Arctic Winds

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Arctic Winds Page 3

by Sondrae Bennett

  “Turn left after this light.” He motioned. “The store’s right there.” He watched Samantha out of the corner of his eye. She must trust him to some degree or she would’ve never let him into her car. He’d have to build onto whatever already existed. Creating a foundation was key to any relationship, especially the one he planned to have with her.

  Jason was tempted to ask her to dinner tonight, but he knew foxes tended to be hesitant in new situations and he didn’t want to scare her off. He had to proceed with caution. If he came on too strong, she would run, but if he didn’t snatch her up soon enough, he was worried someone else would. Samantha was stunning, and the men in this town acted like a dog with a bone when someone new appeared.

  He mentally slapped himself. A dog with a bone? The woman was obviously addling his brain. As soon as he had climbed into the car, Samantha’s scent surrounded him. It made him want to pull this little fox into the backseat and have his wicked way with her. The whole ride over he had to force himself to pay attention to the road and not bask in the warm feeling her scent inspired.

  He had to play his cards right. He would take things slowly but make sure to keep tabs on her. One way or another, she would be his. His wolf would settle for nothing less.

  * * * *

  Samantha looked around the bookstore as she entered. It was larger than the outside made it seem. Not only were there bookshelves but small nooks where large brown leather chairs and small tables invited customers to stay. A fire crackled in a fireplace by one of those nooks behind a beveled glass and wrought-iron screen. Cozy and welcoming. She could, without doubt, fall in love with this place. A woman stood behind the counter. She looked at the pair as they entered, running her eyes over Samantha, sizing her up. . The woman was not traditionally beautiful but striking. Samantha was sure even in a crowded room, every eye would be on her, especially the men’s. With her dark brown, shoulder-length hair and high cheekbones, surely she was one of the most popular women in town.

  “Is this her?” the woman asked Jason.

  “Laurie, this is Samantha. Don’t let her rudeness fool you, Samantha. She may not have any manners, but we’re convinced she’s a good person deep, deep down.” The gleam in Laurie’s eyes made Samantha worry Jason had pushed her too far. Jason would obviously win a fight against the two, but Samantha suspected the woman would do quite a bit of damage. She was taller than the average man and exuded strength and confidence.

  Before Samantha had time to blink, the woman launched herself over the counter and straight at them. She quickly got out of the way as the woman threw herself onto Jason’s back. Incredibly, instead of going for his throat, the woman looked like she was giving him a noogie. What the hell was going on?

  “Okay, okay, I’m sorry!” Jason laughed.

  “You better be or I’ll tell Mom you said she didn’t raise me right.”

  “Oh God! I take it all back.” Jason continued to laugh as the woman lithely jumped off his back and straightened her clothes.

  “Laurie, why don’t you show Samantha the apartment, and I’ll watch the store for a few minutes?”

  * * * *

  Laurie hadn’t missed the daggers in Samantha’s gaze the moment she launched herself at her brother’s back. She had dealt with women throwing themselves at her brothers her whole life, so she wasn’t terribly surprised. What did surprise her, however, was her brother’s decision to make Samantha one of their own so soon after meeting her. She wasn’t wolf, and she certainly wasn’t related to anyone around town. As she unlocked the door to the small studio above the store, Laurie decided to withhold judgment for now. She pointed to the larger square key as she led the way to the door.

  “This one will let you in the building, just the stairwell. The second is for the door at the top that will actually let you into the apartment,” she explained. “It’s not much, but it’s got a bed and a roof. The kitchen is small, but all the appliances work. Bathroom’s to the right.” Laurie pointed out a few things in the apartment as she watched Samantha for her reaction.

  “This is wonderful!” Samantha exclaimed. Laurie would’ve thought it was sarcastic if she didn’t catch the gleam of wonder in Samantha’s eyes. She knew the studio wasn’t much, just a small room with a bed and a kitchenette on one side, but Samantha was gazing around as if Laurie had handed her the keys to Buckingham Palace.

  “Jason never told me where you came from.”

  “Oh, I’ve moved around a lot.” Which didn’t really tell her anything.

  She almost started digging deeper but saw Samantha yawn widely as she sat on the bed.

  “You must be tired. I’ll leave the keys on the counter here. I close the store at eight tonight but I’ll be around until then. Let me know if you have any questions or need anything.”

  “Thank you…for everything.”

  “Don’t mention it.” Laurie wasn’t sure why since they’d barely exchanged two sentences, but she already liked Samantha. Now she just needed more information.

  * * * *

  “Everything settled?” Jason asked the moment Laurie walked into the store. He was sitting in one of the large armchairs facing the door, but jumped up as soon as she entered. “Who is she?”

  “I told you on the phone. She’s new in town, Ethan and I decided to help her and she needed a job.”

  “I don’t doubt any of that. But I also know you, and I know you’re not telling me everything.

  So since I’ve now hired her and letting her live in my apartment, perhaps you should tell me the whole story, don’t you think?”

  Jason sighed loudly and started muttering to himself. Laurie could’ve sworn she heard something about “meddling family” but decided it was best to wait it out.

