Chronicles of Benjamin Jamison 4: Empires at War (Part One)

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Chronicles of Benjamin Jamison 4: Empires at War (Part One) Page 5

by Thomas A. Wright

  “How often do you want us to report in?” Shawna asked.

  “How about you report when they are bound and gagged and ready for my gentle touch. I need to back off of Taz and Zora and just let things calm down. Stay at the palace and make sure you set up some of your own security, along with a few traps.”

  “So those two attacked Binda?” she said.

  “I believe so. You might even pick up some clues during your recon.”

  “Boss, what about the terrible trio?” Genius asked. “They watch you the most, but I’ve seen them watching everyone at some point.”

  “That’s part of the challenge, isn’t it, Genius?” I said. “You need to be on your game anyway, if you’ve got eyes for Taz’s spymaster.”

  “C’mon, really?” Shawna said, looking incredulously at Genius.

  “Yeah, he does, and I’m ok with it as long as you keep it away from the team and anything we are planning.” I kept my tone even, staring at him with a steady gaze so he knew I was serious. “It’s not going to be easy if she ends up liking you too, so you better lay down the rules.”

  “He won’t make it more than two days before he’s spilling his guts to her,” Shawna scoffed. Genius said nothing but turned a bit pink.

  “He will have to answer to me and all of you if he does,” I said. Genius nodded.

  The door buzzed. The person on the other side got frustrated when it didn’t open. I could hear her muttering to herself.

  “Are you going to let her in?” Shawna asked.

  “Nope, I’m going to let you two out. If she comes in then we will see what happens. Just go to the palace right now. You can come back later for any equipment. Can you handle this for me?”

  “Of course we can. It’s not complicated,” Shawna answered, while Genius nodded his agreement.

  “Claymore, open the door,” I ordered. “Ok, you guys, have a good night. I’ll send you the duty rotation schedule later this evening,” I lied.

  Taz almost knocked them over as they tried to leave. That had worked out better than if I had planned it. I knew they didn’t want to look at her, so the awkward moment was a success.

  “Sorry, I’m just sending them to get some rest,” I told her. “They have a duty shift guarding Binda later.”

  “You denied me entry?”

  “Just changing codes on the ship in case there is a breach by the assassins. Sorry, I didn’t think you would be around or need any codes. Besides, we could make you new ones later.”

  She gave me the eye and I was ready for it. “What? Why are you looking at me like that?” I said.

  “Where are those two going?” she asked, gesturing to the door.

  “I’m sending them back to the palace. I don’t think I’ll need them here, and I may send a few more back later. Hey, if the doc isn’t too busy tomorrow, can he come back and check on Binda?”

  “Yes, I will arrange it so you don’t have to take him by force,” she said.

  “I didn’t take him by force,” I told her. “We were guarding Binda and brought him along with us. You were there. No one threatened him or pointed a weapon at him.”

  “Benjamin, you know my feelings for you, but you need to consult me and not take matters into your own hands or tell lies.”

  “I’ve heard that before, but I don’t lie about important things, it’s mostly when spreading disinformation. Sometimes it isn’t even a lie, it could be irrelevant info meant to cause confusion at that moment.”

  “Quite a lot, I would assume.”

  “You make it sound so bad. You should ask Adeen how many people I’ve saved by acting on my own, on instinct when the situation warranted it. Doing and saying whatever it takes to get the job done. Then, when it’s all said and done, everyone wants to analyze everything, even you.”

  “It is what leaders do, and you know that.”

  “Yeah sure, I know that. Changing the subject, why don’t you stay here with me tonight? We can take advantage of the privacy and it will be like old times.” Old times like two days ago.

  “I’m sorry, I can’t,” she said and sighed. “Before this all started, I didn’t have a chance to tell you that there is a reception tonight for the ambassador. She had just arrived when we got caught up in this. I have ordered some clothing for you to wear.”

  “Will her husband be in attendance with her?” I asked. “How about some of the others on the suitor list, and what about my crew? Are they invited?”

