Fixer of Deceit (Infinity Collection)

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Fixer of Deceit (Infinity Collection) Page 4

by Alyson Raynes

  He led me down a long hallway toward an extravagant bathroom. It had a spa feel to it and once again, it was very warm and inviting. He turned on the bath and poured some vanilla scented bath oil in the tub. The smell was divine and I could feel myself finally relaxing a bit. Dylan turned me to face him. He had such a gentle touch; a kindness about him. He gave me a soft hug and I flinched and pulled away. Dylan gave me a strange look and then gently helped me out of my sweatshirt. It hurt like hell to move my arms and then I saw the fury return on his face. Next, he removed my t-shirt and his eyes widened. I had a feeling I knew what he was looking at but I didn’t have a clue as to how bad it was.

  “Did that asshole do this to you?” he asked. “Did he touch you anywhere else?”

  I gave a shy nod but didn’t say anything. I was too embarrassed and on the verge of crying. Before I knew it, Dylan had taken my clothes off and I stood before him in my bra and panties. He inspected my body checking for bruises and cuts. I didn’t dare look in the mirror and judging by his expression I could tell it was bad. He leaned forward and kissed my forehead.

  “Brooke. Sweetheart, this is bad, we have to call the police. You need to file a report and get a restraining order against him. The police will escort us to get your things and then you can stay here with me.”

  Panic set in. I started shaking, crying and became incomprehensible. Nothing I said made sense, I was hysterical.

  “Dylan I can’t go to the police. This is my fault! I was seeking him out at his office and saw his car at the hotel. I went to his hotel room and called his new girlfriend a whore. The police aren’t going to listen to me. They’ll say I deserved it, provoked it.”

  He ran his hands through his hair, frustrated.

  “No Brooke. They won’t say it’s your fault. You have to report this so he can’t hurt you again. I have a friend on the force that I can call. We can keep it anonymous but we’ll have to reveal enough to get a restraining order. “

  I opened my mouth; then closed it. My eyes were wet and red from crying.

  “There will be nothing anonymous about this Dylan. Stefan is a well known criminal defense attorney in this city. The man I was involved with is the Stefan Arici! Believe me; you don’t want to cross him. I have to pretend that this never happened or he will kill me.”

  His brow tightened and I could tell he was straining to keep his composure.

  “Brooke I don’t give a flying fuck who he is. He should never have touched you like he did! I have enough money to put him out of business and bury his ass where no one will ever find him! I doubt anyone would miss him either. We are calling the police and that is final!”

  I had no more fight left in me and deep down, I knew he was right. There was no other way to deal with the situation. This had to be taken care of legally. Dylan helped ease me into a robe, made me a cup of tea and laid me down on the couch to rest. We watched TV while we waited for the police to show up.

  Twenty minutes had passed and we were still waiting for the detective to show. We were cuddled on the couch when Dylan’s cell phone started ringing. He gave a deep groan as he looked at the caller id.

  “Princess, I have to take this. I’ll be right back.”

  I could hear him in the kitchen and I knew exactly who he was talking to. Misty, the crazy, non-girlfriend who thought they were more than they were. I heard him tell her to get over it already. Apparently she wasn’t willing to let him go. Then he started shouting, he was really pissed. “Drop it Misty! It’s done and we’re not getting back together! I don’t like these pathetic, childish games you’re playing. I’m done!” Then I saw him hit the end button and joined me back on the couch.

  “I’m sorry about that” he said. “Sometimes people have a hard time letting go.” I ran my fingers down his cheek. He grabbed my hand, brought it to his lips and kissed it gently. Every nerve in my body awakened.

  We were interrupted by a knock at the door. I was both relieved and irritated at the same time. I suppose it was a blessing that someone had interrupted us because I wasn’t sure how much longer either of us was going to last without some kind of physical contact. I needed to find some distance between us because I was beginning to lose all my self control when it concerned Dylan Prescott.

  Detective Michael Tyler approached me in the living room. He was a friend of Dylan’s and he came alone. He shook my hand with gentleness; I supposed that Dylan told him how sore I was.

