The Rhythm

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The Rhythm Page 6

by Moira Callahan

  An impatient throat being cleared had them jolting away from one another. Turning her head, Jennifer found Christine standing at the edge of the stage, arms crossed, and toe of an expensive shoe tapping rapidly. “I’m completely thrilled you two finally got your heads out of your asses. Lance, they are ready for the sound check if you are.”

  Leaning to the side, Jen spotted the other members of Victorious standing there wearing big smirks. Groaning she buried her nose against Lance’s shoulder. She couldn’t believe they’d been caught like that. She’d completely forgotten where they were. Never before had she done something like that. “I’m going to go crawl into a closet and curl into a ball I think.”

  His shoulder shook against her forehead. He was laughing at her reaction she knew. It was fine, and she’d survive it. “Not happening, sweetheart. Besides, if you get through the coming harassment now, then you don’t have to worry about it later. Trust me, it’s better to get it over quickly, you do not want to let them have time to think up more creative lines.”

  All she could do was let out a more pained groan. She hadn’t considered the other guys might decide to tease them. She probably should have, she’d born witness to their particular brand of brotherhood for the last month. They were a united front in many ways, but behind the scenes it was like dealing with any family. Pranks, joking, teasing, and the occasional argument.

  Lifting her head, she pushed to her feet. “Fine, bring it on you overgrown frat boys. I can take it.”

  “Oh, she’s got some spunk to her,” Chase commented.

  “A pint-sized firecracker,” Jeremy said. “Better watch out Lance, this one could well take you down for good.”

  She didn’t believe him, but Lance flipped Jeremy the middle finger causing her to wonder. He put a hand on her back as they walked over to the stairs to get back up on the stage. The ribbing continued as the guys all moved into place. Lance tugged her along with him to his drum set, and then pulled a crate over for her to sit on.

  “I want you close,” he explained when she’d questioned it.

  Flattered, she settled in to listen while the instruments were tuned and everything was tested. It took a bit of time to get things leveled out, but it all seemed to go nice and smooth. At least from her perspective. While Jen had been with the band for a month, she’d never witnessed a sound check. Usually, she remained at the hotel before coming to the venue with Christine and one of the security guys about twenty minutes before Victorious was set to go on stage.

  Chase started to strum a tune on his guitar. Shade and Mark joined him four beats later as Lance let out a groan.

  “Come on man, let’s give her the personal experience of the song,” Shade said. The man was grinning at Lance and wiggling his eyebrows.

  “Fine, but you all are going to pay for this later.” Lance shot her an apologetic look she knew was to do with the others.

  Jeremy leaned on his mic stand as he watched with a small smile. He threw her a wink before moving to the set of keyboards. Lance started to play, and the keyboard joined in eight beats later. Instantly she knew what they were playing. It was the last song of every set they played. Lance’s song, as she’d come to think of it.

  Touched they were playing it, she leaned her arms on her crossed knees to listen. The first part of the song had a haunting quality to it, enough that it raised the hairs on her arms. Lance’s voice was deeper, rougher when he sang adding to the emotion of the song.

  Biting her lip, she wasn’t surprised when he looked her way at the first chorus. The fact he held her gaze to the end of the song shouldn’t have shocked her, but it did. It felt like he was singing it to her and her alone. She knew the roadies had paused to watch the impromptu performance, yet it felt like she and Lance were alone on that stage.

  When the last note faded, she had the irrational urge to burst into tears. Swallowing them down, Jen gave him a smile instead. She knew right then she was already halfway in love with him, and it wouldn’t take a hell of a lot to push her all the way. She was fucking screwed.

  Chapter Ten

  The performance should have been like any other. But for Lance there was a hint of more. As he banged out the rhythm to their second last song, he could feel a hum building in his body. A few more minutes and he’d be with Jennifer again. What happened after that he couldn’t say, but he knew what he wanted to happen.