  “He, of course, is invited, as well as some of the others, as is required in accordance with their station, and you and your crew.”

  “Yeah, no, I don’t think it’s a good idea for me,” I said. “You have fun.”

  That was a conversation ender. One long dirty look and out the door she went. It seemed like a good idea to me, and easier on the guests’ physical wellbeing. Besides, it was time to get a plan in the works. I couldn’t attend anything her suitors would attend; it was like oil and water and blood.

  Chapter 3

  My recon team was gathered in one room. Genius had set up a white noise field to cancel out any listening devices. I stayed on the Claymore in my room, with Natalia, Adeen and Lorelei sitting around me. I knew it was short notice, but they could handle it.

  “Genius, we need surveillance on the reception hall,” I said. “Can you tap into the feed without setting off any alarms? If so, then do it and send it to our coms. I want those two from the meeting. They have some things to answer for.”

  “What if they didn’t do it?” Angel asked.

  “What’s your point?” I asked.

  “We don’t know if they did it; she didn’t identify them.”

  “Then they will come away from the experience better equipped to deal with life’s little twists and turns. Now, if you don’t want to do this, you can leave now. I’ll get Lorelei; I’m sure she would love to be a part of this. I chose you because you have some experience with ops like this. I didn’t really take you for the type who worries about their target.”

  Angel asked, “What are we doing besides surveillance?”

  “Snatch and grab,” I told her. “I want to have a long talk with them away from queens, ambassadors and prying eyes. I will have Natalia and Adeen do the pickup with Taz’s shuttle. If it works according to the numbers, then you guys can stay and have a good time. Just tell their dates that they met someone they knew and blew you off. Shouldn’t be a far stretch from their normal behavior.”

  “How do you see this going down?” Shawna asked. “They aren’t going to cooperate just because we ask.”

  “What do you think, Angel, drugs or brute force?” I asked, deferring to her. “You both are beautiful, so use that. They will not be hard to convince to step out on the balcony or take a walk in the garden, you follow what I’m saying? I would think the garden would be the best. Genius, Snake, you may have to entertain their dates. The ambassador is easy on the eyes, but I’m not sure who the other one will be bringing.”

  “I would say drugs,” Angel said. “I’ll have Ronnie mix up something in auto-injectors. Do you want them unconscious?”

  “Not really. Unless we have something to revive them, just out of it would be fine. If I’m convinced I’m wrong, then we can dump them back in the garden, looking like a couple of drunks passed out under a tree.”

  “You know she is going to be all over you, and her people too,” Genius said.

  “Yeah, that’s why I’m gonna be sitting on the Claymore and all you four need to do is get them on the shuttle. Genius, you’re in charge. You and Angel get the small details worked out.”

  “So, mastermind, what are we going to be doing?” Adeen asked me.

  “Natalia will pilot, you will hold them and Lorelei will beat the truth out of them. Feel free to alternate if her arm gets tired; it’s not like yours will.”

  “You’re funny. Maybe I should test it out on your face.” Adeen flexed her metal fingers.

  “Save your batteries, beautiful. You
may need them for breaking faces besides mine, and I may need a massage later after you get back.”

  “In your dreams, buddy,” she retorted.

  “Yeah, Dad, that’s not a good idea. You’re practically married, you just don’t know it,” Natalia said, punching me in the arm.

  “Yeah, Captain Clueless,” was Lorelei’s contribution.

  “Seriously, I think those two are the right pick for this,” I said, ignoring them. “The whole thing seems amateur, except for them getting in and out without being seen. See if they can have some help with that, maybe a guard who looks the other way.”

  “What happens if reinforcements show up?”

  “I think it would be best if we leave. If you run into trouble you can’t handle, just call and I’ll bring the Claymore. We will dump their asses and go. Also, be sure to let the others know.”

  “Really, that’s your plan? And where are we going to go?” Adeen asked.

  “Look, even if we pull it off perfectly, you know who they are going to come after when the bodies turn up missing. Oh, and I forgot to mention that Imelda is coming with you as well. She has a pretty crucial part to play in keeping us out of a cell.”

