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Samantha and Her Genie

Page 25

by Daisy Dexter Dobbs

  She sucked in an audible gasp. “You weren’t supposed to see those.”

  “Now show me, my sweet.” His hands ghosted her breasts, his palms making the most maddening, briefest contact with her aching nipples. “Show me how you would touch yourself when you are thinking of me.” He smiled. “It would please me greatly.” With a focused grunt, he made his magical cock jerk inside her.

  Samantha closed her eyes, bringing her fingers to her breasts with some hesitation. “I would picture myself in Sumer, waiting for you to come back from a lengthy battle.” She caught her nipples between her fingers, softly at first, and then applying more pressure.

  “I would think about your strong, hard, muscled body and how I love to feel it crush me.” She moaned now, pinching the rigid peaks harder. Opening her eyes to gaze down at Lugal, she continued. “I would imagine your fingers and your mouth at my breasts, torturing them sweetly as I writhe beneath you. You would be pinching and plucking like this.” She played with herself, just the way she would if he was absent.

  “Now show me with one hand still at your breast how you would touch your pretty, silken murub. Your cunt,” he clarified. “And how you would make yourself come by pleasuring the little pink button between your sweet cunt lips.”

  Goose bumps broke out over Samantha’s body as she slid one hand to her pussy. She couldn’t believe she was about to masturbate in front of Lugal. Her fingers fluttered a moment before she finally slid them between the base of Lugal’s cock and her lips, making direct contact with her clitoris.

  “Yes, that’s it,” Lugal said, hiking himself up on his elbows to get a good view. “You like doing this for me, Samantha. I can feel your passion juices coursing down my cock.” He molded her curves with his hands, treating her as if she were a delicate porcelain vase. “How my loins ache for you.”

  “That’s probably because I fell on top of you and then you showed off by doing those impossible backward pushups with me still on top,” Samantha pointed out.

  “You are such a bad girl.” Lugal grasped her arms, pulled her to his chest and then smacked her bottom with one hand.

  “Oh!” Her ass stung, her pussy gushed and her clit entered countdown mode. “Oh yeah? Well this bad girl is going to make you pay for spanking her, mister.”

  One of Lugal’s eyebrows shot up in amusement. “Is that so?”

  “Yup. I’m going to make those loins of yours ache so bad that you’ll scream out my name when I finally allow you to come.”

  “I see. And how do you propose to do this, my brazen little temptress?”

  Determined to make this as hot and as much fun as possible, Samantha shoved down any remaining shyness or embarrassment and went to work. She wiggled her finger between her pussy and his cock, slid it around inside, then slipped it out—and brought it to her mouth.

  She parted her lips, doing her damnedest to look provocative and alluring. Placing her finger on her tongue, she closed her mouth and her eyes and gave a deep, exaggerated moan.

  “Mmmm,” she cooed, drawing her finger through her pursed lips and swirling a lick at the tip. “I can taste my cream mixed with those little salty drops of pre-cum from your great big cock. But you know what?”

  Lugal grinned. “What, little one?”

  “Now that I’ve taken my finger away from my little pink clit, it’s all achy and lonely. Maybe I’d better get back to slipping and sliding my fingertip over the silky pearl while you watch me, hmm?”

  Without waiting for his response, Samantha swirled her finger around and down her flesh from her throat, over her breasts and belly, and back to her pussy, where she tucked it into the warm, wet recesses of her center.

  “Oooh, yes…that’s much better.” She let her head fall back and moaned, making sure to use enough movement so that it would be crystal clear to Lugal as to exactly what she was doing. Just for good measure, she thrust out her chest, shimmying her breasts, certain he would enjoy watching them sway. His gawking expression confirmed her suspicions.

  “Gods…” he groaned, straining now to keep his head aloft to watch her pleasure herself.

  “Of course, my very best, very strongest orgasms happen when I make sure to mix plenty of clit and nipple action. I especially love the feel of your teeth on my nipples, Lugal. Tugging, biting. And the feel of your mouth sucking me there. Just thinking about it brings me closer to orgasm.”

