The Books of Kaltar Farsara Boxed Set - Books 1 through 3 (The Kingdom Kaltar Farsara Built)

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The Books of Kaltar Farsara Boxed Set - Books 1 through 3 (The Kingdom Kaltar Farsara Built) Page 20

by Ivan Bridgewater

  As soon as we arrived, Tersa said, "Goodnight Kaltar!" then went off to bed.

  I sat up in my home for a short while upon my return, thinking about everything that was happening. Sitting there in the home I had shared with April made me think of her. Her smile. Her touch. The smell of her hair.

  I just couldn't imagine going on without April. She had to wake up! I must find a way to bring her back! If it takes to the end of time, I would bring her back, safe and sound!

  I went to bed. All night I had nightmares! All I had left are nightmares! I don't know what to do!

  Chapter 5


  By morning, the pain was subsiding. In its place, I found a growing resolve. If I couldn't wake April up, I could at least protect her, and her world. The Madness caused April's mind to collapse! The Darkness caused the Madness! I suppose I wanted revenge!

  I suppose I wanted it badly!

  As I ate my breakfast that morning, I began to form a plan. It was sweet in its simplicity. I would build my powers up, till I was capable of going after the Darkness on my own.

  Over the next few weeks, I began to test my powers heavily. The school for combat training was right there, and I put it to use. I forced the issue more and more, sometimes overwhelming the other students around me.

  They had a reason to stay alive, and I didn't!

  It was at the end of the third week that the Rock approached me. He said, "A mutual friend has asked to speak to you. Can you come with me?"

  I simply nodded, following him as he folded space.

  We arrived to find Madias standing next to a large window. We were on a spaceship deep in space. Stars flew past the view port, with the closest turning into blurs as they passed the window. As we stepped closer, the ancient wizard turned and saw us. He smiled, and told us, "Good to see you two!"

  We all went over, and sat on some chairs. I could still see the huge viewing port behind Madias as we sat. The Stars flashing by drew my eye, and after a moment, the Rock finally said, "We want to talk to you, Kaltar!" I forgot about the viewport, and focused on the Rock. He went on, saying, "Madias wants to speak to you about what is happening out here!"

  Madias focused his mind on me, scanning me for a moment. Then he asked, "Do you know of the Guardian Satu-Ra? The man the Earthers call John Bridges?"

  "I've seen him twice," I replied. "Once on Signey Octurus, and once on Earth! We did not speak, but I could tell in my scans that he is a dominant male. I sense he is a great natural leader. A born warrior, bred for the task. What of him?"

  Madias nodded, and said, "He is all that, and much more! He is the tip of the spear! We will strike the Darkness a blow, and drive it to ground like a mad dog! This time, we will cast it into a place from which it can never return!"

  I didn't understand the comment, and asked, "How can I help you do this?"

  The Rock said, "In many ways you are alike! If you and Satu-Ra would work together closely, it would make a difference in how we attack the Darkness later."

  I hesitated, and asked, "You wish me to go and stay with this Guardian?"

  "Soon," Madias replied. "Soon Satu-Ra shall face dangers beyond his abilities to deal with. He shall need your help to survive. His life, and the lives of the woman, Maggie, and her unborn child, are vitally important. I've worked with this man for several years now. He is a born leader, with the power to save us all. He just needs our help to get him there."

  "However, that is not why we brought you here," said the Rock. "I brought you here, because I've consulted with Madias with regards to how to awaken April. He has informed me he can see April in the future timeline. That means that April can't really be dead. She couldn't show in any future, if she is dead now."

  "Aside from that," said Madias. "There is a woman among the Guardians. Her name is Carina. She is the child of Satu-Ra, and has the gift of future vision, even stronger than I. When she told me she could see April as well, then I knew this would be important to you."

  As I sat there, I realized I was trembling violently all over. I didn't want to give myself false hope, but for the first time in days, I saw a chance. Not just a hopeful thought, but a real fact. Something seen in the future by more than one Magi.

