The Books of Kaltar Farsara Boxed Set - Books 1 through 3 (The Kingdom Kaltar Farsara Built)

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The Books of Kaltar Farsara Boxed Set - Books 1 through 3 (The Kingdom Kaltar Farsara Built) Page 26

by Ivan Bridgewater

  Deep in space, the ships started to fall out of orbit. The ship's engines surged, but I had the core of a planet to call on. Drenched in sweat, I dragged the ships into a low, slow, shallow, orbit. One at a time, they each entered the upper atmosphere. Every living thing on the ships slowly roasted to death, leaving nothing but a vapor trail to show they ever existed.

  The last ship literally went poof at the end. I was drenched in sweat, and shaking all over. My clenched fisted were pulled tight to my body, and everyone standing close was staring at me. I was just so angry! They had attacked my home! My last safe place to go. Livid beyond words, I wanted to kill them all!

  A cloud seemed to clear from my mind, and I realized everyone close by was staring right at me. One of the other Magi reached out to touch me. As his hand got close, a white hot lightning bolt shot between us, and we each went flying through the air. I found myself lying on my back, staring up at the sky. Madias was yelling, "Don't touch him!" over and over. He leaned down into my field of vision, and quietly asked, "Are you alright?"

  I was still angry about the attack, but I was calming down. I looked up at him, and said, "I really am getting angry at them!"

  He smiled down at me and said, "I'm not exactly happy with them!" He reached down gently till his hand got about two inches from my nose. There was a loud SNAP, and my nose felt like it had been shocked numb. I yelled out, but Madias noted, "There! That should be enough. The charge should be fully dissipated."

  I began trying to stand up, and was having some problems. After a few moments, several of the students got me standing, and I began to realize they were a little frightened of me. Selena was helping the man I knocked out with the energy bolt. She looked at me and asked, "Are you alright?"

  I was badly shaken, but not really hurt. More of the students were walking up the road. Madias looked at Selena and said, "Tell them to go back to the school. The show is over for now."

  The student she was tending sat up, so Selena nodded, and moved to stop the rest of the school from walking over.

  Tersa and Madias each took one of my arms, and led me into the house. I was weak, but still able to walk on my own. Still shaking all over, I sat down in a chair, and leaned back so I wouldn't fall forward onto the floor. Starting to close my eyes, I heard Tersa say, "Don't you dare pass out!"

  "I'm fine!" I said. I knew instantly it wasn't true. I doubted I could stand up again. I said, "Just let me rest here for a minute. I'll be fine in a few seconds!"

  Tersa was standing close to me, and I suddenly realized she was pulling the pain from me. In a terse voice, I said, "Stop that!"

  In obvious frustration, Tersa abruptly reached out and slapped me. She looked very angry, and said, "Shut up, and let me help you!"

  I was so shocked, I sat there for several seconds before I exclaimed, "Ya know, that kinda hurt!"

  I could see in the link as various thoughts danced through her head. After about ten seconds, she just got up, walked to the front door, and stepped out, closing the door behind her.

  Madias said, "She looked angry!"

  "I seem to have that effect on people lately!" I stated.

  Madias just sat looking at me for a moment. Then he said, "I've been a Magi a long time. I've seldom seen a more powerful Magi than you. I take it you realize that what you did out there wasn't normal, even for one of us."

  I hadn't really thought about it. I was just doing what I was taught. Confused, I said, "You mean I did something wrong?"

  "Not wrong," corrected Madias. "Just overpowering." He paused for a moment. Then he said, "I want you to see something." In the link, an image appeared. It showed me during the attack. I looked different.

  I was glowing brightly, especially my eyes. Sparks were dancing all over my body. I seemed to flux, and looked maniacal as I dragged down the attacking ships and destroyed them. What stood out in the image was the fear of the students.

  They were afraid of me!

  The images abruptly were cut off, and Madias stood looking at me for a moment. Then he said, "The use of great power can be like a drug. It can alter your perceptions, leaving you feeling almost godlike. We're not gods Kaltar. No matter how powerful we become, we have limitations."

