Corporate Assets

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Corporate Assets Page 5

by Stephanie Brother

  Lauren was right there by my side through the whole thing. She had gotten all the things done I had. I wondered if she was just doing it to make me feel better, because she didn't exactly need beauty treatments. "What, you're not enjoying this?"

  I thought to myself for a bit. "The jury is still out. I'm supposed to feel all relieved and beautiful afterwords right?" We had been left alone to let our foundations sit, so all we had was one another to entertain ourselves. Which given my new introduction to this world, wasn't necessarily a bad thing. Poking her brain could only prove educational.

  "That's the idea. But no, I doubt Case isn't going to require you to get professionally styled daily if you don't enjoy it. If you want to walk around in wife-beaters , jeans, and a terminal case of bed head, I'm sure he wouldn't mind if you only cleaned yourself up for public appearances."

  "Good to know I'm not meant to just be his porcelain doll."

  "Trust me. Case isn't the type who would be happy with a traditional trophy wife. He needs someone who can match him in wits and entertain him in other ways besides looking pretty."

  "I don't know. If I'm supposed to go and be his wife I feel like I'm not a very good fit for all of it. I went to college, but that hardly means I'm some sort of genius and all of that."

  "It isn't all that different. What do you think people like Case do? Sit around and have a silent guffaw about the plebes and their canned ravioli?"

  "Maybe? I don't know." Alien was definitely the right word. "What if his father doesn't like me? He sees me, and wonders why his son has a sudden taste for someone so low class?"

  Lauren laughed. "Charles doesn't care about that." She paused. "Charles is Case's father by the way."


  "Case's own mother was hardly the 'good breeding' you're implying. Not all rich people are secretly classist snobs, Sage. That won't be an issue with any of this. If you look like you're being good to his son, Charles isn't going to judge you too harshly."

  "What should I expect then?"

  "Probably him harassing you about when you're going to tie the knot and start popping out grand-kids."

  I was quiet for a moment as she said that. "That's not part of the deal is it?"

  "Um. No. It certainly isn't. You best keep emotions out of this, Sage. I'm telling Case the same thing, and it looks like I need to tell you that, too."

  "Don't be silly. I know this is just business. I'm not going to jump his bones just because I spend so much time close to him having to pretend I'd be wanting to jump his bones if no one was around."

  We were both lying there still, blinded by vegetables. Nevertheless, I felt oddly glared at by her, as if I said something I really shouldn't have. "Just... keep everything professional, do your job, and everything will go well. Case doesn't want to make this hard for you, I don't want to make this hard for you. I just want to get this all done."

  "Is Case really in danger of losing his company to some guy?"

  She sighed. "It's been awhile since I've worked with Charles, so I can talk too accurately about his modern mindset. The man is very family focused. He's been pushing Case to hurry up and get hitched ever since he was twenty."

  "He's just filling in for his mother being out of the picture," I replied, a tinge of sarcasm in my words.

  "Charles is a bit old fashioned about all of this. Because before he was married, he was a playboy who fucked everything that was female and had a pulse, he assumes that Case is the same way."

  "Is he?"


  "Does Case fuck anything female with a pulse?"

  "Oh. No. He's far more picky about his girls. He never goes after anyone unless he thinks there can actually be a relationship from it. I wouldn't be surprised if I could count his one night stand tally on one hand, and that was probably all from college."

  I didn't know about that.

  I hadn't exactly forgotten the sudden kiss he planted on me.

  Sure, we had talked a lot that night, but it'd be absurd to assume that he saw me as actual relationship potential from all that. Plus, there was the whole business angle. Maybe he was just practicing?

  Practicing how to kiss me. Right.

  That makes all the sense in the world.

  "Don't worry about me. I can keep myself under control. God knows I wouldn't have signed up for this ridiculous job if I thought I couldn't control myself."

  "That's good to know. Just think of this like an acting gig. That's what it was listed as, right?"

  "Yeah, why didn't Case go and get an actual actress? I'm sure a guy like him could get some starlet to play along."

  "Case wanted someone reliable in the role. He's not saying all single twenty-something Hollywood starlets are wrecks of some sort, but he didn't want to take the chance."

  "And he's confident I'm not some sort of wreck?" Honestly, more often than not I really did feel like one. Although I supposed I didn't have a drug problem, so that was definitely a point in my favor.

  "He seemed confident in you in general. He can read people pretty well. That's something he got from his father. Believe me, if he thought you were trouble, he wouldn't be offering you such a lucrative deal."

  "If you say so."

  "Hey. Chin up. You're a smart young woman. You have an education, you have your looks. The future is bright for you, regardless if it involves Case Williams or not."

  I smiled. Maybe I was wrong that it was looks of jealousy. She was just some sort of Mama Bear type for lack of a better term. She was somehow worried I would be the one corrupting Case, and not simply the other way around.

  It was laughable, but understandable.

  She was definitely someone I could lean on going into this. She was older. She'd been through enough of life to be able to see through it's bullshit. That's exactly the reason Case likely kept her so close.

  "I guess you'll keep me from straying too far from the trophy wife I was a hired to be."

