Leila: Goddess The Second Coming

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Leila: Goddess The Second Coming Page 14

by R. J. Castille

  When I emerged through the doors, the face of Debra Salas lit up like I had never seen it before. Her smile was so wide I thought her caked on makeup might crack. Suddenly she leapt from her chair and had crossed the foyer floor, folding me into her arms in a tight embrace before I could blink. I returned her sentiment and patted her on the back several times before she would relinquish me from her grasp.

  “Ms. King, it is so wonderful to see you again!” she stole one more, quick hug before returning to her post as quickly as she had abandoned it. Clearing her throat, she lowered her eyes to meet mine before she spoke, “Mr. Roth is expecting you.” Debra looked toward the dark wood that separated us from his lair. The doors loomed before me as I nodded slowly and stepped toward them. My hand hovered over the handle as I spared one final glance at Ms. Salas who looked on anxiously. I nodded in her direction and grasped the handle and turned.

  The heavy door swung inward impossibly slow. A triangle of false light encroached on the glow from the ceiling to floor glass of Gordon Roth’s panoramic view of the city as it opened. I stepped inside cautiously and closed it quickly behind me. Glancing around, I did not immediately see him. As my eyes scanned the room, I saw him. He stood with his back to me, his gaze focused out the window and down toward the street many floors below. His finger traced the glass as he stared at the cars that appeared like miniature figures from this perspective.

  I walked up behind him quietly, not wanting to disrupt his thoughts. He appeared to be contemplating something crucial. The intense look on his face tugged at my heart, the warm, fuzzy feeling suddenly slamming into me, erasing any apprehension I had toward this visit. My heart thudded in my chest and my mouth went completely dry at the sight of his broad shoulders silhouetted against the enormous panes of glass. Inches from him I stopped, I could smell his cologne drifting toward me, melting my resolve further.

  Reaching around him, I wrapped my arms around his waist tightly and squeezed like I would never let him go. He stiffened slightly before he realized who it was and relaxed, leaning back slightly into my embrace. My chin rested on his shoulder near his neck, he shuddered as my breath reached his ear. I felt his hand reach around and grasp the back of my thigh pulling me closer. Unable to resist any longer, I stood up on my tip toes and took his ear into my mouth, biting down lightly before raking my teeth across his earlobe as I withdrew.

  Gordon spun around to face me, eyes filled with unquenchable desire, a fire I would never be able to extinguish. He pulled me toward him and, without a word, spun me around to face the window. His hands ran roughly up and down my sides, along my curves and to the hem of my dress. In one yank, Gordon pulled my dress up and over my head, my bare breasts exposed to the world below. His hands made their way to my nipples as he reached around and rolled them between his thumb and forefinger before wandering down my waist to my hip. I could feel his fingernails dig into my flesh as he grasped my panties and yanked them off in one clean motion. A rush of instant heat flooded my groin as he pressed me up against the window, the cold glass making my nipples rock hard.

  I heard his belt buckle jingle as he fumbled to undo it hastily. His other hand continued to find my curves, caressing my skin, a sense of hunger underneath his touch. Gordon moved his feet around and kicked his pants and underwear off in one motion. They landed in a crumpled mass to the right of where he held me captive. For once, I was the one giving control, and it actually felt wonderful. Sometimes it’s a good thing to lose yourself, if only for a moment.

  Gordon nipped at my neck and shoulder from behind, his tongue brushing my flesh with each movement. I tilted my head to the side to allow him a better angle. When his fingers found my swollen clit, I moaned out loud, allowing my head to roll to the side and rest on his shoulder. He circled me slowly with his fingers, pinching and pulling on my clit until my legs started to quiver in anticipation. Suddenly he stopped, I groaned in protest before I felt his hard cock pressing into my folds from behind. I tilted my pelvis to allow him access and he thrust himself inside me with one stroke. My breasts pressed up on the window as he forced himself inside me over and over again.

