Coming Home: An LA Lovers Book

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Coming Home: An LA Lovers Book Page 15

by Jourdyn Kelly

  “Ah. Duly noted. How does that make me a mystery?”

  “Well, after wanting to throttle you for that, I wanted to kiss you for what you said to her about Ellie.”

  Greyson stopped abruptly.

  “Let’s talk about that want a little more.”

  Blaise laughed, and tugged at his arm to keep him walking. Though he was a bit disappointed, Greyson obliged.

  “We have time to talk about that later. Right now, let’s just enjoy our walk.”

  Greyson nodded. “I hear a gallery is opening up next door to your shop.” He wasn’t exactly an art aficionado, but he could appreciate talent when he saw it. Greyson also had a hunch that Blaise loved art.

  “Yes,” Blaise answered excitedly, confirming Greyson’s instinct. “Eve Sumptor is opening a gallery here. I can’t wait!”

  “How many points do I get if I can get us into the opening? Ms. Sumptor has done business with Preston. I’m sure I can finagle something.”

  Blaise grinned at him. “You would get major points for that. If I weren’t already invited.”

  Greyson glanced down at her with a raised eyebrow. “Friends with the Gallos and an invitation to one of the hottest gallery openings in LA? My mother should want me to get to know you better instead of…”

  This time Blaise stopped walking. “Instead of?”

  “How did you get an invitation?” Greyson asked, blatantly dodging her question.

  “Oh no. You are not getting out of that one. Instead of what?”

  Greyson sighed, rubbing his chin with his free hand. “Does it matter, Blaise?”

  “Yes. Especially when you scratch your chin like that.”

  His hand froze in place. She was reading him, and doing it well. Greyson had spent years perfecting the art of being inconspicuous, yet a woman he had met a couple of weeks before has him pegged.

  “Can we at least sit down if we’re going to have this conversation?”

  Blaise studied him for a moment before she turned on her heel and strode off across the street. He watched her with a mix of mild amusement and confusion, then followed and sat next to her on the bench in the small park.

  “We’re sitting.”

  Greyson inhaled deeply. He didn’t want to have this conversation. He didn’t want Blaise to know that his mother thought of Blaise as a gold-digger. He certainly didn’t want Blaise to think he thought that of her. However, he knew when Blaise started tapping her foot impatiently he needed to say something.

  “My mother has a certain… standard when she thinks about what kind of woman I should be with,” Greyson began.

  “And, let me guess. A flower shop owner doesn’t fit those standards?”

  Greyson shrugged, then cringed a little when Blaise stood up abruptly.

  “She doesn’t even know me! How could she possibly make a judgment about the type of person I am?” She paced back and forth, a frown on her face and her hands on her hips. “I’m a damn good person. I’m certainly better than Ms. Tall, Skinny and Bitchy.” She waved her hand in front of her. “Okay, so that wasn’t pleasant, but neither is Pricilla. Just because I don’t have a fancy car or live in a monstrosity of a mansion… do your parents live in a mansion? Of course they do. Doesn’t matter. I don’t. I live in a real person’s apartment. A nice apartment…”


  “I own my own business, I have great contacts—which, by the way, is how I get all the great invites. I’m intelligent, I think I’m pretty damn funny and easy to get along with…”


  “Who would judge someone without even knowing them?”

  Greyson couldn’t help himself. She was just so damned cute getting all worked up. Her seemingly endless rant amused him, and he honestly couldn’t think of a time he had been more entertained—or turned on. He stood, effectively blocking Blaise’s pacing path, palmed her cheek, and covered her still mumbling lips with his.

  BLAISE WRAPPED HER arms around Greyson’s neck, burying her hands in his hair. She tilted her head, and Greyson responded by deepening the kiss. His arms came around her waist, and he pulled her closer. Feeling his solid body against hers made her heart begin to pound almost painfully in her chest. The urge to climb up this man’s body, and allow him to do anything he pleased right then and there, was strong.

  Blaise lowered her hands to Greyson’s chest, and pushed gently until their lips parted. “Wow.”

