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ROMANCE: PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Coveted by the Werewolves (Paranormal MMF Bisexual Menage Romance) (New Adult Shifter Romance Short Stories)

Page 214

by Hawke, Jessa

“You mean the metal balls filled with gun powder? I didn't think those worked very well the last time we tried them,” Jerry said.

  Dillard spit again before continuing.

  “Well I had them etch a deep pattern onto the ball so that when it pops it should break into chunks, unlike the other ones that just shot off in one direction like a rocket.”

  Jerry chuckled again.

  “Yeah, those other ones sure didn't work that great that one time we threw them into the downtown Denver saloon to kill the McKinley brothers. All they did was shoot into the church across the street and start the damn thing on fire!”

  Both of the men were laughing as the remembered. They were being too loud, and they both knew it, but neither cared. The could hear the stamp of impatient horses waiting around the bend in the road. They'd learned to listen for little things that most of the bandit folk just didn't think about. Like the jingling of spurs if they were close, or the strike of a match. But a horses stamp could be heard at a distance if you knew what to listen for and if it was the dead of night and there wasn't anything else going on.

  “They'll be on us,” Jerry said.

  He pointed the gun down the road in front of them and sure enough a posse of bandits thundered out from around the bend, about ten abreast, as if at of nowhere. It was an old trick meant to scare and intimidate. Jerry muttered to Dillard to hold his fire until he let loose with the shotgun. The bandits slowed their horses to a slow trot and kept approaching them. Right when they were within a stone's throw Jerry let loose with the shotgun. The nail heads and wire must have dug into a few of the horses, and they whinnied and took off. The remaining men shot wildly toward the flash that had just blinded them and scared their steads, but were quickly put down by the combined fire of Jerry and Dillard. It took less than a minute and there was no one left but them and a few riderless horses milling about the road.

  “Didn't even have to let off the popper!” Dillard said. “These boys might be softer then we make them out to be.”

  “Might be,” Jerry said. “Or might not be. Maybe that was just the skirmishers, sent out to draw fire and see what the rest of the posse would be up against.”

  Dillard thought about it for a minute before spitting again.

  “They'd have to be the God damned stupidest sons of bitches if they actually knew that was what the posse was using them for.”

  Jerry grunted an acknowledgment and then leaned back and told Bell to be still back in the stagecoach, that she didn't have to worry. Bell didn't answer. When Dillard checked on her the tremor in his voice told Jerry something was really wrong.

  “She's asleep,” Dillard said. “But not in a natural way. Someone must have slipped something into her drink at the saloon. But that means that they knew she was in Boulder.”

  “And that means that they know we are here now,” Jerry said.

  Jerry checked Bell's pulse and found it to be going pretty strong. It didn't seem like she was in any kind of emergency medical state, so they let her be. Jerry and Dillard climbed back into the driver’s seat and got the horses going at a pace that would have them to Denver in no time.

  “Think they'll be at the hotel when we get there?” Dillard asked.

  “Sure as shit you know they will,” Jerry said. “But I'd rather fight in a hotel, or from a hotel, then have a bunch of those assholes ride down on us like that again. Bunch of fucking bushwhacking scum is what they are. I bet they work for the Mexican Army or gangsters when they aren't out here trying to scare and intimidate people into giving up without a fight.”

  Jerry heard Dillard take a long pull from the flask he always had with him.

  “Yeah,” Dillard said. “But I don't know, man. One of these days we aren't going to be lucky. One of these days these motherless whores will ride down on us and lay us out dead like we done to so many others. And I know in the end every man has to be killed, or die, which is much the same. But I don't know if I've got the taste for all this like I used to. It just isn't as fun and it's always the same.”

  “I hear you,” Jerry said. “And I'm hoping that after this gig we can get on at the bank as full time security. Can you imagine that? Just working eight to five every day? Because I hear at night they take all the money and put it in a big vault and just lock it up. Locked up money don't need no one to watch over it. Or at least that's what I suspect the thinking is. So we would have the nights and weekends to ourselves. It could be a pretty good deal.”

