Two's Enough Three's a Crowd

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Two's Enough Three's a Crowd Page 25

by Brenda Hampton

  “Nothing much. I signed Mackenzie up for ballet classes, but that’s at nine A.M. After that, I don’t have any plans.”

  “Good. Then I’ll see you Saturday afternoon. I’ll call before I come to make sure you’re there because it’s important that we talk.”

  “If it’s that important, why don’t you meet me at my house tonight? I’m on my way there now.”

  “Naw, it’s got to wait until the weekend. Besides, I want you to enjoy the rest of your birthday with your fine-ass woman tonight.”

  “All right, man, if you insist. I’ll be by the shop this week anyway to get my hair cut, so I’ll see you before then.”

  “Okay, that’s cool.”

  He wished me happy birthday again then hung up.

  By the time we got home, Mackenzie was sound asleep. I carried her to her room and kissed her for at least the hundredth time that day. I really appreciated her and Scorpio as they tried to make sure I had a good birthday.

  I shut Mackenzie’s bedroom door, and I saw Scorpio standing in the foyer, looking upstairs at me.

  “Oh, Jaylin,” she said, smiling and motioning with her finger for me to come to her.

  I smiled because I knew what time it was. She was butt-ball naked and headed toward the Jacuzzi.

  By the time we got outside, I had dropped my shit off in the living room. And since I’d kept sex between us on the down low because of my burning ordeal, I was ready to tear into her. And that I did. Loving was so good, made me wanna fuck all night long. She was definitely in it for the long haul, and I couldn’t find it in my heart to kick her out again, no matter what.

  I’d hired a private detective to keep an eye on her, though. She promised me that she would leave all the bullshit behind. According to her, her main focus was finishing school, but I had to know for myself if she was still lying to me about stripping. I knew that if she was, it was all about the money. Had nothing to do with trying to get her fuck on with somebody, because I was doing that and doing it well. It was strictly about making sure she kept some money in her pocket, and the best way she knew how to do it was by showing men her sexy body.

  I wanted to believe that she wasn’t doing it anymore, but last week, she came in at two in the morning. She claimed she and her sister went out with some of their girlfriends, but I wasn’t no fool. I’d been a playa for many years and definitely knew the game. Knew it well.

  After I finished making love to her, we went to the kitchen and warmed up our leftovers from Morton’s. I sat on a stool while Scorpio stood her naked body in front of mine and stuffed some potatoes in my mouth with a fork. I rolled the potatoes around in my mouth and opened it wider for some more.

  “Wow, I didn’t know your mouth could get that wide,” she said, holding back on giving me some more.

  I slid her closer between my legs and held her ass with both of my hands.

  “Where do you see us in five years?” I asked.

  She laid the fork on the plate and gave me her full attention. “I see us standing here in the kitchen doing the same thing we’re doing right now. I see me loving you more and more each day. And maybe, just maybe, some more kids in our future.”

  I nodded and thought about what she’d implied. Since Nokea had moved on with Stephon, that didn’t sound too bad. But we still had some major work to do with our relationship. My feelings weren’t quite there yet, and if Scorpio wanted that kind of future with me, she’d have to do a better job of showing me. Lying to me wasn’t helping at all, and my gut told me she might still be up to her old tricks. My loving Nokea wasn’t helping the situation much either, but I hoped to overcome my feelings.

  “Do you ever think you’ll get tired of making love to me?” I asked. “Not only that, do you think you’ll always be willing to put up with my sometimes fuckedup ways? I can be a motherfucker when I want to, you know.”

  “Oh, trust me, I know. Probably better than anybody does, because I’m the one who lives with you. But it’s okay, baby. I know how to deal with your mood swings. I just get out of your way when you don’t want to be bothered. Eventually you come around, don’t you?

  “Anyway, why are you asking me about the future? Are you planning on keeping me forever?” She rubbed her fingers through my hair like she always did.

