Seventh Heaven (Heaven Sent Book 7)

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Seventh Heaven (Heaven Sent Book 7) Page 11

by Mary Abshire

  Matt had told them he’d live with her until she told him to leave. Their dearest friend had been a saint. He’d booked everything under his name and had planned to buy the house, too, with Andrew’s funds of course. Once the paperwork cleared, he’d changed the deed so Emily’s alias would appear on it.

  “All you have to do is say the words,” Andrew said.

  She took a deep breath. More moisture built in her eyes. “Let’s do it. Let’s buy the house.”

  Andrew took her face into his hands and molded her lips with his. With a little coaxing, he managed to end her dreary mood and create a more passionate one. The brush of her tongue heated his blood and sent it south to his groin. He’d never tire of kissing and loving his wife, but he had to put a break on their growing needs. The realtor was sitting in her car while Matt waited downstairs.

  “I know the three of you will be happy here,” Andrew said.

  She nodded. “We will. I’m sure of it.”

  “Let’s go tell them.”

  Andrew followed Emily down the hall and front stairs. Reaching the entryway, they rounded the corner. Emily continued toward the living room, but turned to enter the kitchen. Matt stood in front of the patio doors in a military-type pose with his arms crossed and legs slightly parted. He’d worn jeans and button-down green shirt.

  “I hope you like it here,” Emily said walking toward him. “Because I’ve decided we should buy it.”

  Matt lowered his arms as he turned to face them. “Really? Are you sure?” Excitement laced his tone.

  Andrew stopped beside her. “I think this is the best house out of the two. It’s spacious and has plenty of upgrades.”

  “I could always live in the basement. It’s big enough you could convert it into a large one-bedroom apartment,” Matt said.

  Andrew met Emily’s gaze. “It’s up to you.”

  “I don’t know.” She looked at Matt. “It’s something to think about if want to do that, but I don’t mind you living in one of the bedrooms upstairs and sharing the rest of the house with me.”

  “It’s an option,” Matt said. “I don’t want you to think I’m crowding your space.”

  Andrew smirked. “Crowding isn’t possible in this house.”

  “He’s right. If anything, it’s twice the size of what would be more than adequate for you, me, and the baby.”

  “She won’t be a baby forever,” Matt said.

  “Or he,” Andrew said.

  “She or he will have plenty of room to grow,” Emily said. “Did you see the size of each bedroom?”

  Matt chuckled. “I’m so glad to hear you like it. This is a good choice. I feel it in my bones.”

  Andrew slid his arm behind Emily’s back. He pulled her close until her hip bumped him. “See, the three of you will be happy here.”

  “Shall I tell the realtor to get the paperwork drafted?” Matt asked.

  “Yeah, let’s try to close before mid-March. We can buy furniture before the baby arrives in April. I’d like to have it in Saint George.” Emily looked at Andrew. “Are you okay with that?”

  “Absolutely. As long as Matt’s name stays on everything until I leave, you should be safe here.”

  “I’ve been thinking of a few ways to make it more secure. If you’re interested, we can talk about it later.”

  “Yes, let’s do,” Andrew said.

  Matt gave them a single nod. “All right then, I’ll go tell the realtor I’m buying this house. Once she hears I’m paying for it outright, I doubt we’ll have any problems closing in a month.”

  Emily smiled, and it looked good on her. Because of her crazy hormones and the stress of finding a house, the baby, Andrew leaving, and the possibility of Steven finding them, she hadn’t appeared as joyful as usual. But of course he could always find a way to bring her out of her blues.

  “We’ll meet you outside,” Andrew said to Matt.

  Matt gave him a pat on his arm as he passed him.

  “A step in the right direction. This good, Em,” Andrew said.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her belly against him. “Are we going to celebrate?”

  “I think that’s a great idea. Did you have something in mind?”

  “I did and it involves both us naked.”