  Dillard spat again, then took another long pull. Jerry always wondered how some people could keep a plug of chew in their mouth and drink whiskey at the same time. It wasn't something he could do himself.

  “Well, in any event, up ahead is the hotel,” Dillard said.

  They had to wake up the clerk to check them in. Jerry took it as a good sign since the clerk would be up already if the gang was in cahoots with the hotel. Dillard didn't seem to care one way or the other. He kept his popper handy and threw Bell over his shoulder like she didn't say anything at all. The clerk looked at the three of them strange, but when Jerry's eyes flashed a warning the clerk slunk back into his room and closed the door.

  The room they'd rented was one story above the ground—high enough people would need a ladder to get in, low enough they could jump out without injury. Unless they were unlucky, then they'd jump out and break an ankle and be as good as dead. Neither of them wanted to jump, but they always thought about what might happen if the place they were in was set ablaze after a job not too long ago where that very such thing happened.

  “What's . . . going on?” Bell said as she stirred on the bed.

  “We made it to the outskirts of Denver,” Jerry said. “Someone must have put something in your drink at the saloon in Boulder. Sunrise is in about an hour.”

  “I had the most horrible dream,” she said in a voice that sounded very weak. “There were explosions and mean screaming as they died.”

  For a second Jerry froze. Had there been men screaming? He thought back to it. Now he heard the screams, echoing in his head. It was happening again, he was detaching from some of the reality that he didn't like. While Dillard worried about getting killed Jerry was much more worried about losing his mind, because it seemed like it was happening. He couldn't sleep most nights, kept having dreams where he'd see the cattle thieves he'd caught being led up the gallows. Or maybe it would a dream where he was running through the desert, pursued by a faceless man as swift as a thoroughbred horse. During his waking hours Jerry would see thing sometimes. He'd read it was called Soldier's Heart by some doctors, that it might have to do with all the terrible shit that he'd done and seen. Jerry was sure that it was affecting Dillard as well, wearing on his soul. They saw and dealt so much death, and somehow neither of them had ever been touched.


  It was Dillard's voice.

  “Snap out of it, they're surrounding the hotel,” Dillard said.

  Jerry was back and in action, just as suddenly as he had slipped away into his own head. Bell looked at him strangely as he moved back to life, like a slipping gear in his head had suddenly caught.

  “Start shooting,” Jerry said. “It's almost morning. If we even so much as wing a few of them then they'll lay low and by the time they get the balls to try something else the sun will be up and they'll have to fall back or get shot to pieces.”

  So both of them moved from window to window, firing out into the night at any shadow they deemed to look enough like a man to warrant some kind of violence. Then they went room to room, scanning out into the night. Most of the hotel was vacant, so that worked in their favor. The clerk got jumpy, though, and Dillard had to put a gun to his head and tell him to calm down to get him to lower his voice a little bit. After doing one round of room to room shooting into the night around the hotel the two men did another, then a third. By the time morning rose both men were low on ammunition. But alive, and thankful for that.

  “So it turns out the clerk has a telegra
m machine down there,” Dillard said.

  They were back in the room discussing what they should do.

  “Well, I think Bell here should wire the bank opening and tell them it'll be delayed for a day. And then wire our friends in the mountains and see if they can't come down here with some moon shine and ammunition.”

  Jerry and Dillard had made fast friends with some of the mountain peoples that lived in the foothills. And although sometimes they weren't the best kept or well-mannered people, they would come down and help if they could. The mountain people hated the law men and the bandits, which made them easy allies for Jerry and Dillard. Dillard went down to tell the clerk to send out the two telegrams, and then to telegram everyone he knew to let them know they needed to send a posse up to take care of the bandits.

  “What do you think will happen?” Bell asked.

  She looked scared. She was lying in bed but nothing but her lacy underwear with the sheet pulled up over her. She looked like the shooting had really frayed her nerves. Which it should have.

