Gainer: Jagged Edge Series #6 (Jagged Edge, Alpha-Male, Romance)

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Gainer: Jagged Edge Series #6 (Jagged Edge, Alpha-Male, Romance) Page 8

by A. L Long

  Moving further down my body, I could feel the warmth of his mouth as he trailed soft kisses over the plane of my sensitized skin. While one hand was still caressing my taut nipple, the other began exploring the apex of my sex. I knew soon he would feel just what his touch was doing to me. When his hand fell between my legs, I spread them wider, allowing him the access he needed. With a gentle push, he worked his finger inside my channel. The back and forth movement caused my hips to push against him as he plunged it deeper and deeper inside. Never had I felt something so wonderful. It was like dying and going to heaven. His assault was soon halted as I watched him wrap his hand around his cock and stroke it gently. It was the sexiest thing I had ever seen. Just as he stroked it, his erection grew and my heart began beating faster. Taking the small packet between his teeth, he tore it open and removed the latex condom. Never had I seen a man sheath himself. Now more than ever I wanted him.

  “I am going to go really slow, baby. The minute it gets to be too much, I will stop until you tell me to continue.” Lou met my eyes before placing a soft kiss on my lips.

  Nodding my head, I closed my eyes and began feeling every movement, waiting in anticipation for the pleasure he was going to give me. Placing his cock at my entrance, I could feel my walls begin to stretch to accommodate his size. Lou’s movements were slow and gentle as he inched his way inside. The feeling of fullness struck with a slight discomfort. I could feel my body tense and my grip tightened on Lou’s shoulders as he continued his drive inside me. Then it hit. Pleasure mixed with pain consumed me. It was unlike anything I would ever be able to describe. As quickly as it came, it was gone, and only complete bliss remained.

  Rocking my hips to mimic Lou’s movements, I could feel my body relax and take him completely. Every thrust made me want more. Changing his position, Lou lifted my hips from the bed and cupped my ass as he continued to push deeper inside me. The sensation of our bodies moving together took over and my body let go with thunder. What he did to me had me reeling. I was so overtaken by the pleasure that my emotions soon took over and the tears of contentment spilled.

  “Baby, are you okay? Did I hurt you?” his voice beckoned as he gazed down on me.

  “No. It’s just that… you just gave me something that I will never forget. Thank you.”


  Lou and I laid in bed for what seemed like only minutes, but was actually hours, before we decided to shower. Even though the motel shower was nowhere near the magnificence of his, we were still able to take one together. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but by the time we had finished exploring each other further, the hot water had turned to cold. I would have thought that a motel of this size would at least be able to provide enough water for a long shower.

  Once we were dried off, Lou suggested that we have a picnic in the park. He knew of a good deli that prepared the best sandwiches ever, and with a bottle of sparkling wine, we would have the perfect lunch. I had spent a lot of time in the park over the years, but to actually have a picnic and just sit and enjoy it was something that I had never done. Most of the time I wandered along the paths looking through the trash cans for something worth eating, which wouldn’t make me sick.

  Slipping on my tennis shoes, I grabbed my bag, which held a blanket from the motel, and followed Lou to his truck. Just as we reached the bottom of the steps, I caught sight of TJ, who seemed to be purposely staying out of sight, behind the tree a few yards away from the building.

  Handing Lou my bag, I said, “Give me a few minutes.”

  “I don’t think it is wise for you to be talking to that guy. He nearly had sex with you last night on the dance floor,” Lou cursed.

  “Lou, he’s a friend. I will only be a minute,” I replied, seeing Lou’s frustration as he raked his fingers through his blonde hair.

  As soon as Lou was far enough away, I walked over to TJ to find out what he was doing at the motel. The closer I got to him, the more I could see that something was off about him. The way he looked wasn’t new to me. I faced it every day with my mom. Standing a safe distance from him, I asked cautiously, “What are you doing here, TJ?”

  “I came to see you,” he answered, coming a little closer.

  Looking him over from head to toe, he was definitely on something, “Are you high, TJ?”

  “Maybe, maybe not. What does it matter?” he grinned.

  “I think it would be better if you left.”

  As I turned to head back to the truck, TJ grabbed my arm and pulled my body to his. Without warning his mouth was over mine, forcing his tongue between my lips. I tried to push him away, but he was too strong. Turning my face away from him, I could see Lou running double time up the parking lot. TJ’s arm that was wrapped around my waist eased as Lou bent his fingers back, causing him to let go of me. As soon as I moved out of the way, Lou had TJ in a choke hold.

  “You should have listened to me the first time, asshole,” Lou cursed as he tightened his grip around TJ’s neck.

  As much as I wanted Lou to hurt TJ, I didn’t want him to kill him. In a loud tone, I yelled to Lou, “Let him go, Lou. He is high on something.”

  “Him being high is no excuse for what he did,” Lou hissed.

  “Please, Lou, let him go.”

  “You’re lucky that Emma is here to prevent me from hurting you. This is your final warning. STAY AWAY FROM HER!” Lou advised between gritted teeth.

