The Books of Kaltar Farsara Boxed Set - Books 1 through 3 (The Kingdom Kaltar Farsara Built)

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The Books of Kaltar Farsara Boxed Set - Books 1 through 3 (The Kingdom Kaltar Farsara Built) Page 14

by Ivan Bridgewater

  Everyone else on the room looked around, as if the comment was a premonition. At that point, April said, "I never thought I'd say this, but I sure will be glad to get back to Remaca!"

  Cindy quietly said, "Carl was wondering if we could see this place you keep talking about." She left the comment hanging there for a moment, and then said, "I suppose I was kinda wondering too."

  I really thought about it, and then said, "One day perhaps. For now, I suspect I'm already pushing my luck taking April there. If I was ever forced to evacuate Remaca, It would be bad enough trying to get April out safely!"

  "It looks safe here. Perhaps she would be happier if she stayed behind," observed Tersa.

  I could hear and feel the sarcasm in her remark, and simply said, "Give me a minute to rest, and we will return home."

  Sam and Cindy soon left, and after a short while, we returned to Remaca. Upon our return, I had a difficult time getting up to the house. Limping badly as I walked, I saw Bitsy running toward us, and thought I was doomed. Instead, she stopped well short, and gave me room to limp past.

  As we walked past, Bitsy turned to walk with us, and moved along right next to Tersa. There was no growl this time, and when we stopped at the door, Tersa stopped long enough to pet both Bitsy and Al, just as April did. I took it as a good sign. Tersa needed friends, whether she realized it, or not.

  Stepping into the house, I was aware of how good it felt to be in my own home on Remaca. I felt exhausted, and just wanted to rest. I crawled into my bed, and was asleep in seconds.

  Chapter 17


  I woke up hours later, and could hear rain falling outside. It was nice to lay there, and just listen to it coming down. I got up, and went downstairs to find Tersa, April, Uncle Hammond, and the Rock, all sitting, talking at the kitchen table. They were talking about Madias and Rautha. I had seen the two men from a distance, and wanted to know more.

  The Rock said, "Madias was a brilliant student. It was a shame when he went off on his own."

  "They both sound horribly off center," said Tersa. "All I've ever heard of Madias tells me he's not capable of being a team player."

  My Uncle had been listening. He quietly said, "Madias and Rautha both stood unflinching at my side when I needed them!" He looked up at me, and said, "When they talk, I would listen!"

  Within the link, I could sense Talara and Vandahar approaching. Within seconds, I heard the dragons outside stir, and shortly after, the two Magi walked in. They were tired, and sat down to rest. For the first time as she entertained everyone there, I really noticed how much April had made this place her home. It made me feel good, knowing she was happy, and felt safe here.

  Without a word, I got up as everyone was talking, and walked out. I walked out the front door, and stepped onto the front lawn. I had made a decision. Reaching into my memories of seeing Madias, I scanned looking for him. To my surprise, I found him almost at once. Without a word, I folded space, and went to see the great Magi, Madias.

  He was sitting looking out into space with his back to me. I could tell we were traveling in a large spacecraft far from the galactic core. As soon as I appeared, Madias said, "So! You finally arrive! I've been waiting for you!"

  I stepped over so he could easily see me. He looked me over for a minute. Then he whispered, "You're so young!" for just a moment, I sensed immense sadness. He looked from me, back out into space. Without looking at me, Madias said, "I take it the Rock is still angry with me!"

  "I'd say disappointed would be a more appropriate word." I said. "I can tell he loves you as he might his own son. He says when you're ready, you'll return. Till then, I believe he is avoiding you."

  Instead of scanning me, he asked, "What is your name young Magi?"

  "Kaltar Farsara," I replied.

  Looking at me again, Madias said, "Well young Kaltar. I take it you are here to bring me back!"

  "No," I said. "I'm here to talk because the Rock won't come to you, and I feel someone must."

  Madias nodded and said, "You are wise for such a young Magi. What would you like to talk about?"

  "Why are you bringing the conflict to life again?" I asked. "The Rock feels we aren't ready yet to confront the Darkness!"