  His hand reached around and turned my head enough to find my lips with his. Our tongues danced together in a violent, forceful dance filled with desire. Gordon bit down on my lip and I groaned loudly into his mouth. As we kissed, his hand reached up and he wrapped my hair into his grasp. Using my hair as leverage he pulled downward as his cock pounded into me from behind, each thrust driving me closer to my release. My legs buckled as intense waves washed over my entire body, paralyzing me for several seconds in ecstasy as I came in liquid fury.

  In response to my pussy clamped down on his shaft repeatedly, Gordon pulled himself from my depths, spun me around and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he carried me across the room toward his desk. Scattering papers across the floor, I found myself lying in the middle of his desk as he knelt down between my legs, forcing my thighs wide apart. My back arched violently in response to his tongue flicking ferociously along my clit. He slid two fingers deep inside my wetness as he sucked me into his mouth tracing patterns along my slit with his tongue. When I came again, my hips jerked violently upward, matching the rhythm of his tongue with my thrusts. Gordon moaned, his face still buried deep inside me, the vibration sent waves of pleasure through my body, a residual high.

  When he withdrew, he finally met my gaze with his. Without saying anything, he lined his erection up and teased me with slow, shallow strokes. I lifted my hips toward his phallus, begging him to be inside me with my eyes. He smiled at me and finally pushed all of himself inside me, filling me to the brim.

  “Oh, fuck Gordon, yes!” I cried out, not caring if anyone heard me on the other side of the door. My muscles froze and I went limp, the final orgasm taking every ounce of energy from the tips of my limbs inward and out through my core. His cock thrust inside me relentlessly until he shuddered and groaned, filling me with his hot fluids. Gordon collapsed on top of me, panting for several moments before attempting to speak.

  “I missed you,” he placed his forehead onto mine, his dark eyes met mine. Gordon rolled off to the side, propping himself up on his elbow. His eyes met mine and we could no longer hold back. We laughed loudly as we both attempted to regain control of our breathing. My heart threatening to explode from my chest as I concentrated on slowing down my breaths.

  Basking in the afterglow, I contemplated my next move. Before I could say a word, Gordon hopped up and scampered across the office to retrieve his pants. Sliding his underwear and pants over his hips and fastening them in place at his waist, he zipped the fly and looked around. Picking up my dress, he crossed the office to his desk and handed it to me. In his other hand, he held out the torn panties I could obviously no longer wear. I glared at him as he shrugged his shoulders innocently at me. I couldn’t help myself, me sorry! His sheepish look begged forgiveness of me. I snatched them from his grasp and gave him the dirtiest look I could muster. I was enjoying the dance.

  We finished getting dressed in relative silence. I spared him glances periodically to which he returned a curious glance. I had something important to tell him, I would just have to choose the right moment to tell him. I was nervous, but hoped he would welcome the news and view it positively. He had already been through so much, I feared it would be pushing it to ask for much more.


  Gordon sat in his usual place, his throne in this realm. I sat across from him, flashing for a moment on how surreal that moment was. I had just fucked him on that desk, the evidence still surrounded us as he had not bothered to pick up the papers, now scattered about at the base of his desk. Staring across the massive surface, I allowed my eyes to cast about, drifting to various objects throughout his office. The nervous energy I was putting off no doubt impregnated the air between us.

  “I wanted to start by saying how sorry I am again, Leila,” Gordon spoke first. I let out a sigh of relief between clenched teeth as he con
tinued, “it was a lot to absorb, a lot to deal with. I needed to take time to reanalyze myself and really question my position in all of this mess. You must understand my position and I, well, I just needed to process the entire shit storm.” He finished speaking and lowered his gaze to meet mine. He waited for me to respond as I shifted nervously in the leather chair I sat in. Taking a deep breath, I prepared myself to respond.

  “I do understand, Gordon. It was difficult being away from you, dealing with things on my own, but I completely understand. I do want to reiterate that, I only included Matthew in the equation because I cannot exclude him. I am almost one hundred percent sure they are yours,” I stopped and looked at him, pleading for forgiveness with my eyes. He jerked his head toward me quickly, his eyes flashing with wonder.