  “I am more than happy to gratify your desire, Samantha,” he said in a sinfully tempting voice. “Come. Dangle your tit over my mouth. I will claim it in my teeth and make you wild with pleasure.”

  “Hmmm, as tempting as that sounds, no…I don’t think so.”

  “No?” he repeated, clearly surprised.

  “I’m going to bite my own nipple. Maybe even suck it. What do you think, Lugal?” She heard his sharp intake of breath and watched his eyes widened so big she almost laughed.

  “I have never seen it done.”

  “In that case I’ll just have to be the first, won’t I?” The fingers of one hand still busy swirling at her clit, Samantha brought an ample breast to her mouth, shifting this way and that until she was able to claim the stiff nipple between her teeth.

  She made sure to whimper, groan and writhe and do everything else possible to drive Lugal crazy. Watching him, his attention rapt as she suckled her own breast, was an experience she’d never forget. His eyes about popped out of his head and he kept making these needy, lusty, longing noises deep in his throat.

  She let her breast pop free of her mouth and blew on the wet flesh, watching it crinkle and watching Lugal’s expression grow solemn. Oh yeah, the man had serious, primal fucking on his mind.

  Samantha swirled her hips and then slid up and down his thick, long column, careful not to slide clear off him. “I’ll bet you’re probably just about ready to come now, aren’t you, Lugal?”


  “Well, don’t. I haven’t finished fucking you yet, my handsome genie.”

  “I must,” he said in a strangled voice. “My balls burn with the need for release.”

  “Too bad.” In a flash, she lifted her hips high and his cock popped free, wet, gleaming and bobbing before her. Sliding his pliable foreskin over the sensitive crown, she gently pressed the top inch or so of his shaft dragging a purely primitive hiss from his throat.

  “You’re going to hold it,” she instructed. “Until I give you permission to come. But I, on the other hand, can come any time I damn well please.”

  “Vixen,” he accused. “Witch.”

  “Genie,” she countered, slipping her finger from her pussy. Samantha knew all it would take was another quick swipe or two and she’d go right over the edge. But she had more to accomplish before satisfying herself. Leaning forward, she sandwiched his cock with her breasts and started a slow glide.

  “Mmm, doesn’t that bold, dark, swarthy skin of yours look handsome nestled between my soft, dove-white breasts?”

  “A finer sight I have never seen,” he answered. “A more beautiful and giving woman I have never known.”

  Although his words made her heart soar, Samantha remained in character as the one in charge. “Pretty words, mighty warrior, but I’m still not going to let you come until I’m ready.”

  “She-demon,” he charged.

  She almost laughed at that. “When you come, I want you to spray your creamy white genie seed all over my breasts,” she whispered as their gazes locked. “And then you know what I’m going to do, Lugal?”

  “What?” he asked, his voice a deep croak, his dark eyes turbulent with passion.

  “I’m going to lick every little tasty drop of your male essence from my pale flesh with the tip of my little pink tongue.” She licked her lips to make a point.

  As he half-drooled, half-panted, she bent her head and dug her tongue into the tiny hole at the tip of his cock.

  “Now you may come,” she said softly, fisting him with both hands and pumping him hard. “All over my pretty white

  She observed the marked change in his expression as Lugal’s muscles tightened. His jaw clamped tight, his hands clasped her arms like steel cuffs. As he yelled out her name through clenched teeth, like a wild savage cry, she watched his hard shower of seed branding her. She aimed his shooting cum at each breast, bathing her nipples as he watched and shuddered in the throes of ecstasy.

  Once his cock was spent, Samantha lifted her breasts to her mouth, swirling her tongue amid Lugal’s creamy essence and lapping every drop of it up. Then she held her hands aloft, examining them and sucking any existing semen from her fingers, one by one.

  “Gods, how I love you, my sweet, beautiful Samantha,” Lugal murmured, slipping his fingers inside her labia and pinching her clit.

  Samantha whimpered. The countdown to ecstasy resumed and a second definitive squeeze was all it took for her primed body to quake and tremble with pleasure. Stiffening at first, her senses whirled, floating back and forth between fantasy and reality.