  “Now, we wait. I don't think anything bad will happen, though, if that's what you're asking me. If they were going to storm the place they would have done it already. Now they have to wait until night fall, and by then we'll have already left, or we'll have been resupplied. I'm hoping to have already left, but not on our own. With an escort. If can get a couple of the mountain folk to come down here and ride with us into Denver no one will touch us, I can guarantee you that much. Not after what they did to the last bandit bunch they caught up in that pass in the winter, after the bandits had raided their food stores.”

  “What did they do?” Bell asked quietly.

  “Nothing you want to know about,” Jerry said. “But I'll sum it up with: The bandits had a bad time and then were executed in mass. And I dare say it actually learned them something because they haven't been up that way since, as far as I've heard.”

  Bell looked at Jerry and her lower lip started to tremble.

  “I sure appreciate you folks standing up for me like you have been. It means a lot. I know a lot of people wouldn't have stuck around. Or would have ditched me on the road. But not you to. I want you to know that you'll be well taken care of when this is all over with.”

  Jerry threw his head back and laughed, which struck Bell as strange.

  “Why are you laughing?” she asked.

  “After this everyone that is anyone in this state will be after me,” he said. “So I'll have no choice but to work as security in your bank. And to be honest your bank is going to have to repel some no shit bank robbers once word gets out how much action it's about to see. With all this hubbub it'll draw out the worst who want to take a piece of pie from the best.”

  Bell nodded.

  “Aren't you tired?” she asked.

  At first Jerry wasn't sure what was happening, but then he realized that Bell was coming on to him. At least he thought that was what was going on. He wasn't sure what to do. He'd never been with a black woman before. From what he'd heard they were tigers in bed, and he honestly wasn't sure if he could handle it or not. He hoped he could, though, since he wasn't the kind of person to turn down a good time from a beautiful lady.

  “I guess I could get a little bit of shut eye now that you mention it,” Jerry said.

  He stripped down to his skivvies and slipped into bed with her. He was thinking about how good her breasts looked and how much he wanted to fuck her when he slipped off to sleep.

  In his dream Jerry was talking to his father about something, but he couldn't remember what, even as he was saying it. They were working the large garden where they grew some of their more delicate vegetables. Out in the fields Jerry's brother was plowing. This was the dream that always came back to him because deep down he blamed himself. It had been his turn to plow the fields but he hadn't felt well so his brother said he would take care of it for him. It wasn't even that much plowing. But his family didn't use tractors, they stuck by the old ox pulling the plow method, and something spooked the oxen. So in mid conversation there was a piercing scream that jolted threw them. Both he and his father ran down to the little lot that his brother had been working on. Both of them knew that if something bad really happened there would be nothing they could do. That was the cost of living out here in the open plain by the mountains. There wasn't anyone else around for miles, so when something really bad happened they just had to deal with it. And when the something really bad that happened was a medical emergency sometimes all they could do was watch someone die. That was what had happened to their mother when she'd given birth to Jerry, his father told him.

  Jerry thought about all the loss and death he'd seen as he sprinted toward his brother. But no matter how fast he ran he never made it, and the things that started to fill his mind weren't anything to do with his childhood. He thought about all of the partners he'd lost over the course of the years, and all of the things that had shaken him to the bone. There were so many things that they seemed like they'd burst the seams of his mind as they all tried to pile in at the same time.

  Then he heard some banging and moaning that seemed to be coming from nowhere.

  Dillard had Bell bent over the end of the bed as he fucked her from behind. She was moaning like a whore as Dillard smacked her ass and reached around her body to squeeze her tits. Bell seemed to be loving Dillard's cock. Jerry knew from watching Dillard fuck whores they'd shared in the past that Dillard was very well hung and that Bell would love every second of it.