  “What do you mean “they”,” he questioned me pointedly. I swallowed hard. I had let the cat out of the bag before I was prepared. Several explanations flashed through my mind, but there was really only one way to address the issue: Head on.

  “Gordon, I am pregnant with twins,” I let it fly. No frills, no niceties, just the facts, ma’am. He looked at me shocked for several moments, unable to respond. The color drained from his face for a moment before a red flush took the place of his natural skin tone. He placed his hand over his mouth and pulled down on his face until his fingers met at the tip of his chin. A nervous gesture I had only seen him do before a big day at court against Jason Slater.

  “When did you find that out?” Gordon eyed me suspiciously, perhaps contemplating whether I was keeping more secrets from him .

  “Just before I came here. I had my first Obstetrician appointment this morning, it took longer than I expected. Mostly that’s because I passed out on the table when I found out there are two babies. They made me stay a while to make sure I was doing fine. Clean bill of health other than that little hiccup,” I noticed his stare had softened as I spoke. He almost looked happy, and I had never seen Gordon Roth truly happy. Without saying a word, he raised himself from his chair and rounded the desk. I was finally in my favorite place when he folded me into his arms. I felt protected there, loved there, revered there. I was his world there and I hated that the real world intruded in on our harmony.

  Gordon pulled me back by my shoulders and looked me in the eye. His gaze reflected emotions that I had not expected in light of everything. I half expected him to close me out, forcing me to do everything alone. I would deserve that and was ready to face that burden. My support network was large enough, I would be fine. The other half detested that thought. It wanted desperately for Gordon to accept the situation and try to move forward the best he had. By his most recent reaction, he had definitely done that .

  “Leila, my Goddess,” he winked at me before returning to a more serious tone, “I will do whatever it takes to be yours. I have found, while I was away, I cannot be without you. Our time apart has nearly destroyed me. I long to be yours and hope that you return the sentiment,” Gordon stopped speaking and lowered his eyes. Returning the intensity of his stare as best I could, my heart was bursting with the joy of imminent happiness.

  “Oh, Gordon, I was afraid you never wanted to see me again. I was beside myself with grief for a long time. I did whatever I could to pass my time away. The Masquerade felt empty without you there,” I stopped speaking. His stare turned dark, a hint of anger behind his eyes. I tried to change the subject, but his look stayed the same. After several moments, Gordon’s look softened and his hardened features followed suit.

  “I cannot be angry,” he said, realization apparent on his face, “I was the one who pushed you away. If I had not done so, I would have been kneeling at your side at the Red Velvet Room, where I belong.” He had remembered. I had invited him before I told him about the pregnancy, and well before “the accident.” I preferred to call it that; it softened the blow on what really happened. It wasn’t finished and I knew it, not by a long shot.

  I reached forward and pulled him into my arms. Planting kisses across his face and up his bald head, I held him tightly until he pulled me back a little, pretending to gasp for air. We both laughed at this gesture. While my mouth was open in mid-laugh, Gordon’s mouth found mine. He held me in suspense, the world melted around us, non-existent. We were the center of the universe and nothing could destroy that, at least that moment.

  “Goddess, my Leila, do me the honor of meeting me at the penthouse tonight. I will prove my undying dedication to all that is you,” he finished by devouring my lips in another kiss. His tongue was slowly twisting its way around mine. There was more emotion in that kiss than any I had experienced. Not since my first love had anyone poured that much into their embrace. I was losing myself in him; I just hoped that I could still maintain enough logic to get me through the insane situation I was yet to face.

  I nodded in agreement before standing and breaking our endless embrace. Glancing at the clock, I realized I still had to go by the Human Resources at Bentley’s company and fill out paperwork. I would need a job if I was going to take care of two babies. There was no reason for me to carry on that Gordon would be completely responsible for us, although I had a feeling he was about to make it worthwhile for me to be his Goddess. As if he hadn’t already.