  For a month, he’d tried to get close while she danced out of reach. Now that she’d stopped running away he wanted to get closer to her, more intimate. He wouldn’t rush her. He’d told her they could take it at whatever pace she wanted, but no more hiding from him. Her agreement to his terms had soothed the ragged edges he hadn’t been aware of before that moment. Still anticipation crept in leaving him more amped up than normal.

  Jeremy’s voice held the final note as Lance lightly struck the ride cymbal. He let the note carry off with Jeremy’s as the crowd went insane. They all knew what was coming. Hell, he could hear them chanting the name of the song already, and it was building.

  The lights dimmed marginally, and the spotlight slid from center stage toward him as he started the rhythm. Lance kept his head down as he remembered playing the song earlier in the day for Jennifer alone. He’d given the guys shit for putting him on the spot like that but truly couldn’t fault them. He only hoped it hadn’t spooked her. She’d been damned quiet afterward, and then Christine had swooped in to get them all moving.

  He’d seen her backstage a time or two, but she’d been in discussion with Christine during intermission. Something intense, from the expression on both of their faces. He only hoped it wasn’t anything serious. The knot in his gut hadn’t eased one bit and wouldn’t until he could talk to her finally.

  Leaning to the side more, he began to sing. A hush fell over the venue. He loved the effect the song had on the fans. It never failed to thrill him that they all listened intensely to the song. Not once did they start singing along in the chorus. Tonight, though, he was remembering the look on Jennifer had given him as he’d sung to her. That look of wonder and awe would forever be etched in his memory.

  The final notes on the keyboard played slowly until they drifted away. A moment of pure silence before everyone erupted at decibels a heavy metal band couldn’t achieve with their music. Grinning at the others, he got up, gave his bow, and then waited as the lights of the stage went dark. Blinking, he followed the trail of markers off into the wings where he let out a breath.

  Moving into the hallway, the fans were there waiting for their autographs. Lance did his bit while keeping an eye out for Jennifer. When he finally spotted her, the knot eased up in his gut. One last signature and the security guys were letting the band through but keeping the screaming fans back. He walked right up to her. As much as he wanted to kiss her, he knew he couldn’t do that with all the camera phones the fans were holding aloft.

  They’d agreed to keep their whatever-it-was on the DL during the time she was with the tour. Both to protect her from the media and to give them time to figure out what they were doing. He gave her a wink and waved her into the band’s dressing room ahead of him.

  Once inside he caught her hand to pull her out of the path of the others and pressed her against the wall with his body. “Hi,” he said softly.

  “Hi yourself,” she whispered back.

  Lowering his head, he rested his forehead on hers and let his eyelids fall. His entire body was vibrating with adrenaline still driving through his system, but in that instant he felt an odd sense of calm wash over him. The feeling of her hands drifting up and down his arms rooted him to her. It was nice. Beyond nice if he wanted to go there.

  Slowly, he slid his hands down from her waist to her hips. Lifting his eyelids, he gave her a gentle kiss. If he took it too far, he’d have to toss all the guys out of the room because he was pretty sure he wouldn’t be able to stop. “What are your plans when we get back to the hotel?”

  Jennifer blinked up at him and then fr
owned. A second later it smoothed out, and a mischievous smile curled her lips. “Well, I thought I’d get into my pajamas, maybe get a bite to eat, and then curl up with Chase for a movie.”

  “Hell yeah, girl. I’m there for you babe,” Chase called out.

  Lance flicked up a hand and gave the room his middle finger without taking his attention off her. “While I like the idea of getting something to eat, I think we can do better than a movie with that heathen.”

  “Did he actually call me a heathen?”

  “I think he did, bro,” Shade commented.

  Jennifer slid her hands up over his shoulders and wound her arms around his neck loosely. “What is your counter offer?”

  “Food, then the two of us have some time together without the peanut gallery.” Lance wrapped his arms around her, putting a hand on her ass to haul her in closer to him. Her pupils dilated as she bit her lip.

  “All right, I think that can be arranged.”

  She sounded breathless right then and he couldn’t resist lowering his head to kiss her again. Too soon he broke it off, his own breathing a mess as his hormones began to run rampant. “It’s a date then.”