  “Okay, okay,” TJ mumbled, looking straight at me.

  Lou loosened the hold he had on TJ. When TJ was free, he turned towards Lou and glared at him. It was almost like he was in a trance. Shaking his head, he began to walk away. Lou turn to him and scratched his head as though he was confused about something.

  Walking up behind him. I grabbed his arm and said, “Thank you for not hurting him.”

  “Yeah, well, next time he might not be so lucky. There is something about that guy that seems familiar. Like I know him from somewhere. How do you know him, anyway?” Lou asked.

  “He is just a friend,” I countered, giving Lou the least amount of information as possible, but still answering his question.

  “That really doesn’t tell me anything. Where did you two meet?” Lou persisted.

  I wasn’t sure what to say. I certainly couldn’t tell him the truth, so I lied. “We went to school together.”

  My answer must have satisfied him, because he didn’t ask me any more about TJ as we drove to the park. Heading to the north entrance of Central Park, I kept thinking about what would cause TJ to use drugs. Looking back to when I first met him by the bridge, I knew that he wasn’t using drugs then, but seeing him now, something had changed for him. Even though he came at me the way that he did, I still wanted him to be my friend, Hopefully, he wouldn’t be taking Lou’s advice and stay away from me. I really needed to know what his deal was.



  As much as I wanted to flatten that guy, I knew that if I wanted any kind of relationship with Emma, I had to ease up on him. I spent the entire time at the park trying to figure out where I might have met the guy. It was driving me crazy and Emma was beginning to notice my preoccupation with this guy.

  “If you know him, Lou, it will come to you. In the meantime, let’s go watch the little kids sail their motorized boats on Conservatory Water,” Emma suggested.

  I knew that Emma was right. The last thing that I needed was to rack my brain about where I knew that dude from. Gathering our things, I placed them inside Emma’s bag and slung it over my shoulder. Just like every other Saturday, the Park was packed with people taking advantage of the nice weather. Even the dogs were having a heyday as they were thrown Frisbees to catch by their respectable owners. There were also a lot of kids fishing, hoping to catch the big one.

  When we finally made to the Conservatory Water, we found an empty bench where we could sit and watch the RC sailboats being expertly maneuvered through the smooth-as-glass water. Taking Emma’s hand and placing a sof
t kiss on it, I watched her enjoy the many boats on the water.

  “When I was a little girl, me and my mom used to spend hours watching the little boats glide through the water,” she confessed.

  “You never mention her. Is she still living?” I asked, wanting to learn everything about her.

  “It’s complicated,” she said.

  “You can tell me anything, Emma.” I needed to let her know that no matter what, I was never going to change the way I felt about her.

  Her eyes lowered to her lap as she began explaining her circumstances. “My mom doesn’t live in New York. She lives in an adult care facility in Illinois. She’s been there for some time.”

  “I’m sorry, Emma. Do ever go to see her?” I asked.

  “No. It is really expensive and I can’t afford it.”

  “Maybe, someday, we can see her together.” As soon as I offered to go with her, Emma’s demeanor had changed. The look on her face told me that her mom being in a care facility was more than that.

  The minute Emma stood and said, “We better go,” I wished I could take back my offer.

  Heading back to the truck, Emma seemed stand-offish. As much as I tried to find out more about her, the harder it was. Most of her answers were short and general, to the point that I quit talking and just walked with her. Nearing the truck, I took the bag from her and set it on the back seat. Opening her door, I waited until she was settled before closing it.

  On the way to her motel, the ride was becoming excruciatingly painful with nothing but silence between us. Taking hold of her hand, I tried to get her attention, but her focus was on the street I was driving on. Unable to stand it anymore, I finally broke. “Emma, did I say something to offend you?”

  With her eyes drawn to mine, she replied in a low, soft voice, “No.”

  Again with the one-word answers, I responded, “Then why the sudden silence?”

  Pulling her hand from my grasp, she folded them on her lap before looking out the windshield. “There are some things that you don’t know about me, and right now, I’m afraid if I told you, you would disappear.”

  “I would never do that, Emma. I really like you and anything you have to say is not going to change the way I feel about you.” No one’s life could be more fucked up than mine, so whatever it was she was keeping from me couldn’t begin to compare to what I was keeping from her.

  “My mom didn’t just end up in the nursing home because she got sick. She was addicted to heroin and someone beat the shit out of her. Even the doctor was surprised she survived the beating. He credited it to the amount of drugs that were in her system. Now she can’t even remember her own daughter,” she confessed with a strained voice.

  It pained me to see her so sad. It had to be very hard for her being in New York with her mom so far away. Pulling over to the side of the street, I put the truck into park and placed my hand in hers. If it hadn’t been for the center console, I would have had her in my lap. As she looked to me, a lonely tear began to fall down her cheek. With my index finger, I wiped it away and watched as she kept her eyes to mine. Moving in closer to her, I tilted my head until our lips met. As I kissed her, I could taste the hint of salt on her soft lips from the tears that she had shed earlier.

