The Rules of Love

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The Rules of Love Page 5

by Morticia Knight

  “Yes, Master.”

  Kenneth’s voice seemed unusually soft for a man of his size and Saul noted how nervous he was. He darted his eyes about the room and his fingers were never still even as he held his hands at his sides. His gaze landed on Saul for a couple of seconds before he tore it away. A blush stained Kenneth’s cheeks and Saul wondered at the source of his embarrassment.


  Kenneth jumped as if he’d been smacked then scurried from the room.

  As I’m sure he has.

  Saul took in a deep breath. He had to remain focused.

  “I was wondering, Preston.”

  Saul kept his expression schooled at Aaron’s words. If they were to have any success with their little plan, Aaron would have to be the one to lead Preston on so that Saul could get to Kenneth.

  “Yes?” Already suspicion shone from Preston’s eyes. No doubt he lived in a state of constant mistrust borne of his own devious behavior.

  “I heard from one of the other Dominants that you have an incredible collection of authentic torture devices from medieval times. Is that correct?”

  A self-satisfied smile curled the corners of Preston’s mouth. “Why, yes. I’ve been collecting for years. If it’s not too boastful of me to say, I daresay it’s the finest collection of its kind.”

  Aaron gasped. “Truly?” He regarded Saul. “This is what I was telling you. We need someone with Master Cornwall’s obvious expertise to serve on the board.” Aaron turned back to Preston. “I hope this isn’t too presumptuous of us, but we’ve been searching for some new blood…” Aaron chuckled. “Forgive my pun, but we really do need someone of your ilk at the club to serve on the board. We’ve both been very impressed with your techniques since you’ve joined us.”

  Saul breathed in deeply though his nose. Rather than compliment the horse’s ass, he wanted to make him suffer the way he’d made Kenneth and likely several others suffer too. He just had to bide his time.

  Preston had straightened in his chair at Aaron’s words, his chest puffed out even more than it had been. The man obviously thought quite well of himself.

  Aaron leaned in to Preston as if they were sharing a deep, dark secret. “I don’t suppose you’d care to show us your collection? Perhaps instruct us as to what some of the implements are and what delicious uses they might have?”

  Preston had a ridiculous grin plastered across his face as if he had finally been given the validation he knew he so rightly deserved. “I’d be thrilled to help you gentlemen out.” He rose from the wing chair. “Please don’t be shy about asking me questions either. I do so enjoy teaching the less informed.”

  Saul maintained a tolerant smile, but Aaron was playing his part in their game to perfection. He looked almost rapturous as he hung on to every word the putrid man spoke. Preston appeared to be taken in by Aaron’s faked enthusiasm and Saul repressed a snort, imagining the two of them becoming the best of friends like two biddies cackling at each other over tea.

  As they followed behind Preston while he prattled on about how amazing his collection was and conversely, about how amazing he also was, Saul interjected. They were about to enter the room that housed Preston’s precious objects of torture, so it was time for Saul to make his move.

  “Could you tell me where the facilities are, old sport?”

  A look of irritation passed over Preston’s face and Saul resisted the urge to hold his breath. Anything could derail their plan at any moment.

  “I’d hate for you to miss any of my comments.”


  “It wouldn’t bother me in the slightest if you had to repeat anything for Saul’s benefit.” Aaron laughed lightly. “I’m sure it won’t hurt me to hear it more than once, as I’m hardly the expert you are.”

  As Saul exhaled, he realized he’d been holding his breath after all.

  “In that case, go back the way we came and the guest bath is on the other side of the kitchen.”

  “Excellent. I’ll rejoin you both in two shakes of a lamb’s tail.”

  Preston nodded at him curtly, then carried on his excited conversation with Aaron. It was all rather retch-worthy.

  Before Preston could stop him for any reason or change his mind about showing them his little toys, Saul hurried to the kitchen in the hopes that Kenneth would be there making their drinks. Right as Saul rounded the corner that led into the room, Kenneth was in the process of closing the door that led to the yard. He turned and when he saw Saul, he yelped, dropping the limes that had been cradled in his arms. They rolled in all directions across the tiled floor. One bumped the toe of Saul’s Oxfords and came to a stop. Saul bent down to retrieve it.