  Kissing him goodbye was the hardest thing to do, but we both had things to do. I could look forward to the evening’s affair at the Penthouse. That thought made me smile. I could use a little Goddess time alone with a dedicated servant. Gordon had definitely indicated he was volunteering for the position and I, of course, was more than happy to oblige.

  As I left the building, I floated, rather than walked from the elevator to my car. The meter indicated I barely had enough time to get my car moved before it expired. I was glad it hadn’t sooner as I would hate to see my new ride get towed because I was busy getting plowed against a plate glass window several stories above. I blushed a little at the thought as I slid behind the wheel and signaled to merge into traffic. Humming along to the Nine Inch Nails song that played on the radio, I made my way toward Silicon Valley where my future place of employment waited.


  The building was beautiful. White concrete slabs against mirrored windows spaced in perfect intervals across the front. B.S. Industries, Inc. was nestled on the foothills of the mountain range that provided a natural barrier between the valleys and the desserts to the north. Large, cottonwood trees towered ever-decreasing heights across the buildings glowing façade.

  I pulled my Jag into a space clearly marked for “visitors only,” pulling the parking brake into place before turning the ignition off. The new car smell still impregnated the cabin as the heat outside heated up the air within quickly. I cracked the door as I grabbed the handles of my purse and glanced at myself in the mirror. I was screwed.

  My hair was a tattered mess and my makeup was smeared. It was likely from having my face pressed up against the cool glass, Gordon’s cock buried deep inside me as people scurried innocently about below. Cursing under my breath, I pulled the comb from the glove box I had thrown in there from my old car. It was one of my “just-in-case” items and had certainly served its purpose at that moment. I used it to smooth out my hair as best I could before cleaning up the mess Gordon had made of my eye makeup. I used the lip gloss in my purse to touch up the faded remnants of the color I had applied before I was ravaged on top of his desk. The thought sent a shot of arousal straight to my crotch, causing me to squirm in my leather seats. I shook my head to clear the image from my mind and stood up.

  It was how one would imagine a technology building: Sterile. No frills, no nonsense. Who needs all that flash when you are focusing on the future of the World? I could hear my techno-nerd friends arguing with me inside my head. I almost laughed out loud but thought better of it, fortunately, as a well-dressed threesome walked past me on the sidewalk toward the parking lot. They eyed me cautiously as they made their way to one of the vehicles parked in the “electric-vehicles” only stalls. It was equipped with
a charging station and complimentary window washing systems.

  The entryway gave way to a large atrium. Rising up several stories, the glass and metal surfaces gleamed as they reflected the sun’s intimate kiss. It gave the space warmth that was indiscernible and likely went unnoticed until one left the confines of the building. An engineering marvel actually, glass elevators on either side of the complex, rising up to take you to your destinations. I glanced around the open floor space until I located a desk clearly marked as “reception.” I approached, a soft smile frozen nervously in place.

  I don’t really know why I was nervous, I already had the job. My step-daddy owned the company so I would have whatever decently paying job was available, even if others felt I didn’t qualify. Those were the perks of living on the inside, when needed. Until that exact moment in time, it was exactly what I had been avoiding. I had not wanted to go crawling to my mother and her husband to supply me with the means to get by, but in light of my situation, I had no choice. Inside my head, I silently contemplated leaving and not looking back. I had an uneasy feeling about the whole situation, especially the way Bentley had looked at me the last time I had been to see my mother.

  Dismissing the last bit of my inner monologue, I smiled when the receptionist directed his attention toward me. A well-dressed, gentlemen with a custom-tailored pinstripe suit with skinny pants and the latest trend in men’s shoes. He looked like he jumped right out of the pages of GQ magazine. His hair was parted on the left, bangs slicked over, and not a thread out of place. I stared at his hands, obviously freshly manicured, buffed nails shined to perfection.

  “May I help you?” his eyes traveled up and down my figure. Inside my mind I was desperately hoping I had masked the just-been-fucked look enough. He appeared not to notice as he stared at me impatiently, waiting for my reply.


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