  “Good Evening Miss Stone. I know this is a difficult time for you but I need you to tell me everything. Please don’t leave out any details. I have seen and heard it all, there is no need to be scared or embarrassed.”

  I took a deep breath, trembling and began telling Detective Tyler about the most humiliating experience of my life. I explained how I had gone home and began packing my things after lunch with Dylan and the phone call I had made to Stefan. How I had gotten tired of waiting around and went to his office but then saw his car in the hotel parking lot. When I told him that I had gone in and asked the clerk what room Stefan Arici was in, he raised his brow. I knew I was doomed, I’d brought all this on myself; I sensed he was thinking the same thing. Tears were streaming down my face as I proceeded to tell the Detective Tyler how I had seen Stefan in the window and went to his room only to find him in bed with another woman. Dylan wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close as I continued my story.

  “When I entered the room I said some nasty things to his assistant. I called her a whore and made references to her being an easy piece of ass. Stefan got pissed and started shaking me really hard. I went to leave but he grabbed me by the back of my hair and pulled me toward him. I begged him to stop, I told him he was hurting me but he kept tightening his grip. He told Amber to leave and she did. Then he threw me on the bed and held me down with his weight. I tried to buck him off of me but he was too strong. Then he slapped my face on each side, hard. He ripped my sweat shirt open and ripped my panties off too. He told me that he hated the sex we have and that he wanted an adventure and that I should fight him. He wanted me to have rough sex with him.”

  I had come apart completely. I could feel Dylan tense and squeeze me tighter as I told the detective about the past events of the day. He was furious and I could feel the heat of his anger radiating in the room.

  “The asshole was also stalking us in the parking lot at the supermarket” Dylan added. “He damn near ran me down.”

  “I see”, said Detective Tyler. “Miss Stone, I see that you have bruising on your face. I’m pretty sure I know the answer, but I have to ask. Did Mr. Arici also put those bruises there?”

  Nodding my head, I confirmed “yes.”

  “I understand this isn’t pleasant, however, I need to take photos of any bruises that you incurred that are relevant to this case.”

  Oh god no, this couldn’t be happening. Dylan pulled my hair back and whispered in my ear.

  “Don’t worry princess, it’ll be okay. I’m right here and the worst part is over. Don’t cry; I won’t let him hurt you ever again.”

  I could barely speak as I stood and headed toward the bathroom. Detective Tyler followed. He took photos of the bruises on my face, arms, shoulders, chest and legs. The whole process didn’t last long but it seemed like an eternity to me. I had never felt so violated or exposed.

  “This should be enough to get a restraining order against Mr. Arici. You will have to appear in court to obtain the order. I recommend that you stay somewhere safe for the next couple of days until the order can be put into action. After an order has been put in place, you can contact me and I will escort you to pick up your belongings. Until then, you are to steer clear of Mr. Arici’s apartment.”

  Dylan spoke up.

  “She can stay here. There’s no way he can get to her here.”

  Detective Tyler agreed; then asked me “is this the first time he’s ever done this to you?”

  “Yes”, I said.

  “Very well. I’ll be leaving now and listen
to Mr. Prescott. He can protect you. If Mr. Arici tries to contact you, you will need to keep a record of that as well.”

  Shit. I hadn’t checked my phone since I’d left my apartment. Mandy was probably worried sick, I needed to call her. As Dylan walked Detective Tyler to the door and thanked him for coming over, I pulled my phone out and saw that I had four missed calls and one text from Mandy saying “CALL ME!” I hit redial on my phone and she answered on the first ring.

  “Brooke! What the hell is going on? Stefan has been calling me every fifteen minutes asking where you are. He said you left with some guy and won’t return his calls. He’s really worried about you!”

  I scoffed at her tone.

  “Oh really? He told you that? Did he tell you the rest of the story and why I had to leave with Dylan?”

  Silence came over the phone, then her soft voice.

  “No. Brooke? Seriously what’s going on with you two? Why are you with the sex god?”

  That made me smile. That’s exactly what he was, a sex god and he was staring straight at me, watching my every move. I bit my bottom lip.

