Home > Other > JOE, BUBBLES & BUTTONS > Page 4

by Benjamin J. Patterson

  He eyed both Bubbles and Buttons.

  "Crystal..." they both replied in unison.

  Andre rolled onto his side, hoisted himself to his feet and went over to Marco. "The party is just beginning..I don't mind a little foreplay," he said with his dark smile.

  Marco said something to Andre in Russian and they both laughed hard as they walked back over to the cage. Lil Joe had just finished cleaning and had already led the other woman inside. Buttons took a couple of deep breaths and entered.

  Marco wanted this training session to really test Bubbles and Buttons so he gave their height, weights and fighting ability information to Andre so he could pick women in the prison that would give them an adequate challenge.

  The woman sat in a dead-like stupor in the cage, covered in rags and filth. Her head, shoulders and bodies slumped over; her eyes barely open with drool hanging from her dry, cracked lips. Buttons stood a stout six foot two but by her opponent being barely able to stand, seemed a few inches taller or shorter. Who could tell? That question was answered once Marco gave her his magic formula, turning the degenerate drug addict into a raging beast. A few scant moments after the injection, the woman rose to a towering six foot five, her eyes widened, blood shot, as she began screaming like some mad wild animal. Once Marco yelled the word ‘fight’, the women went into immediate attack mode as if they had been trained to do so.

  The woman immediately rushed Buttons. She tried to sidestep her but the woman countered, grabbed Buttons, lifted her off her feet, throwing her to the ground hard and fast. Buttons raced to her feet, bracing herself against the cage to keep her opponent in front of her. The woman was puffing, yelling and circling Buttons, planning her next attack. The woman then rushed Buttons. Buttons braced herself against the cage and violently kicked the woman in her chest. She stumbled backward from the impact of the kick, wiped blood from her chin she spit up and began yelling at the top of her lungs.

  Buttons couldn't believe the woman's reaction! With the force she’d put into that kick, she thought it would at least put her on the ground. She was also surprised the woman hardly flinched from that powerful blow to the chest!

  Bubbles knew Buttons was definitely in a fight for her life with this one, so she moved closer to the cage to grabbed her hands to let her know she was there for support. Buttons felt her but kept her focus on the madwoman glaring at her, who was preparing to charge again.

  This time Buttons charged also and they clashed in the middle of the cage like two unmovable objects. They grabbed each other in any place their hands could find a hold and tried to overpower each other. Buttons knew she was a strong woman but realized her opponent was stronger because, at the moment, she was the one giving up ground in the struggle.

  Thinking quickly, she surmised it would take more than brute strength and ferocity to win this fight; she would have to out think this bitch.

  Buttons allowed the woman to build momentum in pushing her backwards then used the woman's momentum in reverse and slung her against the cage. With her back against the cage, the woman clawed at Buttons furiously while Buttons held her up and started kneeling her in the sides and midsection. The more she did, she could feel the woman's body begin to buckle under the blows.

  The woman opened her mouth, forcing her face forward as if she was intent on taking a bite out of Buttons' face but before she could get close enough to clamp down on anything, Buttons, feeling she had the strength advantage, used all her might to sling the woman to the ground.

  “YEA BUTTONS GET THAT BITCH! GET THAT BITCH” Bubbles yelled as she jumped up and down with excitement.

  Andre was smiling when his fighter had the advantage but watching Bubbles take her to the ground, his smile turned to a frown as he reached into his wallet for more money while Marco eyed him with a look of pride.

  Once the woman hit the ground, it was pretty much a done deal. Buttons began kicking and stomping the woman in the head and chest. The more she stomped, the less the woman fought. Every blow reduced her life span and everyone could tell.

  She continued to stomp the woman until she was nothing more than a bloody pulp on the ground yet she still showed signs of life as blood leaked from her mouth with every shallow breath she took. Buttons stood over the woman, turning to Marco, "I hope this it's not the best you can do..."

  Buttons then placed her foot on the woman's throat and slowly started to use her body weight as pressure until there was a loud pop; blood rushed from the woman's nose and mouth then she went completely limp.

