Alien Romance: RAYER: Space Warrior's Mail Order Bride (Space Beasts Book 2)

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Alien Romance: RAYER: Space Warrior's Mail Order Bride (Space Beasts Book 2) Page 6

by Alyssa Ezra

  This time, Coletta knew that he was touching her. He hoped that she could now see the desire that he had managed to keep hidden under the layers of his social mask while at the feast. Rayer felt the last layer of blank expression slip away. At the same time, Coletta’s eye’s widened in surprise.

  Rayer slid his hand down from her lips. His fingers brushed her chin, before sliding past her jaw to slide down the long column of her neck. At the base of her throat, Rayer settled his hand over the web of gold and jewels.

  “They suit you,” he said softly. “They are the gems that my mother’s clan gave her for the day she entered the mating rites with my father.”

  “I hope it was alright I wore them…”

  “I wouldn’t have sent them with the slippers if it wasn’t. There are a number of people that have wanted these since my mother’s death. Montala is the first among them – she was digging through my mother’s things one day when she realized that they were still in the Royal Compound. I protested very loudly, and my father realizing that his heir was not going to let it go, sided with me. I have had possession of all my mother’s affects since that day. I never mentioned it to my father, but I know that these are what she was looking for.”

  “They hate you…her and the man that looks like her. What is his name? Gith?” Rayer smirked at Coletta’s mispronunciation of Graith’s name.

  “Graith,” he corrected gently. “Graith is Montala’s son. He is not my father’s, but his birth after the plague that impacted the females of our race, caused many to push my father to take her as his second mate. I do not think that my father was ready to take another mate, but the other royal families wanted him to try to have other children. From what I have gathered, they have come to regret pressuring him. Montala has become a nightmare, she wants more power.”

  “And that is why you needed me.”

  “Yes, but that does not impact the fact that I find you to be attractive. Come, let me show you how appealing I find you to be.” Rayer’s hushed tone faded into silence as he slid his hand down to the light-casting necklace to the catch at the front of the top robe she wore. Once the latch was undone, Rayer pushed the weighted fabric from her shoulders and pulled it down her arms. As soon as the sleeves cleared her hands, he dropped that first garment onto one of the floor cushions near their feet. Beneath the dark gold over-robe, Coletta wore a long sleeveless robe that had twin slits running up the sides to her waist. The sleeveless robe was the same color as the pale, near-white sands that banked the mountain lagoons, under which she wore a garment that was bright metallic gold. The sleeves of the bright gold article neatly capped over Coletta’s shoulders and covered her legs all the way to her slipper covered feet.

  Knowing that wherever he managed to strip off the remainder of her clothing at, he would take her for the first time, Rayer took Coletta’s hand as he stepped away from her. Pulling her behind him, he crossed the lounge room to the stairs that rimmed part of the room and took them to the next level of the tower. At the top of the stairs, there was another door. Rayer cast that door wide. Instead of entering the room, he pulled his mate straight to the next flight of stairs. He climbed them, wanting to take them two at a time, but since he wasn’t carrying Coletta, Rayer forced himself to step on every stair, to the next and final level of the tower.


  Cole was glad that she was still riding the buzz; otherwise, she would be rather annoyed with the prince. She appreciated his apparent genuine interest, but Cole didn’t run except when chased. At least she never had, until Rayer forced her to trot along behind him as he dragged her up flight after flight of stairs. Finally, he stopped after pulling her through yet another doorway.

  Well there is the exercise that I am always missing in my life. Stairs. Stair with no apparent way to cheat.

  There was a fire, a real fire, burning in a hearth of stone. It heated the room while it cast merrily dancing, warm, muted light over a bed that was as big as the one on the ship. This bed, however, was circular.

  What is with this man and the obscenely large beds? Better question: How did they get it up here?