  I sat debating the comment. Then I said, "I didn't feel very godlike. Just really angry!"

  Madias smiled. Then he told me, "Coming from you, I'm not surprised by that comment." He stood thinking for a moment more. Then he said, "We make mistakes Kaltar, and we can die! Those aren't godly traits! Despite that, some of us do display godlike powers. We need to be careful about losing our ability to pity others. Living creatures are not perfect. We all make mistakes. Be careful! Don't mistake vengeance for justice!"

  Taking in his comments, I just sat there for a moment more. Then I told him, "I almost wish I didn't have these abilities. It sounds like a curse."

  The old Magi almost laughed out loud. Then he sobered, and said, "You'll be alright Kaltar. Be grateful you have your powers. It saved your parents lives."

  "My parents were in danger, and all those people were killed, because of me!" I observed.

  "Those people were killed because the Darkness fears you!" explained Madias. "It uses your love for others against you like a blade. Don't allow it that power! Don't let it herd you like some cow! Be strong! With your help, we will yet prevail young Magi!" I sat there thinking a moment longer. Then Madias told me, "I must return to my King, Satu-Ra. You are a great Magi, Kaltar!" A second later, he folded space, and was gone.

  Chapter 15

  Making a Stand

  I spent the rest of the day thinking of Madias's comments. I was tired all the time, and made mistakes on a daily basis. I hardly felt godlike. After a while, the concept struck me funny, and I actually laughed out loud for a moment.

  Standing in the kitchen, I was pouring a cup of coffee when I started to laugh. At that moment, Tersa walked in. She looked at me and asked, "What's so funny?"

  Without thinking, I said, "Madias warned me to not confuse myself with a god!"

  Tersa, stopped in the middle of the room, looked at me, and asked, "What's so funny about that?"

  The smile slipped from my face, and I told her, "I don't know. It just struck me funny." I paused for a second or two. Then added, "I'm sorry I upset you so much. I realize I behave oddly at times. I'm just not used to people."

  Tersa stood there debating. I could see her thinking deeply in the link, but didn't scan her. After a moment, she said, "I have no room to talk Kaltar! I don't get along well with others myself."

  There was such sadness in her voice. I said, "You are a beautiful person, Tersa! Others care for you! You shouldn't be so hard on yourself!"

  An odd, wistful look crossed Tersa's face. She thought a moment, and then explained, "I've been alone for a long time, Kaltar. I don't trust others easily. You're about it for me."

  I thought about her comment for a moment. Then I said, "I care for you very much Tersa. You're my very good friend. Please don't think less of me for that."

  Tersa cringed slightly, and said, "I'm sorry Kaltar! I'm trying to sort my way through this. I don't mean to create an issue. I guess I have a lot to learn."

  I started laughing, and said, "If you knew how much my life has changed in the last year, you would be shocked. Talk about a lot to learn." I quickly sobered, and told her, "It's not just you Tersa. We all have a lot to learn. I guess that's just part of life."

  She seemed to just stand and think about my comment. Then she said, "I have a class to teach." She picked up a book off the counter, turned, and left.

  I stood there a long time, thinking about her comments. I decided I wanted to really know what was happening. I reached out in a scan, and found the sector of space that contained the Guardian known as Satu-Ra. At first, I couldn't understand what I was seeing. My people don't use machines much. These machines reminded me of planets. They were immense. Thousands of miles long, they were planet killers.

  As I scanned
the ships, I realized they were ancient Guardian ships, long reputed dormant in the edges of the area we called Farpoint. The sheer size of the things was amazing. They were so silent lying there.

  Then came the others. The enemy ships were on their way to destroy Signey Octurus. As I watched, the Guardians fell upon the enemy in an ambush, and began laying waste to them. The battle engaged as I scanned the fleets, and without thinking, I folded space to the Guardian’s nearest ship.

  I was looking out a huge viewing port, larger around than a man is tall. Several Guardians, dressed in black, were standing nearby. They scanned me in the link, and went on about their business. I stood, amazed at what was transpiring before me. Thousands of lives were being snuffed out with each passing second. Ships miles long were burning and exploding. In minutes, millions would die.