  I took her hand and kissed it. “Baby, I have a serious problem with loving women. I told you this before, and I don’t want it to damage our relationship. It’s not that I don’t love being with you, but something inside just won’t let me get too attached. And every time I feel as if I’m getting too close, I back off. I go find myself another lady to occupy my time . . . to take away some of these feelings I have for you.”

  “But in due time, Jaylin, that will change. Those days I was away from you were hell for me. But it took that for me to realize I couldn’t lie to you if I wanted to be with you forever. I had to do whatever it took to get you to trust me again, so now I’m working on proving to you that you can trust me. And once you realize you can, all of this is going to change. You’ll be able to love me like I want you to. You’ll see.”

  I turned Scorpio around and pressed her butt against my thighs. “I’m tired, baby. I’m truly burned out. It’s time for me to get back to business. I’ve focused too much of my time elsewhere. After tonight, I don’t know how much time I can offer you. I mean, I still want us to be together, but my work is going to take priority over everything. By not working, I’m losing money, and I don’t like to lose out on money. I’m a brotha who likes the finer things in life, and I know what I have to do to make sure that continues.”

  “Jaylin, by all means, handle your business. You’ve been more than a blessing to Mackenzie and me, and there’s no way I’m going to stop you from doing what you need to do. All I ask is that you don’t forget about us.

  “Maybe some day I’ll be able to handle it if you do, but Mackenzie won’t. She’s so crazy about you it scares me. I really think she wants to be with you more than she does me. But you do have a way with the women, so I know exactly where she’s coming from.”

  “I will never forget about you and Mackenzie, especially her. She’s made me realize so many things over these past months, and most of all, she’s shown me how to love somebody. In a different way, of course. And for me, that’s a big step. I don’t think I’ve ever loved anybody in my entire life except for her and—” I paused.

  “Her and who, Jaylin?”

  “My mother. Her and my mother,” I said, backtracking my thoughts, as Nokea was on my mind.

  “Well, I’m at least glad you love a part of me. That makes me feel special right there. And I know if you can love my daughter the way you do, then you will eventually find a way to love me too.”

  “Maybe so,” I said, kissing her on the neck and getting ready to stick my thang where it belonged.

  Scorpio and I got down in the kitchen, but I cut it short because I had to get up early and get back to work.

  Shit was crazy back at work. The market had dropped to a five-year low and everybody lost money—including me. Roy tried to keep up with all my accounts, but the way things were, we were all lucky to still have jobs.

  No sooner had I plopped down in my seat than Schmidt rang my phone.

  “Jaylin, welcome back. Hope you’re ready to do some work around here today because you have it cut out for you.”

  I laughed and hung up on his ass. That’s what I always did when I felt pressured: just laughed and did what worked best for me.

  My first call was to Higgins. Even though I spoke to him occasionally from home, I wasn’t really able to handle my business with him like I was at the office. He was cool. He understood the ups and downs of the market, and didn’t blame me at all for losing thousands of dollars in his investments. My suggestion to him was to buy while the market was low and wait to see what happened. Didn’t expect much to happen anytime soon, but a year or two from now, we could all be back on the right track. He went with the flow, and so did his

  Roy had seen how well my plan worked for me, and he got on the phone and started to do the same. We called people we hadn’t talked to in years and tried to get them to invest. Drove around visiting companies that didn’t have pensions or any type of retirement plans set up and talked to them about investing.

  By day’s end, we cooled out in my office and I kicked off my shoes. Schmidt came in and congratulated both of us. He told me he was glad to have me back, and frankly, I was glad to be back. Not once did I think about my crazy life outside of work, because that’s truly what it was—crazy.

  After my conversation with Scorpio, I couldn’t deny or ignore my love for Nokea. I knew she was the one who’d kept me going all these years. And as much as Scorpio fulfilled all my other needs, my heart was empty because Nokea hadn’t been there to fill it for a long time.

  But wasn’t a damn thing I could do about it. I was hurt too badly by Nokea being with Stephon. I just had to play it cool and focus on the good things I had in my life, like Mackenzie and my job, my obscenely wealthy status, and even my woman’s pussy. Now, that was getting better and better each day. Too bad it wasn’t filling that emptiness inside of me.