  “Were not together anymore and I don’t want you answering his calls. He’s been cheating on me with his new assistant and I caught him in the act.”

  “Holy shit Brooke.”

  “I know and there’s more. When I confronted him he did terrible things to me. I have bruises all of over my body and I’ve been forced to get a restraining order against him. Stay away from him Mandy. He’s dangerous. I’ll be staying with Dylan for a couple of days until it’s safe for me to get my stuff and move in with you.”

  “Are you really safe with the sex god?” she asked.

  “Yes. Of course I’m safe with Dylan. He’s been nothing but a gentleman and he’s helping me. I will be forever grateful to him for that.”

  Mandy laughed.

  “Mm…hmm. I bet he’s helping you. Right into his bed and you’d be a fool not to test him out. Shit. From what you’ve told me, any woman would love to be in that man’s bed. I bet he’s got a nice cock and is a sweet lover too.”

  I rolled my eyes, a little embarrassed at the fact that I’d thought those same thoughts not so long ago myself.

  “Stop it. We’re just friends, co-workers actually. There is nothing going on between us. I have to go, I need a bath.”

  Laughter sounded through the phone. Good hard laughter.

  “Will the sex god be bathing you or joining you in the bath? You are so screwed Brooke; both literally and figuratively. Why can’t you just admit that you have feelings for him?”

  I was getting pissed, mostly because she was right.

  “Because I don’t, that’s why. I’m done with this conversation. I’ll talk to you later.”

  I hung up the phone feeling irritated and confused. How the hell could she know that I was having feelings for Dylan? She hadn’t even met the “sex god” and I’d only told her about him briefly when we met for coffee. I blew my breath out and went to look for Dylan since he had disappeared during my heated, little talk with Mandy. He probably thought I’d completely lost my mind. I was pretty sure I had too. As I neared the end of the hall I found him. My jaw dropped at the sight standing before me. Naked, I stumbled taking a few steps back. He was even better than I had imagined. I licked my bottom lip noticing that I was suddenly thirsty. His intense blue eyes pierced right through me, leaving me wet and wanton. Every inch of his tan body was hard muscle and I couldn’t keep my eyes from moving down to his happy trail. His obliques were cut in a deep v shape, leading right to the spot that I suddenly wanted in mouth. He was perfectly bare which only accentuated the length and thickness of his cock. He was perfect in every way and whoever won his heart would be one lucky woman.

  I apologized and turned walking back toward the living room. How could I have been so damn stupid? This wasn’t my home, yet here I was just roaming around like I owned the place. I was just about to sit on the couch when I felt the warm heat of his body behind me.

  “Turn around Brooke.”

  Holy hell his voice was hot. He was restraining himself; his voice low, almost a little scratchy. I loved it when he commanded me to do things. What I really wanted was for him to command me to suck his cock. I didn’t think twice, I turned around and there he was, the sex god in all his naked glory reaching for me. He pulled me in to him, holding me tight then tipped my head back and assaulted my eager, waiting mouth. Our tongues danced with each other twisting and twirling with one another. My heart was beating so fast I could barely stand. I had never been kissed, devoured, like I was at this moment. I squeezed my legs together trying to stop the wet, tingly sensations that were occurring between legs. He feathered kisses down my neck and whispered in my ear.

  “Princess, don’t fight this; just let it happen like it should. Can’t you feel how much I want you? I bet you’re wet for me too. Can I just feel how wet you are for me? I bet you taste really good, don’t you.”

  The more he spoke the more turned on I became. There was no way I could fight him off. He was right. I was wet and ready for him to give us both what we wanted. I was trying to find every way possible to justify sleeping with him. Yes, we were co-workers but we had become friends over the past year. He wasn’t a complete stranger to me anymore. I knew I was never going back to Stefan; that part of my life was over. This was the new me. Maybe I should just fuck him and get him out of my system. Younger guy older woman seems kind of hot. A friend’s with benefits type of deal, no strings attached. This could actually work. I wasn’t naïve enough to believe that he would fall in love with me but I could certainly see us having a good time together. I needed to be held, cherished and loved, I decided that I would just let things happen as Dylan suggested, besides, this would wash away what Stefan had done to me earlier.

