Samantha and Her Genie

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Samantha and Her Genie Page 18

by Daisy Dexter Dobbs

  While it still made her insides sizzle and her clit thump, this kiss was different from his others. This kiss spoke of feelings and emotions and caring and gratitude and, oh so much more.

  At least, that’s how it seemed to Samantha.

  His hand cupping her breast, smoothing, kneading, rubbing back and forth over her nipple as he kissed her, spoke volumes too. She so hot her body temperature was in danger of radiating clear to the trunk and melting the ice cream.

  The sudden awareness that she was acting like a hormonal teenager, making out in her car right in front of her house on a sunny Saturday afternoon, registered in the recesses of her brain. The last thing she needed was to become gossip fodder for the neighborhood.

  Did you see what that chunky hussy was up to in her driveway with that man she’s been shacking up with? Shocking. Shocking, I tell you!

  Or to put on a peep show for the tricycle-riding tots proliferating the neighborhood.

  Ooh, Mommy, guess what I saw Miss Sam and a naked stranger doing in her car!

  As she reached up to the visor for the remote to open the garage, Samantha felt Lugal deepen the kiss.

  If you could take sin and chocolate coat it, that would come close to the way he tasted as their tongues tangled.

  She almost lost it when his other hand wedged between her thighs, commencing an exploratory carnal expedition.

  “The ice cream,” she muttered, pulling back from the kiss, which was damn hard. “It’s going to melt.”

  “Let it,” he said simply, clamping his big, strong hand over her pussy and digging his fingers into the fabric.

  Oh God, God, God, that felt good. Her breaths became ragged. Her heart rhythm erratic.

  “The neighbors…they’re going to talk.”

  “Let them.”

  Lugal’s fingers zigzagged beneath her sweater, tunneling into her bra and lifting one breast from its cotton confines. His hot, wet mouth found its way to her breast, and his teeth and tongue started to work their magic.

  Nearly all rational thought fled her brain, to be replaced by lustful, wanton, naughty smatterings that said fuck the neighborhood gossips and nosy kids…

  Amidst moans and groans of pleasure, Samantha sank down in the seat until she could just barely see over the dashboard. Careful not to confuse Lugal’s cock with the gearshift, she shifted into drive and gave the car enough gas to creep into the garage…

  And bang into the metal shelves full of junk just in front of the wall.

  As car-related stuff mingled with treasured junque finds from garage sales, cascading with tinks, clangs and thuds over the hood of her car, Samantha managed to turn off the engine and close the garage door.

  “Your exquisite taste is more precious than honey, Samantha,” Lugal said after letting her nipple pop free of his mouth. His already deep voice was huskier still. “It intoxicates me. It stirs my loins and makes my cock rigid until I am consumed with lustful thoughts of plowing your warm, wet sheath.”

  Samantha melted into a puddle.

  “Oh, hell. Fuck the damn ice cream,” she said, dragging his head back to her naked breast as she tore at his jeans.

  Chapter Twelve

  “I am too big.”

  “Tell me about it. You’re gigantic. But we managed to stuff you inside me before and we can do it again.”

  Lugal chuckled. “Nay, little one. I mean I am too big for this tiny chariot of yours. I am unable to maneuver myself in this confined space. My gis cannot reach your gal-la.”

  “Come again?” Samantha asked as she fumbled with both his jeans and hers.

  “Now? But if I come, Samantha, it will not be while I am inside you.”

  It was Samantha’s turn to chuckle now. “No, I meant what were those foreign words you just said?”

  “In Sumerian, gis is cock and gal-la is vulva,” Lugal grunted, his head thumping against the car’s roof and his long legs clunking against the steering wheel and dashboard as he tried to turn. “By all that is holy, Samantha,” he growled in frustration, “we need to depart this tiny vehicle now so that we can fuck.”

  Having tried their damnedest to get it on in the front seat of Samantha’s car, she and Lugal were a jumbled mass of limbs now. Her pussy throbbed with need. It wept with longing. But until they could get untangled and manage to extricate themselves from her little car, her empty pussy would just go right on yearning.

  Finally, finally, they made their way out.