  The Rock was scanning me in the link. He leaned over, and laid his hand on mine to steady me. I was trying to focus, but all I could think about was April. I quietly said, "Thank you Madias! You've given me hope!"

  "I'm concerned about you in the future time lines!" Madias observed. "I can see the path you are following. This can't be about revenge Kaltar! This is about fighting a great evil! I know what you are planning! Don't do it Kaltar! We need you!"

  "We must form alliances!" said the Rock. "There will come a time soon when we will stop the Darkness! It is close on the horizon! Within the decade, the end will be here one way or another! We want it to end in our favor, or all is lost! There is too much at stake here to be allowed to fail!"

  "There is one more thing here!" Madias continued. "I can't stress this enough! The group known as the Chosen are evolving to a level beyond our abilities to grasp. Should this continue, we will see a major power shift within the Milky Way Galaxy. Humans will become the dominate species in short order. Their descendants will not be recognizable. Within a few generations, they will become beings of pure energy."

  The ability to do interdimensional shifting has long been a benchmark for key species in evolution. The Magi can walk through time and space. Most species are lucky to fold space. The ability to cross dimensions, and return, was quickly appearing in the Chosen. Their ability to control matter with great skill, meant they were becoming very powerful, with little understanding of what the risks involved were.

  As will all conversion of energy fields. Different groups, or species, had different abilities, and in different strengths. Few species could match the abilities of the Magi to fold space. The ability to shift dimensions and control matter to such a degree, was becoming common among the Chosen. The problems began when you used more energy than you could sustain.

  This was happening a lot within the group known as the Chosen. Their ability to sustain their energy levels were causing almost five percent of their group to dissipate energy below their abilities to recover, resulting in termination. It appeared they were then converting to a higher life form. Yet they had lost the ability to step back through to the doorway, as a Magi can.

  Now, something new had been added. The Children of the man known as Satu-Ra were evolving on an accelerated path that would lead to beings that would rise above even the Chosen. They would be space walkers that roamed the galaxies at will. I could see in the link with Madias, that his admiration for these children was considerable.

  Then the Rock told me, "You need to know this Kaltar. You are not like the other Magi. They've trained, often for centuries, to attain their powers. We call it the craft. The ability to focus your mind, and control matter on a molecular level. It is a skill we learn. For you it is a natural gift. Your ability to control energy is doubling about every seven days. You are evolving before our very eyes!"

  Madias quietly said, "You are so much like the Guardian the Earthers call John Bridges. With the two of you together, with his children, legions of Guardians, and the Magi at your back, I believe we will prevail. With each day, I see it stronger in the time line."

  My mind instantly returned to April. The Rock told me, "You must push her from your mind, Kaltar! This will require every bit of focus you have, and have no doubt! If we fail, April will die!"

  Madias leaned close, and told me, "Scan the space around us boy. What do you see?" I reached out, and began to realize we were traveling in a spaceship that was a part of a vast armada. Fleets of ships were being massed on a scale I never would have imagined. Madias explained, "This is all happening for a reason! This is the time! Never before has so much happened all at once! We have been given the tools to do this! Now we must strike!"

  "You are the key to this, Kaltar,"
commented the Rock. "There are many other key players, but you are the common thread through all the timelines. You can't go on taking so many personal risks! There is too much at stake!"

  I knew they were pushing for something. I reached into the link and saw their thoughts. They wished me to return to Krashure Maug. It was a fortress world, deep within a sector of space controlled by the Magi. I hated the place. It is a dark world, and I got a bad feeling when I was there.

  Madias saw my thoughts, and said, "The choice is yours as long as you understand the risks." He smiled, and added, "I respect your desires. I just hope you realize the danger you're in here."

  The Rock stood, and I could see the meeting was breaking up. As Madias and I stood, the Rock told me, "Madias and I have an errand to run. I want you to return to Remaca, and remain there in safety till I return!" I nodded my acknowledgement, and the two Magi folded space, leaving me there alone.

