The Books of Kaltar Farsara Boxed Set - Books 1 through 3 (The Kingdom Kaltar Farsara Built)

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The Books of Kaltar Farsara Boxed Set - Books 1 through 3 (The Kingdom Kaltar Farsara Built) Page 38

by Ivan Bridgewater

  If I wasn't almost hysterical before, I sure was now. "What is going on here?" I blurted out loudly. "Why is she in so much pain?"

  "She's having a baby," one of the doctors replied calmly. The doctor was a woman, and for the first time, I scanned the doctors. My scan steadied me at once. The three doctors knew exactly what they were doing, and didn't need my help. They felt everything was normal, and their minds were focused, and taking care of April and the babies.

  "Try to ignore us," the woman doctor instructed me, speaking almost in a whisper. "Talk to April for a few seconds. It will help her to focus on something besides the pain."

  Before I could speak, Tersa stepped close behind me, and quietly advised, "You can't take her pain Kaltar! She needs it to have the babies. Don't lift it off her, no matter how much you're tempted. She needs the pain! It's important!"

  I reached out and took April's hand. My mind flooded with the pain she was feeling. The temptation to take it from her was overwhelming. I knew I needed to remain calm, but seeing April suffering through this was horrific.

  "I love you!" was all I could think to say. April suddenly focused on me as I held her hand. For just a moment she smiled at me, and my whole Universe brightened. Then the cramps returned, and with a gasp of pain, April's muscles went rigid. I kept holding her hand, and fought the desire to lift the pain from her.

  The wave of pain passed, and one of the doctors stated, "She's fully dilated! This is going to happen fast!"

  Almost at once April's body tensed again. The pains were now just seconds apart, and never really abated. Tersa put her hand on my shoulder, and whispered, "I want you to back downstairs and wait, Kaltar. Will you do that for me?" I slowly stood up without replying. As I released April's hand, the feeling of pain subsided, but I could still vividly recall how she felt. I fought down the desire to do something.

  Tersa tightened her grip on my shoulder, and pulled me away from the bed. I was in a daze as I walked away from the bed, and she led me back down to the kitchen.

  Badly stressed, I stepped into the kitchen. Vandahar and Jasmin both scanned me. Then Jasmin stood up, and went back upstairs. I sat down at the kitchen table, trying to calm my thoughts. I knew I needed to clear my mind, and not let the fear control me.

  "It's going to be alright Kaltar!" Vandahar assured me. He was smiling, but it didn't help to calm me. If this went on much longer, I figured my head would explode, judging from the tension I was feeling.

  My mentor, Caleon Valcar, suddenly appeared in the room. He glanced around till his eyes landed on me, and then loudly asked, "What is going on here? What is wrong, that you summoned me here, across half the known Universe?"

  "April is having the babies," I blurted out. "I'm sorry, I was afraid."

  For an instant, the Rock seemed to stand frozen in place. Then he burst into uncontrolled laughter. After several seconds, he got control of himself, and loudly said, "They will be fine, little Bean!" he assured me, using a nickname he had given me when we first met. "Did I not tell you they’ll be fine, and live to see an end to the Madness, and the evil we call the Darkness?"

  "I'm sorry," I apologized again. "I didn't know what to do, and just called out for help. I was wrong to bother you."

  My teacher, the man many call the Rock, seemed to pause in thought. Then he simply said, "Now that I'm here, I see no harm in staying till the twins are born."

  April screamed, and everyone in the room jumped slightly. Outside the kitchen window, one of the elephants began to trumpet loudly. Tersa said, "I'll be needed upstairs!" turned, and started back up to the bedrooms to check on what was happening. I returned to pacing back and forth on the kitchen floor.

  Perhaps five seconds passed. Then April screamed again, and again the elephant trumpeted. There was a scream from a small baby, and the Rock quietly said, "You are a Father, Kaltar! It's a girl!" My legs felt weak, and I sat down heavily in the nearest open chair. I could feel the small child's mind reaching out in the link. I could sense April there, giving the little girl's mind comfort.

