Chronicles of Benjamin Jamison 4: Empires at War (Part One)

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Chronicles of Benjamin Jamison 4: Empires at War (Part One) Page 17

by Thomas A. Wright

  “Do we have a problem here, Captain Sash?” Natalia asked. “I would have thought what they saw just minutes ago would have inspired a little cooperation with management.”

  “They are crewmembers of Captain Farat’s ship and wanted to sort out their positions before we departed,” Sash said.

  I walked up quietly to the scene and let the two women continue talking. “It seems this one has a problem with authority, or is it just you he has a problem with?” Natalia asked Sash.

  “He feels he should be captain now and wanted me to appoint him in front of the other three officers.”

  “Is he qualified and trustworthy to captain a ship and be a member of our organization?” I asked.

  “He is; he has been with us since he was a young boy. He knows the workings of a ship. He is also young and headstrong, thinking he would have to bully me when all he needed to do was ask.”

  “Let him up, Natalia. We’ve wasted enough time. You two, gather up your crewmates and get to your ship, and one more thing. Don’t ever speak to Sash that way again, unless you want it to be considered mutiny and get shot, no questions asked.”

  I thought my message was clear and much more personal than the speeches I made in the great hall.

  “You wield your daughter like a weapon?” Sash stated matter-of-factly.

  “I wield everyone and everything like a weapon, you included. Next time I expect you to put anyone who argues with you in their place. I am sure you know how. Is your old crew still on board with all the changes?”

  “Yes, I don’t anticipate any problems from them.”

  “Good, then let’s get going. Your screwing around is making us late.”

  “Dad, would you stop it? A few minutes isn’t going to make a damn bit of difference.”

  “You don’t know that, sweetheart. If things had been a few minutes different on the pirate ship a few years ago, I might not have found you. We would have been gone and you know what that would have meant. Kaboom.” I waved my arms to illustrate an explosion.

  “Thanks for the reminder.”

  Sash was looking at us, trying to work out what she just learned. We walked in silence and my visor went black as we walked out into the sun. I could see activity around all three ships and cargo ramp doors closing. It was time to earn our money.


  “They made it safely to the Cjittan frigate,” Lorelei announced to the bridge. She brought a star chart up on the large screen. “Benjamin’s message was to meet him here and wait if we arrived before them. Taz seemed really upset about the attack, did you all notice that?”

  “Shouldn’t she be, Lorelei? She lost a planet, not to mention hundreds of thousands of lives ruined or dead,” Nedra said. “While we may not always like her, she is an exceptional queen and loves her people. She created her own problems by getting involved with Benjamin, but any female would probably have similar problems with him. You know it’s true; look at the past.”

  “If she leaves him alone to work as he sees necessary with the Khalnalax, this venture might actually work out for all of us,” Lorelei mused. “We have had a string of bad luck and she has been part of it. She has done nothing with Reaper Inc. since she took it from him—how long has it been—six, eight months ago?”

  “Did you expect her to do anything with a minute speck of a company on some backwater world? It wasn’t business, it was personal. If he wasn’t going to come around to her way of thinking, then she would give him reasons why he should. She only did what she was trained to do from birth—manipulate people.”

  “Yeah, if you say so. It seems one way or another we work for her, whether it’s Reaper Inc. or this privateer idea of his.”

  “I’m sure Benjamin will send money back to Anubis for the people he left behind. They were good to him and he won’t forget it or them. I never met them, but I have heard him talk about the Vander Hoyts and his partners at Reaper Inc., Nick and Valerie.”

  Lorelei had a look on her face after what Nedra said. It was the far-off look of someone thinking of the past. She remembered it as one of the few good times in her life, those three months of all them living together in the same house. She thought of Jen, with whom she had shared a room and a few other things when no one was around. She wouldn’t tell Benjamin, but she was happy with her life and being the Captain of the Claymore. He was a strange young man, not afraid to take a chance on a friend or an enemy or kill either deader than hell if you double-crossed him; what a shame about Matt and Bill.

  “Where are Buddy and Grubb?” Lorelei asked Nedra.

  “Last I saw they were in the hold explaining drinking games to a giant spider. They poured beer into a bucket to let her try it. I left them to their fates, so if we can’t find them later you know where they are.”

  “Oh shit, are you kidding me? Benjamin will kill us if anything happens to any of those three!” she exclaimed.

  “I really don’t think we have to worry. Both Grubb and Buddy have spent more time with Imelda than any of us. I don’t think she would hurt them, but then again I don’t think they ever gave her beer,” Nedra said.

  “Well, we have some time to come up with a story if we have to. I think I’d rather not know at this point whether anything happened.”

  “It should be smooth sailing, Captain, all the way to the rendezvous point. You should get some rest. I’ll have Harry come up here and keep me company.”

  “No screwing around, Nedra. I don’t want my floor or chair all sticky.”

  “Lorelei, go, and don’t worry; we’ll wipe everything off.”


