Winston's War: Churchill, 1940-1945

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Winston's War: Churchill, 1940-1945 Page 74

by Max Hastings

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  Howard, Michael. Grand Strategy. Vol. 4, 1942–43. HMSO, 1972.

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  Kimball, Warren, ed. Churchill and Roosevelt: The Complete Correspondence. 3 vols. Princeton, 1984.

  Knight, Nigel. Churchill Unmasked. David & Charles, 2008.

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  Lacouture, Jean. De Gaulle: The Rebel, 1890–1944. Collins Harvill, 1990.

  Langworth, Richard M., ed. Churchill by Himself. Ebury, 2008.

  Lascelles, Sir Alan. King’s Counsellor: The Diaries of Sir Alan Lascelles. Edited by Duff Hart-Davis. Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2006.

  Lash, Joseph P. Roosevelt and Churchill, 1939–1941: The Partnership That Saved the West. Norton, 1976.

  Lavery, Brian. Churchill Goes to War: Winston’s Wartime Journeys. Conwey, 2007.

  Lawlor, Sheila. Churchill and the Politics of War, 1940–41. Cambridge, 1994.

  Lee, Raymond. The London Observer: The Diaries of General Raymond Lee, 1939–41. Edited by James Leutze. Hutchinson, 1972.

  Lees-Milne, James. The Diaries of James Lees-Milne. John Murray, 2007.

  Leslie, Anita. A Story Half Told. Hutchinson, 1983.

  Lewin, Ronald. Slim: The Standardbearer. Leo Cooper, 1977.

  _____. The Chief. Hutchinson, 1980.

  _____. Churchill as Warlord. Scarborough, 1982.

  Lukacs, John. The Duel: Hitler Versus Churchill. Oxford, 1990.

  _____. Five Days in London, May 1940. Yale, 2001.

  Lysaght, Charles Edward. Brendan Bracken. Allen Lane, 1979.

  Mackenzie, William. The Secret History of SOE. St. Ermins Press, 2000.

  Macmillan, Harold. War Diaries. Macmillan, 1984.

  Martin, Sir John. Downing Street: The War Years. Bloomsbury, 1991.

  Mayhew, Patrick, ed. One Family’s War. Hutchinson, 1985.

  Mazower, Mark. Inside Hitler’s Greece. Yale. 1993.

  _____. Hitler’s Empire. Penguin, 2008.

  McLaine, Ian. Ministry of Morale. Allen & Unwin, 1979.

  Meacham, Jon. Franklin and Winston: Portrait of a Friendship. Granta, 2004.

  Menzies, Robert. Dark Days: The Diaries of Robert Menzies. Edited by A. W. Martin and Patsy Hardy. National Library of Australia, 1993.

  Millburn, Clara. Mrs. Millburn’s Diaries. Harrap, 1979.

  Molony, C. J. C. The Mediterranean and Middle East. 6 vols. HMSO, 1973.

  Moorehead, Alan. African Trilogy. Cassell, 1998.

  Moran, Lord. Winston Churchill: The Struggle for Survival, 1940–1965. Constable, 1966.

  Morgan, Sir Frederick E. Overture to Overlord. Doubleday, 1950.

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  Nel, Elizabeth. Mr. Churchill’s Secretary. Hodder, 1958.

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  Pile, Gen. Sir Frederick. Ack-Ack: Britain’s Defence Against Air Attack. Harrap, 1949.

  Pilipel, Robert H. Churchill in America. NEL, 1977.

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  Sebag-Montefiore, Hugh. Dunkirk. Penguin, 2006.

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  Sheridan, Dorothy, ed. Wartime Women. Heinemann, 1990.

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  Sokolov, Vladimir, and Pyotr Stegny. Bridges and Barriers II, Rodina No. 5. Moscow, 2003.

  Stacey, C. P. The Canadian Army, 1939–45. E. Cloutier, 1955.

  Stafford, David. Roosevelt and Churchill. Overlook Press, 2000.

  Stanford, J. K. Tail of an Army. Phoenix House, 1966.

  Strong, Kenneth. Intelligence at the Top. Cassell, 1968.

  Sweet-Escott, Bickham. Baker Street Irregular. Methuen, 1965.

  Taylor, A. J. P. Beaverbrook. Simon & Schuster, 1972.

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  Tendulkar, D. G. Mahatma. 5 vols. New Delhi, 1988.

  Thompson, R. W. Churchill and Morton. Hodder & Stoughton, 1976.

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  Winant, John G. A Letter from Grosvenor Square. Hodder and Stoughton, 1948.

