Two's Enough Three's a Crowd

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Two's Enough Three's a Crowd Page 3

by Brenda Hampton

  “Hey, baby,” he said, opening his arms to hug me. I didn’t bother to hug him back, and instead stood with my arms by my sides.

  Jaylin noticed my demeanor and gave me a quick peck on my cheek. “I saw your car in the driveway. How long have you been here?”

  I folded my arms and followed him into the bedroom. “Uh . . . maybe just a few hours waiting on you to come home. Why didn’t you call? And why are you so late?”

  “I got caught up at the gym earlier, and then I went to apologize to Felicia for last night.”

  “Apologize for what? You said she was the one who left you.”

  “She did, but I wanted to apologize for my bad attitude, that’s all. I don’t like anybody leaving my house upset with me about my mood swings.”

  “And I’m sure you made it up to her. Just in case you didn’t notice, it’s Saturday. According to you, this is our day. So, what are you doing spending time with Felicia? You could’ve called and apologized to her over the phone.”

  “Nokea, what’s been up with you lately? You know this ain’t nothing new. I don’t like nobody upset with me, and I’m always willing to apologize when I’m wrong. So, without the hassle, let me get out of these clothes and take a shower so we can go,” he said, taking off his sweaty, pussy-smelling clothes.

  I turned my back, seething with anger as I went downstairs on the couch until he got ready. It was times like this when a huge part of me wanted to walk away from this relationship and never look back. Knowing that Jaylin had been with Felicia today was painful, and as I visualized the two of them in my mind, I wanted to get off the couch and run as fast as I could. I kept telling myself that I had a choice, but my decision had always been to hang in there.

  Jaylin hurried down the steps wearing an off-white silk shirt and black wide-legged pants that fit him nicely around the waist. His shirt had a few buttons undone so I could get a glimpse of his muscular chest. He’d trimmed his beard and goatee so thin that I could barely see them, and his gray eyes shone as he walked into the living room and asked if I was ready to go.

  “Yes, I’m ready. Been ready for quite a while now,” I griped.

  “So, what’s the plan for tonight? If you don’t know, I got a place in mind.”

  “Oh yeah, and where might that be?”

  “There’s a restaurant, The Hampshire, where we can sit on the terrace overlooking downtown St. Louis. The scenery is off the chain, and I want to share an enjoyable dinner with my number one lady this evening.”

  “Number one,” I said with a shocked look on my face. What an insult. I wanted to be the only one. Maybe I was number one in his thick black book, but at this point, I couldn’t take his words seriously. “What’s the special occasion?”

  “The special occasion is to show you how much I appreciate you being there for me. How much I know you want to kick my ass to the curb but you don’t. Also, to show you how much I enjoy being with you.”

  “Jaylin, I already know that. It’s just sometimes my jealousy gets the best of me. Felicia doesn’t threaten me in any way. Of course I don’t like the idea of you being with her, but this situation is only temporary.”

  Even though my words were the total opposite of what I truly felt, I didn’t want Jaylin to know how much his relationship with Felicia bothered me. I placed my hand on the side of his face and he kissed it.

  “Sex, Nokea, that’s all it is. I have very little feelings for Felicia, and you have nothing to worry about. Don’t you ever forget it, all right?”

  He gave me a quick kiss on the lips and I pushed Felicia’s drama to the side. Jaylin grabbed his keys, but as we got ready to walk out the door, the phone rang.

  “Wait a minute, baby. Let me see who that is.” He walked over to the phone. “Jaylin,” he answered. “No,” he said, smiling. “I mean, yes, I ...I was on my way out the door. Why don’t you give me a call tomorrow?” He paused. “Hey, no bother. Just call me tomorrow and we’ll talk.”

  Jaylin hung up, and instead of looking at me, his eyelids dropped low. I knew him too well. That was a new woman. I didn’t even have to ask him. But I wasn’t tripping, because if anything, she’d replace Felicia, not me.

  Our time together was fabulous. Jaylin was right; The Hampshire had it going on. The staff waited on us hand and foot like we were celebrities or something. As soon as our wineglasses were empty, they’d rush over to fill them. Jaylin ordered the filet mignon and I had a juicy New York strip steak. The food was to die for, and my time with Jaylin was truly the best. As the soothing jazz played throughout the restaurant, Jaylin asked me to dance.