  Cole didn’t have the opportunity to ponder the size and installation of the bed as she was suddenly in the air, only to land in the midst of a pile of cushions. When she sat up among the pillows, Rayer was stripping a heavy belt from his waist. Figuring that it might be wise to divest of some of her own adornment, Cole tugged the looped wires holding the ear-dangles from her lobes and set the gems into a small table that was fit against the bed. She then reached up and drew the various picks and pins from her hair causing it to tumble down. Yet when she reached for the exquisite necklace against her chest, Rayer was standing directly in front of her, stopping her hands from loosing the latch of the necklace.

  “Leave it.” He said as he brushed her hands away. It was well enough that he wanted her to continue to wear the brilliant stones; her fingers had gone numb as she stared at the naked masculine body that Rayer had hidden under his own layers of silk. He was even more beautiful than Cole had imagined him to be. Feet of hard, smooth cried out for her to stroke her fingers over it.

  What girl could resist touching anything that looks so smooth? Not me.

  Cole’s cool fingers met with Rayer’s hot skin and were nearly seared by the intensity of the heat. Even though she realized that her first impressions of her mate’s body were exactly as she predicted, the reality was even more devastatingly tempting than she could have imagined. His tanned skin practically shimmered in the firelight; the shadows seemed to caress him lovingly.

  Her mouth watered as she finally forced her gaze to meet his.

  “Are you sure you do not want to talk first?” The question took a moment to penetrate the fog of lust surrounding Cole’s mind.

  “What? What? Oh! Yeah, yeah I am sure.” Her sputtered reply as her gaze drifted down his imposing figure, caused Rayer’s lips to tilt upward in a smirk of masculine entertainment.

  “Very well little Earthling. Then we will not discuss how I will possess you this night.”

  Little? Well that’s a first.

  “How I will use my mouth to make you scream out your pleasure. Don’t worry; no one will hear your cries from this height. I will then work your body into a frenzy of pleasure. I hope that you will be satisfied with my stamina,” the smirk spread into a dangerous grin. “I plan on entertaining you until dawn fully lights the sky. I will not let you sleep this night.”

  In the past when men made such boasts, Cole figured that they were completely full of it. Rayer, however, had her second-guessing that assumption. As her gaze skimmed the intimidating erection that jutted against his belly, she began to wonder if it wouldn’t take all night for him to be able to sheath his straining cock inside of her. He was the largest man in that area that Cole had ever seen.

  Cole lashes fluttered against her cheeks as she slid her gaze back up his body. White teeth gleamed in the low light above her; Rayer smiled broadly. It was the most energized she had seen his features and Cole realized that he might even be closer to her age than she had thought based on his father’s wizened age.

  “I wanted to ask…” she began.

  “Ask whatever you wish tomorrow. Unless, it is to ask me to touch you a certain way.” Rayer lowered his lips to Cole’s, finally sealing their mating as far as she was concerned.


  He had known that her lips were delicately soft. Their full shape was as ripe as a plump beaga, a sweetly tart fruit that grew in the dense branches of the forest city’s trees. As he caught her lower lip between his teeth and drew it into his mouth and tasted the Gialti Nectre on her lips, Rayer decided that his mate tasted like the favorite fruit treat of the Sii.

  Rayer sipped at her lips, nibbling both the lower and upper carefully. He then branded Coletta with a kiss that he could tell seared her as deeply as it did him. Mouth to mouth, he stole the air from her lungs as he unfastened the sleeveless robe and shoved it off her arms. Rayer had th
e top of what had turned out to be a matching suit of top and pants as opposed to another robe, opened before she finally struggled back and broke their kiss. She gasped, desperately hauling breath into her lungs. Coletta’s chest heaved under his hands, her shoulders quivering.

  Rayer cupped the heavy bounty of her breasts in his hands and her body began to quiver for an entirely different reason. They sat mid-way on the expanse of her chest like decadently plump raindrops. The under curves were full, tilting the firm gems of her nipples up toward him.

  What man could resist the temptation of sampling the offered delicacy? Not me. The thought had barely crossed Rayer’s mind before he ducked his head and wrapped his lips around the firm berry that crested Coleetta’s left breast. Not wanting to neglect the other, Rayer lifted both high and alternated between them, lavishing attention and stimulation on her cast gold skin.