  After a moment, I stepped over to the viewing port, and stood staring out. I had never dreamed of such things. I stood scanning the various groups around me on the thousands of ships. They were all so intense. The drive to defeat the Darkness ran through them all, like a basic set of roots. So many diverse groups, all moving with a common goal.

  As I reached out in the scan, I saw the Guardian called Satu-Ra. His aura burned so brightly, it was easy to find him in the link. He was sleeping, and still his mind was running. I left him alone. He needed the sleep. Just as I broke the link, I saw his dreams. This brilliant leader lived in constant fear of failure. I wasn't alone! Others knew my fear!

  If this great leader, who was thousands of years old, could know fear. Then there was hope for me. As I pulled back in my scans, I realized the entire armada was just a small part of the events in motion.

  The Rock had said, "You are the key to this, Kaltar!" All this! The vast empire now growing behind it! Satu-Ra and the Chosen would all be turning to me for answers.

  In Earth years, I would be eighteen years old soon.

  I suddenly wanted to get sick. I folded space for Remaca instead. I just wanted to go home.

  It was early evening on Remaca when I arrived. Not quite dark. There was an intense roar, and Bitsy came out of her stables like a bullet issuing from a gun. She slid to a stop in front of me, scanning me for news of April. As soon as she realized I had no news, she instantly became depressed.

  She turned to go back to the stables. I felt so bad for her. She missed April as much as I did. Perhaps even more. She was almost back to the stables, when I pinged her to return. She stepped back over to me, and I said, "If I grant you any wish, besides the return of April. What would you wish for?"

  "I would wish to have babies!" said Bitsy.

  "Okay!" I responded. "Go have babies!"

  At this point. Bitsy was well over a hundred feet long. She and I both jumped when we heard Tersa yell, "Just hold it right there!" as she approached from the house

  "What's the problem?" I asked as she stepped up to us.

  "Do you know much about dragons?" she asked. As I shook my head no, she continued, saying, "Dragons lay thousands of eggs at a time. Remaca will soon be overrun with dragons, and I doubt you intended that." She nodded at Bitsy, and exclaimed, "It's true! Isn't it?"

  The giant dragon nodded her huge head yes, and blinked her eyes twice like some giant puppy. I thought for a moment, and then said, "Then we need a place safe for Dragons to have babies!"

  I closed my eyes, and thought back to my memories of my first days with the Rock. I focused sharply, and when I opened my eyes, the egg was in my upturned hands. There was a look of surprise on Tersa's face as I levitated the egg, as I had when I created Remaca. Then the egg shot into space with the speed of a bullet, and was gone.

  Tersa's face flushed, and she abruptly turned and left, walking back toward the house. I tried to scan her, but she was blocking me. Before I followed her, I looked at Bitsy, and told her, "Tomorrow, there will be a place safe for you to have babies! I hope they will make you happy till April returns to both of us."

  The elation in the link as the beast ran off was overwhelming. She was a very happy dragon.

  I followed Tersa into the house. I found her in the kitchen pouring herself a cup of coffee. As I stepped in, I said, "I can see you're upset! What's the problem?"

  She paused, thinking how to respond. I could see her indecision in the link. Then she suddenly blurted out, "I can't create a world as you do! Many of the Magi can't. It unnerves me how easily you do it." She paused, and then added, "I guess I'm not geared to create!" as she stared down at the floor.

  For just a moment, I saw the pain that lack of ability caused Tersa, and I felt sorry for my friend. I told her, "You are a great Magi, Tersa! You must have more faith in yourself!"

  She abruptly smiled up at me, and said, "That would probably be good advice for both of us."

  My face flushed at the comment. Tersa must have been seeing my thoughts in the link. I said, "I was told long ago, that a wizard's only limitation is his imagination. I don't believe there is anything wrong with your imagination."

  Now it was Tersa's turn to blush. "Perhaps you can teach me to use my imagination!" she commented. Looking down at the floor suddenly, she muttered, "I can't believe I just said that!"

  It was getting late, and I decided the best thing to do was let this conversation go. I quietly told her, "I'm going to get some rest! I'll talk to you later!"