  “You feel so good in my arms,” he whispered.

  “So do you, baby. I love you so much, and the thought of us being like this forever is what keeps me sane.”

  “Yeah, me too. Promise me something, though?”

  “What’s that?”

  “Promise me no matter how rough things might get for us, you’ll always be there. I know it’s asking a lot, but you’re the only good thing I got in my life. I’m very thankful for you. If I didn’t have you in my corner for all these years, I don’t know where I would be.”

  “That’s an easy promise for me. I know it’s going to get rough—it’s already rough allowing you to do some of the things you do. But I have a reason for putting up with you. You are mine, and we were made for each other. Our parents always said we were destined to be together, so I’ll wait. You’ll come around, sooner than you think.” I rubbed my hands up and down his back. He squeezed me tighter and kissed my forehead.

  “Woman, that’s why I care about you so much. Ain’t nobody like you, and one day I’m going to make you all mine.”

  I wanted to believe Jaylin, but I had serious doubts. His actions didn’t jive with his words, and I wasn’t about to get my hopes up. We wrapped up dinner and then went back to his place for a nightcap. Like many times before, I wanted to give myself to Jaylin that night, but I couldn’t. I didn’t want to be on the other side with Felicia and the rest of his female companions. I wanted to continue to stay in a category all by myself. In his own words, he cared for me more than anyone else. I had to believe that.

  But I also hadn’t forgotten about his earlier phone call. My gut signaled more trouble for us, but only time would tell.



  Damn! Scorpio called and I didn’t even get a chance to talk to her last night. I was glad when Nokea left. She hung around all day today as I waited for Scorpio to call back. As of yet, she hadn’t, but I was anxious to speak with her.

  Stephon and one of our longtime friends, Ray-Ray, came over to watch the football game. That took my mind off Scorpio for a while, and I was glad to be focused elsewhere.

  “Negro, are you going against the Rams or what?” Ray-Ray said as we debated who’d go to the Super Bowl.

  “You know ain’t nobody in the league better than them right now. As long as we got the baddest quarterback out there, the Super Bowl is well within our reach,” Stephon said, agreeing with Ray-Ray.

  “All I’m saying is we need to quit with the turnovers and get back to business. Now, ain’t nobody gonna beat us. I just think we got some work to do,” I defended.

  “Then stop talking that bullshit. You gotta have a little confidence in them, that’s all. I don’t care how many damn turnovers they make, no other team in the league can beat them.”

  As Stephon continued to rant, I walked over to the bar and poured another glass of Courvoisier. When the phone rang, I wondered who it was. I figured it wasn’t Felicia because I fucked her well yesterday, and she knew I wasn’t hooking up with her again until Friday. Nokea had left earlier and said she was spending the day with her parents. I knew it wasn’t any of my clients because they knew better than to call me over the weekend. And my boys were here. I hoped it was Scorpio as I rushed to answer the phone.

  “Jaylin,” I answered in a deep tone.

  “Hi, Jaylin. Hope I didn’t catch you at a bad time again

  “No, you didn’t. As a matter of fact, I wondered when you were going to call back.” I walked off into the other room so my boys couldn’t hear me.

  “I would’ve called you earlier, but I took my daughter to Forest Park. We usually go there to spend a little quiet time together.”

  Damn, I thought, a kid. I particularly didn’t want a woman with kids after the way I felt when Simone took away my daughter, but maybe this would have to be exception number two for Scorpio. If I have to make any more, she’s history, I decided.

  “To Forest Park, huh? That’s cool. Gotta take time out for the kids.”

  “So, are you in the mood for company tonight? I’ve been kind of thinking about you and would like to see you.”

  Now she was really rushing things. I thought it was my job to ask her out. But then again, wasn’t nothing wrong with confidence.

  “Sure, Scorpio, I would love some company tonight. What time should I expect you?”

  “Is eight o’clock okay with you? All I need to do is find a sitter and I’ll be there by eight.”

  “It’s on. I’ll see you at eight.”