  I gave a soft moan as he continued to caress my body. I loved his touch; he was so gentle, savoring me like he couldn’t live without me. He opened the soft robe, kissing me, cupping both of my breasts. His hands and fingers explored every inch of my body; it was the most erotic thing I’d ever experienced. I was so wet, ready for him to take me in every possible way imaginable. I was in need of release, the pressure that continued to build with every touch was driving me insane. I leaned up on my tip toes kissing behind his ear and down his neck and whispered.

  “What are you doing to me Dylan?”

  “Making you feel good Princess. You feel how good it is don’t you? It’s going to feel so much better after I’m done thoroughly fucking you.”

  I moaned loudly that time.

  “Not in here Brooke. I want you spread out on my bed so I can see how beautiful you are.”

  He picked me up and carried me to the enormous master bedroom up the stairs then gently lay me down on the large king sized bed. The man had great taste in décor. He removed my robe, then my panties and smiled a big Cheshire cat grin.

  “Princess I love that you are bare like me. Now I’ll truly be able to feel and have all of you.”

  I felt a slight dip of the bed and kisses being feathered down my body. I felt so alive, so wanted; so absolutely terrified. I felt his warm mouth kiss around my wet folds and then my clit, his tongue stroking, flicking and sucking at the hard little knob of flesh. I was moaning and arching my back as he continued with each torturous move. My pussy was soaked, begging for relief, yet Dylan didn’t stop. Again I cried, “ah god! That feels so good.” I felt one finger then two enter into the deepest part of my body.

  “Oh my god Brooke, you’re so tight and wet for me. Your pussy is begging me to fuck it.”

  He started licking my clit faster, sucking and moving his fingers around inside. I could feel my climax building, aching for only his touch. The only touch that could relieve the pressure I was feeling.

  My walls clamped down hard, squeezing his fingers as I came in a flooding rush screaming his name, “Dylan!”

  As he came up for a kiss, letting me taste myself on his tongue I took his cock in my
hand and gasped at the sheer size of him. I was eager to taste him just as I had fantasized before. I pushed him to his back and took him in my mouth; licking, sucking and teasing. I rolled my tongue around the tip of his head then went deep down his shaft. He was unraveling at my touch and I loved hearing the sounds he was making as I continued my teasing routine. I lapped at his thickness as if it would melt. He was so warm and hot throbbing on my tongue. I could tell he was getting close, as his breathing increased and his hands fisted in my hair. I couldn’t believe the affect I had on him. I tasted the little bead of pre-cum on his tip and lapped at it quickly. I loved the way he tasted. Then he rolled me off of him and rolled me to my back and spread my legs. I was eager, the anticipation killing me. I couldn’t wait to feel him. I wanted him on me, in me; completely consuming me.

  He was at my entrance, my folds wet and swollen. He pushed the tip of his head in, slowing sinking each delicious inch in me. Then he pulled back, lifted my hips in his hands and entered slow and deep. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, my nails digging in his flesh as he began to move. I could feel him stretching me with each torturous stroke of his cock; I felt so full. We found our rhythm, grinding with one another as our breaths came faster and faster. I moaned and told him “yes, fuck me Dylan. Your cock feels so good, so hard. Harder, deeper, make me come Dylan.” I was writhing, feeling so consumed by this beautiful man making me feel like I’d never felt before. He was fucking me with a fury as if he needed me as much as I needed him. He groaned deep; “princess, play with yourself, rub your clit for me.” I paused; I had never played with myself while having sex before. Stefan always forbade me to touch myself. He said that it was his job to get me off but laying here beneath Dylan, coming apart at his touch, I realized that Stefan had never taken the time to get me off. I reached down and rubbed my little knob of flesh and exploded, my juices flowing down his cock causing him to erupt violently inside of me calling my name, “Brooke!”

  He rolled off me and pulled me to his chest, holding me close while feathering soft kisses on my forehead while tears rolled down my cheeks.


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