  Tersa just nodded without speaking. I went to bed, and was soon asleep. April returned in my dreams. Not dreams... nightmares! Always calling for help! Just out of my reach! I can never reach her! I fear the nightmares will drive me mad! I miss April so much, I shake all over every time she crosses my mind. There must be some way to bring her back.

  Then Bitsy appeared in my dreams. She told me to rest! She said she would stand guard over me, so I could get my sleep.

  Chapter 6

  Drevins Spraug

  Then it was morning, and I woke with a start. For a moment, I didn't know where I was. Then I remembered the dreams of the night before, and suddenly realized I had dreamed of the dragon world. Of a place far larger than Remaca. A vast planet, created especially for dragons.

  I got dressed and went downstairs to find the house deserted. When I stepped out of the house, I found a crowd waiting for me. Tersa, Vandahar, and Urla, were talking with Bitsy. Al was sleeping in the doorway to the stables, but as soon as I appeared, he stirred and walked out, his eyes heavy with sleep.

  We all said our normal morning greetings. Bitsy was laying down, and after a moment, she asked, "Did you sleep well?"

  I suddenly remembered her in my dreams, and said, "I had nightmares at first, but slept soundly as the night wore on, thank you!"

  Bitsy gave me a knowing smile, and advised me, "The nightmares will bother you far less from now on!" The way she said it, I believed her.

  Tersa commented, "We all wanted to tag along if you don't mind."

  "I always enjoy seeing new worlds," added Urla. I suspected I was bringing body guards as much as friends, but I was happy for the company.

  I focused on the world from my dreams, and folded space. I arrived on the new world with the group appearing right on my heels. Tersa stared out at the landscape, and exclaimed, "WOW!"

  We were close to the edge of a large plateau. Before us, a series of volcanos could be seen stretching into the distance in all directions. Several had plumes of smoke rising from them, and the air was heavy with the smell of sulfur. With a huge bellow, Al unfolded his wings, and shot straight into the air. I could sense the immense joy coming from both the dragons in the link.

  Bitsy leaned her huge head close to me, and said, "On this day you have chosen wisely Magi! The Dragons of Drevins Spraug shall always be loyal to you, and the one we call April!" Then she too unfurled her huge wings, and lifted into the air. Flying off, following Al into the distance.

  "What did she mean about the Dragons of Drevins Spraug?" asked Urla.
r />   "In the ancient Magi texts, there are references to Drevins Spraug," observed Vandahar "It roughly translates to Dragon's World."

  "How could an ancient text refer to a world Kaltar just created?" asked Urla.

  Vandahar shrugged, saying, "It's probably just a coincidence!"

  Tersa stood looking into the distance, and quietly said, "This is no coincidence!" She turned her head to look at me, and said, "I've never seen a Magi create a world like this! This world is filled with chaos! It is a world only a dragon would wish for!" Her comment seemed to drift off, as though there was more left unsaid.

  In the distance, we could all see Bitsy and Al as they majestically flew patterns around the spires from a series of volcanic peaks in the distance. The giant creatures almost looked small in comparison to the landscape. After a few moments more, I quietly said, "I guess it's time to go home."

  We all folded space, and returned to Remaca. My home seemed extremely quiet now. I started to walk into the house, and Vandahar said, "We were going to walk over, and watch some of the students train. Do you wish to join us?"

  At first, I almost responded no out of hand. Then I decided I didn't want to be alone, and agreed. The four of us all were walking along, side by side, down the middle of the road. We were about halfway to the training area, when I heard the explosion. It must have been powerful, because it covered the mile to our location in under a second. I looked up just in time to see it hit us.

  Tersa and the others had seen the blast wave coming at the last moment, and raised their shields. I wasn't fast enough, and got knocked down and rolled twice before I could get stopped. I was covered in scratches, and could see some blood, but for the most part, I was uninjured.

  A crowd of students were running up the road. An instructor I vaguely knew was leading the pack. After a moment, I recalled his name. It was Ramann Zanthros, but all his students called him Banger behind his back. He apparently acquired the nickname because he tended to blow things up.


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