  His cock woke with a jolt. “We definitely are celebrating.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Emily walked through the door of the newest hotel they were staying in. Patio windows took up the entire back. The wall to the right was an orangish-brown color while the rest were a soft yellow. A red sofa faced a small oblong coffee table and two light-green chairs. The television sat under a short four-drawer dresser and next to a workstation. The bedrooms connected on each side weren’t big compared to ones in a big city, but the suite served its purpose.

  She set her purse on the coffee table before she dropped onto the sofa. Light from the windows brightened the room. Leaning sideways, she placed her elbow on the armrest and pushed her fingers into her hair.

  Andrew put the car key on the table as he strode toward the window. He seemed happy about the house and couldn’t stop talking about it in the Jeep. Matt had several good ideas for the basement and better security. Both men had sounded excited about the new home. While she looked forward to settling down and was glad to have finished house hunting, she couldn’t shake the melancholic feeling within her. Andrew would depart the Earth in eight months.

  Matt took a seat in the green chair to her left. He stretched his legs out and rested his arms on the wood rests. The soldier had such a kind and generous heart. She thanked the powers that be in heaven for putting him in their lives.

  “You’ve been quiet,” Matt said. “Is something on your mind?”

  She straightened and lowered her arm. She didn’t want to talk about her feelings anymore. Nothing would change. Nothing could change. But there had been an issue on her mind they needed to discuss again.

  “I like your ideas for extra security,” she said. “I think it would be a good idea to add everything as soon as we take possession.”

  Andrew slipped his hands into the pockets of his jeans as he turned to face them. He wore a short-sleeved blue plaid shirt with a white one underneath. Gauze hid the tattoo of the demon’s name on his arm. “I agree. The sooner, the better.”

  “So far we’ve been fortunate Steven or another enforcer hasn’t found us. But I still fear someone might show up one day,” she said.

  Andrew took a seat in the other green chair. “She’s right. I transferred all my funds to her online account and then she transferred money to yours. We know they tracked my transactions, so it’s possible they could track hers, too.”

  Emily met his gaze. “There is a way to keep Steven or any enforcer off our backs for a little while longer.”

  Andrew leaned back in his chair as he stared at her. Many times over the last six weeks they’d talked about going to San Antonio to pursue the demon on his arm. Guilt lingered in her head for what had happened to him in DC. She didn’t want him to have to fight and kill another enforcer or Steven if he returned. While he despised what he’d done and wanted to make amends somehow with those in charge upstairs, he’d delayed going after the demon. She believed his decision was to protect her.

  When enough silence had passed, she said, “We found a house. Cross that off the list and the rest that is left can wait a few months. This is the best time to destroy a demon.”

  Andrew shifted his gaze to Matt.

  “She has a point, but someone needs to stay here to deal with the appraiser, the home inspector, and appear at the closing. Since I’m the one paying and signing the documents, it has to be me,” Matt said.

  “We can stay here until after the closing,” Andrew said, looking at her. “There are other hotels in the area or we can go to a nearby town and stay there. You could look for a doctor in Saint George and schedule a checkup.”

  “If we wait another thirty days to go to San Antonio, my
belly could stick out another two to three inches. I won’t feel comfortable, and I won’t be as mobile,” she said.

  “Then I can go by myself,” Andrew said.

  “No.” She shook her head. “We work as a team. We always have. Remember?”

  After everything they’d been through together, she shouldn’t have to remind him they were a good team. The fact she had to bring it up led her to believe he placed her and the baby’s safety above everything else. While she loved and appreciated his affection and concern, she understood he had a job to do, a sentence to fulfill. The delay in destroying the demon had been long enough. He needed to take action now and she refused to let him go on his own.

  He bobbed his knee. “It’s dangerous for you.”

  “I will stay in the car. I won’t go anywhere near the demon. But you need me, and this is the best time to take care of that demon,” she said.

  “That reminds me,” Matt said. “I need to buy a car. Whether you leave tomorrow or in thirty days, I’ll need my own set of wheels to run errands. There are a few rental places in town. I can get a vehicle to use until I purchase one.”