  One of the largest ships had come to life, and began to move among the enemy, killing everything around it. The ship itself behaved as if it were a giant battering ram, and began slamming into passing ships of the enemy fleet, with horrific effect. Weapons of force burned and ripped ships apart in a single blast. So much destruction, in total silence.

  Yet in the link, I could hear the screams of thousands as they died. With each passing second, more died. It began to make me sick. Within minutes, I wanted to empty my stomach.

  I stood debating if I could fight in such an environment. So much death and killing. On the verge of tears, I stood considering what to do. My mind was filled by the screams. They flood my thoughts! I just wanted to end the screams! I reached out, and thought of the sun that is home to Remaca. In that moment, it was there. Or at least it's duplicate. I had placed it at the core of enemy ships.

  The effect was horrific. I incinerated hundreds of thousands of life forms in seconds. All around us the killing continued. Ships on both sides vaporized and fell into the fireball I had created. I pushed more power into the stream, but in space, there are limits to how much fast energy you can draw on. Pushing the energy further into the enemy’s lines, they were quickly being decimated. The sun I had brought here was relentless.

  I quickly saw this was ineffective. I was killing friends and foe. The fact that the foe was being obliterated brought little comfort against the occasional friendly ships that strayed into my personal fireball.

  Then, my energy levels began to fade. I shut down almost at once.

  There are no words to express to an Earther what was happening at this point. I can only point out certain small events in time. Things began to now spin out of control very rapidly.

  Within the link, many millions of things were occurring. I abruptly became aware of a wave within the link. Life forms were converting to energy all at the same time. I scanned, and realized the Chosen were launching a direct attack against the Darkness. Hundreds of them were going to confront the Darkness, and I suddenly knew I should be there.

  Unlike the battle occurring among the ships in space, this was a battle of minds and directed energy. Most people have no understanding of the energy potential of a humanoid mind. It can create and channel energy on a quantum scale, far beyond my abilities to describe.

  Deep in the voids of space. Outside what the Earthers call the Milky Way Galaxy. The group known as the Chosen made a stand against the Darkness. I folded space, and went to stand with them.

  At this point I must apply a visual perspective to a battle of intellects. Imagine a bright light appearing in the dark void. It is as if it is a large open floor, with a light source you can't define.

  First one, and then another, the Chosen appeared, and began to fan out, spreading the light. They were placing themselves between the Darkness and the Guardian fleet. Like a huge black cloud, the Darkness came upon them, and engulfed them.

  It quickly became obvious the Darkness has the same issue we do. It could engulf them, but not hold them. It appeared about five hundred of them stood before the Darkness. They were drawing power from all that has ever been created of light in the past. It is a vast storehouse.

  The Chosen stood as beings of the purest light. It was warm to stand among them. Around them, a perfect sphere of light bathed them with a shield the Darkness couldn't breach directly.

  So it sent its minions. Cloven hooved monsters I had seen in the past breached the shield, and tried to overrun the Chosen. At the front of the Chosen, was a woman. I suddenly realized she was Maggie. The woman openly known as the Lady of Light. She was the mother of Gwen, the child I was sworn long ago to protect. My reason for being here was suddenly evident.

  The cloud surrounding our shield was affecting all of us. Meanwhile, our mere presence was sapping and killing the Darkness. Our power supplies were beginning to tumble. Around me, the Chosen began to fall, and die. It was a horrific death. If you've ever seen a grape wither in the sun, you can imagine what was happening time and again.

  Then, within the link, I saw a boy named Sammy step close to Maggie. I knew at once he was going to bring about his own end. He was young, just my age, and had chosen to dissipate himself in one brilliant flash of light, to stop the Darkness. This act could kill every Chosen person present. They were all willing to die to save the Guardian fleet they were protecting.

  I had no intention of allowing this to happen!

  Hundreds of the Chosen lay dead around us. The sphere was compacting tighter and tighter. It would crack soon. Just as the boy prepared to flash, I shielded the few Chosen left alive. I had to be strong enough for this! Then I placed my hand on the boy’s shoulder, and ran as much energy as I could into his body.