  “Wow is right.” Greyson bent his head to kiss her again, but Blaise turned and walked a couple of steps away. “Why are you always running away from me, Blaise?”

  “I’m not running, Greyson.” She took a deep, cleansing breath. “You… this…” Blaise sighed, and sat back down on the bench before her weak knees failed her. “You scare me.”

  Greyson sat next to her, and she noted that he left a space between them. “Why do I scare you?”

  She hesitated. “I never wanted a relationship, Greyson. It’s just not something I thought about.”


  Blaise shrugged. “Relationships are messy. Turn ugly. I’m happy the way I am. Why would I change that by getting into a relationship?”

  “I suppose you’re right,” Greyson nodded speculatively. “Relationships can get messy. Of course, I’ve never been in a real relationship, so I’m no expert.” He turned until his knee touched hers. “Blaise? Do we ignore how we feel, the chemistry, the attraction, because we’re afraid it might get messy? What if it turns out to be the best thing that ever happened to both of us?”

  Blaise smiled a little. “What if that scares me almost as much?”

  “It scares me, too, doll.” He placed his hand over hers, stopping the restless picking at her jeans. “Nevertheless, I’m willing to risk it to see where this goes.”

  “I’m sure your mother is going to love that.”

  “She doesn’t know you, Blaise.”

  “She doesn’t want to know me, Greyson,” she countered. Greyson took a deep breath, and rubbed his chin. Fantastic. That gesture meant Greyson had something to say that he was uncomfortable with. Or something she was going to be uncomfortable with. “What?”

  “Nora has invited you to Sunday lunch with the family,” he answered cautiously.

  Her laugh was sharp and sarcastic. Until she noticed he didn’t laugh with her. “You’re serious?”

  “Yes. I know this is all happening pretty fast…”

  “Really, really fast.”

  “It’s just lunch, doll. A way for Nora to get to know you. Perhaps she’ll see what I see.”

  “Hmm. Should I open with being friends with the Gallos and being invited to the Sumptor Gallery opening by Eve Sumptor-Riley, herself?”

  He rumbled with laughter. “Tell you what. Take the week to think about it. If you still feel uncomfortable, we’ll forgo Sunday lunch and do something else. Deal?”

  The alarm on Blaise’s phone sounded, startling her. “Crap! I have to go.”

  “What?” Greyson frowned, and stood with her.

  “I’m sorry. I’m working on this important request for a client, and it’s at a critical stage.”

  “You’re leaving me for flowers?”

  She glared at him. “You know, if you want a relationship with me to work, you’re going to have to at least pretend that what I do is important.”

  He raised his hands. “You’re right, I’m sorry. That was completely rude, and I didn’t mean to criticize your work.” He wrapped his arms around her waist. “I just thought we could talk a bit more about us.”

  “Talk, huh?” She rose on her tip-toes and kissed him quickly on the lips. “I would love to talk, but I really do have to get home.”

  Greyson growled, making Blaise chuckle. “All right. May I at least call you?”

  “It would be kind of hard to have a ‘relationship’ if we didn’t communicate,” she grinned.

  “Cute.” He dipped his head to kiss her.

  Blaise put her fingertips to his lips.
“Mm-mmm. If you kiss me again, I won’t be able to leave.”

  “I don’t see the problem with that.”

  The alarm on Blaise’s phone sounded again, reminding them both of her prior commitments.

  “I really have to go. Thank you for today.”

  “It was my pleasure, doll.” He tucked her hair behind her ear. “About this relationship, stuff. We’ll figure it out. Together.”

  BLAISE CHECKED AND rechecked the incubators to make sure the temperature was just right. The buds of the Blood Orchlips were forming perfectly, and Blaise did a little happy dance at the progress. She wasn’t completely sure she would be able to pull this off for her client. Finally seeing the results after countless tries was beyond exciting. She pulled out her phone to send a quick text to Ana to update her on the progress, and almost dropped it when it rang.

  “You scared the crap out of me!”

  Ellie laughed on the other end. “Sorry. Jessie told me you were with Greyson today, looking all cozy. I’m not interrupting anything, am I?” she asked suggestively.

