When Lust Rules

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When Lust Rules Page 10

by Virginia Cavanaugh

  “Right now, his hard-on is for us,” Luken replied. “And while Arik will most likely be fixated on getting changed, I’m afraid Ivan will try to come for Julie again regardless. So right now my pack is going to focus on her protection. Time will tell about the rest. We’re notifying any packs we can think of, but hell, there is no way we’re going to find them all.”

  Konrad huffed out a mirthless laugh. “And some of them will be too bullheaded to listen.”

  Luken nodded. “Ain’t that the truth.”

  “But let’s not all dwell on the bad,” Tyra said. “I haven’t seen Julie in a while, so I figured you alphas could go handle business and let us chat for a bit.”

  Konrad growled low.

  Julie jumped slightly against Luken. Why did Konrad get angry? Did he not like her or something?

  “It’s not you, Julie. He doesn’t like leaving his mate alone with the new threat that Arik poses because she’s carrying his young.” Luken turned his head in Konrad’s direction as Tyra popped him in the arm.

  “Good Lord, it’s not like anything is going to happen to me in the next hour or so in Luken’s house. Now go.” Tyra gave Konrad a push as she slid off his lap. “Men. Especially wolves are so damn protective.”

  Konrad’s lips thinned as he looked down at his mate.

  “Oh don’t give me that look. I have claws too and I’m completely capable of handling myself.”

  Julie smiled at Luken who let out a laugh.

  Luken slapped Konrad’s shoulder in a friendly gesture. “You better come with me before your mate gives you that smack down I’ve been waiting to see.”

  “Fine. Have it your way, but I’ll be back in an hour,” Konrad conceded.

  Tyra smiled. “Hopefully in a better mood.”

  Luken walked behind Konrad to the front door. “We’ll be back in a little while. Help yourselves to whatever.”

  Julie watched him until the front door shut then turned to Tyra, who smiled warmly. “Wow.” She really didn’t know what to say.

  Tyra laughed. “Wow is a good word. This is probably blowing your mind right now, but I’m glad you’re here. Well, I wish it was under different circumstances, but I’m still glad nonetheless.” Tyra moved across the sofa, closer to Julie. “So spill.”

  Julie folded her hands together and placed them on her lap. Where to begin? So much had happened in the last couple of weeks. “What do you want to know?”

  “Well, I guess I already know that you and Luken hit it off.”

  Warmth blossomed in Julie’s cheeks. “Yeah, I guess you do.”

  “So are you going to let him change you?”

  Julie shrugged. “I really want to, but I’m a little scared. And I kinda told him last night yes, but this morning I’m kinda freaking out about the whole thing.”

  Tyra placed her hand on Julie’s knee. “It’s a big decision. One that I don’t think you’ll regret making, but you have to be sure. What’s bothering you the most?”

  Julie laughed. “You would think it would be the whole biting and changing part, but I’m more worried… What if we don’t work out?” She hung her head, feeling stupid for worrying more about her relationship with Luken. “It might sound crazy, but I think I might be developing feelings for him, and I don’t know what happens if it doesn’t work out.”

  “The whole mating process can be a little straining. But I don’t think you’re crazy. If it makes you feel better, you would be welcome in Konrad’s pack if something went wrong.”

  Julie looked up at Tyra. “So I wouldn’t have to stay here?”

  Tyra sat back. “Nope. We could negotiate for you. I just want you to be safe, and with everything going on I know you’d be stronger and more protected as one of us.”

  Deep down Julie knew she wouldn’t back out, but it was nice to know she could leave if necessary. “Thanks, Tyra. I’m pretty sure I’m going to go through with it. I really want this. I’m just a little scared I guess. But Luken’s been wonderful to me even though I’ve brought danger to his pack. Do you think others here will hate me or be mad at me for that? I really didn’t mean to bring this drama here. In fact I thought maybe I’d finally outrun my past.”

  Tyra shook her head. “No one will blame you. And as for outrunning your past, I have to say sometimes that is impossible. My own past came back to haunt me months ago, but Konrad and my pack stood beside me and we got through it. You’ll get through this.”