  Breaking our kiss, I cupped her cheek with my hand and blurted, “I want to do something for you. Let me take you to see your mom. Maybe if she saw you, she would remember you.”

  “You would do that for me,” she sighed.

  “I would do anything for you, Emma.”

  The fact of the matter was that I was beginning to fall for her and I would cross the Sahara Desert if it meant she would be happy. Giving her one last kiss, I put the truck into drive and pulled away from the curb. Trying to keep my eyes on where I was going, I couldn’t help but look over to Emma to see that her tears had finally stopped falling. Not only that, but I could have sworn there was even a hint of a smile on her face.

  When we got to her motel, I grabbed the bag from the back seat and rounded the car and waited for Emma to get out. As we came closer to her room, I could tell that something was wrong. The door to her room was cracked open and I knew that when we left, it was closed. Grabbing her arm, I whispered as I pulled her back, “Stay here.”

  I could see that she was ready to argue, but her mouth clamped shut the minute I nodded my head in a ‘no’ motion. When I knew she understood, I dropped the bag on the concrete and headed slowly towards her room. It was at that moment that I wished I had my gun. I only hoped that if there was still someone inside, they wouldn’t be armed. Standing just to the right of the door, I placed my hand on the cool metal and began slowly pushing it open. Looking between the small crack by the door hinges, I searched for any movement. When there wasn’t any, I continued to push the door further open.

  Confident that whomever had broken inside her room was gone, I entered the room to find that the room was just as we left it. Stepping outside the door. I motioned to Emma that it was safe to come inside. As she stepped past me, she said with a puzzled look, “Maybe we forgot to close the door when we left.”

  “Emma, the door was closed. Do you see anything missing?” I asked, looking around the room myself.

  Emma began looking around, studying the room to see if she could find anything gone. When she let out a loud gasp, I knew something was wrong. “What is it, Emma?”

  She didn’t say a word. All she could do was point towards the cupboard. I had to get behind her to see what she was pointing at. The hidden safe in the cabinet was opened. By her reaction, I knew that there must have been something of importance inside the safe that was now gone. Placing my hands on her arms, I positioned her body towards mine and asked, “What was in the safe, baby?”

  As I held on to her, I could feel her body tremble. Whatever she kept safely tucked away in that safe had to have meant a lot to her. Lifting her chin so that I could see her face. I realized then that she was fuming. Her trembling wasn’t because she was upset, it was because she was pissed. “My whole future was in that safe,” she asserted, lifting her hands to her face. “Now I have nothing. I am back where I was before.”

  “What was in the safe, Emma, that could change your life?” I asked, confused by her confession. “Nothing could be that important.”

  “Yeah, well, I’m sure you have never been without in your life.”

  If only she knew what a shit life I had. It was then that I decided to come clean with her. Maybe if I confessed, she would open up to me. Taking her by the hand, I led her to the bed and waited for her to take a seat before taking my place beside her. Clearing my mind, I took in a deep breath and began telling her about my past. “Not everyone has a perfect life, Emma. My life was far from perfect. I don’t even know who my mother was. I was raised in a Catholic orphanage from the time I was a baby until I left to join the military. Things that happened in that orphanage would make your stomach turn. I was never so happy as when the day came that I could finally leave that place.”

  Turning my way, I thought for sure Emma was going to finally open up to me, but instead she asked softly, “What kinds of things, Lou?”

  “Things that shouldn’t happen to little boys.” Leaving it at that, I stood and held out my hand to Emma, “Come on, let’s get out of here.”

  Even though it wasn’t my day to teach my martial arts class, I thought it would be nice to go to the YMCA and show Emma another part of my life. Maybe she would even allow me to show her a few moves.

  Making certain that the door was closed and secured, we both headed down to where I had parked the truck. Once inside I drove down Central Park West. The YMCA was a short distance from her motel and it would only take a few minutes to get there. As we were driving, I could hear what sounded like the theme from ‘Rocky’ start playing. Emma reached inside her pocket and pulled out her phone. Trying to concentrate on the road, I listened intently to the conversation.

  “What?” she said, holding her phone tightly to her ear so that
the voice on the other end couldn’t be heard.

  As her conversation continued, I could tell by the tone in her voice that she was really pissed at the person on the other end. With her final words, “Screw you,” I knew that the person on the other end just got humbled and she wasn’t about to put up with any shit.

  Curious as to whom she could have been talking to, I demanded, “Who the hell was that, Emma?”

  “Work,” she snapped.

  “Sounded pretty intense,” I remarked, pretty confident that it was someone other than work.

  “Yeah, well, that’s what happens when you mess up,” she replied.

  Holding back what I wanted to say, I pulled up in front of the YMCA and put the truck into park. Emma had the door open before I could say anything. By the time I got out, she was up the stairs and heading inside. Her taking off like that, half-cocked, was about to end. Running up the steps, I caught her just in time to grab her by the hand. Her head swung around so fast, I thought for sure she was going to dislocate it. “Why are you always trying to get away from me?” I questioned, demanding and answer.


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