  Before she could do much more than blink, Lugal grasped Samantha around the waist and lifted her, making a mad dash for the door leading into the house. Already undone, her jeans fell around her knees, and Lugal’s were slipping south too.

  The way he hauled her around, she felt like one of those featherweight beanbag dolls—practically weightless. Her muscle-bound genie’s astounding strength was a definite turn-on. Her gaze fell to his biceps, straining against the material of his shirt. Then she looked up into his eyes, swallowing hard at what she saw simmering there…

  Hunger. Passion. The need to ravage and pillage.

  Her clit began a slow throb and she moaned.

  After he kicked the door wide until it banged against the kitchen wall, Samantha had a pretty good inkling that Lugal had no intention of tiptoeing to the bedroom and turning down the sheets with a nice crease before they made love.

  Breathing hard as he slammed her up against the kitchen wall just inside the garage, Lugal ripped Samantha’s panties off with one quick swipe. Her legs dangled as he lifted her higher, bringing her dripping pussy in line with his impatient cock.

  The tingle deep inside was almost too much to bear. Like an infernal, hellacious itch that only his cock could scratch.

  For just the briefest moment he stared at her, as if trying to connect through her eyes to her very soul. She watched his broad chest heave beneath the button-down shirt, amazed that he was just as sexy, if not more, in regular street clothes than his flesh-baring genie outfit.

  “Your vulva is wondrous to behold. And your dripping cunt…” he shoved into her, impaling her with one swift movement, “is even more wondrous to fuck.”

  Following an initial gasp, a lingering moan tore from Samantha’s throat as her big barbarian pinned her in place and pillaged her needy pussy.

  There was no gentle gliding. No controlled slipping or sliding. There was only pummeling, piercing, shoving, grunting… It was the rawest, rudest, crudest best damn sex she’d ever experienced.

  “All the day long I have been waiting to do this. The lush sight and yielding feel of you excites me beyond all reason, Samantha.”

  “Oh God, Lugal…I feel like I’m going to combust.”

  “Violent fire here.” He gave another powerful thrust. “Like a raging inferno. Yes…I feel it too.”

  Caught up in the wildness, the fevered pitch of lust and desire, Samantha did something rash, something she’d always wanted to do since she saw it done in the movies once. She grabbed onto either side of Lugal’s shirt and ripped it open, sending buttons careening left and right.

  The sight of the beautiful bronzed fleshscape highlighted by the white cloth sent a new gush of juices streaming, trickling down her legs as he assaulted her pussy. She dug her nails into his hard pecs, flicking her thumbs across his flat, taut nipples. And then she licked his battle scars, every one within tonguing distance.

  “Ahhh, such fervor, such passion. I like the feel of your soft little hands digging into my chest, sweet Samantha.” Lugal pressed his forehead against hers and licked her face like a thirsty panther. “And the sensation of your tongue exploring the badges of honor across my flesh renders my cock harder than my copper battle armor.”

  “Mmmm…I noticed.” She squeezed her inner muscles against the thick, hard rod of flesh impaling her. “Like a great big copper bullet.” He drove into her again and Samantha thought she’d expire from the sweet mix of pain and pleasure as his cock grazed her womb. “Or maybe more like a copper torpedo…”

  “So much clothing you wear. You make it so difficult for me to access your alabaster uburs.”

  “Let me guess. My ass?”

  “Nay, your pretty white tits.” Fastening Samantha firm against the wall with nothing more than the strength of his cock and his pelvis, which shocked the hell out of her, Lugal tore the sweater up and over her head, flinging it aside. One breast was still uncovered while the other rested inside its bra cup. “These you will all throw away,” he told her, yanking hard on the center of her sturdy bra. “I do not like their annoying resilience.”

  When another tug failed to rip the undergarment from her body, with a grunt, Lugal fisted the cups and tore the damn thing right in half.

  Torches ignited in the depths of his eyes as her breasts bobbed free. Pulsations clamored from Samantha’s ready-to-detonate clit to her womb when she saw the way he looked at her. That dark voracious expression, like a predator closing in to make his claim.