  “I wouldn’t have answered.” Blaise shut the door to her ‘greenhouse’, and plopped down on the couch. “And, I need to teach Jessie how to keep her trap shut.”

  “You better not. At least she’s talking to me again.”

  “Good. You have Greyson to thank for that.” She propped her fluffy-socked—purple, this time—feet up on the coffee table, smiling when she thought of Greyson.

  “I heard that, too. My daughter was extremely talkative after her shift today. While I do thank him for that, the forty bucks was a bit too much.”

  “We had that discussion. Along with the discussion of us being in a relationship.”

  There was a pause, and Blaise waited patiently for Ellie’s reaction. She wasn’t quite sure what to expect. They had never had this conversation in the fourteen years they’ve been friends.

  “I’m sorry,” Ellie began slowly. “I must have called the wrong best friend. I meant to call Blaise.”

  “First of all, ha ha. Second, what do you mean ‘wrong best friend’? I thought I was your only best friend!”

  “You’re the only one I give free food to, sweetie,” Ellie snickered.

  “Good.” Blaise nodded even though Ellie couldn’t see her. Although, knowing Ellie, she probably knew exactly what Blaise was doing at any given moment. The woman scared Blaise sometimes with her insight.

  “Now, what is this about a relationship? The Blaise Knight I know doesn’t do relationships.”

  “I told you the man scared me! El, he wants me to meet his family next Sunday.”

  “Shut up.”

  “I know! I feel like I’ve woken up in some alternate universe.” Blaise had a sudden urge to eat a tub of cookies ‘n cream ice cream.

  “If you eat a ton of ice cream, I’m going to make you run an extra two miles tomorrow,” Ellie warned.

  Blaise’s jaw dropped. “Seriously, how in the hell do you do that?”

  “Sweetie, we lived together for years. I know how you think when you’re stressed out. Talking about starting a relationship, which you have never wanted before, has to be stressing you out.”

  “I don’t know if stressed is the right word,” Blaise sighed. “I’m terrified as fuck.”

  “Is it what you want, sweetie?”

  Blaise could hear the clang of pots and pans in the background. For a moment, she imagined she could smell the aroma of freshly baked goods. “Are you baking on your day off?”

  “I’m always baking something. Now, don’t change the subject. Is this what you want?”

  “Yes. I think it is.”

  “And, the ‘messy’ stuff?”

  That was the best part of having a friend who knew you so well. They know all of your insecurities and quirks, and you don’t have to waste time explaining every single detail.

  “He said he’s scared, too, but willing to give it a shot. I think I want to see where this goes, El.”

  “Then go for it, Blaise.”

  “His mother thinks I’m in it for his money.”

  “Well, when you meet her on Sunday, you can show her how wrong she is. Just don’t forget to smile sweetly as you’re calling her a judgmental bitch on the inside.”

  Blaise laughed, loving how Ellie was always on her side. “Greyson gave me an out for lunch. Though, if he kisses me again like he did today, I may just agree to anything.”

  “Whoa. Wait a minute. Why in the hell didn’t you start with ‘Greyson kissed me’? Priorities, Blaise!”

  Blaise laughed again, laying down on the couch, feeling the stress roll off of her with each minute. She settled in for a long conversation with the one person she knew she could always count on.

  THE JOB IS set for tonight, brother. You still in?

  Greyson read the text from Cade, switching his thoughts from Blaise into work mode. The job was a mock breaking and entering into a high profile business. Normally, it would be a quick and easy thing for Greyson, and he would have no problem with getting it done. However, the high profile business just happened to be EK Enterprises. A fierce rival of Steele Industries. He was risking a lot by doing this job.

  Fuck it. He wanted this. He needed to feel like he was doing something for himself. Blaise was the first step in that direction. Now, he’d do this job regardless of the risks.

  I’m in.