  Madias laughed harshly, and said, "You believe I'm doing this?" His eyes met mine, and he said, "This is a living nightmare. I'm so afraid of failure, I can hardly breathe."

  "You need to return with me, and talk to the Rock," I said. "He will know what to do!"

  Shaking his head no, Madias said, "I can't leave now! The time line is moving too fast!" He grew distant, and said, "Just one bad mistake, and we will all be doomed!" He paused again, thinking. Then he said, "I believe it is the Darkness that has set these events in motion. It has released its various minions to create anarchy, and even now, I feel it plots to finish what it started so long ago!"

  Thinking about his comments, I said, "The Magi are aware of the conflict, but they are just realizing how far things have gone. They wish to help, but are waiting for you to contact them. I feel that time has already past. You need help Madias, and this is too important to be allowed to continue!"

  The ancient wizard sat looking at me for a minute. Then he quietly said, "I like you Kaltar! I can tell you're very direct, and I like that as well! The time will soon come when I'll call for the help of the Magi. I hope when that day comes, you will be a friendly face among so many Magi!"

  I already was growing to like Madias. He, like myself, was very direct. I said, "You are held in great regard by all the Magi. My Uncle Hammond speaks very highly of you!"

  "Your Uncle is Carr Hammond?" asked Madias. As I nodded yes, the old Magi's eyes filled with tears, and he whispered, "Your Uncle is a great man! I can see his spirit within you!" The old Magi stopped speaking, too upset to continue. After a few seconds more, he said, "It is all growing badly out of control! Soon, I'll call for the help of the Magi! I hope you'll be the one to answer my plea!"

  Out of the corner of my eye, I caught movement. Far back in the shadows, I saw Tersa standing, watching us. She made no move to approach, and as Madias caught my gaze, he said, "She arrived right after you. I took for granted you two were together."

  "Her name is Tersa," I said. "The Rock says she is a warrior Magi!" after a moment more, I said, "She is very impressive!"

  "You like her! Huh!" observed Madias as he started to smile.

  "She is a powerful Magi, and very beautiful," I responded truthfully.

  Madias looked from her to me, and said, "Speaking of powerful. I want to speak to you about a group that is currently rising to power in this sector. The Earthers call them the Chosen. It is my belief that they are a mutation that has jumped past the levels of the First Ones. They may end up our greatest allies, or our greatest problem. Be aware of them. They warrant your observation."

  I nodded to acknowledge his comment. Then said, "You should return with me. You know so many things we need to learn."

  The smile slowly faded from Madias's face, and he said, "I must help the Earthers as long as I can. Then I will do as the Rock asks, and return to the Magi, once and for all." The old wizard was so sad. I couldn't understand why returning to the Magi would cause him grief, but I didn't ask any questions.

  I looked over at Tersa, and then back at Madias. Then I said, "I must return to my home, or others will follow, looking for me!"

  Madias focused on me again, and said, "You have given me hope Kaltar. Things are going badly here! I... I don't know how much longer I can continue!"

  It bothered me that this great man was so exhausted. I said, "The day you call, I'll be the first one to stand by your side!"

  The warm smile on his face spoke volumes. I bowed slightly in respect, and then turned, walking over to Tersa. I said, "Follow me." and she just nodded. Then we folded space back to Remaca.

  We arrived a short distance from the front door to the house. I turned to go in, and Tersa reached out, touching my elbow. She quietly said, "A
re you going to tell the Rock what just happened?"

  "There will be no need," I said. "The Rock scans me constantly. He is avoiding Madias, so he will ignore what happened, just as he is ignoring everything else that is going on."

  I could tell Tersa was caught off guard by my comments. She said, "I will remain silent as well then." Her eyes suddenly met mine, and I realized she was offering to follow my lead.

  I quietly said, "You should do what you feel is right."

  "I feel following you is right, Kaltar," she replied, obviously uncomfortable. Then she said, "I'm not a following kind of person, Kaltar. This is new to me. Okay?"