  After straightening, Saul held the citrus out to Kenneth, who had gathered up the remaining ones. The young man stared at Saul as if he were an apparition, his soft hazel eyes rounded in surprise. Saul had underestimated the sharp thrill that ran through him at being alone with and so close to Kenneth for the first time. The man tentatively stepped forward to accept the lime, but kept his distance, as if afraid they might inadvertently touch. Saul wasn’t certain what it meant, but he suspected it had to do with the fear of what would happen to him were he to be caught alone with another man. That was why Saul had to act fast.

  He moved closer to Kenneth and could have sworn that he heard him gasp. Kenneth’s gaze had lowered as he’d no doubt been taught to do.

  “Kenneth.” Saul spoke softly in what he hoped was a soothing manner. “Look at me, please.”

  Their eyes were locked on one another, but neither of them said a word. Saul laid the fruit in Kenneth’s palm, and as he pulled his hand away, he allowed his fingers to brush over Kenneth’s skin briefly. He visibly shuddered then dropped his gaze again.

  “I didn’t mean to frighten you.”

  Saul kept his voice low, partly to reassure Kenneth and partly to guarantee that Preston wouldn’t hear voices from the other room and come to investigate.

  “I-I’m not frightened of you. Sir.” Kenneth’s Adam’s apple bobbed up and down.

  “Here. Let me help you with those…”

  He reached for the limes that Kenneth still clutched to him, but the young man jerked back.

  “Oh no, Sir, I can do it.” He rushed to the porcelain tiled counter then set the green fruit down. “Is there anything I can get you, Sir? Some water, perhaps? Anything at all.”

  The last thing Saul wanted to do was cause Kenneth any discomfort. He was clearly rattled by Saul’s presence and he couldn’t decide what that meant. Perhaps Francesco had been reading much more into Kenneth’s actions than were actually there. What was more critical to Saul was that he get the information he’d originally come for. Whatever else may or may not be happening could wait for another time.

  Yes. Another time.

  “No, thank you very much Kenneth. You’re a good boy to ask—”

  Kenneth whirled around, his mouth agape. “I…? You think I’m…?”

  Saul frowned. He was still completely in the dark over what was going on between Kenneth and his supposed Master. What he knew of Kenneth at all was very limited. Yet every time something else was revealed to him it broke his heart just a tiny bit more. Being so near to Kenneth, Saul was able to inhale his masculine aroma that was tinged with the bite of lime, he could see the amber flecks in his irises. But he could also view the purpling bruises and the cut on his lip that was crusted over with blood.

  “You’re a wonderful boy, Kenneth.” Saul kept his voice gentle. “And I need your help.”

  Kenneth’s brow furrowed and he shook his head absent-mindedly as if he was dislodging the confusion. “I don’t understand. I’m of no use to anyone.”

  It was if Saul had been punched in the gut. How could such a beautiful boy not know his own worth?

  “Don’t ever speak about yourself like that again. Do I make myself clear?”

  Kenneth’s eyes widened as he lifted his gaze. “I’m so sorry. Please don’t be angry with me, Mast
er Saul.”

  Before he could stop himself, Saul brushed a loose strand of hair back from Kenneth’s face. The young man inhaled sharply.

  “I could never be angry with you.” Saul cleared his throat and reached into his suit coat pocket. He retrieved a small notepad and his jade fountain pen. “Quickly now. I need you to tell me your aunt’s name and everything you know about her.”

  Kenneth blinked several times and his jaw fell open. “How do you know…?”

  “Later, Kenneth. Now hurry before Preston notices how long I’ve been gone.”

  Preston’s name seemed to rattle him effectively. “Edna. Edna Robinson. She’s sixty-four years old and lives in the south side of Chicago.”

  Saul peered up at Kenneth from where he’d been writing. “She lives in Chicago?”


  “Kenneth, does Preston know that’s where she lives?”