  Emily continued to gaze at Andrew. “We shouldn’t put this off any longer. If you go alone, there is a greater risk you won’t come back to see the baby born.” She paused to face Matt. “Tell him I’m right.”

  Matt shook his head. “You’re both family to me. She’s right, you shouldn’t go alone because of the risk.” He turned to Emily. “But I also think it’s dangerous for you to go in your condition. However, you have good skills and you’re the best person to go with him since I have to stay here. You need to take extra precautions to protect the life of that baby growing in your womb.”

  She nodded in agreement. Matt was an honest, straightforward man. If he believed beyond any doubt she shouldn’t go, he would’ve said so.

  Andrew stopped moving his knee. “All right. We can leave tomorrow.”

  “I can look for places to stay. If you give me credit card information, I can book everything from my laptop,” Emily said.

  “Since I have two cards, I can give you one,” Matt said.

  “Perfect,” she said. “Do you need any more cash moved to your account since you’ll be buying a car?”

  “No, I have plenty,” Matt said.

  Relief trickled through her as she took a breath. They had a house secured and now they could go to San Antonio with minimal fear of an enforcer finding them. If Andrew could destroy the demon without too much trouble, they could return to Saint George and relax until the baby arrived.

  The guilt weighing down her conscience started to lessen. All they had to do was avoid as much danger as possible for Andrew to destroy the demon.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Andrew let out sigh of frustration. He opened his eyes to the dark room. Light flashed from the television. Lying next to him on her side was the woman his heart yearned to be with forever. She slept so peacefully, naked and beautiful with her hand resting on his biceps. They’d celebrated the purchase of the house by going out to dinner as a family. After the meal, Matt went to a movie theatre and Andrew celebrated more by making hot love to his wife. Pregnancy hadn’t changed her need for sex, at least not yet, and he was always willing to please Emily.

  Smiling, he fought the urge to touch her belly. The baby had grown quite a bit in the last few weeks. He could imagine how much bigger it would get in the next couple of months. His heart gained extra beats every time he thought about being with her in a delivery room and holding the newborn. He couldn’t wait to hold the precious gift he helped create. The life growing inside her was a miracle, which was why he didn’t want her to go to San Antonio.

  He ran his fingers through his hair and then left his arm above his head on the pillow. He couldn’t think of any way to convince her to stay in Utah. The only idea he’d come up with was to leave and ask Matt to keep watch over her. Even then, he feared she’d drop everything and drive to Texas. The option sucked for two reasons. One, he’d piss her off by heading off on his own. Secondly, he didn’t want her on the road for nineteen hours by herself. No matter what he said or did, his determined wife was going to help him destroy the demon. But he still had to try to talk her out of it.

  He considered another option. Matt had informed him about the demon while Andrew had been resting and recovering in Arizona. The man’s alias was on a national watch list. One of Matt’s friends worked with the federal government. He’d made a few inquiries and learned Ahmed Zahara’s name had been in chatter several times in the Middle East and America the last few months. Matt’s buddy had said Ahmed’s tax records looked clean and his bank accounts had a steady stream of income. Nothing looked out of the ordinary in the systems they’d checked. Like Matt, Andrew believed Ahmed was hiding something. He was a demon after all.

  Andrew hadn’t shared the information with Emily. He didn’t want to increase her level of stress. But maybe he should tell her so she’d realize the danger she would be getting involved with if she left with him for San Antonio. He had a feeling in his gut if he told her, she would grow more concerned and still demand to go with him, especially after what happened to him in DC. He couldn’t risk raising her anxiety to the point it would harm the baby.

  The beating he’d received from fighting the enforcer had been bad. It had to have pained her to look at him. Still, she’d helped him get better and had made a great nurse, too good of one. She insisted on staying at his side and caring for him. Her love for him gave him strength and helped him get through those rough days. He understood her devotion as he felt the same for her.