  His gaze still locked on her liberated breasts, Lugal held her steady so he could slide nearly all the way out before hammering into her again. Oh…so high, so hard… His amazing cock connected with places she didn’t even know existed. Although the position afforded her little opportunity to rock her hips or move against him, the sensation of being taken standing up like this was so erotic, every fiber of her being quivered with pleasure.

  In the next instant he was busy suckling, drawing her areola into his hot mouth and biting her nipple. Plucking it, scraping it with his teeth, driving her wild, mad with passion until she almost begged for mercy.

  Never wanting this to end, Samantha wrapped one hand around his back, caressing bands of hard muscle. The fingers of her other hand dove into his long hair, smoothing his scalp, holding him close as he sweetly tortured her breast. She had no doubt that her orgasm would be dynamic. She could feel her body priming itself for a jubilant, over the moon event.

  The heady scent of arousal wafted around them as they fucked. Shards of euphoria sparked within her as Lugal’s mouth left her breast and he licked her from her wet, rigid nipple, up her chest and throat, finally capturing her lips in a torrid, demanding kiss.

  God how she loved the taste of this man.

  In her blissful state, Samantha noted there was a sense of urgency, of vital importance to Lugal’s actions. It was as if he sought to fill every waking moment, every second outside that damned bottle, with passion, sensation…with life. She choked back a sob as the thought assailed her. How cruel that this vibrant, passionate man’s life had been suspended, torn from him in his prime.

  All because he’d tried to do the honorable thing by protecting a young woman from execution. It was so desperately unfair. Samantha vowed at that moment to ensure that whatever time they had together would be the best, the happiest, the most passionate she could possibly make it. If she couldn’t give him his life back, then at least she’d make damn sure his dark hours were filled with sweet dreams of their time together.

  She felt Lugal’s fingers digging into her hair, fisting it, while his hips crashed against hers. He hammered into her hard and fast, each thrust sending her spiraling closer to paradise. Their groans mingled as their skin grew warm and damp with perspiration.

  “For this small moment in time, you are mine, Samantha,” he growled against her mouth, nipping and tugging at her lips as he spoke. “You belong to me as much as I belong to you. Mine. You are mine alone, do you hear me?”

  “Yes. Oh God, yes…” Samantha realized tears were trickling down her cheeks. For this all too brief instance, this infinitesimal blip in eternity as they were joined in ecstasy, she and her beautiful, magnificent genie belonged to each other only.

  She bit her lip to keep from making an utter fool of herself by screaming out I love you, Lugal! The surprising words hovered so near, amazing her with their clarity, their sense of rightness. How could they seem so natural, so heartfelt when she’d known him such a short time?

  She could see the intensity in Lugal’s eyes when he approached climax. His body tightened, his powerful thighs slamming hard against her. His mighty chest heaved and the muscles in his arms bunched and corded. And all the while he was looking into her eyes. Gazing so deep it made her tremble.

  She wondered if he could see straight into her heart. If he could somehow sense the depth of feeling she had for him. Feelings that had her frightened and elated at the same time.

  As the words I love you, Lugal danced across her mind a second time, Samantha’s body stiffened, then shuddered in his arms and she came hard. As she uttered a cry of elation, she heard the primal roar rumble up from Lugal’s chest. He came as hard as she did, torrents of cum shooting hot and swift deep inside her.


  It was the absolute perfect fuck. The ultimate in lovemaking. The grand, mystic high of all orgasms.

  With a dreamy sigh of satisfaction, Samantha sagged against him, wrapping her arms around his neck and resting her head on his shoulder. She could feel the pulsing of his heart through his veins as she nuzzled him. The pounding percussion beat comforted her like a soothing lullaby. It would be easy to stay like that forever…just her and her genie, enjoying the afterglow of idyllic sex.

  “I’ve never had sex standing up before,” she said, depositing a trail of little kisses from his shoulder to his ear. “It was the most erotic experience of my life.”

  “Taking you like this was unforgettable, little one.” Lugal nipped her ear with his teeth, then kissed her temple. “You were like a tigress, driving me wild with your unrestrained passion. I am a truly fortunate man.”