  “I assume he does.”

  “And why is that?”

  Kenneth flushed. “Uh, he, because…” He shrugged.

  Saul moved purposefully forward, intimidating Kenneth with his body without touching him. Kenneth stepped back until his waist hit the counter ledge.

  “You will answer me directly, boy. What makes you think Preston knows where your aunt lives? Don’t hold anything back from me.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Kenneth took a deep breath. “Master Preston always told me that if I ever try to leave him, he’ll do something terrible to her. He’s told me that he knows a lot of people—bad people—and that all he’d have to do is make one call and they’d…” Kenneth’s voice tripped on itself. “I know I’m weak, but I couldn’t take the chance.”

  “You’re not weak. What did I just say before? I won’t have you speaking nonsense about yourself. Of course you couldn’t take the chance. But you can now.”


  “Do you want to leave Preston?”

  Kenneth swayed and Saul grabbed his upper arm to steady him. The man’s muscles were defined and strong. Saul yearned to discover yet more of the treasures of Kenneth’s body.

  “Are you going to be okay if I let you go?”

  Kenneth nodded jerkily. “Don’t tease me, Sir, please.”

  “I’m not teasing and I asked you a direct question.” Saul maintained the intensity of his tone. He’d never failed to get a response from any submissive man when he’d employed it. “If you truly want to leave Preston, I can help you. If you don’t, then I won’t interfere. Do you trust me?”

  “Yes, Sir. Very much.”

  “Then what’s your answer?”

  “Yes. Please.” He took a deep breath again. “I want to leave Preston Cornwall.”

  * * * *

  “That was an excruciating way to spend the afternoon.”

  Aaron drove his Stutz Bearcat out of Preston’s driveway then turned and headed toward Lake Avenue and the highway that would take them back to the Hollywood area where they both lived. Saul stared out of the window, the exchange between him and Kenneth at the forefront of his mind.

  “I want Kenneth out of there right now. I say we turn back, collect him then figure out the rest later.”

  Saul regarded Aaron, who had his eyes directed steadfastly forward. After a brief pause where it seemed as if Aaron was carefully considering something, he finally spoke.

  “I’ve certainly never seen you like this before. Although I will say, I’m glad for it.”

  “Glad? Do you think Kenneth’s glad that he—”

  “Now hold on, my good friend, that’s not at all what I meant. Of course I’m not happy about his situation. However, witnessing how he’s gotten under your skin is wonderful.” Taking one hand off the wheel, Aaron then reached over and squeezed Saul’s arm before putting it back. “We’ll get him out of there, but we stick to the plan. Let’s find out what we can from Linus, make sure he’s taken care of as well, then wait. Our fly is about to charge into our spider’s web where we can dispose of him for good.”

  Saul didn’t answer his friend, allowing his mind to wander instead. He knew it was risky to think too far ahead, to go over various scenarios of what Kenneth might need or want once Saul and his compatriots got him away from his captor. It would be wiser not to contemplate the situation and what it might mean for Saul. Getting his heart crushed by Kenneth would be much too easy.

  However, Saul was a meticulous, ordered man by nature. He hadn’t gotten where he had in life by allowing chance to take over. Every business move he’d made over the years had been calculated to the very last detail. Despite his considerable financial successes, orchestrating events to guarantee Kenneth’s happiness was the most important thing he’d ever done.

  “Ah, this must be the charming establishment where Linus resides. We should be thankful that Francesco hasn’t the slightest idea of how to mind his own business, or we likely wouldn’t have ever found him. I’m sure he’s been frightened away for good after whatever it was that Preston did to the poor boy.”

  Aaron parked the Bearcat on Gower Street, not very far from Global Studios.

  “That’s another thing to add to the list.” Saul already had his notepad out and was scribbling in it.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, old sport, we should have a list of the submissive men’s addresses. We have it for the Dominants—why not them?”

  Aaron chuckled. “Because we collect money from the Dominants.”

  “Hmm. You see? My thinking hasn’t been clear on this. I should have been considering all angles.”