  Although the flesh wounds had healed, the mental ones hadn’t. Andrew regretted killing Steven and for making her feel responsible. No matter how many times he apologized, he sensed she still felt guilty. He needed to redeem his actions, but he wasn’t sure how. He figured destroying the demon inked on his arm would bring him a small step closer to salvation.

  Emily inhaled deeply and moved her head on the pillow. Her fingers twitched on his arm. She lifted her lids and licked her lips. “Do you have some water?”

  He sat up and claimed the bottle on the nightstand. Since he’d learned of her pregnancy, he always kept a drink near the bed. He removed the cap before he handed the bottle to her.

  She leaned on her elbow and poured the fluid into her mouth. Her round breasts held his gaze. Before the pregnancy he’d found her attractive, but now her curves seemed more defined, she had fuller tits, and her cute plump ass called to his hands. She’d gained some weight as most women did, but it looked damn good on her.

  She handed the water back to him. He twisted the lid on and then set the bottle back on the stand.

  “What’s wrong? Can’t sleep?” she asked as he lay back down.

  He slid her bangs off her forehead. Her roots showed more since she hadn’t dyed her hair in a several months.

  “I’d rather watch you sleep,” he said.

  She covered her mouth while she yawned. “What’s bothering you?”

  “Nothing new. Go back to sleep.” He reached for the cover near their feet and then tugged it up to cover her.

  “Are you worrying about me going to San Antonio?”

  “Of course I am. You know how much I want to protect you and the baby.”

  She caressed his cheek. “It’s funny, we’re different in many ways, yet we’re also alike. We want to do the right thing, but we don’t want to see the other get hurt.”

  “You’re a woman carrying my baby.”

  “Don’t be sexist. And I’m not handicapped because I’m pregnant. This is the twenty-first century. And besides, I want to preserve the life inside me as much as you do, so I’m going to be extra careful in my actions.”

  How easily he forgot about her strong will. He swallowed and looked up at the ceiling.

  “Hey.” She propped herself up on her elbow. “Don’t think for a second about leaving on your own. Do you want to create chaos with my emotions, w
hich could cause enough stress for me to lose the baby? I don’t think you want to see how distressed I can be. And don’t forget, I’d fucking hunt your ass down. And you know I can, so don’t even think about ditching me.”

  The sharp tone of her voice suggested she was angry and he hadn’t even done anything. A woman’s hormones during pregnancy were crazy.

  “I’m not going to leave you,” he said.

  “But you thought about it for a minute. Didn’t you?”

  He hesitated to answer.

  “Yeah, that’s what I thought,” she said.

  “I won’t hurt you like that.”

  “You fucking better not.” She punched his arm and then rolled onto her back.

  “Ouch. Why are you hitting me? And could you stop cursing?” Of course, her hit didn’t really hurt. In fact, his cock came alive. Her response was yet another sign of how much she loved him.

  She tucked the covers around her body as she brought her arms down to her sides. “I’m mad because you thought about it. How could you? After everything we’ve been through…”

  He rolled over to face her. “Protecting you and the baby is top priority to me. I had to consider all options. But it’s off the table. It was only a passing thought.”

  “It better have passed,” she grumbled.

  He dragged his fingers down her arm.

  She pushed his hand away. “Stop.”

  His erection strengthened. He grazed his digits under her neck.

  She swatted at his hand. “Don’t.”

  He brushed aside the hair from her forehead.

  She jerked her head away. “Stop it.” She pressed her lips together, but it looked as if she were fighting a grin.

  His hard-on demanded he continue. He hooked a finger on the covers near one of her breasts and tried to peek.

  She smacked his hand. “Andrew, stop.” Her voice held a hint of laugher while her lips curved.

  His sweet wife was such a treasure. He could never resist her. And he could never hurt her emotionally or physically.

  He snuck his hand under the blanket and squeezed her tit. She instantly burst with laughter. He pinched her nipple.


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