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  Churchill in Whitehall with Halifax in March 1938 (Getty Images)

  Churchill outside Downing Street in May 1940 (Getty Images)

  German columns advancing through France in May 1940 (Imperial War Museum RML193)

  Churchill in Paris on May 31, 1940, with Dill, Attlee and Reynaud (Getty Images)

  British troops awaiting evacuation at Dunkirk (Imperial War Museum NYP68075)

  Dead British soldier at Dunkirk (ECPAD, France)

  Churchill inspecting a roadblock (Imperial War Museum H2653)

  French warships blaze at Mers-el-Kebir (Musée National de Marine)

  The Battle of Britain: Hurricane pilots scramble (Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images)

  The filter room at RAF Fighter Command, Bently Priory (MOD Air Historical Branch)

  A Luftwaffe Heinkel over the London docks in September 1940 (Imperial War Museum C5422)

  The blitz street scene (Popperfoto/Getty Images)

  Churchill by Cecil Beaton (Courtesy of the Cecil Beaton Studio Archive at Sotheby’s)


  Blazing shore facilities on Crete in May 1941 (Imperial War Museum E31040E)

  A Russian soldier surrenders (BA-MA Koblenz)

  Harry Hopkins and Churchill outside Downing Street (Getty Images)

  Roosevelt and Churchill at Placentia Bay (Imperial War Museum H12739)

  British troops advance through a minefield (Imperial War Museum E1591)

  Italian prisoners during Operation Compass (Imperial War Museum)

  George King (Courtesy of Judith Avery)

  Sir John Kennedy (National Portrait Gallery, London)

  Sir Alexander Cadogan (Press Association Images)

  Harold Nicholson (Getty Images)

  Charles Wilson, Lord Moran (National Portrait Gallery, London)

  Hugh Dalton (National Portrait Gallery, London)

  Leo Amery (Getty Images)

  Cuthbert Headlam (Press Association Images)

  Oliver Harvey (Press Association Images)

  Lt. Gen. Sir Henry Pownall (Imperial War Museum FE556)

  Churchill working on his train (Imperial War Museum H10874)

  Churchill viewing new aircraft with Lindemann, Portal and Pound (Imperial War Museum H10306)

  Jock Colville’s farewell to Downing Street (Harriet Bowes-Lyon)

  Churchill at the controls of Boeing Clipper (Imperial War Museum H16645)

  One of the Second Front rallies 1942–43 (Imperial War Museum D4593)


  The Cairo conference, August 1942 (AP/Press Association Images)

  Harriman and Churchill with Molotov (Imperial War Museum MOIFLM115)

  Dieppe after the August 1942 raid (Imperial War Museum HU1904)

  Soviet troops advance towards Stalingrad (The Archive of the Panoramic Museum of the Battle o
f Stalingrad)

  The British advance at El Alamein (Imperial War Museum E18807)

  American war leaders at Casablanca, January 1943 (© Bettmann/Corbis)

  Aneurin Bevan (Getty Images)

  Stafford Cripps (Getty Images)

  Clement Attlee (Getty Images)

  Ernest Bevin (Getty Images)

  Lord Beaverbrook (Getty Images)

  Churchill with General Anderson at Carthage, May 1943 (Imperial War Museum NA3253)

  U.S. troops advance through Italy (NARA)

  Beaufighters attack German shipping off Kos (Hansjurgen Weissenborn/Anthony Rogers Collection)

  German troops land on Kos (Imperial War Museum HU67424)

  Algiers, June 1943 (Imperial War Museum NA3286)

  Churchill with Clementine, August 1943 (Imperial War Museum H32954)

  The “Big Three” at Tehran (Imperial War Museum E26640)

  The Anzio landing (Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images)


  French maquisards (Getty Images)

  SOE mission in occupied Yugoslavia (Imperial War Museum HU67565)

  American troops approaching Normandy beaches (Imperial War Museum EA25641)

  Operation Overlord (Imperial War Museum EA29655)

  Churchill with Alexander in Italy (Imperial War Museum NA18041)

  Churchill with De Gaulle (Imperial War Museum BU1294)

  Churchill meeting the Greek factions in Athens (Imperial War Museum NAM163)

  King, Brooke, Ismay and Marshall at Yalta in February 1945 (Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives)

  Victorious Russian soldiers in Sofia (Courtesy of the Central Museum of the Armed Forces, Moscow)

  Churchill with Brooke and Montgomery (Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives)

  On the balcony of Buckingham Palace with the royal family on VE Day (Imperial War Museum MH21835)

  Churchill broadcasts from Downing Street (Imperial War Museum H41846)

  Churchill with Truman and Stalin at Potsdam (Getty Images)


  Max Hastings is the author of more than twenty books. He has served as a foreign correspondent and as the editor of Britain’s Evening Standard and Daily Telegraph and has received numerous British Press and literary awards. In 2008 the Royal United Services Institute awarded him its Duke of Westminster Medal for his lifetime contribution to military literature. He lives outside London.


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