  As she fell against his chest, she wondered if she’d heard Lugal correctly.

  She could have sworn he’d just told her he loved her.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “I have a feeling you’re going to be very sore,” Samantha said as they rose from the fractured pine table on the kitchen floor.”

  Lugal shrugged. “It is of no consequence. I heal quickly.”

  She wanted to ask him about what he said. About loving her. Did he mean it or was it just fanciful sex talk that fled from his thoughts as soon as he’d uttered it? Gods, how I love you, he’d said. Did that mean he loved her like a friend? Well, a friend with benefits. Or did he mean he was in love with her?

  Was it possible that he could actually have such strong feelings for her after only knowing her a few days? Well, why not? After all, she was in love with him, wasn’t she? Yeah, but the man was like an Adonis. And she was average at best. Maybe he was simply lulled into thinking he loved her because she was the only woman around. Or because he could only have sex with his possessor. Or because—

  “Samantha?” Lugal snapped his fingers.

  She blinked. “Hmm?”

  “You have not heard anything I said. Is something wrong? Your expression looks…” he cocked his head, “oddly pinched. Do you feel ill?”

  She gazed into Lugal’s eyes as he waited for her answer. They looked the same as usual, she noted, espresso brown, alert and full of life. There was no indication he’d suddenly realized she was the woman who completed him. That she was the other half of his soul. The key to his heart. The salsa atop his enchilada.

  He wasn’t looking at her all gooey and doe-eyed, like he yearned to drop to one knee and propose marriage. If he really meant what he said, if he was really in love with her, then wouldn’t the look in his eyes be all foggy and romantic? No, those words just tumbled out of his mouth without him even realizing it, that’s all. They were simply words uttered in a moment of—


  Her eyes widened when he shook her and she focused on his face. The look she saw there was one of concern, not deep, abiding, I-want-to-spend-every-waking-moment-of-my-life-with-you love.


  “I asked where I should dispose of the pieces of wood. Is it the table, little one? Is that why you seem overcome? Are you distressed because we broke it?”

  His question snapped her back to reality and she laughed. “Oh…yeah, that must be it. Sorry. I guess I was more attached to the old chunk of pine than I thought.”

  “I will build another table for you. I will make certain it is sturdy and well-built.”

  Samantha clasped his biceps and smiled as she gave them a squeeze. “Like you, you mean?”

  He drew her into a quick hug and kissed the tip of her nose. “Yes, like me.” He studied her face. “I fear for your wellbeing, little one. You are overtired and still in shock from the episode of my coming out of the bottle, I think. Tonight you must have plenty of undisturbed rest. Be assured that I will hold you in my arms as you sleep, without demanding that my cock be appeased.”

  His sweet offer elicited a chuckle from her. “Don’t you want to jump my bones?” she asked with a coy smile, finger-walking across the substantial width of his shoulders.

  “If this means to fuck you, then, yes. I wish to fuck you every time I look at you. But I am a man of honor and propriety, Samantha. Such a man does not force himself upon the woman he loves when she is clearly in dire need of a full night’s sleep.”

  Samantha sucked in an audible gasp and flailed a finger at him. “There! You said it again. I heard you.” She choked on a joyful scream, swallowing it as she did her best to avoid imitating a jumping bean.

  He gaped at her as if she’d sprouted goat horns.

  “Heard me say what?”

  “That you love me.” He still had that strange look on his face, which had her doubting whether she’d heard him correctly. “That’s what you said, isn’t it?”

  “Yes. So?” Lugal shrugged, looking all hunky and handsome and blasé as hell. “It pleases you, does it not?”

  She was careful not to take too deep a breath for fear her heart might come leaping from her chest right out her mouth and bounce off his perfectly sculpted pecs. “Before I answer you, let me make sure we’re on the absolute same wavelength here, okay?”

  He narrowed one eye. “You speak gibberish I do not understand.”

  “I want to make sure,” she began slowly, “that when you say you love me, you’re talking about the forever man-woman kind of love that makes people want to get married. That kind of love. Is that what you mean? Or do you mean you love me like a sister?”