  “I was wondering about that, what we were going to do with them alive or dead,” Natalia said. “She’ll enjoy it; she hasn’t had anything live since we landed.”

  “Look, I’m betting everything on them,” I said. “We get a confession, they go away. We make a statement and don’t have to worry about any other attacks on us. I catch a lot of shit, tell some lies and I probably lose Taz. By some fluke where they really didn’t do it, we let them go, get the hell out of here, and I lose Taz.”

  “You think you’ll lose her? You’re willing to give her up?” Adeen asked.

  “You think she will just give up on you?” Lorelei said.

  “She just spent a few minutes explaining things to me and told me I need to come to her before I do anything rash. Even she can’t sweep the destruction I tend to leave under the rug. She didn’t say it, but it didn’t matter to her what I did on Athena. Now, here on her world, it matters. You know what we went through before we came here—my crew, my friends, my family stuck by me through a hell of a lot. Someone hurt Binda and tried to kill her. She’s family and they’re gonna pay. End of story.”

  “Well, at least we had a nice month off, good food and some peace and quiet,” Adeen commented, elbowing Lorelei.

  “That’s about his limit before all hell breaks loose,” Lorelei added with a chuckle.


  I was watching the video feed of the reception party, taking notes and looking for certain individuals other than our targets. The terrible trio could really screw things up for us if they became suspicious. They were there, moving like liquid through the crowd, smiling at the guests as they passed. Taz would more than likely be the last to enter, with all the hoopla that came with being queen.

  My people looked good, especially Shawna and Angel. I wasn’t sure if the Cjittan males were born with the same magnetism to the breast as human males were; if not, they would be soon if they stood near those two for too long. They were a beautiful contrast—a strawberry blonde with freckles on porcelain next to flowing onyx hair with dark mocha skin and coffee bean eyes. There were enough curves between them to give you eye strain and make you dizzy. The targets would be toast if the girls got them alone.

  I watched and waited, knowing the guards would not be a problem. They were attentive, possibly looking for trouble, but it wouldn’t be my people. I saw the ambassador and her husband, thin lines of pink the only thing left from getting his face smashed. It made me smile, and thinking of what he had coming made me smile even more. The herald had gone through the list of dignitaries, and finally Taz came out with the other asshole on her arm. Now I wasn’t smiling. Deep inside I had known she would show up with someone, but I hadn’t expected him, rather some old great uncle or someone. My com started buzzing; I was sure they were looking for some guidance.

  “I know you’re watching, Boss; do we stick to the plan?” Genius asked.

  “Yeah, for now, let’s see what happens. It looks like the two couples are meeting for some chit chat,” I answered.

  “I see that. You want me to get closer so you have some audio?”

  “Oh hell yeah. The four of you stroll past and take it slow, looking them over like you disapprove.”

  “Damn, Boss, I do disapprove but that might cause some suspicion,” Genius replied, sounding unsure.

  “It looks like Zora is headed your way, so keep your pace and she will intercept you right next to them. Snake, you and Genius make a few comments about Taz’s choice and see if Zora bites. If the two males decide to do something about your comments, Shawna and Angel can intercede and sweet-talk them. If that doesn’t work, this thing is going to last for hours, so you may have another chance.” I could hear their conversation.

  “You look divine, Tazleaha,” the ambassador said.

  “Thank you, Renji,” Taz answered. “Your travels keep you in touch with all the latest styles, so I watch and take my cues from you.”

  “Where is your pet human? I see my good friend is at your side and not bleeding,” the ambassador’s husband asked.

  “He is not my pet and I am queen,” she replied. “I will choose whomever I wish to escort me.”

  “Of course you can!” Renji said. “It is good for you to be seen with a civilized escort of your own race.”

  I couldn’t read Taz’s expression, but I didn’t think she liked that comment much—at least, I hoped she didn’t.

  “Zora, nice to see you,” I heard Genius say. “You know Shawna, Angel and Snake?”

