Gainer: Jagged Edge Series #6 (Jagged Edge, Alpha-Male, Romance)

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Gainer: Jagged Edge Series #6 (Jagged Edge, Alpha-Male, Romance) Page 14

by A. L Long

  Helping Emma into the truck, I closed the door and decided then that the best way to get to O’Malley was through Tommy. As much as I hated it, the only way to do that was for Emma to contact him and set him up. Putting the truck into drive, I made an illegal U-turn and headed for the shop. I knew that I would need the help of my brothers to put a plan into place.


  Pulling up to the shop, there were three vehicles in the front, which I knew were Peter’s Camaro, Sly’s Jeep, and Cop’s black Ford truck. Heading inside, there was no one out front, which led me to believe that they were either in the back or in the conference room. Walking down the narrow hallway, I could see that no one was in the conference room, nor Peter’s office. The only other place they could be was in the back. Going to a door adjacent to the room where we interrogated out little stool pigeon, I opened the door to find the guys busy cleaning weapons, with Chavez taking inventory.

  Walking in the middle of the room, I put my fingers between my lips and blew between them to let out a loud whistle. I was surprised the guys even heard me with the radio playing “Wanted, Dead or Alive” full blast in the background. When Peter walked over to the radio and turned down the volume, that was what got the guys’ attention.

  “What’s up, Gainer?” Peter asked, wiping his hands on a shop rag.

  “Got some information for you guys, but mostly, I am going to need your help,” I confessed.

  “What’s up?” Sly asked, leaning against the wall.

  “Okay, so we know after talking to the stoolie in the interrogation room that the guy who ordered the hit on Emma’s friends wore a ruby ring. What you didn’t know is that I know who he is. His name is O’Malley and he’s a priest. I think that he had something to do with McGowan’s death and the fake money. So, here’s the funny thing about this. Emma has a friend, whom she went to school with, whom I also know. He goes by the name of TJ, but his real name is Tommy Porter. He approached Emma with a proposition to help O’Malley find the plates they used to make those bills.” I paused for a minute waiting for someone to respond. When I didn’t get one, I continued. “This is what I propose. We set up TJ, or Tommy, and get him to lead us to O’Malley. It’s the only way we are going to be able to get any information as to where those plates might be.”

  I tried to give the guys enough information without spilling Emma’s mistake or how I knew O’Malley and Tommy. I think, most of all, they were willing to do whatever I suggested just to get this guy. Leaving the back, we all decided to take this discussion on what was going to be the best plan to the conference room. As we headed in that direction, Peter and I held back only because there was something on his mind.

  “Gainer, do you have any idea how you want this to go down?” he asked in a low voice.

  “I do. Even though I am not comfortable with it, I know it is pretty much the only option I have,” I offered.

  “Well, whatever it is, we are here for you,” Peter responded.

  By the time we went through what I had planned and ironed out some problems that we could run into, it was late afternoon. We had agreed that the best bet was for Emma to contact TJ and let him know that she decided to take him up on his offer to help find the plates. After the seed was planted, we would be right there to watch their every move. Sooner or later, O’Malley would be in contact with him. I knew this because he was the kind of person that preferred to handle his affairs in person. He didn’t trust anyone, and he certainly didn’t trust communicating by cell or email.

  Entering the apartment after a long drive home, I went to the kitchen and poured myself a Jack Daniels while Emma went to take a long bath. Taking my drink with me, I sat on the couch and looked out the window to the city as the sun was just setting behind the tall buildings. As I sat there, I began going everything that had happened during the past couple of weeks, which brought me to my past. I must have been really deep in thought, because I didn’t even hear Emma come up behind me until she took a seat next to me and snuggled right up against my body. Moving my eyes from the window to her, I could only think of all the things I wanted to do to her at that moment, and with her only wearing a towel, that thought was just about to become reality. Placing my glass of Jack on the end table, I turned towards her and gently lowered her to the couch until she was on her back. Taking in her beauty, I took hold of the towel that was tucked between her perfect breasts and pulled it away to expose her creamy smooth skin.

  Lowering my head, my mouth soon found her breast and I began caressing her taut nipple with my tongue. With my hand, I outlined her other nipple and circled it into a hard peak with my finger. Opening the towel completely, her beautiful perfection was before me, and I took it all in from the tip of her perfect nose, down to her firm breasts, her perfectly shaven mound, to the very tip of her toes. Working my way down her silky softness, I could feel the rise of her hips as the kisses I placed on her skin began to have an effect on her. Kissing her mound, I felt the warmth between my fingers as I slipped one and then two fingers inside her tight pussy. The warmth of her womanhood coated my fingers as I slowly glided them back and forth. I could feel her walls tighten, pulling my fingers deeper inside her.