  "You don't need my help to sit there, be stupid, and look pretty. I'm sure you can figure that out all on your own."

  I chuckled. I enjoyed having cucumbers and what may as well been ranch dressing on my face. It really was kind of nice when I could make myself relax instead of letting my anxiety run wild.

  Maybe I needed to make my face a salad bar more often.


  I straightened my tie, and made sure everything as in order.

  Today was the day that Operation: Fake Wife was being set in motion.

  "You're putting an awful lot of effort in dressing up for Marissa there boy."

  My father had walked into my bedroom. He was already decked out in his nice three piece suit. I'm sure he was well past the point of having to impress Marissa but he was the type who would always give it all whether you were going to a fancy Italian joint or just McDonalds.

  "Your memory must be slipping, Dad. I told you, I'm bringing a surprise with me. Something you've been nagging me to get for a long time."

  "A haircut?" He smirked. That was his version of a joke. Anything longer than a crew cut wasn't business like enough for him, although he tolerated me wearing my hair a bit longer.

  "Oh. You'll see."

  More laughing. "So you got a girl you finally like enough to bring in front of dear old Dad, huh?"

  "You got me."

  I had meant to show Sage off as a surprise. He had sprung Marissa on me out of nowhere, so I figured it was fair I do the same.

  "Well that's lovely. I'm happy for you, and I can't wait to meet her."

  "She sure is something, I assure you."

  "Maybe she'll get along well with Marissa's daughter."


  "Marissa's daughter. No wait, my memory is slipping me. She canceled on us. Oh well, they'll meet eventually if you're serious."

  "I am. I assure you. I wouldn't just take a girl I just met to a big important family gathering like this." I had technically met Sage twice. And kissed her. So I think we were passed just met. />
  If, I repeat, only in technicality.

  "Shame you won't be meeting Marissa's daughter. I haven't met her yet, but if she's anything like Marissa, she's likely absolutely beautiful. Young woman running into an unattached you, though, that would be... messy."

  "Come on, Dad. I can control myself. Or are you still convinced I'm banging Lauren on the side?"

  "You're young, she's pretty, I can see why you're not married but maybe you can relieve some tensions."

  I turned around and gave him a glare. "Dad, I'm not as much as a horndog as you were."

  "You're my son, and you know how they say the apple never falls too far from the tree."

  "She'd potentially be my sister. Let's not be ridiculous here."

  "What, are you saying you never had the sexy step-sister fantasy? I thought that was all the rage with the kids these days."

  "That's fantasy and that has nothing to do with reality. I'm not your hormone filled teenage son anymore, Dad. I can control myself. I'm a mature man in my own right."

  Partially I was telling him that because it was true. On the other hand though, all I wanted was to make sure he knew clearly that he could trust the company with me. That I had grown up and become a cranky no-fun old man like he wanted me to be.

  "Relax, Case. Really. I'm just pushing your buttons. I know you're able to tell fantasy from reality." He stood up, and stretched himself out. "Besides, if I was worried about you going after step-family, I'm worried about you cutting in on my game and going for your future step-mother." He laughed elbowing me inside.

  "Marissa is beautiful, Dad. Shouldn't me not trying to steal her from you prove more than anything I can keep my cock under control?"

  Chuckling, he patted me on the back. "Right you are. I'd have to kick your ass if you looked at my woman that way anyhow."

  "Really, Dad?"

  "I'm just having fun with you. We don't get a lot of time to just be ourselves recently. We've been so immersed in the office, we end up forgetting what we're sacrificing."

  "It's all good. We work hard now so we can take it easy later."

  "That's the spirit." He broke down into a coughing fit.

  It was a really nasty one.

  "Yeesh, you okay there Dad?"

  More coughing. "Just give me a moment."

  "Do I have to suddenly worry about you dropping dead from lung cancer?"

  "Cigarettes were never my vice, boy."

  French fries were. And corn dogs. Sure, he kept himself in good enough shape, but I often wondered if exercise was enough to win the war against heart attacks on-a-stick.

  He did have to catch his breath. That was one indicator for a whole slew of problems.

  Still, I doubted he was going to keel over. He was a tough old bastard and our family has a history of pushing triple digits.

  "You going to be okay there? Should I call someone to keep an eye on you?"

  "Why? You're not going to the restaurant with me?"

  "I need to go pick up my girl. Get her ready to face you."

  "Hah. I'm that intimidating am I?"

  "You wouldn't believe it. Don't you be too hard on her."

  "Right, right. I know. I won't be too much of a snoop. As long as she's treating you right, I'm happy."

  "She's treating me very right indeed."

  "Oh. Really." He fluttered his eyebrows my way.

  "Yeah. Really." Honestly, I felt sort of scummy lying and said I'd slept with a girl I hadn't. It wasn't something I felt like I needed to lie about, but with this? I guess it was another little thing of bullshit I was feeding him, and I shouldn't have fretted too much over it. "I'm going to go pick her up now. You take care of yourself, and don't go coughing up your lungs, heart, or any other vital organs."

  "I'll do my damnedest. Case."

  With all that done, I headed down to my car, ready to pick up my girl and take the person I barely even knew to meet the parents.