  I gave Scorpio directions to my crib. I wanted to screen her a little more, but her kid was bugging her in the background. I had my doubts about this one. But, what the hell? If anything, I’d get a good fuck and call it a day.

  Ray-Ray’s short, roly-poly self and Stephon weren’t budging. They hung around just so they could check out Scorpio when she came. I went upstairs and changed into something comfortable—my silk burgundy pajamas—and turned on a song by Frank Sinatra that played on the intercom throughout the house.

  “Man, what the fuck is that?” Stephon said, laughing at the song.

  “Negro, it’s my ‘let me come make love to you’ song that be having women jumping out of their panties, that’s what it is.”

  “Sounds more like it’ll have their asses jumping out of the window to me,” Ray-Ray said, giving Stephon five.

  “You know, y’all really be playa-hating. I got this nice-ass woman coming over here and you two insist on cock-blocking. Then when I put on something romantic, y’all dissing my song. I tell you what, why don’t both of y’all get the hell up out of here? I’ll share the gory details of tonight’s events with y’all later.”

  Just then, we heard something that sounded like a loud truck with a rattling engine.

  “What the fuck is that?” Stephon said, looking out the window.

  “I don’t know. I hope it ain’t nobody’s car,” I said.

  “It is a car,” Stephon said, laughing. “And it’s in your driveway. That pretty little thing from yesterday seems to be the owner.”

  “Man, what kind of fucking car is she driving?” I rushed over to the window to see for myself. This bitch had a raggedy-ass 1977 get-out-and-push Cadillac that I knew was probably dripping oil in my driveway. “Fuck that! This is it for her. I’m going right downstairs to tell her I got plans tonight and made a mistake inviting her ass over here.”

  “Man, now, you know you be too hard on the sistas. Everybody ain’t got it like you, Jay. Give the lady a chance. She might have borrowed a car from a friend,” Ray-Ray said.

  “Which probably means she don’t have a car at all. Man, I ain’t even wasting my time.”

  I ran downstairs to open the door because she rang the doorbell over and over again. Ray-Ray and Stephon followed. When I pulled open the door, I opened my mouth but couldn’t say nothing. Scorpio looked and smelled edible.

  I moved aside and let her come in. I couldn’t tell whose lip hung down the lowest—Stephon’s, RayRay’s, or mine. She had on a white linen jumpsuit that crisscrossed in the back and tied around her neck. It draped in the front, where I could see just a sliver of her cleavage, and her long, curly hair hung on her shoulders. The bottom half of the jumper was kind of see-through. I noticed she wore a thong because of the string line on her upper hip. Her white-strapped sandals accented the outfit, and so did the red fingernail polish on her hands and feet.

  “Hey, uh, Scorpio,” I said, clearing my throat. “This is my cousin Stephon and one of my friends, Ray-Ray.”

  “Hey,” both of them said in unison. They stood with pure lust on their faces. I nudged Stephon in his side to get his attention.

  “Aw, wha ...what’s up, Scorpio? Nice to meet you.” He reached his hand out to shake hers. She smiled and shook his hand. Stephon didn’t let go. He held her hand and rubbed it with his other hand. “Smooth. Sweetie, you got some smooth-ass skin. What you putting on yourself these days to keep yourself so smooth like that?”

  “No secret,” she said, appearing unfazed by his comment. “I always bathe in baby oil, that’s all.”

  “Hey, Scorpio, why don’t you go ahead and have a seat? I’m gonna walk my cousin to his car.”

  “Okay, Jaylin, take your time.”

  Stephon and Ray-Ray waved good-bye to Scorpio and we walked to Stephon’s car.

  “Man, man, man! What you gon’ do with all that in there?” Stephon said. “Sista might have a fucked-up car, but a woman like that, I’d buy her a new one. She is fiiiiine. And if she doesn’t meet your expectations, then pass her to me. She definitely meets mine.”

  “Negro, please. I’m gonna try to tap that ass tonight, and afterward, you can have it. If it ain’t Nokea, I ain’t buying nobody shit. When Scorpio leaves, there better not be no oil stains in my driveway from that fuckedup car. If there is, I’m gonna ask your ass to correct it, since she’ll be kicking it with you.”