  Julie hoped Tyra was right.

  Chapter Nine

  “I don’t have any money.” Julie hadn’t even thought about grabbing her purse when they’d fled last night.

  Luken wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “And even if you did, I’d still insist on paying.”

  Julie looked up again at the sign on the store front. Kele’s Boutique. “I don’t know if I’m comfortable with you buying me clothes. Maybe we could try to go back to my apartment and—”


  Julie pursed her lips. He didn’t leave much room for argument. “Fine. But only a few things. I get paid next week and then I can buy more.” Maybe she could stop by the bank and report her purse stolen so that she could get replacement cards and checks. But with them unable to return to her apartment without fear of another attack, she would have to kiss the extra cash she had stashed there goodbye. Hell, most likely Arik’s scum had already ransacked her house anyway, which only increased her need to call the bank.

  “Julie, let me spoil you.” Luken leaned down and brushed his lips against hers.

  She sighed as he pulled back from the kiss. It would be easy to let him spoil her, but it probably wasn’t a good idea. “I mean it. Just a few things.”

  He rolled his eyes as he walked with her toward the front door. “If you say so.”

  A tall woman with spiked short black hair looked up from the magazine she was reading as the bell above the door chimed. “Hey, Luken.”

  Julie watched as the thin tall woman stepped from behind the counter and joined them. Her jeans and top were both a similar shade of blue, but her neckline pitched to the side and hung off one shoulder. Julie stepped slightly to the right as the woman hugged him. Jealousy started to worm its way through her heart until she noticed the bite mark on the back of the woman’s shoulder. A mate’s mark. Tyra had told her a little bit about the mating process, or the wolf version of marriage. They didn’t wear rings like humans, but instead marked each other’s skin. When they were mated, Tyra had said their saliva would produce an enzyme that would allow their bite to scar their mate, which resulted in the mark. This happened at what she’d called the claiming. So this woman was already spoken for. According to Tyra, the mate bond was special and wolves mated for life.

  Luken stepped out of the woman’s embrace and pulled Julie back to his side. “Julie, I’d like you to meet Kele.”

  “It’s so good to meet you,” Kele said as she moved forward and wrapped her arms around Julie.

  Julie was taken a little by surprise, but quickly recovered and returned the hug. “It’s nice to meet you too.”

  Kele pulled back and smiled. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”

  Julie looked up at Luken, puzzled.

  “Oh not from Luken. Javin came by earlier and said that Luken had a new human girlfriend.”

  Luken growled.

  Kele laughed. “Did you really expect Javin not to spread the news? Besides she’s beautiful. So are you going to make the switch tomorrow?”

  Julie nodded, not trusting herself to speak. Luken hugged her tightly to his side. She was still nervous as hell, but she did feel better about her decision since talking to Tyra.

  “So, what can I get you today?” Kele asked.

  “I need just a few things to get me by,” Julie said.

  “She doesn’t have a stitch of clothing to her name right now that isn’t ruined.”

  Julie glared at Luken as Kele rushed in to give her another hug.

  “You poor thing. Well, we have it
all here. I will get you set up in no time.” Kele pulled back and swept her gaze over Julie. “You look to be about a size five.”

  Before Julie could say anything Kele was roaming around the store, snatching things from shelves and racks. Her gaze moved from Kele back to Luken. “You knew this would happen, didn’t you?”

  Luken laughed, pulling her body flush with his and nipped at her lower lip. “I told you that you’d be taken care of. You’re pack now.”

  A thrill of excitement ran through her veins. Pack. It had been a long time since she’d had a family unit that wasn’t broken, but she wouldn’t take advantage of these people. “But you and Kele don’t have to do this. I make money. I don’t want to be a burden on anyone.”

  Luken kissed her thoroughly. “You’re not a burden. And this is small. No big deal. And if you’re so damned determined you can try to pay me back.”

  “I will pay you back.”

  Luken laughed. “Try was the key word. You can try all you want to, but you will have hell getting me to take the money.”

  Julie rolled her eyes and smiled. “What am I going to do with you?”