  It felt like I was doing things terribly out of order.


  My mother was some sort of Goddess of the guilt trip.

  I told her that I had to cut out on meeting her boyfriend and she's looking up at me with puppy dog eyes and is damn near in tears.

  So I was standing outside my mother's house, hoping to get away with her and avoid more sad eyes that would challenge my resolve. I figured it would ultimately help her too, as she could get ready for her own date without the temptation to beg me more.

  The temptation to call Case and cancel the whole thing was strong. I wanted someone to reschedule, but Case insisted that his father's schedule was packed to the brim with things, and this was the only opportunity he had for a good month.

  Still.. I just didn't like standing up my own mother. I felt like a heel, a bitch, someone who was only concerned with money.

  I hoped when I was able to tell her the truth about this, she would understand. It was a whole lot of money. Life-changing money. Picking between career and family was so often a rough decision in the modern day, and I was being forced to make that decision before I even had kids, or even a proper job.

  Briefly, I wondered how did I even state what my job was, and what the heck do I put on my tax forms?

  Case soon pulled up in his fancy black BMW. I'm sure he probably had access to a tax person to help me with all of this, and I put the concern out of my mind.

  He honked his horn and I came running. I climbed into the passengers side and pretty much collapsed into the seat.

  "What's eating you up?" He turned the keys and we were off and down the road. The car ride was as smooth as butter, it clashed with my mother's sedan where I could often feel every little bump on the road.

  "My mother. She's not happy."

  "Yeesh, no showing a family event? She'll get over it. It's what's blood is for. Maybe when I meet her I'll do my part in making her forgive you."

  "What, are you going to bribe her?"

  "I was thinking more of flowers, but I guess in a way everything is bribery to a degree."

  "What, flowers for my mother, and no flowers for me?"

  "Did you want flowers? I can get you a bouquet on the way. I wasn't sure it was appropriate given the professional nature of our agreement."

  "Right. I'm a professional fake fiancée. No, I'm good, I guess it's the thought that counts though."

  "Okay, no flowers. For now. Next time though, I'm not making any promises."

  The ride was short, and it was to another restaurant that I honestly didn't know existed. I was surprised our town had so many options for fine dining, but after the last fancy meal I had, I wasn't about to start complaining about another one bit.

  "Anything I should worry about saying around your father?"

  "Like what?"

  "Does he have any triggering political opinions I should avoid touching? Or maybe just something in general that'll set him off?"

  "No on the former, and on the latter, I'm not really following."

  "One of my friends had a father who believed Sylvester Stallone cost him his potential Hollywood career, and if you would even mention the man's name, he would go on some long rant and wouldn't shut up for hours."

  "That's... actually kind of impressive."

  "Yeah, so any particular delusions? Does he think Bill Gates stole his idea for Windows?"

  "No. Nothing like that. My father is pretty level headed." He was silent for a moment as he turned off the car. "Bill Gates? How rich do you think I am?"

  I shrugged. "Rich enough that you're damn near paying me six figures to pretend to be engaged to you?"

  Really, he was rich beyond ever having to worry about money, and that was honestly enough. When you get into actual billions, you're basically running up a high score and your quality of life improves no further.

  Caviar tastes the same to a millionaire and a billionaire, after all.

  We stepped out of the car and approached the building. Case was holding my hand.

  It felt awkward
for him to be doing that. I almost snapped my grip away from him, but I stopped myself. It was all part of the fiction.

  "Ah, Mr. Williams, your father is already here with his date." The waiter said, nodding and waving us through.

  We walked through the restaurant, and I was immediately hit with that strange alien feeling again. There was live music playing classy chandeliers, it was way too classy than what I was used to.

  How on earth would I have met a man like Case Williams in my day to day life if not for a damn Craigslist ad of all things?

  I wished that was the most shocking thing about us, though.

  There was much more. There was much worse.

  Mom was there.

  She was sitting at the table.

  They seriously couldn't have booked the same restaurant, could they? Did I really need to make standing my mother up even more awkward?

  "Ah, Marissa. Good to see you again."

  That was Case. Case was approaching my mother and offering a handshake. Case knew my mother's first name.

  My mother's eyes were fixed solidly on me.

  "Oh, um.... hello, Case." She broke the glare to properly greet my fake fiancée, only for her gaze to immediately snap back to me.

  "Marissa, this is Sage." He said, Case then nudged me, because I was catatonically staring at my mother.

  "I know." Mom said. "I really, really know."

  "Hmm? Have you two met before?" Case was absolutely oblivious to to the tension that was between my mother and I.

  "Yes. I could say I've known Sage her whole life."

  He stopped, and looked back and forth between us, obviously struggling to make sense of the situation that was in front of him.

  An older man then walked back to the table, dusting himself off, and pausing seeing the situation. "What's going on here then?"

  Case shrugged. "I... I think they've met before?"

  What did I do? Did I rip off the band-aid here? Do I run away screaming?

  Because running away screaming sounded really good.

  I was faced with the terrifying prospect that I had just stood my mother up for dinner, choosing to instead go and have dinner with her.


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