The Coulson Boys (Adam)

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The Coulson Boys (Adam) Page 11

by Karen Lamb

  “Well I don’t own anything particularly practical let alone hunting shooting fishing gear, so I treated myself to some things.”

  “God woman, you’re only here for a week!”

  “I can stay longer if you need me now that Adam isn’t coming?”

  “Laura, I’m a big girl I can cope with being on my own, and I have so many things planned the time will fly by, and you need to get back and save your marriage.”

  The next day we set off after breakfast, the drive through the highlands was like living in an episode of Outlander, the bold, rugged mountains and streams lined our route, which was now reduced to little track roads with pull in sections strategically positioned for passing approaching vehicles, driving became a bit more of a challenge, but I soon got the hang of it. Laura was in charge of the music, and before long we were singing along to familiar songs. The change in Laura was a welcome relieve and I felt I had my old friend back.

  As we crossed the bridge to the Isle of Skye, I had an intuition that this was going to be a trip to remember. Twenty minutes later we pulled off the road onto a small track, which was signposted for Lynloch Castle Hotel and after a few more minutes we came to a huge expanse of water, the loch stretched out as far as the eye could see, it was the epitome of a classic view of the Scottish Isles. The Castle itself stood majestically, overlooking the banks of the Loch. I stopped for a moment to capture the view.

  “Would you look at that.” For once even Laura was speechless.

  “I knew this was the place,” she said, “as soon as I saw it on the Internet.”

  “I have to agree Laura, you have excelled yourself, this is exactly what I was hoping for!”

  “It is too perfect for words, not too big, not too pretentious, I hope the lodge won’t be a disappointment after seeing this, but I suppose you could always relocate to the castle.”

  I parked outside the main entrance and we walked towards the grand stone entryway, the impressive oak engraved door was ceremoniously opened for us by a member of staff. The young man who formally welcomed us, was smartly dressed in a green and black kilt, with matching waistcoat, a crisp white shirt, tartan tie and a tweed jacket.

  The large entrance foyer had a fire burning with dark red leather wing back chairs on either side. A huge sparkling chandelier hung centrally and offered a touch of grandeur. A stunning young woman wearing a similar tartan coloured uniform stood on duty behind the reception desk.

  “Hello ladies can I help you?”

  “I hope so”, I smiled warmly, “I’m Mrs Hamilton, I have booked the shooting lodge, is this were we come to check in?”

  “Ah yes Mrs Hamilton,” she smiled, “we have been expecting you, I hope you have had a good journey?”

  “Yes, thank you.”

  “Please let me just take one or two details then Ewan can show you to the lodge and help with your luggage.” Minutes later I had filled in my details and explained that there was only two of us now, a sudden pang of disappointment stung my chest as I was reminded Adam wouldn’t be joining me.

  Ewan came out to the car and pointed to a beautiful white clad property a short distance away, this was to be my home for the next month. It had its own parking area, so I climbed back into the Jag and drove the extra few yards while Ewan followed by foot, Laura looked across.

  “They certainly make them cute up here!” I gave her a look of warning.

  “If you want to repair your relationship with Frank, you’d better start by reining in the flirting,” she shrugged her shoulders.

  “Surely a little bit of harmless fun to keep me occupied won’t be too bad?”

  “Not if you’re serious about getting back together.”

  “Okay, I think I can manage to only look but not touch” she smiled at me mischievously.

  “You’re incorrigible Laura, but you do make me laugh!”

  In no time Ewan had retrieved the luggage and taken it into the lodge. Once again a welcoming fire was quietly burning in the entrance hall.

  “I didn’t think it was cold enough to warrant lighting fires during the day,” I asked. Ewan explained that by early evening it could get chilly, but I didn’t have to worry about looking after it as either he or another member of staff would attend to it regularly. Leading off from the hall was a study and library, and a downstairs loo and cloakroom. The ground floor had a large sitting room, which over looked the water, a round dining room table and chairs sat in a semi-circular bay window, which captured even more impressive views of the loch. Several comfy looking armchairs and sofas were strategically placed to also take advantage of the loch or the large fireplace, which was set for later.