  “We should have, Saul. You’re not the only member on the board. And since we don’t have anyone heading it up, keeping it equal the way you said the owner of Hampton Road demands, how could you possibly take on the responsibility for everything?”

  Grumbling, Saul closed the notepad then put it away. “Well, I have been there the longest. I feel I’ve been remiss.”

  “One thing at a time, remember?” Aaron opened the door on his side, then swung one of his long legs out of the car and onto the runner. He glanced over his shoulder. “Right now we have to convince a likely very scared young man to allow us to help him.”

  “This is very kind of you, Aaron. Are you sure it won’t be an imposition? I can always make other arrangements for the men.”

  Saul had already descended from the motorcar and waited for Aaron to straighten his jacket and cuffs.

  “The guesthouse is empty and Sam can use the help in the nursery. He has more plants than he can keep up with, despite the help from his mother and sister. We were going to have to put up employment notices, so this is actually quite perfect.” Aaron adjusted his hat and gave Saul a mischievous look. “And Altadena isn’t very far from San Marino.”

  Saul regarded him with a scowl. “I live in Los Angeles.”

  “And spend most of your time at the club in San Marino.”

  “Can we hurry this along? How can I get to the club if I’m in Hollywood yakking it up with you?”

  Aaron let loose a hearty laugh. “Let’s go then.”

  The ratty hotel gave the impression that it was too rundown to have ever seen a better day. Saul’s stomach twisted at the thought of the lovely boy Linus living there. He was filled with shame over how much he’d overlooked in regards to the lives the submissives led outside of the club. There were going to be some drastic changes and he planned to accept the full responsibility for making them happen.

  They entered the dark, musty interior of the men’s flop house and noted a man sucking on a cigarette and reading a newspaper behind a wooden counter. He lifted his mismatched eyes upon their entry. One bugged out and the other seemed to be frozen in a permanent squint. He was of an indeterminate age, but whatever youth he may have possessed had long since deserted him.

  “Are you the fuzz?” He’d growled it out while still managing to balance his smoke between his lips.

  Aaron stepped forward with an elegant stride. Saul marveled at how easily Aaron adapted to any situati
on they found themselves in. He wasn’t the same man Saul had met years back. There had always been a good heart within his friend, but for too long it had been stained by melancholy. Aaron’s little Sam had changed all of that.

  “My good Lord, no. We’re looking for a dear friend of ours, but can’t seem to remember the room he said he was staying in. Perhaps you could help us out?”

  At the end of Aaron’s statement, he slid a twenty dollar bill across the counter toward the hotel guardian. The man placed a hand with fingers discolored yellow by years of smoking right on top of the money, then slid it back toward him. It was a smooth, practiced move—one he’d no doubt had plenty of opportunity to use in the questionable establishment.

  “Perhaps I could. Who did ya say you was lookin’ for?”

  “Linus Sullivan. He has fair skin, but almost black hair. Small, only about—”

  “Heh, heh. Yeah, I know the boy.” The repugnant man licked his lips. “Love to catch him alone some time.”

  Saul clenched his fists. His awe over Aaron’s acting ability was renewed again as he merely laughed lightly at the remark.

  “Ah yes. Of course, I’d be happy to mention your interest. What room did you say he’s residing in?”

  “I didn’t, mister. But I ain’t got no reason to be mysterious. He’s on the second floor in two-eleven. Hasn’t come out since he came back last night kinda earlier than usual.” Their informer leaned forward. “I think he got roughed up by one-a the fellas he dates.”

  “Oh?” Aaron raised his eyebrows as if he was greatly shocked by this revelation.

  “Yeah. Just a hunch.”

  “I see. Well, thank you kindly for your help. We must be on our way.”

  “Sure thing, mac. You need to find any other lookers, ya let me know. I can matchmake with the best a them.”

  Saul had heard enough. He needed to take care of things with Linus then get to work on the next step. As soon as he’d heard from Kenneth that he wanted to leave Preston, it was all Saul had been able to think about.

  “I will surely keep that in mind. Good day to you.”

  The man waved them off. “Likewise and all that.”


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