  He nuzzled the side of her neck. “Oh I have plenty ideas about what you can do to me. And even more ideas about what I want to do to you.”

  Desire kindled in her lower belly and Luken growled low, his chest rumbling deliciously against her chest. He took in a deep breath through his nose and knew he was taking in her scent. It would have changed with the response he’d created in her. This had her pulling back quickly, sucking in her own rushed breath. If he could scent her desire then so could Kele. “Um…I should maybe look around or something.”

  Luken chuckled.

  Julie made her way over to the counter where Kele deposited a whole pile of clothing. Her eyes widened as she took in the items there. “Wait. This is too much. I just needed a few things.”

  Kele waved her hand in dismissal. “Pfft. This is barely enough for a week. I still need to find you some shoes.”

  Tears burned at the corner of her eyes as her vision swam. Kele didn’t even know her. Why would she want to do all of this? Julie fingered the silken material of one shirt. It was the same color as her eyes. Kele had been thoughtful in every selection that lay on the counter.

  “Oh stop,” Kele said, moving across the room, a pair of peep-toe sling-backs dangling from her fingers. “There’s no need to cry.”

  Julie closed her eyes and leaned back as Luken ran his fingers down her nape. Her back settled against his chest as she inhaled a steadying breath. “I’m sorry. I just don’t understand why you would want to be so nice to me when you don’t even know me.”

  Kele looked at Luken then back at Julie. “Because I see what you mean to him.” Kele smiled. “And that’s enough for me to know that I would give you the shirt off my back. My alpha is a great judge of character.”

  Julie didn’t resist the hug from Kele this time. She wrapped her arms tight around the other female. “I’m grateful for what you’re doing for me.”

  Kele released her. “Don’t mention it. Now, I know it’s been a rough couple of days, so why don’t you take her back to your place, Luken, and I’ll have this stuff sent there.”

  “Thanks, Kele.” Luken wrapped his arm around Julie’s lower back and escorted her outside.

  They were only a few blocks away from his house. Julie scanned the area, thinking about how brilliant it was all set up. Most of the businesses that were wolf owned were nestled into the inner core of their community. Sometimes humans would wander in, but most of them were out of the way enough that only other wolves did business there. They ran a whole population and government inside their pack. The entire area was pack owned. As they passed people they waved and smiled. Julie waved back, wondering how she’d ever missed this race of beings mixed in with society.

  “What you have here is beautiful,” she whispered.

  “I think so. We’re not as big as some packs, but we’re just starting out. Things will continue to grow and we’ll prosper. We’re not weak by any stretch and we’re strongly allied with Konrad.”

  Julie looked up at Luken. He’d left his hair down and the slight breeze had it playing at his shoulders. “What if I’ve brought disaster with me? What if Arik finds an alpha to change him? He might not come back after me, but Ivan is a different story. He’s obsessed. He’s cruel. I don’t want to be responsible for people getting hurt.”

  Luken guided her around the corner and onto the next street. “I think you’re worried for nothing. If he comes back I’ll kill him. You don’t have anything to be worried about.”

  Julie shook her head as she looked down at the pavement. Luken sounded so sure. And she knew he was strong and powerful. It wasn’t as if she doubted his ability but it still didn’t ease her fears completely. She looked back up at the side of his face. “I’ll try not to worry, but I’d feel awful if something happened to even one member of your pack.”

  “Our pack.” He glanced down at her with a smile.

  She leaned her head onto his biceps. “Our pack,” she whispered. It still didn’t seem real. Maybe after the change tomorrow things would feel more tangible, but right now it was as if she were living in a dream. One she didn’t want to end, no matter how crazy things seemed.

  They walked up the path leading to his front door. She still couldn’t get over the fact he left it unlocked. For the last year she’d been turning deadbolts, letting the metallic slide of the lock help her feel secure. But really, how secure had she been? It wouldn’t have mattered the other night how many locks she had on her door. If Luken wouldn’t have been with her… She shuddered as she walked into the house.

  Luken closed the door behind them. “What’s wrong?”