  I smiled at her, and said, "You don't need to follow me. We can stand side by side."

  A very odd smile spread over her face, and she said, "It will be an honor, Kaltar."

  We stepped through the door together. As we entered the kitchen, it appeared nothing had changed. April looked at Tersa, and said, "You found him!"

  "He didn't go far,” Tersa replied. “We were right outside."

  April smiled and let it go, but I could tell several of the Magi tensed. None spoke out, aloud, or in the link. Telepaths and secrets don't go together. I could block their scans, but that would serve little purpose.

  Abruptly, Tersa said, "I'm going back out on recon. I can't stand just sitting here."

  "It's called resting," asserted the Rock. He said it with a smile, and then added, "It's an important part of being a Magi."

  Tersa rolled her eyes, and said, "I'll be back soon!"

  Vandahar said, "I'm going with you."

  "Me too," added Talara. The two Magi stood, and stepped over to Tersa. Then they folded space, and were gone.

  April asked, "Is it just me, or did Tersa seem awful edgy?"

  "She's a warrior," said the Rock. "They aren't known for dropping their guard and relaxing." Then he looked at me, and said, "I'm sure she’ll return soon. She loves to be where the action is occurring, and lately, that has been mostly around Kaltar!"

  The Rock and Uncle Hammond sat talking. April stood up, and walked past me. As she did, she took my hand. We walked through the front door of the house, out into the yard. I was distracted from everything that was going on, and at first I didn't notice that April was being very quiet.

  After we walked for a while, April looked over at me, and said, "I've been thinking! If I'm going to stay here from now on, there are a few things back on Earth I would like to retrieve. May I go back again?"

  "Of course," I replied. "I can take you back at any time."

  "One more thing," she said. "Have you reconsidered letting Cindy come back with me?"

  I hesitated. I don't know why. This was my world. I was supposed to be able to control what happened here. After a few seconds, I said, "If you decide to stay more than a few days, then I'll arrange to bring Cindy here." April was delighted, and I felt I had said the right thing.

  I stepped in, informed the Rock, and Uncle Hammond, that we would return shortly. Then I stepped back out, we folded space, and returned to Earth.

  We were in my living room. I said, "I don't want to stay long! Every time I come to Earth, something bad happens."

  For a moment, I felt I had hurt April. There was pain in her eyes. Without thinking, I scanned her, and saw her concern for the people of Earth. I said, "You are a beautiful person April Lansing!"

  Our eyes met, and she said, "You don't mean my outward appearance, do you Kaltar?"

  I really thought about her question, and said, "Inside you is a beauty far beyond your outward appearance. I can easily see that. I'm starting to think not everyone is aware of this."

  April slowly shook her head no, as if to agree with me. "You are amazing," she said. "You really don't see reality as I do."

  I smiled, and said, "You are very beautiful in many ways! Would you like me to list them?"

  "No," she said laughing. "That won't be necessary!"

  There was a piece of paper lying on the table in the corner. April picked it up, and looked it over. Then she began to cry.

  I stepped close and said, "What's the matter?"

  "I need to see Cindy!" April said. "It's my brother... he's died!"

  We were soon at Cindy's door, and the two woman both began to cry. We went in, and as I watched, April fell apart right in front of me.

  All the things I can do. All the powers to heal and create. All that, and I couldn't do a thing for her. It was a horrible feeling.

  There had been an accident. A machine at his workplace had exploded. It was under investigation, but for now, it looked like a bazaar freak accident. April would be going to another city to attend something called a funeral.

  Every time I come to Earth, something bad happens!

  Upset and crying, April asked if I'd return for her the next day. I was in agony watching her cry. I kissed her, and folded space, leaving her there on Earth. The entire planet seems filled with pain. I suppose it is the Madness. It seems to prevail in all aspects of life on this planet.

  I returned to Remaca. It seemed sad to return without April. Odd how quickly I had come to crave her company. I could think of little else.

  The house stood empty. There was no sign of anyone. I stepped out, and called Bitsy over. She came running up with Al right behind her. The pair made the ground shake as they approached, and I was thankful when they both slid to a stop without running me over.