  Within less than a minute, the process repeated again, and this time, the Rock said, "Two healthy children! First a girl, and then a boy! You're a very lucky young man Kaltar!"

  "Is April safe?" I asked.

  "Of course she is!" the Rock replied, rolling his eyes. "Did I not just tell you they would be fine?"

  I had heard his words, but my heart was still pounding in my chest. Tersa suddenly pinged me in the link, saying, "Please come see your children." I folded space, not even bothering with the stairs, and found myself looking at two beautiful children. April appeared fine, but exhausted.

  "You create beautiful children," I noted foolishly. Everyone in the room began laughing, and even April smiled at me.

  "I had some help ya know." April noted weakly. I could tell at once, that what she really needed was sleep and rest.

  The twins were being cleaned up, and wrapped in blankets. I could sense them casting around in the link, looking for reassurance. Both April and Tersa were giving the tiny forms comfort, and I could just stand and marvel at the beautiful babies. They were perfect little people. Every detail of an adult, made delicately minute. You couldn't help but love them.

  At that moment, I realized the twins each had bright, blue, eyes. They seemed to focus on me, and in the link, I could sense their recognition. They knew who I was from our previous encounters within the link.

  The Rock stepped into the room, and I glanced up to see him grinning ear to ear. Vandahar was standing right behind him, and he looked elated. The feelings within the link were very intense, and I'm sure the twins were aware of the love all around them.

  "They look very normal and healthy," Jasmin observed. "I'm just a little surprised they're not more developed."

  "The Magi don't usually display their abilities till they reach puberty," Vandahar informed her. "There is no guarantee they will ever be actual Magi themselves, but they’ll retain the gene."

  "They will be Magi," the Rock asserted in a matter of fact voice. "They are aware of us now, and listen as we talk. There is much for them to learn, if they wish to be as great as their Father."

  It made me uncomfortable hearing him praise me so heavily, but it began to sink in that the Rock truly believed in me that much. It was easy to see in the link that he had the same faith in my newborn children. He had no doubts about us.

  "April and the twins need to get some rest," Tersa remarked. "The doctors have asked us to go back downstairs so they can get everyone settled up here."

  I was standing next to the bed, and April reached out, taking my hand in hers. Her touch sent a slight shock through my system. She was so full of joy, it flowed from her like water from a cup. It's amazing how such a simple emotion can mean so much.

  "Are you alright?" I pinged her in the link. She nodded, and I finally stepped away with some hesitation. I didn't want to leave, but understood the need. I could see in my scans that she really needed some sleep. Two minutes later, I was back down in the kitchen, talking to the Rock, and Vandahar.

  "I'll need to leave soon," Vandahar reminded me after a few minutes. "Today is Carl's funeral, and at least one of us should be there."

  "I'm sorry for the loss of your friend," Rock added. "Please give my condolences to his sister."

  Tersa had just entered the room in time to hear Vandahar's comments, and told him. "I'll be going with you."

  "I should go as well," I noted.

  "No! You should remain here with April," Tersa forcefully advised me. "She needs you close by right now."

  "Remain here young Magi," Rock instructed me. "Tersa and Vandahar will insure Cindy is alright."

  I was very torn, and stood debating for a moment or two. Then Vandahar said, "I'm leaving before he has any more time to think about it." I heard him laughing as he folded space, and disappeared. Tersa smiled broadly, and then folded space to follow Vandahar.

  The Rock grinned at me, and said, "You're a very
lucky Magi, Kaltar! You have April, two beautiful children, and an army of loyal and trusted friends. I’m proud to call myself your friend." I could see in the link that he was getting ready to leave.

  "April would wish for you to stay," I told him. "Can you wait a day before you go back?"

  His smile softened slightly before he said, "The war has escalated greatly since you left. The Guardians are striking out in force against anyplace the Darkness holds sway. Satu-Ra has called in new allies, and new weapons. He is commanding a dozen vast armadas, and winning at every turn." I could sense the unspoken comment in the link.

  "What is it you fear?" I asked.

  The Rock frowned before saying, "This is a tactic the Darkness has used in the past. Rapid expansion of its adversaries, and then a trap, set by the Beast. It has destroyed enemies in this way before, and I fear the next trap."