  “She’s got no one. She’s half-starved and collapsed in the diner. I don’t know the whole story myself. Could you just do me a favor and watch out for her?” Laurie looked at him speculatively. Something was definitely going on. She’d never seen him so invested in someone, especially a virtual stranger.

  “Fine. But keep me in the loop, okay? I know I’m not part of your officer core, but this is my pack, too, and you’ve put me in the middle without giving me any information.”

  “I want to keep her around. I’m not sure why yet, but I sense she’s important to me. Does that satisfy you?”

  “For now.”


  “You love me.”

  Jason crossed to Laurie, leaned down and kissed her cheek before leaving.

  Chapter 4

  When Samantha woke up, darkness had settled outside her window. She felt much better, but she still hadn’t fully regained her strength. The sound of her stomach grumbling reminded her she hadn’t eaten since breakfast.

  She hadn’t even bothered getting underneath the covers or changing out of her clothes after Laurie left. She had curled up on the bed and immediately drifted off to sleep. Sometime during her sleep, she had stripped and shifted. The cracks and snaps that always came with a shift had filled the small room. Anyone listening would assume shifting was accompanied by torturous pain, but it was far from painful. To a shifter, the breaking and reforming of bones and muscles necessary to change forms was more of a reassuring ache. Shifting felt like a good stretch after a long nap.

  Burrowing under the covers to block out the light, Samantha had curled up, tucked her nose under her tail and promptly fell back asleep. In the wild, her tail protected her face from the cold winds and created a blanket of sorts for her body. The protective pose wasn’t necessary in the warmth of the apartment but curling into herself gave her the comfort of familiarity. After weeks of hunting up her own food and sleeping as fox, it felt unnatural to sleep as human. She was in the same pose now.

  Samantha quickly shifted and pulled on her day-old clothes. Swiping her keys from the counter, Samantha locked up and made her way downstairs. She needed to get her stuff from the car and see if she could find a grocery store.

  The bookst
ore was dark as she passed it. It must be later than she thought. Laurie had mentioned the store closing at eight.

  As she walked toward her car, she noticed a piece of paper underneath the wipers. She groaned out loud. She couldn’t afford a ticket right now. Hesitantly, she pulled the paper out and stared at it. It wasn’t a ticket.

  Hey , Sam, I knocked on your door before I left for the night but didn’t get an answer.

  Figured you were either out cold or out exploring. If you need anything , give me a call on my cell . Laurie. A phone number was listed under the name.

  Samantha stared at the note. Her throat felt tight, and tears blurred her vision. Samantha was moved Laurie had thought to check on her before leaving. No one had ever cared about her before.

  She shook herself and straightened her shoulders. This, too, would pass. Best not to get used to it.

  Samantha looked at the number Laurie had written on the note. Too bad she didn’t have a cellphone. It seemed she was on her own for searching out food.

  Samantha pulled her keys out of her pocket and slid behind the wheel. Glancing briefly at the clock on the dashboard as she started the car, Samantha was amazed at how late it had gotten.

  It was almost ten o’clock! Luckily it was a Friday night. She was sure something would be open.

  * * * *

  Where the hell i s she? Jason thought for the six-hundredth time as he sat in his car and looked around the empty parking lot. He’d been at the Wild Boar, the local pub, having a cold one with his brothers, when Laurie walked in and slid into the booth with them. She signaled the waiter to order a beer.

  “Where have you been?” Ethan asked casually. “We expected you an hour ago.”

  “Went home to take a shower and freshen up after closing.”

  “Well?” Jason interrupted, not willing to wait around while they made small talk. “How is she?”

  She looked at him innocently, reaching for the nachos sitting on the table. “Who?”

  “Don’t play dumb, Laurie. It doesn’t look good on you.”

  “Oh, Samantha? I don’t know, she didn’t answer the door when I went to check on her. I’m sure she’s fine.”

  “She didn’t answer so you left?” Jason yelled, drawing the eyes of half the bar to their table.

  His siblings looked at him like he was insane.

  “What’s your problem? She was probably sleeping. I left a note with my number. If she needs something, she’ll call.”

  Shoving his way out of the booth, he left the bar, intent on checking on Samantha.

  Only Samantha wasn’t at the bookstore. Her car was gone from the parking lot, and she hadn’t come to the apartment door when he knocked. He was overcome by fear. What if she had decided not to stick around and left town, left him, without a word?

  The question ran through his mind over and over again. There was nothing he could do but wait. So he sat in his car and stared at her door, as if by staring at it she would magically appear.

  Where the hell i s she?

  Headlights came around the corner of the store, and as he watched, Samantha’s midnight blue Taurus rounded the side of the building and pulled into a parking space. She stared at his car warily.

  Knowing she would be able to see him even at night, Jason opened his car door and stepped out. He watched as she guardedly exited the car and waited for him to come to her.

  “Is there a problem?” she asked him when he approached.