  Her shy look and pink cheeks had him hugging her close. Lance couldn’t wait to get her alone.


  He had to kill them all. Fuckers were screwing with his perfectly laid plans and enjoying themselves doing it. They all knew he wanted time alone with Jennifer, which meant they had started telling stories over their dinner and hadn’t stopped once.

  She was in stitches laughing at some of their exploits as a band. He had to admit they’d had some priceless and memorable times over the years. Right then he definitely didn’t want to be taking a fucking walk down memory lane. He wanted Jennifer in his arms, preferably naked, and the two of them behind a locked door. Lance was willing to beat his best friends into a bloody pulp to get what he wanted.

  Jeremy shot him a look instantly sobering. Yeah, that’s right buddy. You’re reading my intent perfectly. Smacking Chase on the arm, Jeremy tapped his watch. Chase gave him an irritated look before glancing at Lance, his expression suddenly broadcasting alarm. “I think that’s enough for tonight,” he said. “No need to overload her with all of our idiocy in one evening.”

  Mark and Shade protested but died down when Jeremy shot them a glare. “Uh, right. Probably should think about getting some sleep,” Mark said. The jerk threw in an exaggerated yawn and stretch. “Night all.”

  The others all popped up to scurry off to their corners of the suite leaving Lance and Jennifer alone. Finally, blessedly alone.

  She turned her head to give him an amused look. “Did you have to run them off?”

  “Absolutely,” he said. He felt zero shame in it too. “Fuckers would have talked your ear off until you passed out from exhaustion.”

  One of her brows shot up before she shook her head. “They wouldn’t have done that. Would they?”

  “They definitely would have. They all know I have plans for you, and they damn well were pressing their luck.” The assholes had been testing his resolve obviously.

  Pushing up from her spot on the one sofa Jennifer came to where he was in an armchair. With no hesitation, she climbed up to straddle his lap and sat on his thighs throwing her arms around his neck. “Right, the plans. How could I have forgotten about those?”

  “If you need a reminder, I’m quite willing to provide you with one.” Sliding his hands over her thighs, he grabbed her ass to haul her in closer to him. Once she was pressed up against him, he eased up on his grip. “Three hours I’ve been waiting to get you alone. Longer if you take into count the concert. That is long enough.”

  “Too long.” Her fingers slid into his hair as she brushed a kiss across his cheek.

  He released a breath and allowed his eyelids to slide closed. She continued to explore his features with her mouth. It was a tease, and soothing at the same time. “What are you doing?” he asked. He had to know.

  Her tongue slid over his lower lip causing his body to clench. “No idea what you mean.”

  Smiling he gave her bottom a light smack. “Wench, are you toying with me?”

  “Mm, maybe a smidge. Do you mind all that much?”

  “Not at all.” Lance liked it actually and wouldn’t mind her doing more of it. Personally, he did have the preference of them being naked. But he seemed to have a rather one-track mind when it came to her.

  When she drew back finally, he cracked his eyelids open to find her staring at him. “What?”

  “You’re awfully pretty, Lance West.”

  She said it in such a matter-of-factly manner it took a second to register. Then he felt the heat flood his cheeks as embarrassment kicked in. “Thanks, I think.”

  Jennifer smiled at him and pressed a kiss to his lips. Then she climbed off his lap to head for the hallway where their rooms were located. “Where are you going?” He felt suddenly panicked she was planning to go to bed. Without him.

  “I figure getting naked out here might fall into the whole debauched rock star life. But it’s not my idea of a good time. Especially if one of the guys wanders out.” Pausing in the archway, she threw him a look over her shoulder. “You planning on sitting there all night or were you going to join me?”

  A second ticked by before he was up and chasing her down the hall to his room. Hell yeah he was joining her. Anywhere she wanted.