  He tossed the phone on the counter, wiping the steam from the mirror. Despite being out of the army for a couple of years now, Greyson kept a strict workout regimen. A strong body helped him keep a strong mind. Plus, it kept him in shape for those ‘just in case’ times when Cade may need him on some security job. Standing there in a towel draped around his hips, he took in his chiseled chest and ripped abs. Greyson was proud of how his body has held up over the years in defiance of his age, and the punishment being in the army had put him through. Of course, Greyson didn’t mind the response his appearance got from women. Blaise’s obvious attraction to him certainly wasn’t lost on him.

  He grinned at his reflection. Whatever was going to happen between him and Blaise, it was without a doubt going to be a fun ride. As was quickly becoming the norm for Greyson, thinking of Blaise gave him an overwhelming need to see her. Checking the time on his phone, he noted that he had two hours before his first meeting with Preston.

  “Plenty of time,” he told his mirrored image, then continued with his morning routine.

  THE AROMA OF flowers Greyson would not be able to name unless it was a rose, filled his nostrils as he walked into Knight in Bloom. Though he wasn’t a flower type of guy, he could appreciate the artistry in Blaise’s work.

  “Good morning. Can I help you?”

  Greyson did a mental scan, trying to remember Blaise’s employee’s name. “Mer, right?”

  When the young blonde blushed and smiled, he knew he had guessed right.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Is Blaise in?” Greyson gave her his best smile, holding back the chuckle when she turned an even darker shade of red.

  “Yes, sir. One moment.”

  Mer moved towards the back of the shop, glancing over her shoulder once or twice. It was as if she thought he was going to disappear before getting what he came there for. Fat chance of that, he thought with a smirk. I’m not leaving until I see that beautiful face. He watched as Mer stuck her head through to door. Greyson couldn’t hear what she was saying, but the blush was back in full force when she turned back to him.

  “She’ll be right with you.”

  “Thank you.” He chuckled lightly when a look of relief washed over her face at the sound of another customer walking in. He bent to sniff a particularly appealing purple and white flower.

  “Picasso Calla Lilies.”

  Blaise’s smooth voice filled Greyson’s senses, overtaking everything else in the room. He turned, taking in her white shorts that stopped mid-thigh and pale green shirt. Fuck.

  “They don’t smell.” Okay, so it wasn’t the
most intelligent thing he could have said, but his head wasn’t quite working at the moment. At least not the one at the top of his shoulders.

  Blaise laughed softly. “No, they don’t. They’re beautiful, though, and perfect for people who love flowers, but not necessarily the fragrance.” She tilted her head to the side. “But I’m sure you didn’t come here for a flower lesson.”

  Greyson shook himself mentally. “I come bearing gifts.” He lifted the small white bag he had picked up from Ellie’s before coming here, giving her a big grin.

  Blaise took the bag, sniffed at it, and raised a brow. “You went to Ellie’s? Mmm, beignets!”

  “Well, I can’t very well bring the best florist in the business a bouquet from a rival company, now can I?”

  She peered up at him through her lashes. “You’re starting this relationship off on the right foot, Mr. Steele.”

  “Do you think maybe we could go somewhere a little more private,” he growled deep in his throat, noticing they had a small audience. Blaise nodded towards the back, and Greyson followed her, appreciating the well-toned backside. Her gorgeous tanned legs were long, and seemed to go on forever. It was, without a doubt, one of the best views he had ever seen. He was so focused on that particular asset of Blaise’s that he didn’t notice when she stopped walking.


  Greyson’s arms immediately went around Blaise’s waist, pulling her to him, saving her from falling. “Sorry,” he murmured in her ear. His grip tightened when she shivered.


  He turned Blaise to face him, lifting her chin with a fingertip. He never thought of himself as a particularly romantic man. Sex had always been just a way to release stress, or just have a bit of fun. It wasn’t about taking the time to explore, or learn what his partner responded to the most. Not that he wasn’t a generous lover, he was. He just never wanted the women to linger around afterwards, and if the way to do that was a quick fuck, so be it. However, with Blaise, he found himself wanting to take things slow. He wanted to examine every inch of Blaise. He wanted to learn every button to push, everything that made her tick. Greyson wanted to shatter Blaise, in the most pleasurable of ways.


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