  Things started to calm down by the end of the week. Everybody went with the flow of the market and waited for something positive to happen. Angela and Roy became my right-hand team. They had things under control and made sure I didn’t feel much pressure. It didn’t dawn on me that the reason they were so close was because Roy was banging her.

  When I left the office on Friday, I had to go back and get my keys because I forgot them. I passed by Roy’s office, and the lights were out. I knocked because I could hear a bunch of rumbling going on. The only thing I could do was smile. I had been there and definitely done that before. Roy didn’t know what he was getting himself into. And to think Roy and her husband were supposed to be friends.

  It made me think about who I truly considered to be a friend of mine. I really didn’t have many to begin with, because it was too many brothas hating when I inherited my grandfather’s estate and started making money years ago. I had to leave behind motherfuckers I’d known for years. Not because I was big-balling, but because they tried to take me for everything. When they came to my house, shit always came up missing. I learned my lesson early on and decided to limit myself to just a few friends. Actually, Stephon was the only person who was close to me. Our bond was pretty tight, and no matter what, I wanted to keep it that way.

  When I pulled in the driveway, Scorpio’s car was gone, as usual. Sometimes she was there when I got home, but usually she wasn’t. When I met up with the private detective yesterday, he said she was definitely still in school. He also confirmed there was nothing going on with her and the guy who read her scripts. But he did tell me she still stripped at parties. Showed me pictures of her entering and leaving motherfuckers’ cribs—and even tried to defend her by saying she always left alone. I paid him for his time and thanked him for what he called “easy work.”

  The thing about it was I didn’t even trip. Pretended like I didn’t know nothing about it. And I for damn sure didn’t ask her any questions when she came in that night. She always gave me excuses anyway, like she went somewhere to study, or she went out with her sister. Explanations sounded pretty good. And if I was a brotha who didn’t know any better, I’d probably have believed her. Sad thing about it was she thought I was stupid enough to believe it. Puzzled the hell out of me, but what the fuck? Arguing about it wasn’t even worth my time—for now.

  The only reason I kept my mouth shut was because of Mackenzie. I told Scorpio I wanted to adopt her, and without any hesitation, she agreed. Once everything was settled with the courts, I would do what I had to do to have shit Jaylin’s way. I didn’t hate Scorpio for what she did because after all, money was the name of her game. I knew people out there who would do anything for money, no matter who got hurt. But she was a sista who could have had it all. Didn’t even have to go out like she did. Looks, charm, personality, and a little more willingness on her part could have gotten her anything she wanted. She wasn’t even smart enough to realize that, and that’s why I couldn’t love her like she wanted me to. Besides, there was no way to forgive a woman who lied to me as much as she did.

  Mackenzie always waited for me when I came through the door. I sat her on my lap in the living room as I rummaged through my mail. There was a letter from my doctor, and I figured it had to be the results from my AIDS test.

  I tapped the envelope against my hand and let out a deep sigh. I unfolded the letter, and when I saw the word “negative” and read the comments from my doctor, I jumped for joy. She’d tried to reach me by phone, but the letter said her attempts were unsuccessful. Either way, I was ecstatic.

  Mackenzie jumped for joy with me. She didn’t even know what I was happy about; she was just happy because I was. Now, that was the kind of love I needed in my life, I thought as I swung her around the living room.

  I paid Nanny B for watching Mackenzie and called Stephon to make sure he still planned to come over the next day. When a very familiar voice answered his phone, I thought I’d dialed the wrong number.

  “Felicia?” I said.

  “Hold on,” she said.

  He immediately answered. “What’s up?”

  “Man, was that Felicia who answered your phone?”

  “Yeah.” He was to the point, but didn’t have much else to say.

  “I just called to see if it was still on for tomorrow. But, uh . . . what is Felicia doing answering your phone?”