  “Yes, we have all met. Where is Benjamin?” Zora asked.

  “He decided it would best for everyone if he stayed with Binda. It seems like it was a wise idea, considering the pond scum the queen has stuck to her arm.”

  “There has to be a better Cjittan specimen than those two shit-heels.” Snake’s two cents were just loud enough to be overheard.

  Taz looked shocked and the other three were clearly fuming. I couldn’t understand why the ambassador would get so mad, though, unless it was to keep up appearances.

  “Keep your voices down; they’ll hear you!” Zora said. I could see true concern on her face.

  “Sure thing, spy girl. I was just going to pay my respect to the queen, but I believe I’ve gone and lost it somewhere. Maybe it’s back at the ship with our pet boss.” Snake was on a roll, and the high and mighty moved closer to them.

  “You would be wise to walk away and enjoy the festivities from the other side of the room,” Taz’s date threatened.

  “Sorry, buddy, I’m not too bright, as these guys will tell ya, but there are things I am good at. Come on, threaten me again so I can show you.” Snake moved a couple of steps in his direction.

  “Hey guys, let’s cool it way down,” Angel said, getting between Snake and his prey. “Do you two know how to dance?” she asked, looking back and forth between the two Cjittan males. “Shawna and I want to dance, but those two Neanderthals will end up breaking our toes and bruising our shins. Taz, you don’t mind if I steal your date for a few minutes?” She smiled at Taz, hoping she would see the olive branch being extended.

  “I don’t mind,” Taz said. “Please take them and enjoy a dance.” Angel and Shawna didn’t even let the two speak before they grabbed their hands and towed them to the ballroom’s dance floor.

  I sat watching and then realized the boys had been left with three females, none of whom were in a friendly mood. “You two go get a drink. I’ll watch them,” I said.

  I saw Genius smile at Zora and give her a hug. She looked surprised, but not unpleasantly so. My guys walked to the refreshment area.

  “I think they feel you betray Benjamin in his absence, my queen,” I heard Zora say. Ha! Genius had planted a bug on her. I hoped he could get it off of her before she found it. Any shot he had with her would go out
the window if she did.

  “She is queen and can spend her time with anyone she chooses,” the ambassador cut in.

  “Would that include your husband, Ambassador? Right now it seems he feels the young human’s curves are a place to rest his hands,” Zora said, poking a wounded animal.

  “If the queen desires it, his name is on the list.”

  “Yes, it is, but then you would be free to call on the human. I hear he is worth three of our males when it comes to lovemaking.”

  “Where did you hear that, Zora?” Taz hissed. Yes, where did you hear that, Zora? I wondered, glued to the screen. Zora was stirring the hell out of things. She must not like the Ambassador.

  Taz’s date held Angel in what looked like a bear hug against himself. She rolled her eyes, which I figured was for my benefit. I could see her hand gliding up and down his back, gently stroking it as she chatted away in his ear.

  “Genius, go rescue Zora. I don’t know why but she is poking the hell out of Taz and Renji.” I watched him walk in their direction immediately, carrying two drinks. Snake was chatting up Crnana near one of the exits.

  “Zora,” he said as he approached, “I know what Angel said about our dancing, but it looks like we lost our dates. Would you like to dance?” The minute he said that, both Cjittan women went on point, watching the dance floor. “I can’t blame those guys. Both those girls are a powder keg of fun, if you know what I mean,” Genius continued. He handed Zora a drink and grabbed her other hand, walking to the opposite end of the dance floor. Zora didn’t know what he meant but Taz understood.

  Now that people saw no one was around the queen, they walked over to pay their respects. The queen and ambassador were soon surrounded and distracted.

  “Whew! Honey, it’s getting a little warm out here. Do you think the queen would mind if I borrowed you for a walk in the garden to cool down?” Angel asked. I could see Shawna waving her hand in front of her face and her partner nodding.

  “Natalia, it’s going down,” I said into my com. “Are you in position?”


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