  Lugal’s lip curled in a disgusted sneer. “What kind of man would bed his own sister?”


  “And you know I cannot marry you, Samantha.”

  “Oh for heaven’s sake. Let’s not quibble over semantics. I know you can’t marry me and you wouldn’t sleep with your sister. I just want to know if you would if you could, that’s all.”

  “Sleep with my sister?” He looked horrified.

  Her frustrated tsk practically echoed off the walls. “No! Marry me!”

  “Of course.” He gave another nonchalant shrug. “Did I not tell you I loved you?”

  “What do you mean, of course?!” she screeched. “How can you just stand there looking all cool, calm and collected and saying of course like that after you just told me you’re in love with me? Don’t you even want to know if I love you back?”

  He chuckled—actually chuckled at this single most important moment of her entire life.

  “But of course you love me, little one.” Lugal wrapped his arms around her, smoothing his hand through her hair. “Only a fool would not realize it.” He trailed kisses from her temple to her throat and back up to her mouth, where he claimed her lips in a possessive kiss. “And I am no fool,” he said when their lips parted.

  “I have never encountered a woman like you, in all my thousands of years of existence. Did I not already tell you that? Have I not already said that you are kind and beautiful and sweet and giving? Is it not clear when I gaze into your eyes while we make love together that I cherish you with the whole of my heart?”

  Samantha started to cry.

  Lugal responded with a frustrated sigh. “Now I am confused. Why do you cry each time I try to say something to make you smile?”

  “Because you’re wonderful and I love you and I can’t believe how lucky I am,” she sobbed, yanking him so close that their bodies were nearly fused. “Tell me again, Lugal. Tell me you love me.” She clutched onto him, reassuring herself that he was real, that he wasn’t a muscle-bound, hunky figment of her overactive imagination.

  “I love you,” he whispered against her ear and she sucked in a breath. “You are my moon, my stars, my sun. You are my everything, sweet Samantha. Ze ki angu.”

  “What does that mean,” she asked in a small voice.

  “It mean
s you are my beloved. In Sumerian, it is comparable to the words, I love you.”

  “Oh…that’s nice. Very nice.”

  “If it were in my power, I would ask you to be my wife, to share my life, to bear my babes—our little goats. I love you, Samantha. I love you today, tomorrow and always.” He rocked her back and forth gently as he spoke.

  “Just one little question,” she said, trying not to expire on the spot from an extreme overdose of happiness until she was sure, really sure.

  ‘Hmm? What is it, little one?”

  “How can you be sure it’s really love when we’ve known each other for just three days? Maybe it’s just a potent case of lust.”

  “I will answer your question with one of my own. “How can you be sure that what you feel for me is really love after the same amount of time?”

  “Oh Lugal…” she sighed. “I love you so much it hurts.”

  “Yes, I know.” He patted her back a she snuggled against him.

  Samantha’s tears turned to laughter. “We have to work on that ego of yours.”

  “I think not. You love me the way I am. I am the perfect man for you.”

  “What are we going to do?” she asked, just above a whisper. “I mean, when you have to…”

  “Shhh,” he coaxed, smoothing her hair again. “We will not focus on the time when we must part. Instead, we will focus on filling each moment of our time together, however short, with as much life and love as possible.” He held her at arm’s length and smiled down at her. “We will create happy memories to last dozens of lifetimes. Now no more tears. We will have dinner, then you will go to sleep and rest while I watch over you.”

  Samantha yawned, feeling safe, protected, loved and utterly, supremely happy. “That sounds heavenly. I do need to get some sleep because I have to be at work at eight tomorrow morning.” She groaned. “Oh hell, I forgot all about that.” She studied Lugal’s face as her thoughts raced. “If I leave you here alone tomorrow, will you promise me you’ll be careful not to get into any trouble?”

  “You disparage me with your unfounded fears.” Lugal scoffed. “I am a grown man, Samantha. A leader of armies. I think you can be assured that I can manage to care for myself without incident.”


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