  “Wow, would you just take a look at that,” I sighed. “It truly is awe inspiring, I could paint indoor on wet days.”

  “I wasn’t sure if you would be eating at the Castle or catering for yourself, some guests like to enjoy both, especially when you are staying for a longer period like yourself Mrs Hamilton,” explained the young man.

  “Ewan, please call me Claire.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry, that’s not permitted Mrs Hamilton.”

  “I think you can make an exception with me,” I continued, “after all, I have a feeling you are going to be my chief advisor on all things to do with the estate and locality”.

  “Very well, Claire it is, but maybe not in the castle if you don’t mind.

  “Well that’s a start,” I agreed.

  “Now Mrs…. Sorry Claire, let me show you the kitchen.”

  “Yes please, I’m dying to seeing that, it’s the heart of any house don’t you think?” I said to Ewan.

  “Not in my mother’s house,” he grinned.

  “Oh! she doesn’t like cooking?”

  “No she loves cooking, it’s more the case that she just can’t cook!”

  “Understood, well I am sure she’s great at other things.”

  The kitchen did not disappoint, it was a good size and fully equipped, a huge range cooker sat against one long wall with worktop space on either side, a long rectangular pine table and chairs were in the middle, two armchairs clad in tartan cloth sat on either side of yet another fire, this one was part of an old cast iron range which was no longer in use. The double Belfast sinks overlooked a large lawn and ornamental pond.

  “What a view, I wouldn’t mind washing dishes when I have this to look out at that,” I said softly.

  “Or you could use the dishwasher” said Ewan. “Let me show you upstairs,” as he carried two cases as if they were light as a feather.

  The bedrooms were spacious, each had a beautiful bathroom ensuite. My bedroom was the biggest and had a spectacular view over the loch. Ewan explained that if we needed anything at all just to dial 9 and we’d get straight through to reception as he left.

  Laura and I unpacked our things before heading down to the kitchen to make a pot of tea. There were complimentary teas and coffees and as I waited for the kettle to boil I spotted 2 tins, one was full of shortbread the other had fruit scones. I laid a tray with the prettiest china teacups and some of the freshly baked treats. Laura was in the drawing room looking out at the Loch as I came through with tray and sat it down on a large coffee table. As I walked over towards her I saw tears were silently running down her face.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked with one arm around her shoulder.

  “I was just thinking how much Frank would of loved it here, and what fun the four of us would have had together”, I nodded.

  “I know, Adam was looking forward to meeting Frank, it’s a shame the boys aren’t here, but cheer up we can still enjoy ourselves, and maybe if you and Frank sort things out you might come up towards the end of my stay”. This suggestion seemed to cheer her up.

  “That’s going to be my goal”.

  “Come on, time for tea and delicious goodies, that is sure to make things better”, I said cheerfully.

  We had decided to eat in the lodge tonight and order dinner from the Castle. Ewan strolled over
with the evening’s menu and as we drooled over the specialities he quickly laid the table in the bay window. Reminding us that the honesty bar was available and the buffet cabinet had a mini fridge inside with chilled drinks and champagne. As if this wasn’t enough, he lit the large fire, which quickly gave a warmth and cosiness to the room.

  “There you go ladies anything else before I go?”

  “No thank you Ewan, you’re a star, I think I’m very quickly going to get used to you spoiling us” I smiled.

  “It’s my pleasure” he said, “what time would you like dinner?” I looked across at Laura


  “No problem”.

  My phone rang; it was my daily call from Adam, I went into the kitchen for privacy, while Laura got busy opening the bubbles. This was fast becoming my favourite time of the day; I was conscious how sexy his voice was on the phone.

  “Hello beautiful.”

  “Hello yourself.”

  “How’s it all going, are you all settled in, I can’t wait to hear all your news?” I chatted for a few minutes, bringing him up to date about Frank, his tone changed.

  “So now you’re going to be all on your own, how do you feel about that, will you consider cutting it short?”

  “No its okay, really, I feel at home already and Ewan is running around after me, making sure I have everything”.

  “I see I leave you for two minutes and you get yourself a new man”, I giggled.

  “Well he is cute, about 20 or 22 so I think your safe Adam, I prefer my men a little older!”

