felt a twinge of sadness course through her body as she reflected on the crazy events of late. She put her phone down on the floor and gazed toward Anton. He reached his hand toward her face and ran his fingers down her cheek.

  “I have to go now,” Hailey whispered to Anton as she stood up and started to gather her clothes. “You can let yourself out.”

  Without making eye contact with Anton, Hailey got dressed and tidied her hair. She quickly checked herself out in the hall mirror and applied some fresh lip gloss. Grabbing her phone and purse she walked briskly through the door and closed it tightly behind her. She walked out into the cool, brisk evening taking a few deep breaths to collect herself before making her next move.


  Alpha Enchantment: Part Two

  Hailey’s hair was still a tad disheveled from her hot contact with the jade eyed wolf-man she had just submitted herself to. But, she walked straight out of her own building unnerved by it all. The fear that had clandestinely entered her life that fateful New York evening still lingered in her very psyche. Although mellowed out by her suitors’ unrelenting presence, that very same fear still haunted her every step. It was not the kind of fear you get from your basic instinct to avoid pain. It was the fear of the unknown – so much of it abounded in Hailey’s lithe frame.

  The unknown.

  For one, she still bawled over the very question left unanswered by that old wolf who tried to attack her. Anton’s uncle, Castor, after his last breath escaped, never revealed why Hailey was so special. She knew it wasn’t because she was a virgin, because it was no secret, even to Caleb, that she wasn’t. So what could it have been?

  As she hurriedly walked past a throng of home-goers, she mused at her fate. She was just a farm girl with a sad past who happened to cross the paths of two alpha werewolves. What could have made her so special? But that was a question to be answered much later, for it was a question written and flashed upon her screen that was more imminent, and frankly, much more terrifying.

  “Do you love him?” -Caleb Storm

  Does she? Did she just choose one of the wealthiest men in all of the state who had just saved her life, but was still a complete mystery to her? Did she just forgo a friend, a confidant – who had stayed by her even through this ordeal – one whom she has leaned on for her entire stay so far in the big city?

  She knew it was too premature to answer the question then and there. To say no would mean to let go of what could be and not experience anymore of the ecstasy of Anton’s rippling abs grazing her taut skin. But to say yes would be to lose Caleb’s supple kisses and wanting arms gripping her frame in an embrace of sheer affection. She needed time to weigh things out, and she knew she couldn’t do it laying there beside that heaving pile of sex that was Anton Dominguez’s sculpted body.

  She didn’t know where to go though. All she knew that gave her the kind of solace she needed was this old diner few blocks from her apartment building. “Tony’s” was its name. They served the best pancakes and eggs that side of the borough. She needed a plate of something delicious after slaving away underneath Anton’s chest. The restaurant wasn’t so shabby. It had this nice ice cream parlor feel to it like those in old-timey movies. The counters where stainless steel, which showed warped reflections of faces and bodies. The waiters wore these cheesy plaid uniforms with white vests covered in pins and buttons.

  The owner, Tony, stayed behind the cash register as he gave Hailey a wave towards a seemingly empty booth near the back. Tony knew this was her favorite booth and Hailey knew Tony knew this.

  She gave the old man a smile as she made her way to her table. But it wasn’t at all that empty. A figure was slumped down on the table, not noticing her approach. As if feeling her shadow, the man stood up and propped himself before trying to offer her the seat Hailey was taking no matter what.

  “You’re here.” Hailey quipped as she eyed the blond man’s half eaten plate of pancakes and eggs.

  “I knew you’d come.” He said.

  “Please don’t make me answer your question Caleb.” Hailey pleaded as she rested herself atop the smooth leather upholstered booth.

  “I… I didn’t mean to pry. I just… I’m not really sure what I was supposed to do.” He looked down. “I’ve always loved you.” Caleb continued, but Hailey protested.

  “No. Let me just get this off of my chest Hail.” Caleb raised his voice slightly out of frustration. “No way am I going to let that mutt win. I fought for you too, and I will still fight. You can’t say you love him. I refuse to believe you do.” His eyes started to well up with tears.

  “Sure I lied about who I was, but you couldn’t expect me to go around telling people I’m a frigging werewolf!” Caleb bawled. Hailey felt her heart ache. She didn’t like seeing Caleb so distraught and almost broken. She hated the idea that she was causing one of the kindest men she had ever known to feel this much pain.

  Silence took hold of the odd couple in that odd little diner.

  “I don’t.” Hailey finally spoke up.

  “I mean, I’m not even sure just yet.” Hailey continued.

  A glimmer of hope sparkled in the Caleb’s sad eyes.

  “Then I’ll be here, waiting.” Caleb said, with a smile almost forming.

  “You know, you don’t have to.” Hailey ans
wered back.

  “I know.” Caleb responded. “But I choose to wait for that possibility even if there’s still half of a chance that it might not even happen. I’d rather have that half than not have anything at all.”

  Hailey stared into his dark blue eyes and saw something more than just hope. It was alien to her, but she’s lived enough to know what it was. It was love.

  That moment was pivotal for her. A decision that had swayed so close to an answer just went back on that in-between line, back to a gray area. She ate her pancakes in front of a now seemingly happy Caleb who had begun finishing up his own meal. They exchanged glances every now and again, always followed by smiles and shy giggles.

  Caleb loved her presence and the outpour of hope he had just experienced. He gazed at her as if this was the first time he had ever seen the beauty that was Hailey. He knew there was something special about this girl. Just the way she smiled made his heart flutter. Even the most mundane of activities seemed so beautiful and vibrant to this love struck werewolf.

  “You are going home?” Caleb inquired as he paid the bill.

  “I’m not even sure.” Hailey replied blankly.

  Caleb inspected her. “You want to get a drink at my place?” He asked.

  “Oh wow, I just realized that I’ve never actually been to your place.” She responded.

  “So is this a yes?” Caleb smiled.

  “I guess so.” Hailey answered.

  They hailed a cab outside of the diner. A thousand things were rushing through her mind. She knew what this meant – she knew what was going to happen, but she honestly didn’t care. She wanted him to take her. His soft voice and his brooding tempest of an aura was enough to remind her of the ecstasy that his touch brought.

  Caleb ushered her into the backseat of the cab as she graciously smiled and pressed his hand gently, gratifying him. Caleb was silent the whole trip. As the taxi hurdled through an endless stream of traffic and unruly New York pedestrians, Hailey’s mind made twists and turns as well. One thing always got to her – his touch that first time they made love – that was surreal. She knew it was something she could not live without. But Anton on the other hand was unbearably perfect as well.


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