  This kill changed the lives of Bubbles and Buttons. No matter what they ever went through, those last moments permanently altered and scarred them both forever. By overcoming opponents that had an advantage over them, they had now taken their first steps to becoming skilled fighters and trained assassins.

  After Buttons brutally dispatched her rival, she spit on the corpse, walking out the ring with the pride and confidence of a peacock.


  Andre handed over to Marco the money in his hands as Marco then shouted some orders to Lil Joe in Russian; he went up the stairs and into the house. He quickly returned with a large suitcase, handing it to Marco before removing the corpse from the cage.

  Bubbles and Buttons started cleaning themselves off, but when Marco heard the water running in their sink, he quickly and loudly yelled,

  "NO.. STOP! "

  He pointed at them while yelling orders to Lil Joe in Russian and he raced over to Bubbles and Buttons.

  "What's wrong Joe? We’re just trying to clean up a bit, " Bubbles said.

  "You can't wash're not finished yet..."

  "Not finished yet?! What the fuck does that mean? We just killed two fucking..people what more can he want from us?" Buttons angrily asked.

  Bubbles, the more worldly of the two, angrily asked.

  `"Are you saying that fat, nasty muthafucka wants us to fuck him with all this blood and shit on us?!"

  Lil Joe nodded his head “yes.”

  Buttons stormed over to Marco about as fed up as any woman could be, “DO WE REALLY HAVE TO FUCK THIS FAT SON OF BITCH LIKE THIS?!"

  "This fat son of a bitch, as you so eloquently put it, is a paying customer and friend of mine, so you and your fucking friend better get real fucking horny real fucking fast! "

  Marco then says something in Russian to Lil Joe and he once again disappears into the house.

  "You two have a job to do and you better do it. I will be watching... I am always watching," Marco barked as he went up the stairs to also disappear behind the door that separated them from freedom.

  After the door closed behind Marco, Andre opened the suitcase Joe had brought from inside the house and look at Bubbles and Buttons with that dark smile of his. He then pulled a bull whip out and calmly stated..

  “Don't worry.. since this is our first time I won't be too rough...”

  "Ok let's get this over with," Bubbles said as she started taking off her blood soaked clothes.

  "You alright," Buttons asked her, following suit.

  "I'm fine...” there was a sigh of acceptance in that statement “...I'm just ready to get this over, get our money and get this fucking guy out of here... Aren't you?”

  “No matter how much we argue, we end up doing exactly what that son-of-a-bitch Marco tells us anyway, so why waste time. He might want us to do some weird and crazy shit but as long as he don't permanently fuck up nothing on our body there's only so much he can do to us. He's not gonna kill us...that’s for damn sure. We can bring in too much for that... "

  "Of course I'm not going to kill you. I just like a little blood with my steak..." Andre laughed as he walked towards the two with the whip in hand.

  “But it is strange how Marco is training two girls this time.. he usually only trains one at a time."

  “You're right Bubbles, let's get this shit over with real quick...” Buttons said, as she finished undressing.

  "So what do you plan on doing with that w
hip?" Bubbles asked Andre.

  Andre stretched the whip out in his hands, "I am the warden of all prisons in Russia. Ten years ago there was a riot in my prison and I was captured. The prisoners castrated me."

  Andre took off his gun belt and his pants, revealing a bare patch of skin where his dick and balls should have been. Both their faces dropped in shock at such an unthinkable sight. A man without a dick...UNTHINKABLE!!!

  “Even though I have no more sex parts, I am still a man and still have cravings, so I have learned to satisfy them by substituting pleasure for pain. This whip is for me, when I get sexually stimulated and need to experience sexual release, I provide myself with pain and my needs are met...”

  Andre then took off his shirt and exposed his entire upper body was covered in whelp marks from the whip.

  “Man that's crazy but if it’s what you are paying for then that's what we're going to give you,” Bubbles said.

  Andre walked over to Buttons, handing her the whip..