  Jerry slid down the bed and pushed his growing cock into Bell's waiting mouth. She sucked it like she meant it as Dillard fucked her from behind. Jerry couldn't help but smile at Dillard and Dillard returned the toothy grin. How did they get so lucky? Jerry couldn't figure it out as he played with Bell's nice tits as she bobbed her head up and down on his long cock. He couldn't wait to fuck her. There was something about her that turned him on so much, the way that she didn't care if people looked down on her because of some stupid made up reason. It made her seem wild and free, and made blood pump into Jerry's cock until it was as stiff as a board.

  “Do you fucking like that, Bell?” Jerry said. “Do you fucking like it when Dillard fucks you like a whore from behind while you suck my dick? I bet you fucking like it, don't you? I bet you fucking love it. The whole time you've been with us I could feel how much you've wanted to fuck us. And now you get your chance. Didn't you want to fuck us?”

  Bell didn't hesitate to answer when she got his dick out of her mouth.

  “Fuck yes,” she said. “I wanted both of your cocks so badly. You are both such bad men that I couldn't help but get wet around you. Fuck Dillard's cock is big. And so is yours. I can't wait to fuck both of you at once.”

  With that Dillard pulled out and pushed her up and on top of Jerry. Jerry put his cock in her pussy and she started grinding down on it until she'd taken it all the way. Dillard jumped up on the bed so he could feed her his dick while she road Jerry. Jerry reached up and played with her big, bouncing tits, taking time to squeeze her nipples so that she writhed even more than she already was on his cock. Dillard started to fuck her face faster and faster and Jerry knew that it wouldn't be long now until Dillard coated her face with his come. Dillard loved to do that to women. Jerry couldn't ever figure out why it got his rocks off so much, but this time was no exception. While Bell was bouncing up and down on his cock Dillard started to tug his dick until finally rope after rope of come shot over her face. She loved it, and tried to catch as much of it as she could in her mouth. Jerry couldn't believe how hot it looked and felt his balls tighten as his come rose up out of his nuts and started to squirt deep into Bell's pussy. She loved every second of it, just like Jerry knew that she would. Bell was one of those women that was super sexual, even when when she was trying to be super professional. It was great to see her really let loose on his cock after Dillard had come all over her face.

  “Fuck, I'm going to come,” Jerry said, even though he was already comin
g. “Holy fuck it feels so good to come in your pussy. Fuck your pussy feels good. And I love your fucking tits.”

  After Bell slipped off him to lay on the sheets panting Jerry got on his knees in front of Dillard and started sucking his dick to get him hard again. Bell's eyes grew wide like she'd never even seen anything remotely close to this before, but she didn't protest or make a sound. After a few moments she wriggled over to the side of the bed closest to the action so she could get a good view. Within a few minutes Dillard's cock was huge and throbbing, which turned on Jerry so much that his own cock grew larger and larger. He was excited. It was time to fuck again and Bell was already running her fingers through her slit.

  “Are you fucking ready, baby?” Jerry asked. “Do you want to take two big cocks like the slut that you are? I know that you do. I know that you want to take two big cocks like a fucking whore, don't you?”

  “I do, daddy,” Bell said. “I want you both to fuck me as hard as you can. Can you please do that for me daddy? Can you please both pound my pussy?”

  “We'll pound more than just that you little whore,” Dillard said as he tugged on his cock.

  Bell got on all fours with her ass facing them. Jerry wasn't sure what she wanted but he knew what he wanted to do. So he got behind her and put his cock head against her asshole. Bell leaned back into it, signaling that she wanted it in her ass. Jerry slid in as slowly as he could and then started thrusting slowly. Gradually he worked his tempo up from very slow to a steady rhythm that threatened to make him come. He didn't want to come, though, he wanted to keep going and going, working her little asshole like it had never been worked before. Just when he wondered if she'd be able to handle him fucking her even harder Dillard slid up behind him and started to massage his asshole. Jerry loved the way Dillard's giant cock head felt against his sphincter, so he perked his ass backward and up so that Dillard would have the most amount of access possible. Dillard slid in slowly and soon they were fucking in unison.


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