  "I should be with you," I noted quietly. "I've been gone too long already."

  "You should be here with April, and your children," Rock corrected me. "This is an important point in your life, and you need to take the time to be here. We will make do without you till you return."

  A huge wave of guilt and confusion swept over me. I knew I was needed elsewhere, but wished to stay with my beloved and the twins. The desire to do the right thing felt so overwhelming. The only question was, what was the right thing to do?"

  Of course, the Rock could see my thoughts in the link. He shook his head slowly, and his smile returned slightly. "Don't force me to make it an order!" he advised me emphatically. "I insist that you spend thirty days with your family before you return!" I nodded to acknowledge his comment. Then he said, "I've been told you have a new enclave at Drevins Spraug. Perhaps you should consider moving April and the children there."

  It had already occurred to me that I should consider doing so. The Rock's comment confirmed the validity of the concept. All I had to do now, was convince April.

  Minutes later the Rock folded space, leaving me to return to the front lines. I found myself alone in my kitchen, on the verge of exhaustion. I couldn't resist one last chance to check on April and the twins, and went back upstairs.

  The twins were asleep, but April was quietly talking to Jasmin when I walked in. The doctors had left, and the room had grown quiet except for the two women talking.

  April was in bed, and Jasmin was sitting in a chair next to the bed. As I stepped in, April's face lit up. I walked over, sat on the edge of the bed, and leaning down, gave April a gentle kiss. She looked so beautiful lying there. Words can't express how happy I was at that moment.

  "Are you feeling alright?" I asked.

  "Actually. I feel pretty good," April replied.

  "You need to take it easy," Jasmin reminded her. "You both look exhausted."

  "I'm going to try to sleep," April agreed. She looked at me, and said, "You should try to do the same."

  "Before you go, I wanted to ask about their names," Jasmin wondered aloud. "What are you going to call them?"

  "My son will be called Carl Farsara." I responded.

  April gave me a questioning look, and asked, "Are you sure Kaltar?" I just nodded my head yes.

  "He was a good friend to both of us," I said calmly. "He was a brave Earther, who saved my life. All he did was help others right up till his death. I think it would be an honor for our son to be named after such a fine person."

  "What about your daughter?" Jasmin asked.

  "My mother’s name was Dorothie," April reminded me. "We could call her Dot, or Dottie, for short."

  "I like that," I agreed.

  "So it's Carl and Dorothie," Jasmin concluded. "I'll make sure the papers are all filled out accordingly."

  April smiled at me, and said, "You look like you could use some rest yourself. Why don't you go lay down?"

  "Come get me if I'm needed," I observed. "I'll see everyone in the morning, if not before." I kissed April for a moment, and then staggered off to get some sleep. My mind was filled with thoughts of April and the twins. It seemed to race along on its own, and I thought I would never get to sleep.

  Of course, I was wrong.

  Chapter 9

  Down by the River

  I woke up the next morning to sunlight streaming in my window. For just a moment, I was disorientated. Then I suddenly remembered April and the twins. I jumped straight out of bed, and practically ran down the hall to their room.

  It was empty, and for just a moment I felt confused. I reached out, scanning for April, and found her outside, standing in front of the house. I folded space, and teleported to her.

  She was holding Dorothie, and I believe I startled them both slightly when I suddenly appeared. April smiled widely, but our daughter gave me a dirty look till she scanned me, and confirmed who I was. Even then, she was keeping a good grip on her mother. Jasmin was standing close by, holding Carl. He squirmed around, trying to see me better, and Jasmin finally suggested, "Here! Why don't you take him?"

  I had never held a small child before, and was slightly intimidated as Jasmin handed me the tiny infant. I must have looked as uncomfortable as I felt, because Jasmin finally laughed softly, and said, "Don't worry Kaltar! They don't break easily." She glanced at April, and then added, "I'll be right back." Before turning, and walking away, headed for our house.