  Samantha lifted her head and looked into his eyes as he cupped her buttocks and brushed a tender kiss across her lips. “Mmmm…you say the nicest things, Lugal.”

  “I only speak the truth, Samantha.” He slipped out of her and set her back on the floor. Her feet hadn’t touched it since he’d first slammed into the house from the garage and her knees buckled at first. He supported her immediately with one strong arm.

  She couldn’t help giggling a little when his stomach grumbled and growled. “Seems like somebody’s worked up an appetite, hmm?”

  Clapping his hand over his abs, he flashed her that charming smile she’d come to adore. “Yes, my belly is in need of provisions. You will go to the room of the flushing water and—”

  “Bathroom,” she reminded him with a smile.

  “Yes, bathroom. You will go there and refresh yourself while I unburden the trunk of your chariot.”

  “Sounds good.” Mmm-hmm, she could definitely get used to having a big burly guy around to unburden her trunk. “I’ll be back in a jiffy to put the frozen and refrigerated foods away and then I’ll whip us up a nice dinner.”

  Samantha’s spirits were so high she felt she could almost float on air to…the flushing room. Having this much happiness and contentment was kind of scary. When things got too perfect, the fear that the rug would suddenly be yanked out from under her pervaded her thoughts. And, in a way, that’s exactly what would happen after Lugal returned to the bottle.

  If she didn’t protect her heart, Samantha feared it would be forever shattered once she lost him.

  Blinking away the abrupt rise of tears, she shook the gloomy idea from her mind and went to freshen up.

  “I rescued the frozen cream,” Lugal announced proudly when she came back into the kitchen a few minutes later. “I deposited it in the metal box’s ice chamber for safekeeping.” He motioned toward the freezer.

  “Thanks! Ice cream soup just isn’t the same as the frozen stuff.” Samantha glanced at the kitchen counter. “Wow, looks like you already put most of the cold things away. I’m impressed.”

  His shoulders lifting in a nonchalant shrug, he gave a smug smile. “I learn quickly.”

  Eyeing the open shirt stuffed in the waistband of his jeans, Samantha could barely believe she’d ripped it open a short while ago. “Sorry about your new shirt. I…I couldn’t help myself.”

  “Never apologize
to me for being a tigress, little one.” He looked down at his chest, smoothing his hand down over his perfectly sculpted pecs and magnificent abs. Pecs and abs that had developed from years of training for battle, instead of a workout at the gym. Real man pecs, earned the old fashioned way.

  “I like the feel of the open shirt,” he continued, while Samantha attempted to unglue her eyes from the lip-licking sight. “I am not used to confining clothing. Besides, you bought me several other shirts as well, so I have others for you to tear from my flesh in the midst of passion.” He gave her a sexy grin.

  Jesus, she’d just had a rip-roaring orgasm not more than ten minutes ago and already her clit was declaring its intention to blast off again. The last time she’d even approached this level of horniness was when she found a stack of bodybuilder magazines at a garage sale. Between those luscious color photos of close-to-naked hunks, bursting with oiled muscle, her trusty vibrator and a few glasses of wine, she’d given her clit a marathon workout.

  Her gaze slid to the enormous bag of kinky objects from the sex shop and juices pooled at the crotch of the clean panties she’d put on. Oh good grief, she’d never escape this haze of lust as long as Lugal was anywhere in sight…or in her thoughts. She didn’t even want to think about what might be going through her mind as she counseled weight-loss clients at work Monday morning.


  “Oh shit,” Samantha said.

  “Something is amiss?”

  “What am I going to do with you when I have to go to work Monday?”

  “To the place where you labor for Bunny Turner?”

  Samantha nodded. “I can’t leave you here alone, and I certainly can’t take you with me.” She could just imagine the commotion if she showed up at the offices of TBT with a walking wet dream in tow. Chaos would ensue. Of course, one glimpse of the luscious barbarian would get the dieters’ minds off food. The thought brought a smile to her lips. No, there was no way she could risk bringing Lugal to work. She bit her bottom lip, dragging it through her teeth as she considered her options.


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