  “I was asleep. She wasn’t supposed to answer it. If Nokea had called, I would have been fucked.”

  “No doubt. When did this shit between you and Felicia—”

  “Man, I don’t know. It’s been a while. I was going to tell you, but I didn’t want you tripping like you did when you found out about Nokea.”

  “Man, whatever. That’s your prerogative, so, hey, go for what you know. It ain’t nothing but some pussy.” I heard Felicia in the background moaning.

  “Right, right. But, uh . . . I’ll give you a holla tomorrow. This one here just can’t seem to get enough.”

  “Tell me about it. I definitely know how that is.”

  I hung up and didn’t even sweat it; wasn’t even worth me stressing over. Stephon was just too much, and so was Felicia. She was nothing but a whore who I’d seen through from day one.

  I put Mackenzie on my shoulders and carried her up to my room. When I put her down, she laughed so hard that spit dripped down her face.

  “Mackenzie, that’s nasty,” I said, tickling her.

  “Daddy, stop tickling me,” she said, grabbing her stomach. “Stop before I tickle you back.”

  “Okay, give it your best shot.” I flexed my muscles and tightened my six-pack. She ran her hands across my stomach. When I didn’t laugh, she stopped. She sat on the edge of my bed and pouted.

  “Mackenzie, what did I tell you about pouting? What’s wrong with you now?” I asked.

  “When I tickled you, you wouldn’t laugh. Mommy said when you stopped laughing and smiling, it was time for us to leave. I don’t want to leave, Daddy. I want to live with you forever and ever and ever.” Her eyes were watery.

  “Mackenzie, how many times have I told you you’re here to stay? Wherever I go, you go. I don’t care what your mommy says to you. You’re my little girl, and I’m never going to let you leave this house again until you get married.”

  “Like you and Mommy. She said you were going to marry her.”

  “No, no, Mackenzie. I told you that you’d be the first to know when I decided to get married. And right now, I’m not ready for a wife.”

  “But I’m ready for a husband. Can my husband come live here with us too?”

  I laughed. “Baby, you’re much too little to be talking about having a husband. Daddy’s going to have to screen these young men out here for his baby.” I hugged her. “When the time comes, he’d better have it goin
g on like your daddy does, and be able to buy a beautiful home for you so you can live there with him.”

  Scorpio walked in. “Or be able to afford one yourself,” she said, taking her jacket off and laying it on the bed. That still bugged the hell out of me, and after my look cut her in half, she picked up her jacket and hung it up in the closet. Mackenzie ran up and gave her a hug. She walked out of the room with Mackenzie, and I went into the bathroom and shut the door.

  I ran some steaming hot bath water and hung my clothes neatly in the small closet in the bathroom. I slid my body deep down in the tub and closed my eyes. Scorpio knocked on the door and cracked it open so she could see me.

  “Hey, you got a minute?” she said, walking into the bathroom.

  I kept my eyes shut. “Always. I always got a minute for you.”

  “Jaylin, why do you be telling Mackenzie all that crazy stuff? I want her to grow up being independent. I don’t want her to think the only way she can make it is if a man takes care of her. You’re giving her the wrong impression about life.”

  I opened my eyes and looked up at her. “Scorpio, almost everything you tell Mackenzie has been a lie. If anyone is giving her the wrong impression about life, it’s you, not me. I make a decent living; you don’t. Well, in your mind it’s decent, but I tell you what: I’m going to make damn sure, whether you like it or not, she don’t have to go through life shaking her ass just for a fucking dollar. Now, if you got a problem with that, that’s too bad. I’m not going to sit here trying to convince somebody who thinks I’m too damn stupid to realize she’s still taking her clothes off for money.” I closed my eyes again.

  She left the bathroom. I could see her in the mirror as she sat on the bed with a sad look on her face. I wasn’t in no mood to comfort her. After a few minutes, she took off her clothes and re-entered the bathroom.

  “Can I join you?” she asked.

  “I’d rather you didn’t. I’d like to enjoy my bath alone, if you don’t mind.”


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