  Emma’s hips began moving against my thrusts in circular motions all the while I was consuming her sweet honey. A moan of ecstasy filled the room as I continued my assault on her. Her scent filled me completely, making me crazy with desire for her. Unable to hold out any longer, I lifted her from the couch and held her in my arms as I carried her to my room. Removing my clothes, I checked my pocket for a condom only to come up short. “Shit,” I cursed as I headed into the bathroom.

  Returning with condom in hand, I sheathed my cock and lowered my body onto the bed next to Emma. God, she was beautiful. Her cheeks were flushed with need matching my own hunger for her. Placing my mouth over hers, I consumed her as she parted her lips for me, inviting me inside. As our tongues entwined together, her arms wrapped around my waist until she lowered them to my ass, pulling me even closer to her. I could feel the swell of her breasts against my chest, coaxing me to take her. The vibration of her moans just about had me undone as my hand fell between our bodies in search for her heat.

  Sliding my finger between her moistened folds, I carefully dipped it inside, anticipating the feel of her warmth when I entered her with my throbbing shaft. Pushing to my knees, I took the packet I had been holding onto and ripped it open with my teeth, and resumed my assault on her plump lips. Sliding the lubricated glove over my hard cock, I positioned my body between her legs before slowly pushing against her entrance. The heat of her pussy hit the tip, causing me to dive in with glory. Her warmth consumed me as I thrust deeper and deeper inside her.

  I needed to feel more of her. Taking her legs that she had wrapped around my waist, I lifted them one at a time and placed them over my shoulder as I angled her hips upward. Getting full penetration, my thrusts increased, and her breasts began swaying in sync to the force of my cock inside her.

  When I heard her scream of ecstasy, I knew that she had reached the point of excellence as her body began to shudder with pleasure. When her walls began to tighten with her release, mine also was met as she milked my cock until there was nothing left. My body was fully spent and fell gently upon hers in utter bliss.

  When I got back to the bed after dumping the aftermath of our moment of pure heaven, Emma was already asleep with my pillow nestled tightly to her chest. I didn’t have the heart to wake her, so I went to the guest bedroom to get another pillow. On my way to the kitchen to get a quick drink of water, I heard a light knock on the door. If I hadn’t come this way, I would have never heard it, it was that soft. Wondering who it could be, I looked through the peep hole to be ultimately disgusted by the man I saw on the other side. There was no way I was going to open this door in my current state of dress. Pulling the chain across the door opening, I latched it and opened the door just enough to say what I needed to. “What the hell are you doing here?”

  “I need to talk to you.”

  “Whatever you have to say, I don’t want to hear,” I cursed in response.

  “You’re going to want to hear this.”

  “Hold on.”

  I was not ready for this, and I was pretty sure whatever Tommy had to say was nothing I wanted to hear, but given his persistence, he convinced me to hear him out. Heading to the bedroom, I gathered my jeans and slipped them on as I headed back to the front door. When I opened the door, I was even more surprised by what I saw. Tommy looked like he had been on a seven-day binge and hadn’t seen a drop of water during that time. As he stepped by me to enter my apartment, he smelled to high heaven, like he lived in a sewer.

  “Jesus, bathe much?” I asked, holding my hand over my nose.

  “Very funny,” he cursed.

  “So, what is this about, Tommy?” I demanded.

  “So, you know who I am. I wondered when you were going to remember me. Looks like you’ve done pretty well for yourself,” he replied as he looked around my apartment.

  “Say what you need to say, and then I think it is best that you leave,” I responded.

  “Figured you would say that. Just like in the orphanage. Did you even care about what happened to me after you left? I trusted you to stay with me. I thought we were going to get out of that shithole together. You have no idea what I went through,” Tommy choked.

  When he lifted his soiled shirt, I had to take in a breath to keep in my disgust. What kind of person would do this? His body was covered in large burn marks that looked as though someone had poured hot oil on him. “My God, Tommy. What happened to you in there?”

  “If it wasn’t for O’Malley, I would have died.”

  “Are you shitting me? He molested you, bro. Why would you say that?”

  “Because if it hadn’t been for him, my whole body could have been scorched with that torch, and I wouldn’t be alive. Those boys got what they deserved, and O’Malley made sure they would never hurt anyone again. Do you know what they called me? A fucking fag cocksucker. There were four of them. Came in from juvie. They knew about O’Malley and how he loved little boys. Kept telling me that O’Malley was my girlfriend. O’Malley got wind of it. Not sure what happened to them, but after they burned me, they disappeared and I spent two weeks hidden away. O’Malley said they were troublemakers and got transferred. Me, I think he killed them. I had to get out of there, so when I had the chance, I ran. Been living on the streets up until nine months ago when Father O’Malley approached me with a proposition.”

  “Holy fucking hell. So, you didn’t leave.” I replied, shocked by what Tommy just said.

  “Hell no. You did, though.”

  Our conversation must have woken Emma. I didn’t hear her come into the living room until she asked, “TJ, what are you doing here?”