  Chapter Eleven

  Jen was nervous. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. Like she’d told Lance, she’d been in a couple semi-serious relationships, but all had been a lights off sort of bedroom situation. She happened to like how she looked and had accepted quite early on she didn’t have the build to be a supermodel. Not that she’d wanted to be one. She happened to enjoy food way too much.

  But two out of the three dipshits she’d dated had more than once made some snide side comment about her weight. Trying to whittle her down until she caved to what they wanted she knew. Unfortunately for them, she had zero problem with telling jokers who liked using the line “if you dropped twenty you’d be a looker” exactly where to stick their obvious inferiority complexes.

  With Lance, unfortunately she felt some of the old childhood insecurities trying to rise. The man was built like a god in her opinion. While she was happy with her body, it didn’t mean she wasn’t worrying about what he might have to say.

  His arms slid around her waist, and his mouth pressed to her neck. “What’s wrong?”

  How the fuck did he do that? The man seemed to always know when she was questioning herself. First in the bathroom a month ago, and then again right here. “I’m not sure what you mean.” Yeah, that’s right. Buy a little time to push the doubts away.

  She found herself being turned in his arms until she could see him frowning down at her. “Jennifer, don’t evade. Tell me what’s going on.”

  Meeting his emerald gaze, she couldn’t refuse. She let out a groan and dropped her head to his chest. “When I was growing up I was always the pudgy kid. Then I grew a bunch as a teen and everything filled out properly. I do the gym a couple times a week to stay in shape, but I’ve never been one of those women that are desperately trying to fit into a mold. I like how I am and wouldn’t change for anyone. The last two losers I dated tried to change me to fit their view of an ideal woman. It was one of the things that pointed out all too clearly they were not going to make the cut.”

  She let out a breath. “It also doesn’t mean I don’t have moments of doubts. Especially when I’m about to get naked with a guy as spectacular as you are. Fucking hell, do you have any body fat at all?”

  His chuckle brought her head up to smile at him. “I have some. But keeping in shape is a necessity for what I do. Too many people think it takes no effort to play the drums for three hours. They would be wrong. Stamina and strength are huge. It’s why I do my kickboxing, the cardio, and lift weights on a daily basis. I’m a long way from the super scrawny kid that I was back in the day. I was all
limbs and joints for a long, long time. Took time to get any weight on me.”

  “I could hate you more than a bit for that. I bet you can eat anything you want without gaining a pound.”

  “Maybe at one time, not nearly as much anymore. While I do eat like a horse, it’s mainly because of my brutal workout routine and the stage work I do that lets me get away with it. I also have a sweet tooth. Not always a good thing for a guy getting a bit too close to forty to have.”

  Snorting she ran a finger over his chest. He fucking looked good for only being a couple years shy of the big 4-0.

  “As for you, my dear, I happen to love your body. A woman should have curves. A man wants to feel someone soft against him and not have to worry about being gutted by a sharp elbow. You are perfect,” he told her.

  Jen sighed. When he said things like that she felt all gooey inside. Damn his beautiful self.

  “Are we okay now?” he asked.

  She winced. “Yeah, sorry about that trip on the pity train.”

  “Don’t worry about it. We all have times when the past sneaks up to kick us in the ass.”

  Jen was tempted to ask him what he meant by that, but he was pulling his shirt off and her mind went blank. It wasn’t the first time she’d seen him without a shirt. Far from it actually. But it had been over a month since it had been close to her. Reaching out, she traced the ink down his left arm. It went from the joint of his shoulder down to his wrist. Intricate detail of different shapes, designs, and the names of his bandmates. It was truly a work of art.

  Of course, while she’d been checking his ink Lance had been busy as well. The feel of his bare skin against hers along her front side snapped her out of her stupor. Shuddering, she dropped her arm to let him push her shirt off to the floor. Next went her bra.

  Lance didn’t let her cover herself. He held her hands and spread her arms wide as he took in her no longer as perky breasts. “Damn you are beautiful,” he whispered.

  She felt it under his gaze. Right along with the heat of a blush that worked its way up her chest and over her cheeks. “Thank you.” There wasn’t much else one could say to something like that.


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