  In that second, the woman, Maggie, became aware of me for the first time. I saw the fear in her eyes. She had caused the death of all these people. Her friends were almost all dead. Dissipated further than they could ever return from. We were all going to die. The fleet and those she loved would all be destroyed. She had failed.

  I threw my anger into the mix, and the boy flashed, becoming a huge energy shock wave. Brighter than a billion suns, he exploded right in the face of the beast. The Darkness reeled back, screaming in terror and pain. Then it fled!

  It was an instant effect. I was left with the last remaining Chosen encased in an energy shield. Scanning around, I realized the flash had caused a blast effect that would soon destroy all life in this sector of space. That would include the remains of the Guardian fleet now engaged in combat. I would have to think fast.

  I focused my mind on the last of the remaining Guardian ships in the area. I sent the last of the Chosen there. I just dumped them on the deck. There was no time for more. Then I turned, and shielded the ships. The blast wave was upon us. It burned me. So much energy at once.

  Too much!

  Yet somehow, I held on. I felt myself start to collapse into sleep. I suspected there would be a price to pay for this. I just had one last objective. I wanted to go home.

  I folded space, and was instantly back in my kitchen. I was exhausted, staggered over to a kitchen chair, and quickly sat down. Almost instantly Tersa walked in. She glanced over at me, and asked, "Are you still here?" She started to look closer. As I slumped over, I heard her ask, "What happened?" She was scanning me, and I heard her yell, "Where have you been?"

  I had the feeling I was falling to the floor, but it seemed a long ways off. I have memories of Tersa pounding my chest, and screaming at me to breathe. Then I slept.

  Chapter 16

  Battles Long Ago

  I awoke to enormous pain, and a sea of angry minds. One by one, almost every telepath I knew, told me I was very brave. Then kicked me for being so stupid. I was too tired to fight back, so for the most part, I took their comments in stride. I laid there in my own bed, alive and still able to function. Yet my mind was still focused on all the dead we had left behind. I couldn't shake the screams. They were fast becoming a part of the nightmares that now haunted my sleep.

  Tersa informed me if I got up, she would kill me. I think she was just making a point, but the look in her eyes made me wonder. The Roc
k was there when I woke. He looked at me and said, "You're as bad as Madias! You two never listen to me!" He shook his head, then folded space, disappearing instantly.

  A steady stream of well-wishers came through, and it was the next day before Selena slipped, and said I had been unconscious for several weeks. I hate being a problem for others. I had no doubt keeping me alive was far from easy. If I hadn't understood, Tersa would have been glad to explain it to me.

  On the second day I was awake, I had a pleasant visit with the woman, Jasmin. I was awake when Tersa brought her in. She told me to remain seated in the bed, and then she sat down in the chair across from me.

  She looked at me for a moment, and then said, "Thank you for what you did! We have recently become aware of what happened out there. Maggie is dear to us, and we have no doubt you saved countless Guardian and Chosen lives by your actions. We haven't discussed this outside my brothers and sisters, but we want you to know we are grateful for your intervention."

  "It wasn't enough," I replied quietly. "I couldn't save them." For a moment, I couldn't continue. All I could think of were the screams, and the shriveled bodies of the Chosen as they were wiped from existence.

  Jasmin was scanning me, and said, "We're going to lose friends Kaltar. You can't blame yourself for their loss. They are aware of the risks of what they’re doing."

  "I just seem surrounded by death lately!" I said. I closed my eyes and continued, saying, "Most of my life, I had no concept of death, and now I seem to bathe in blood. I just wish it would stop."

  Tersa quietly said, "Go back to sleep Kaltar! You’re still too exhausted to be talking to us!"

  I took her advice, and fell back asleep. The problem with sleep has come to be the nightmares, and now, I had a bad one. It was if I was the Darkness, and I stood against the Guardians, Magi, and everything I now love. I gloried in their deaths, and then screamed as the Madness raged in my mind. I awoke sitting up in my bed, screaming, and the door burst open at once. Tersa stepped in. She moved close, leaned down, and said, "Kaltar! Are you alright?"


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