  Levering himself over his new mate, Rayer took advantage of Coletta’s sweet gasp. He set his lips to her, their teeth knocked slightly in his enthusiasm. He reigned in as he plunged his tongue into her mouth to swirl with hers and taste the depths. When next the kiss broke, it was so that they could both moan heavily. Her hands had come to rest against his chest, her fingers clenched against the firm muscle.

  “I can’t wait to taste you,” Rayer whispered against her lips. He did. Unrestrainedly. His lips drifted from her mouth to throat, from throat to shoulder, from her shoulder to her breast. His lips sealed over her sensitive flesh as he sampled the firm, tender flesh again. He tasted with subtlety – the touch of his lips and tongue were a refined, intense concentration on mutual pleasure.

  Rayer felt Coletta tremble under his hands and mouth. Her skin began to glisten with the salty dew of her impassioned body’s heating. He untied the tapes of the silk leg-clothes. Hooking his thumbs in the waist band he eased the garment down her legs. Rayer’s mouth roamed from one puckered peak to the next, then he flicked his tongue over the curve of her breast as he proceeded to nibble and lave his way down over her belly.

  Coletta jolted at the feel of his mouth drifting over the swell of her stomach, but he pinned her to the bed, his arm stretched to rest his hand against the stones sparkling in the firelight as he knelt at her side and stroked his other hand up her thigh. His fingers met his lips as he slowly shifted his body between her spreading thighs, pushing them wide with his shoulders. Rayer’s tongue flicked against the juncture of her thighs, bringing a rough moan from her throat.


  Cole couldn’t stop the way her hips arched, thrusting her moans up to the High Prince she had somehow ended up mated to his mouth even as he wrapped his arms under her thighs, gripped her hips and lifted her, opened her for the taking. Rayer’s tongue slid along her heated flesh. He plunged it into her; thrust it into the tight opening of her body.

  His fingers lowered to replace his tongue so that he could fasten his lips over the center of her pleasure and flick the bundle of nerves in an alternating, quick to slow, tattoo. She could feel him test her body first with one finger and then another.

  Even though, it wasn’t her first time, it had been a while for Cole and her twitching sheath was tight from lack of use. When Rayer worked a third finger into her body, he had to twist and flare the other two within her in order to stretch her. Despite the practical need to stretch her body, Cole squirmed in pleasure from the deep stimulation.

  She heard an unintelligible moaning and gasping in the air and was startled to realize that the sounds were being milked from her own mouth. Before she could worry much over the way her cries of pleasure filled the room, Rayer worked his digits inside of her in a driving rhythm while his tongue stroked in a devastating counter beat.


  He felt the first wave of climaxing pleasure crash over Coletta.

  “Again! Don’t stop,” he snarled against her dewy wet flesh. He was greedy, desperate to force the pleasure over her again, sensing that she was close to a cascade of climaxing peaks. She was one of the delightful women that would lose herself in the pleasure of the fire that was already kindling between them.

  Stretching her as he pushed her into the free fall of carnal delight, Rayer worried that he might be too much for her to take. She was tighter than any of the women that he had found pleasure in before.

  “More,” the word slipped between her lips on a thick moan as her head tossed. Her hair was a thick cloud over the pillows beneath her. Coletta shuddered, her body limp. Rayer levered his body up over hers and sank his hands into the soft cloud of spiraling locks.

  “Say it, tell me what you want, Coletta.”

  Her face twisted, her lust filled eyes narrowed at his use of her full name. “Cole,” she began to correct, but Rayer fit the broad head of his shaft against the wet, hot entrance of her body. The dewy dampness coated his hard flesh, called to his body – beckoned him to drive home inside of her. Instead of recklessly plunging forward, he shifted his hips against her until the throbbing head of his member was sheathed inside of her.

  “Say it,” he uttered against her lips, pleading for her to want him too.