  “Hmm! well just make sure I’m not going to be traded in for a younger model,” he said in a serious voice.

  “Enough, now more importantly how is your father?” the next five minutes were a recap on his dad’s progress.

  “Well that all sounds very positive, and how about you, how are bearing up?”

  “God Claire, is it wrong that all I think about is you, and holding you, kissing those delicious lips and making mad crazy love with you, without a doubt, you are all I dream about,” I felt my body tingling as he described his desires, it made me feel great. “So, how about you Claire are you missing me?”

  “What do you think, of course I am, everything I look at here makes me think of how much you would love this and what we could do together, but I’m not going to be sad, I am determined that this is going to be good for me and I will see you at the end. I will take lots of photos tomorrow and send them to you”.

  “Good night beautiful I love you”.

  “Good night handsome, I love you too, speak tomorrow”, and then he was gone and it would be another 24 hours before I heard his voice. Champagne, I need a glass of champagne and some delicious food and some crazy company and I will be fine!


  Our first dinner in the lodge was amazing, we had decided to get changed into what I fondly call house pyjamas, Laura had insisted if she wasn’t dressing up she at least needed to wear her long diamante earrings as a compromise. I had taken pictures of us by the fire with our champagne flutes, then snapshots of the food, all of which I sent to Adam, stressing these were strictly for his eyes only. This was the perfect way to unwind after a stressful few days. I slept like a log, my dreams were of Adam wearing a kilt and very little else, his longer hair style a throwback to a past time as he rescued me and we rode off on horseback into the mist.

  My peaceful sleep was shattered as a hysterical Laura rushed into my bedroom.

  “It’s Frank he’s been in a car accident, the hospital have just contacted me”.

  “Is he ok?” I asked anxiously.

  “They aren’t sure, he has definitely broken his right leg in three places, but it’s his head they are more concerned about.”

  “Oh Laura, come here” as I patted the bed, “what do you want to do?”

  “I need to be with him Claire, I can’t bear him being all alone in hospital,” nodding as my brain was trying to frantically work out the best solution to get Laura to The Royal Victoria hospital in Newcastle.

  “Come on, let’s make a cuppa and I will find the fastest way to get you to him”. We sat around the kitchen table, it was clear that the train was quickest, I just needed to get her to Glasgow. I looked at the kitchen clock it was almost 6am.

  I dialled 9 for reception and as luck would have it I got to speak with the night porter, I explained the situation and how we needed help quickly.

  10 minutes later Ewan was at the porch entrance ringing the bell.

  “I hear there’s an emergency, I think I might be able to help! I am just about to leave for a two day break to visit my family in Glasgow, I could drop you at the station, there are regular trains to the south from Glasgow so with a bit of luck you would be in Newcastle late afternoon.” Laura jumped out of the kitchen chair and gave Ewan a huge hug causing the poor young man to blush with embarrassment.

  “Oh Ewan you are a lifesaver.”

  “It’s no bother really, and a bit of company for the drive, it’s about 5 hours if we don’t hit any serious traffic. If you get packed I’ll pick you up in 15 minutes.” Laura had finally released Ewan from her hug.

  “I insist on paying you, do you hear me.” Ewan was already shaking his head.

  “No, it’s not necessary, really.” Laura was having none of it.

  “And the petrol.”

  Ewan smiled. “She’s a determined woman” looking over at me.

  “You have no idea, and trust me after 5 hours with Laura in your car you will of earned every penny!”

  “Ok,” said Ewan, rubbing his hands, “I’ll be back in 15 minutes, we need to beat the traffic.”

  “Don’t worry I’ll help her pack, she’ll be ready and waiting, I promise!”

  Laura jumped into the shower as I quickly packed her things. I had her suitcase at the door, as I heard Ewan’s car drive up to the lodge. Laura had performed a miracle by getting showered and dressed in such a short period of time; she even had a touch of makeup on. We hugged, I could feel she was emotional.

  “Claire we’ve all deserted you and I feel so bad, your wonderful holiday, will you be alright?”

  “Of course I will,” I said reassuringly, “don’t worry about me, now go, and call me as you as you have any news.”