  "You are a thick, strong woman.. I want you to start and finish while she fills in between." He walked over to the bed, sat down, pulled out a pack of cigarettes and lit one.

  Buttons walked over to him, grabbed the cigarette out his mouth, took a slow pull off of it, blew smoke in his face then...

  WHAP !

  Buttons then slapped Andre so hard he rolled back onto the bed.

  "What the fuck you did that for," Bubbles asked her.

  "I don't know it just felt right," Buttons replied calmly. She’d slapped him so hard, it left a red hand print on the side of his face.

  Andre raised up on the bed with a frown of pain on his face and started rubbing the slap indentation with his dark, sadistic smile,

  "You give such wonderful pain you big bitch... I want more!"

  Bubbles and Buttons burst out in laughter “Don't worry you fat muthafucka, we have more where that came from” Bubbles said, as she slapped him on the opposite cheek.

  Andre laughed as he lit another cigarette and laid back on the bed.

  "Give me more. .."

  "I got you baby," Buttons said as she grabbed the whip from Bubbles and walked to the bed. Pulled a chair in front of the bed, she slowly finished stripping off her clothes as Andre watched with saucer sized eyes.

  While sitting in the chair, she spread her legs and started to massage her clit with the hand grip of the whip; with her other hand, she continued to puff on the cigarette. Bubbles walked up behind Buttons to massage her plump breast.

  "I wanna play too," she whined seductively.

  As Bubbles and Buttons performed for Andre, his anticipation of pleasure had him rubbing his hairy chest and squirming on the bed "yes...yes I like that."

  After a few more pulls off the cigarette, Buttons got up, walked over to Andre and ground the cigarette out on the void between his legs where his dick once rested.

  "Ohhh yes...” Andre uttered in painful pleasure.

  "You can't have all the fun. Even though your dick is gone, you can still use your tongue can't you?" Buttons asked a a a smoking Andre.

  "Oh yes... I do still love to eating some pussy," Andre eagerly replied.

  Girl go sit on his fucking face and feed that muthafucka some of that good pussy of yours” Buttons winked at Bubbles.

  Bubbles walked over to the bed, "lay your fat ass down so I can feed you this pussy."

  "I want your friend to start pleasuring me so you come here and let me hold you in to face," Andre said. Bubbles walked to the bed.

  "Now climb into my arms," Andre told her. Bubbles climbed into Andrews arms and he positioned her pussy right in front of his mouth.

  Andre sat up in the bed on his knees with Bubbles in his arms and braced her back against the wall as he dug his face deep inside her moist pussy.

  "Hold on girl here comes the pain," Buttons yelled as she rolled the whip in her hands ready to unleash it on Andre. Bubbles tried to respond but she had a lump in her throat as Andre hungrily ate her dripping pussy. Andre had Bubbles ' s eyes rolling partially back in her head from his tongue activity.

  Buttons then raised her arm high above her head, brought it down and forward to lash Andre's back.


  As the whip struck Andre's back, blood and flesh ripped, causing an ugly gash yet surprisingly all Andre did was flinch slightly without missing a beat as his tongue stayed buried deep inside Bubbles. As the whip hit Andre's back, his slight flinch caused him to jab his tongue deeper into pussy-land which made her release a slight yelp. The sight of the whip lashing at his back and particles of flesh and blood exploding from his body, made Buttons tremble, stiffening up from the shock.

  She swallowed hard, took a deep breath, rolled the whip in her hands and released it upon Andre once again with the same result as before. He flinched slightly, again jabbing Bubbles' clit with his tongue and causing her to yelp out in pleasure.

  After getting those first few hits and the sight of tearing flesh out of her system, Buttons let loose on Andre for a solid ten minutes, only stopping because her arms became tired of swinging the whip. Besides the multiple scars on Andre's back, it was evident his body was used to the punishment; the only real damage the whip doing was to open superficial wounds. Andre's flesh had toughen from massive punishment.

  "My arms are killing me.. I can't go anymore," Buttons said, half out of breath.

  Andre once again pulled his cream covered face from Bubbles' soaked opening..