  I had to rub my eyes twice in order to make sure TJ was in the living room with Lou. All I wanted to know was, why the hell he was here in the first place? Tugging at Lou’s t-shirt that I had grabbed off the floor. I looked at Lou and then to TJ and asked, “What the hell is going on?”

  Lou stepped up to me and lightly kissed my forehead and whispered, “We need to get some things sorted, and that means everything.”

  I had a funny feeling that TJ may have told him more than I wanted Lou to know. Looking up to Lou, I said in a soft voice. “I was going to tell you, but I was afraid that you would leave me. You’re all I have, Lou.”

  “What are you talking about, Emma?” Lou questioned.

  “My past. If I told you where I really live and how I knew TJ, I thought you would be disgusted with me and never want to see me again.”

  “Emma, I’m not sure what you’re talking about, but I think it is time you explain.”

  “Emma, I didn’t say anything to him,” TJ protested.

  It was then that I knew I just ratted out myself. There was no way I was going to get out of this. My only option was to come clean and tell Lou everything. Walking past him, I took a seat on the couch and pulled a pillow to my chest. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath. “My mom and I haven’t had the easiest of lives. I think she did the best she could, but somehow got mixed up with the wrong kind of people. Her choices were what landed us on the streets and ultimately led to her death. When she had to be taken care of, I knew I needed to do something. It was then that I got a job working at the Park Lane. The expense to care for her was so much that it took everything I made there. I wasn’t able to afford a place for myself, so I continued to live on the streets. I didn’t meet TJ at school, I met him on the streets.”

  “How many more secrets are you keeping from me, Emma?” Lou asked forking his fingers through his hair. “You should have been straight with me from the beginning. I need to think. I think it’s best that you and your friend TJ, or Tommy, or whatever the fuck his name is, leave.”

  “Lou, please. You are all I have,” I cried.

  “Then you should have been honest with me. How am I ever going to be able to trust you? When I get back, I want you gone.”

  My heart fell into my stomach the minute Lou grabbed the keys to his truck and left the apartment. I just sat there hoping that this was all a dream. I thought for sure that after I explained to him what my life was like, he would have forgiven me for not telling him. I wasn’t sure how much time passed by while I just sat on the couch in a daze.

  TJ walked over to me and took a seat beside me, “Everything will be okay, Emma. We still have each other.”

  The minute he said those words, I knew that he only wanted me for one thing. He was never going to be my friend. He was going to use me to get what he needed, and then he would be gone too. “Just go, TJ.”

  “You don’t mean that, Emma,” he replied.

  “I do. Please just go.”

  When he walked to the door and I heard it close behind him, I knew that the only person I could count on was myself. Just like the last fifteen years of my life, I needed to look out for me. Never again was I going to let anyone get close to me, just to have them taken away or leave. Getting up from the couch, I headed into the bedroom and began gathering my things. I had at least two hours before I needed to start my shift at the hotel. This was plenty of time to find somewhere else to stay. Knowing that I no longer needed to pay for my mom’s care. I was finally able to think about myself and make a good life. I would never have to depend on anyone.


  The atmosphere at the hotel was very quiet among the employees. I felt like it was my fault that those girls had to die. If I hadn’t taken the money, they might still be alive. Closing my locker, I headed to my maid’s cart to make sure it was fully stocked. As I placed the last of the shampoo in the little tub, Delores came up to me and said, “I am going to assign you to the 46nd floor. It will be added to your schedule.”

  Nodding my head, I kept my eyes on the cart and said, “Sure, no problem.”

  Finishing my last room on the 39th floor, I pushed my cart down the hallway to the elevator. As soon as the doors opened, I pushed it inside and hit the button for the 46th floor and swiped my maid key. Stopping at the suite where Walsh McGowan was killed, I swiped my key card and pushed open the door. Walking in the room, I could see the large blood spot on the floor where he was killed. I just stood there trying to figure out why people were so malicious and had to kill someone for what they wanted. Sitting on a chair and staring at the stain, I began pulling out the drawers on the desk and looked down at the Bible that was inside the drawer. Lifting it from its spot, I opened it up and tried to read the words. Fanning the pages, something caught my eye; it was under the book of Peter.

  Some of the words had been highlighted. It didn’t really make sense why someone would highlight certain words. I could understand a whole passage, but just words, strange. A thought came to me as I picked up the small complementary note pad and pen. Jotting down the words as I came to them, I read what I had wr
itten. Even though I wasn’t a good reader, I understood exactly what the words meant, “In the holy Temple of God, St. Peter will guide you to the treasure through your confession.” Going to my cart, I took a Bible from my cart and replaced it with the one I knew I needed to keep. Closing the door, I headed to the rooms that needed to be cleaned. I wanted so badly to leave to test out my theory, but I knew that if I wanted to keep my job, I had to stay and finish out my day.


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