  “That’s all right with me. I’ll correct anything she wants me to. But you’d better watch out. She got an interesting look about her. I think she’s gonna give you a run for your money.”

  “Please. I’ve had finer women than her chasing after my ass. Trust me; she’ll be calling you tomorrow.”

  “All right, Jay. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. Something about that woman just doesn’t sit right with me. And brotha, please strap one on tonight. I don’t want you around here burning. You catch my drift?”

  “Always, my brotha, always.”

  “Well, Ray and me gon’ go get our roll on at Skate King in Pine Lawn. Are you sure you and Miss Sexy don’t wanna come along?”

  “Naw, man, I’m staying right here tonight. I’ll roll with y’all some other time. Besides, I ain’t in no mood to see you bust your damn head open tonight. Them cats be rolling down there, and personally, I don’t think you can hang.”

  “Hang on this,” Stephon said, grabbing his dick. “I’ll holla at yo’ ass tomorrow.”

  I went back into the house and saw Scorpio in the living room, looking at a picture of Mama on the fireplace mantel.

  “Is this your mother?” she asked.

  “Yes, it is,” I said, taking the picture from her hand. “She’s dead, though. I like to keep her memory around, you know what I mean?”

  “Yeah, I sure do. My mother died of cancer when I was nineteen, and I still haven’t been able to part with her pictures yet.”

  “So, can I get you something to drink? I haven’t had time to cook any dinner because my boys had me tied up all day with the football games. Or, if you’d like, we can order some Chinese.”

  “I love to cook. Take me to your kitchen and I’ll be more than happy to throw us a little something together.”

  I took Scorpio’s hand and led her into my kitchen. Her eyes wandered. “Jaylin, this kitchen is immaculate. It’s a woman’s dream to have a kitchen this beautiful and clean. Are you sure you live alone?”

  “Of course I do. I used to have a maid, but I got a few good friends who help me keep it clean every once in a while.”

  “Oh...I see. So, what do you have in the fridge?” She boldly opened it.

  “I picked up some ground chuck from Straub’s last week, and it’s the only thing that’s thawed. How about some Hamburger Helper? I got a box of cheeseburger macaroni on the shelf and it shouldn’t take long at all.”

  I put everything on the
counter for Scorpio and told her I would be back. I went to my bedroom to call Nokea back because I had seen her number on the caller ID. I guess she’d made it back from her parents’ house and was calling to let me know. Surely, I didn’t want her to show up tonight and mess up my action with Scorpio.

  “Hey, baby, you call?” I asked as I sat on my bed.

  “Yes. I just wanted to tell you what a wonderful time I had last night. It kind of got me thinking more about our relationship. How much you and I are meant for each other. How much I know you love me and I know some day you’ll be my husband. So, baby, I ...I think I’m ready.”

  “Ready for what?”

  “I’m ready to give myself to you. I want to make love to you tonight.”

  After all this time, tonight she decides she’s ready? I know I was anxious to get inside Nokea, but tonight wasn’t the time.

  “Baby, listen. I know how strongly you feel about saving yourself, and I want you to continue to stand your ground. Even if you’re ready, I’m not. You’re special to me, and I don’t want to have sex with you while I’m involved with other females.” I couldn’t believe that bunch of bullshit had come out of my mouth.

  “Once I give myself to you, hopefully your involvement with other females will stop. I thought you wanted this Jaylin, but—”

  “I do, baby, but not while I’m having sex with other people. Tell you what; just give me some time to cut Felica loose. I don’t want to make love to you until I’m free of these other women. That’s fair, isn’t it?”


  “But nothing, Nokea. Let me get off the phone so I can get me some rest. I’ll call you tomorrow when I get off work. You can come by then and we can talk more about it.”

  “All right, Jaylin, but, do . . . do you have company? You seem to be rushing me off the phone.”

  I’d never lied to Nokea, but if I told her the truth, she’d have more questions for me. I was trying to work on getting my thang wet, and now wasn’t the time for questions.

  “No. I’m just tired, baby. That’s all. I promise I’ll call you tomorrow.”


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