  "Where is April?" she asked.

  "Her brother died," I replied. "She will return tomorrow."

  Bitsy blinked her huge eyes, and asked, "You were too late to help her brother?"

  "I got the feeling he died instantly," I said. I looked around and asked, "Where did everyone go?"

  "The one you call Tersa returned, and then they all left together," Bitsy answered. "They seemed in a great hurry!"

  "Did you hear them say where they went?" I asked.

  "The wizard you call Rock said for you to remain here," Bitsy replied. She seemed very certain of that part, judging by the way she said it. As they stood there, Bitsy and Al started pushing back and forth as two small children might. I quickly asked them to stop, for my own safety, if nothing else. I got the feeling Bitsy found that amusing. "I would not harm Kaltar!" she assured me. Pushing at Al, she said, "He might step on you, but I wouldn't!"

  I knew she was joking, but the comment wasn't helpful. Turning, I went into the house. It seemed very quiet. A great deal of my life was spent in an isolated spot. Now I was used to the company of others.

  I realized, I hated being alone.

  Chapter 18

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  Exhausted, I went to bed, and was soon asleep. I dreamed again that night of horrific wars. Entire fleets of spacecraft were decimated. Planets were destroyed one after another. In the midst of all this, I realized I couldn't find April. I was consumed by the search, calling her name over and over!

  In a split second, I went from the nightmare, to full awake. My bedroom door was open. Tersa stood next to my bed, with her hand on my foot. She said, "You were having a nightmare! Wake up!"

  She stood there smiling at me. I don't know why, but Talara's comment, "When I see her starting to smile broadly, I get nervous!" came to my mind.

  "I'm sorry," I said. "I guess I miss April."

  Tersa just stood there looking down at me. The grin was still there, but her eyes seemed more focused. After a moment more, she said, "I'll be down the hall sleeping if you want to talk about it!" Then she walked out, closing the door as she left.

  I fell back to sleep, and if I dreamed again, I don't remember it.

  The next morning, I went downstairs to find Vandahar fixing pancakes. It appeared several of the Magi were very fond of pancakes, and Vandahar was one of them. I could see in the link that he thought of pancakes as a perfect food.

  I like pancakes, but I question a diet made up of nothing but pancakes. I don't care what Vandahar eats, I just wonder what he's thinking.

  We sat there talking
that morning, and I quickly found out that there had been another incident. The Darkness was making probing attacks. It appeared to be looking for something.

  I stood up to leave for Earth, and pick up April. I decided it wouldn't hurt to be a little early, and saying my goodbyes to Vandahar, folded space for Earth.

  My arrival on Earth was a very odd series of events. First, I arrived to find a dozen men, dressed in grey clothing, in my house. They attacked me at once, and I was forced to freeze their muscles to avoid being injured.

  Then I saw April and Cindy tied up in a corner. I was distracted, and someone struck me from behind. I started to fall, and there was a loud bang in the room. A woman dressed as a police person stepped into the room, and the greys I had frozen started to release.

  Moving almost in slow motion, the woman calmly took her time, shooting one person in grey after another. Toward the end, she reloaded her gun, and then, with practiced precision, finished shooting the rest of the people.

  I scanned the woman as she stood there, and realized this was one of the Chosen Madias had spoken of. I could tell she was scanning me as well, and then she seemed to make a decision. She leaned over to the radio device on her shoulder, and said, "I'm clear here! Sweep the area! See if there are any more of them!"

  I could hear sounds that made me think someone was responding. The woman released the radio, looked at me, and said, "In a minute, this place will be crawling with cops! I suggest you get out of here!"

  Abruptly, Tersa appeared. She looked at the officer, and for a tense moment, they scanned each other. Then Tersa said, "Grab April! I'll get the other Earther! We are leaving!"

  Five minutes later, Tersa and I were back on Remaca trying to untie April and Cindy. Both women were unconscious, but my scans showed them to be okay. We got them untied, and into the house. Bitsy was having a fit because April wouldn't wake up.


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