  “Where the hell were you?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Where the hell were you? Laurie said you didn’t answer your door. I was worried, so I came to check on you and you were gone. No note, no call, nothing.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize I had to check in with you. Do all your pack members have to notify you when they go to the grocery store, or is it just the new folks?”

  “Grocery store?”

  “Grocery store,” Samantha confirmed.

  Jason rubbed his hands over his face, suddenly tired now that he realized she wasn’t leaving him. He wasn’t acting like himself. He hadn’t been able to think of anything besides Samantha all day long. Throughout the day he found himself rising from his desk, intent on coming over to check on her, before reason returned, stopping him in his tracks. He trusted Laurie to call him if anything was wrong.

  A couple of times he caught Ethan or Danny watching him curiously after he rose, forcing him to refill his coffee cup in order to cover up his strange behavior. Ethan had been grinning like a fool by the end of the day, with Jason scowling right back. Danny looked at them both like they were crazy.

  * * * *

  Samantha nervously wrung her hands. “Listen, I told you I wasn’t going to cause trouble, but if you don’t believe me, maybe I should just head out. I appreciate everything, and I’m feeling much better now…” Samantha stopped talking as Jason backed her up against the side of her car. Towering over her, Jason drew her eyes to his. He had a wild, almost feral look in his eyes, and a wave of desire crashed through her. He gripped her hips as he pressed her against her car door with his body.

  “I’m not worried you’re going to cause trouble,” he all but growled out.

  Staring up into his eyes, altered from their mossy green color to a pale yellow that practically glowed, Samantha felt heat flood her core and she began to get wet.

  “Then what are you worried about?” Samantha whispered, gripping his forearms. He didn’t answer, but his gaze lowered to her lips and he growled again, low and deep. From her position, pushed up against the car by his hard chest, Samantha didn’t hear the rumble so much as she felt it reverberate against her. With the car behind her and the equally unyielding chest in front of her, Samantha felt an unfamiliar spike in her desire as she realized there was no escape. She didn’t want one. She had no thoughts of running away from this man.

  Jason slowly lowered his head and molded his lips to hers. The kiss was softer than she expected, barely exerting any pressure.

  She stared into beastly eyes and knew the animal was on a short leash. Wanting his wolf set free, she ran her hands up his arms and locked them behind his neck. Deliberately arching her body into his, she tried to make him snap. She wanted his untamed passion—and she got exactly what she asked for.

  He pushed her harder against the car as his tongue thrust into her mouth. It was exhilarating, and she moaned, closing her eyes as she moved restlessly against him.

  This kiss was unlike the careless assaults she’d previously experienced. Jason’s kisses felt like he was claiming her mouth as his own.

  She freely gave him everything he demanded and more. Samantha massaged his tongue with hers and let the world drift away. Only the two of them existed in this new world. She felt a gentle pressure on her hips, and realizing he had lifted her, she wrapped her legs around his waist. His lower body held her up against her car, completely supporting her. Being in his arms, depending on his strength to keep her from falling, only turned Samantha on more. She deepened the kiss and felt his fangs begin to extend. He lifted his hands from her hips and pushed them up under her sweater to cup her small breasts. He circled her stiff nipples through her lace bra with his thumbs, causing her to moan deeply against his lips.

  This was by far the most exhilarating experience she’d ever had, and she moved her body against him. She couldn’t get close enough. She wanted to feel his naked flesh against hers.

  Samantha didn’t know what miracle had made this strong, beautiful and giving man desire her, but she wanted him, now, before he changed his mind.

  “Wait.” He pulled his mouth away from hers and gripped her hips once again with his hands.

  Samantha groaned in frustration at the loss of contact. “Wait, this isn’t right. This isn’t why I came here.” He pressed his forehead against hers and took a deep, shuddering breath. He didn’t release her so she left her legs wrapped around his waist and let him support her.

  She would’ve stripped right ther
e and let him take her in the open against her car door if he hadn’t stopped. She couldn’t help but wonder why he had, and her old insecurities rose up to haunt her.

  She didn’t have a large amount of experience. It wasn’t as though she’d never had sex before, but the few times she had weren’t exactly noteworthy.

  Last year, she had felt lost in life and thought if she could feel desired and wanted for who she was, she would be able to dispel the demons of loneliness constantly dogging her. With that goal in mind, she started a relationship with one of the waiters at the restaurant where she had worked. After a week he pushed her to have sex with him, claiming he had spent enough money on meals so she should “put out.”

  It had been one of the most awkward experiences of her life. She’d been told her first time would be painful, but it hadn’t been. She had barely felt the pressure as he pushed his way into her, but she hadn’t gotten any pleasure out of the act. Afterward, her loneliness returned tenfold when he immediately fell asleep, leaving no one for her to talk to. She tried to convince herself it would get better, that it was just awkward because it was her first time, but things hadn’t improved.

  He didn’t seem to care whether or not she got pleasure, and the two seconds of foreplay never got her in the mood.

  After three weeks, Samantha’s patience had run out. She left town without a word, just packed up and left. She called work, told them she wouldn’t be back, and driven three states away.


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