  “I promise,” said Laura. “Oh and Claire, I love you, you’re the best.”

  “Go, go,” I said pushing her out the door “before I start crying. Thanks Ewan and good luck” as I nodded towards Laura.

  “No problem Claire, I’ll make sure she’s all right, see you in a couple of days.” I smiled warmly at this lovely young man.

  “Enjoy your break too.”

  “Will do” said Ewan. As I waved them goodbye, Laura was blowing me kisses, tears in her eyes.

  “Love you Claire.”

  “You too, and behave yourself!”

  “Will do I promise”, and they were off.

  I sat at the kitchen table with a fresh pot of tea. Now what? This was not exactly what I’d had in mind. I began to weigh up my options; no amount of thinking seemed to make me decide what I should do next. ‘I wish Adam were here,’ I whispered to myself, as a wave of self-pity hit me. ‘No, hell no, stop it right there’ I said out loud, ‘this needs a little time and lots of Scottish fresh air before any hasty decisions are made.’ I felt a gritty determination inside of me; it had been growing for some time, replacing the dejection and apathy, this was not the time to cave in.

  Half an hour later and I was dressed in my new walking clothes. Moleskin trousers, a fleecy sweater, waterproof jacket, waterproof walking boots, thick socks, woolly hat and gloves. The early morning air was fresh and a cool breeze swirled around the loch. I stood for a moment taking in the view, the silence was deafening. As I looked around I saw a path heading up the hill and thought that was as good a way to walk as any.

  As I climbed I realized I was out of breath and decided as a priority I would get myself fitter and take a walk every day. Ten minu
tes later I was at the top. My eyes were surrounded by a carpet of light purple heather, at that moment I spotted an eagle soaring high above the loch looking for its prey. The peace and tranquillity were so invigorating. ‘Wow! Adam would love it here.’ I suddenly thought, ‘this is a place that inspires meditation.’

  As I continued scanning the land below I noticed a figure by the loch’s edge, ‘so I’m not the only early riser!’ I thought. Slowly I made my way down the hill towards the loch, as I got closer I spotted a quad bike. In the spirit of friendliness, I boldly waved my hand and shouted good morning to the stranger below. Not being acknowledged, I shouted out again, a little louder, the figure turned and glared at me; there followed a stream of explicit swear words.

  “Do you think you could shout any louder”? His voice clearly angry and threatening.

  “Sorry, I was just saying hello” I said apologetically.

  “Well you’ve said it; now would you mind leaving me alone”! Shocked at his rude outburst, I retaliated in an equally aggressive tone.

  “Well excuse me for having some manners and greeting folk with a welcome, I won’t make that mistake again in a hurry”. I turned to alter my direction. I could hear further blustering and cursing coming from behind as I quickened my pace trying to get as far away as possible from the awful, ignorant Scottish oaf. I tried to put the unfriendly encounter behind me, after all, up till now I had received nothing but kindness and genuine friendliness from the staff and locals.

  Five minutes later I could hear the engine of the quad bike turn over and get into gear, well good riddance I thought. Suddenly I realized the quad bike was coming up from behind, I quickly looked over my shoulder to check, and sure enough Mr Angry was heading towards me. I had a moment of panic, as I scanned the area ahead searching for somewhere to hide, but it was too late, the quad passed me and cut off my path. The stranger turned off the engine and turned around to look at me, I stood still not choosing to approach him, not knowing quite what to do next! He got off the bike and slowly walked towards me.

  “I believe I owe you an apology,” as he took his cap off, “you caught me unawares, I was out early checking the loch and doing a little fishing, I didn’t expect to see any guests at this time of the day.” I remained silent my face unchanging. “So, could we perhaps start again?” he stepped closer with an outstretched hand, “Hamish” he said rather formally, I began to look more clearly at his face, it was handsome and I guessed he was about 60, his dark hair tinged with a little grey adding a distinguished touch, I guessed he was 6’3 and he wore plus fours, thick woollen socks, heavy leather brogue shoes, a green knitted sweater with suede patches on the shoulders and elbows, and a tweed jacket, in other words a typical Scottish country outfit. He waved his hand again.


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