  Staring down at my son, I felt slightly light headed. Al was watching from a distance, and even he was smiling at my discomfort. Within seconds, I felt the small boy reach out in the link, and our minds met. There was a sensation of curiosity, and I recognized myself in his mind. It's difficult to explain family bonding to a nontelepath. It is far deeper than anything on a physical level. I was holding my son, and my mind raced with emotion.

  From twenty feet away, April and Dot joined us in the link, and in effect, we closed ourselves off to the world around us. For a few precious seconds, I forgot war, and death, and all that threatened us. I floated in the link with my beloved, and our two small children.

  Then Al quietly said, "Tersa, Vandahar, and Cindy have arrived." I snapped out of my dreams, and looked up to see the three of them approaching up the trail from the river.

  As they got closer, I heard Tersa say, "If you wish to return after you see the twins, I’ll gladly take you."

  "I want to get the people responsible for Carl's death!" Cindy almost growled in response. Then she saw April holding Dot, and that ended the conversation. For the next five minutes, Cindy appeared to forget all the anger and problems that she had felt back on Earth. It was delightful to see how the twins gave us all something pleasant to focus on.

  Jasmin came back out, and stood talking to Tersa. I handed my son over to Cindy. He appeared to be the perfect way to cheer her up. She stood there cooing to him, and he gave her his undivided attention.

  Tersa, Jasmin, and Vandahar were obviously getting into a deep conversation off to one side, and I started to focus on what they were saying. I could tell they were talking about Cindy's brother, and I got the feeling there had been new developments back on Earth. When April and Cindy took the twins in the house, I stepped over to Vandahar, and asked what was going on.

  "We've been looking into Carl's death," Vandahar informed me. "We believe the use of robotics is a sign the Darkness is getting desperate. It leaves the impression the Beast no longer trusts sentient creatures to carry out important tasks."

  "Or it may just mean that the Beast has all its normal minions busy elsewhere," Tersa added. "We want to be careful about drawing conclusions based on such simple appearances. This might even be some sort of diversion."

  "I don't believe that's the case," Jasmin noted. "The battle has spread to other Galaxies, but our Galaxy is still the one really under attack. If our leaders are all killed, the rest of us would be hard pressed to continue."

  "How is all this affecting events on Earth?" I asked.

  "Dona and the Chosen have taken charge of the investigation," Vandahar replied. "Her position as a police officer gives her the au
thority to handle this better than anyone else. I just hope she can keep her people under control."

  "I don't understand," I responded. "What do you mean about controlling her people?"

  "Carl has become a sort of legend among the Chosen," Tersa informed me. "He wasn't passive about defending the Earth. His proactive stance has ignited a debate among the Chosen. Many of them, who were planning to leave Earth, have now decided to stay and fight."

  "My Father fears it all may spin out of control," Jasmin added. "He has no control over the Chosen, and they don't always follow a logical path."

  "What can they do?" I asked. "The Greys are sick, and enslaved. They need to be cured and freed, not punished."

  "Not all the Greys are enslaved." Jasmin told me. "Some voluntarily serve the Darkness. They do it of their own free will."

  "That sounds insane!" I blurted out. "Why would they do that?"

  "The Madness causes some of it," Jasmin observed. "Fear and greed does the rest. Those who cooperate with the minions often feel they will be more likely to survive if they link with the forces of the Beast. They believe the Darkness will prevail here."

  "As it always has before," Tersa noted quietly. I thought of April, and my two new children. There had to be a way to keep them safe.

  "Send them to Drevins Spraug," Al suggested, seeing my thoughts in the link. He almost whispered the words, as if he was conspiring. "Send them to Drevins Spraug, and Bitsy will protect them. She and the legions of dragons that follow your banner. They’ll be safe there."

  "There are defenses here," I reminded him. "That's why we have you."

  "It is not the same," Al advised me. "I suspect you are aware of the difference."

  "Yes, I suppose I am," I agreed. The students at the school wouldn’t be enough to keep April and the twins safe. Even Tiny and our new watchdogs wouldn't be enough to stop a determined attack. It might even cause the death of all of them. I needed to think this through.

  "You need to talk to April about this," Vandahar told me. "She needs to be advised of the risks. She deserves a say in her fate."


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