  "That felt amazing! The power you possess! Now, you two trade places and once she gets tired, you finish it off."

  Bubbles climbed out of Andre's arms and walked over to where Buttons stood still holding the whip.

  “Did that really feel as good as it looked,” Buttons asked Bubbles with a big smile as she handed her the whip.

  "That muthafucka ate my fucking brains out through my ass...Girl yessss," Bubbles replied, with her pussy still dripping spit and cum.

  Buttons then walked over to Andre on the bed with her hands gripping her ample bottom.

  “Now I'm a bit thicker than she is so you think you can handle all this ass and pussy," Buttons asked him while she palmed and kneaded her ass.

  "All that and more," Andre replied arrogantly.

  She then climbed into Andre's hairy arms as he dove head first into her pussy, going to work. Bubbles stood behind him with the whip in her hands, building herself up to even throw the first lash. She rolled the bloody whip in her hands, swung it out at Andre and struck his back.

  SMACK! It stuck home!

  Buttons jerked and yelped as Andre's tongue drove deeper into her pussy from the sensation of the whip striking his flesh...


  Bubbles thrashed Andre until her arms tired also and once she was finished, Buttons took control of beating the pleasure out of him. After about ten more minutes of the brutal back lashings, Buttons' was worn out and their service to Andre had concluded.

  After the job was complete, they all started putting their clothes back on, and Andre voiced his pleasure in their performance of services rendered.

  "You two are both tough and sexy women, that will also help you to be very successful in this business. It is a hard business but then, you two are very hard women..."

  "Yea if we can survive," Buttons responded with a bit of a worried look. The last two had been vicious...what could they expect next?

  Andre laughed, "I have faith you two will be the first to survive all fights and leave here very wealthy."

  "Leave here very wealthy...really? We are killing people every day. What assurances do we have that you and your friend upstairs will let us out of here alive. We've been just doing what we're being told but how do we know you won't kill us or turn us in to the police," Bubbles asked.

  Andre laughed. This time the laugh was something akin to evil.

  “I am the Head of Federal police and prisons in Russia remember? So no crime gets punished without my approval and you two are serving more pleasu
re than pain...In my book, what you are doing is no crime and my book is the only one that matters...”

  As they talked, the door to the house opened with Marco leaping down the steps and Lil Joe trailing behind him.

  "Did you enjoy yourself my friend," Marco asked Andre as they shook hands.

  "I greatly enjoyed it my friend. That was the best experience I ever had! These two are indeed something special and will make a lot of money and a lot of people happy in more ways than one."

  Andre then grabbed and kissed Bubbles and Buttons hands like a true gentleman which surprised the hell out of both of them, considering.

  "It was a pleasure! I hope we get another opportunity to play together and soon."

  Andre then disappeared up the stairs and into the house.

  Marco had come down with two large envelopes in hand and gave one to each. He was wearing that twisted smile of his like some sick, proud Poppa. He was beaming!

  "Well done ladies! You're both becoming great warriors and pleasure toys."

  Bubbles flipped her fingers through the stack of bills in the envelope, counting as she went.

  "So I guess we're gonna have to fuck you next huh?"

  "I only test your skills before I hire you.. once you start working for me, I keep business as business. After I ensure you have the necessary skills for my clients, I train you to be gladiators and from now on if you need more sexual stimulation or training, Andre is always available. I prefer you not practice with Lil Joe," Marco replied.

  "So you saw huh? I hope we didn't get him into any trouble," Buttons said.

  "Like I said before, I am always watching and Joe is not in any trouble. He is a young man and has urges just as we all do.. I just prefer he keep business separate and you two do the same or there will be consequences," With that said, Marco disappeared upstairs.


  The entire time Bubbles and Buttons were in Russia, they were apprehensive of their futures. Regardless of how much money they made or how much they pleased Marco, they always remembered Marco was in complete control and would kill them if it at all benefited him. Instead of just waiting to find out what would happen if and when they fulfilled their agreement with Marco, they agreed to decide their own fate.


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