  Julie turned to look at him, her gaze meeting his and noticing the concern written in his expression. She didn’t want to think about the what ifs anymore. She was here—safe—and she’d be damned if she let Ivan or his memory taint any more of this time with Luken. She smiled as her fingers sought the buttons on her top. Slowly she pushed each green-colored disk through the small hole. A wicked smile spread across Luken’s lips and damn it made her feel sexy.

  She watched as he gripped the hem of his own shirt and tore it over his head. Muscles rippled and Julie licked her lower lip as she thought about running her tongue over each hard contour of his chest and abdomen. The man was sexy, his body hard and chiseled. She trembled with the memory of being pressed up against all that muscle.

  Her nipples puckered into tight buds as she peeled back her shirt and dropped it to the floor. Her lacy bra did little to hide her reaction. Luken let loose a low growl as his hand unfastened his pants. Julie smiled, pushing the skirt down to pool at her ankles. She stepped free of her discarded clothes and sauntered in front of him as he freed his erection from his jeans.

  Her gaze held his as her fingers stroked the head of his cock. The velvety soft skin became moist with pre-cum. Luken hissed in a breath and she stroked her fingers lower, softly gliding them down the length of his shaft. Her own arousal climbed as his dick pulsed beneath her touch. Such thick, hard heat. Moisture coated her labia as she bit into her lower lip. She wanted to taste him.

  Sinking to her knees, she smiled as Luken’s moan filled her ears. Her gaze shot to his cock. The head glistened from his arousal. She slowly licked the opening. His hands speared into her hair, cradling her head. His salty taste coated her tongue.

  “You’re so damn beautiful,” Luken said on a husky moan.

  Julie teased him with light flicks of her tongue until he growled in frustration, then she took his cock deep into her mouth and he roared. Her pussy creamed and she moaned around his flesh. His hips pumped in a slow, sensual fashion and she gave him control, trusting he’d be easy with her. She squeezed her thighs as the familiar pulse started in her core. Head tilted back, she let loose another moan as he continued to fuck her mouth.

  “Your lips around my cock is so fucking sexy.” He pul
led himself free.

  She gasped at how fast he moved. One second she was on her knees giving him head and the next she was on her back and her nipple was being sucked into his hot mouth, lacy fabric and all. Now her hands were buried in his hair as she held him to her breast, not wanting him to stop.

  His teeth skimmed her nipple and a cry of pleasure tore from her lips as the sensation traveled from her breast to her womb. Her clit throbbed and tingled, causing her to buck her hips, seeking the pressure of his cock against her needy flesh.

  He let loose a mischievous laugh as he pulled his hips back. “Not so fast. I have plans that involve my mouth on your pretty little cunt before I fuck you good and deep.”

  A shiver of desire racked her body and she sighed as his lips crashed down on hers. There was nothing gentle about the kiss. Tongue and teeth played a savage and erotic game as he plundered her depths. Every nerve ending began to tingle in her body as her arousal climbed to a higher level. Her panties were soaked and her pussy ached for release. She tore her lips away from his on a breathless plea.

  He growled, gripping the center of her bra and giving a tug. The seams gave and her breasts sprang free. Skilled fingers found her nipple and gave a sturdy pinch. She whimpered.

  Julie sighed as his hand left her breast and continued a slow caress down her abdomen. Soon her panties were history too. She laughed softly. “Maybe you should have to buy my clothes since they don’t seem to get a lot of wear before they are ruined.”

  He leaned in and kissed her bellybutton. “Or you could stop wearing them all together. Then I could kiss and lick you at will.”

  She laughed harder, and then sucked in a lungful of air as his heated breath fanned against her wet pussy. A whimper escaped her lips as he placed a featherlight kiss to her pubic bone. She spread her legs, draping them across his massive shoulders, and lifted her hips. “Please.”

  Luken made a slow pass with his tongue from anus to clit. Her body trembled as she moaned. The low thrum of arousal coursed through her pussy at the contact. Damn she wanted to come so bad. And then the contact was gone and she groaned in frustration, looking up at his smiling face.


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