  Fuck! He’s damned big… Seriously, I should have assumed that a man as big as he is in general would have a disastrously sized cock!

  Regardless, Cole wanted him to fill her. Her body was craving, needing, begging to be filled. Her drenched pussy was quivering around the thick sample of his flesh inside of her, trying to draw him further in.

  “Yes, more. I want more. Fill me Rayer.” Her thoughts came to life on her tongue before she even realized that they were escaping the silencing cage of her reservations and insecurities. When a sound, somewhere between a moan and a snarl rumbled through his chest to linger between them, Cole was glad that they had.

  Rayer released her hair to hike her knees over his braced thighs. With her body thoroughly open to him, he straightened above her so that he could watch the place they were barely joined as he began to lightly thrust his hips against her, steadily pistoning his large cock into the tight channel of her body.

  Her eyes fluttered open, Cole hadn’t even realized that they had closed. Her gaze met his; his hands were plucking at her nipples, teasing them. She saw the concentration on Rayer’s face, in his lavender eyes. She saw his tightly stretched control and in a perverse moment of chaos, all she wanted to do was destroy that control. To free the wild beast she had seen since their first meeting, lurking beneath the surface.

  “More.” Insistence rang strong in her voice. She arched up to meet his next thrust; a smile curved her lips as she dared him to take her. Ever the warrior, Rayer couldn’t resist the challenge. Cole watched lust pool in the lavender depths, turning his eyes a darker shade with the dark need that he kept leashed inside of him.

  The beast almost broke loose. Fisting his hands in her hair, Rayer hauled her up to meet his kiss, pulling her mouth to his so that he could suckle her swollen lips. Cole gripped his shoulders and pulled him to her, forcing the powerful man above her to bend over her, to rest his weight against her.

  “I am not…going to…break,” she whispered against his mouth in between rough kisses. That did it. It appeared to shred the rest of Rayer’s control as he pushed the entire length of himself into her grasping pussy. Ramming himself into her, his cock throbbed, harder faster. Cole could feel his heard pounding in his chest, the ferocity thrummed against her breasts. She matched him. Each thrust she met with an arch of her hips, each stroke of his tongue she met with one of her own. Her arms wrapped around him, her filed nails dug into the backs of his shoulders.

  Cole could feel another wave of pleasure begin to crest again. This one was even stronger than the exploding waterfall of before.

  Her cries were filling the room as he plundered her body, as the pleasure deliciously broke over her, Coletta’s body tightened over him like a vice. Again. The greedy need was the only coherent thought that penetrated the haze of pleasure and lust and need that fogged his mind. Again, again, again.

  Rayer sealed his mouth over hers dying to taste the cries of pleasure – to swallow them – to keep them. He devoured her gasps and her moans. He fed on the shuddering of their bodies, the trill from the sound of damp flesh meeting damp flesh. He felt Coletta tense beneath him again – she was trapped in another cascade, violently swamped with wave after wave of climactic pleasure.

  Her nails bit into his flesh, scraping long trails down his back – marking him, claiming him. With one final thrust, he was dragged beneath the flaming heat and sheathed to the hilt spilled himself within her.

  Gasping, his mind a haze of mist as thick as the highest spray over the city from the sky-fall, Rayer collapsed as his body drained. He collapsed over her, barely catching himself on his elbows. She was limp as the silk that still clung to her arms beneath him. He managed to lift his head enough for his blurry eyes to make out the satisfied smile that lingered on her face.

  “I thought you were going to entertain me until dawn?” Her smoky voice was tinged with the teasing smirk that had stretched her lips.

  Chuckling into the dimming room – the fire on the hearth had all bur burned out while they had spent the first inferno of lust on each other – Rayer stroked a finger down Coletta’s blunted nose. “I thought you needed a break, you are the one with your eyes closed.”

  The green-gold orbs flashed open. A slow smile fully curved her lips. Rayer could feel the need building once more. Coletta wrapped an arm around his neck, and drew his lips to hers. “They aren’t now.”


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