  “We should be arriving in less than half a duty cycle, Reaper. Your ship is already waiting. I talked to the captain and got cleared to dock. Can I suggest a shower and some food once we do?” Sash looked a little sheepish making the suggestion.

  I had Natalia wake me when we were close to the meeting place. I imagined I did stink, and my armor needed a good washing. “No matter what galaxy I’m in, everyone is a comedian,” I said, looking at the swirls of black on her face.

  “I didn’t mean to insult you or make a joke. It is clear you have been on your feet for a long time and need some time to wash, eat and relax.”

  “We don’t have that kind of time. I will do all three quickly and will sleep in the hold when I return. I’m bringing a shuttle and a crewmember aboard. Have you been able to pick up any activity from the Khalnalax on long-range scan?”

  Sash laughed heartily. It was the first I had heard in a while out of anyone. “Reaper, look at this ship. Do you see a warship? Long-range scan is not a lot different than short-range scan. It only gives us a few more breaths, time to start running if your plan goes to shit.”

  “Sounds like we need to upgrade before we turn over any ships to Cjittan. I haven’t really paid attention, how fast are our ships? Can we stay ahead of a corvette or frigate and lure it into a trap?”

  “My ship is the fastest of the three. If we can get them to follow it then we might have a chance, though I haven’t had the pleasure of being pursued by a Khalnalax starship in many years.”

  “Well then, your pleasure will be fulfilled soon, Captain. Possibly more than you can handle, culminating in a mind-blowing, explosive orgasm.”

  “Is that an attempt at flirting and letting me know I’m going to die all in one statement?”

  “Fall a little short?”


  “More of a sorry attempt at humor. I’m not one to flirt with anyone.”

  “I can see that; you’re more the type to let women throw themselves at you while you act like you don’t care.”

  Natalia said, “No, he is more the dumbass oblivious type, and it seems to work for him when it comes to women.”

  “I am not,” I interjected. “There is a difference between ignoring advances from someone and being oblivious to them.”

  "Ok, whatever you say, Dad. I think Aisling is perfect for you the more I think about it. Right speci
es, not some royal blood with enough baggage to fill a freighter."

  "Enough about it already, Natalia. I’m not sure what brought this on. I was just joking with Sash because of her comment. I don’t have the time nor can I afford the luxury of having a relationship with anyone right now, so give it a rest."

  “Damn, someone is testy,” I heard Lorelei say. Sash had accepted a com request and turned on the screen.

  “I'm fine. Just my daughter giving me a hard time.”

  “Quit whining. It’s just a bit of payback for surrounding me with a bunch of fucking pirates when all this time one was one too many,” Natalia commented, giving Lorelei a dirty look.

  “Enough! I'm tired, dirty and hungry and don’t want to listen to any bickering, Natalia. Sash don’t scratch my ship or I'll shoot you,” I said as she started docking with the Claymore. “Feel free to go aboard and meet everyone. Natalia, would you show them around for me, please?”

  As soon as I figured out how to open the airlock door on the pirate ship, I was happy and on my way to the cargo hold and a shower.

  I've been waiting for you to get here. Are you staying? Imelda asked. It was no different having her in my head than having someone walking behind me and talking.

  I'm trying to decide; I was going to send the Claymore to join the others but I may have her join us on this mission and others until I can gauge the capabilities of the Khalnalax ships. I can't let my people get their asses handed to them on our first mission.

  Are you about to clean yourself? You smell of blood and your body has a strong scent.

  Yes, dammit, yes. I’m going to shower right now. Since when did everyone get such sensitive noses? This is what we do and we, meaning everyone else, should be smelling this way more often. It would mean we are making money.

  The shower sprayed my armor as I watched the multi-colored bloods run onto the floor and down the drain. I stepped back and removed my helmet and began taking off my boots and the rest. We had slaughtered the Allith, which reminded me that I needed to work on my rifle and try to fab a new barrel for it. The pirates weren’t much of a challenge, but some of the blood on the floor was theirs. I hoped Taz would send me some of the insects; they would be a great counter to the squid hoppers when we boarded their ships. Damn, I stink and my mind is all over the place. The hot water felt wonderful and some sleep in my own bed would be a perfect way to end the day.


  Lorelei and Sash looked each other over; it was like watching two hungry hyenas eyeing a bone. Natalia found it amusing and hoped there would be some blood. She didn’t care which one; both would be perfect. If she were fair, it would be said that Lorelei fired the first volley. Sash had only complimented the Claymore and said that Lorelei should be proud to captain it. Lorelei had taken it wrong, possibly sensing Sash to be an interloper trying to steal her position as captain. Natalia didn’t think her dad would find any of it too funny.

  "You two need to calm your asses down," Natalia said forcefully, yet trying to make it still sound like a suggestion. "This is bigger than you two freaks, and if you do something to screw this mission up I'll shoot you both. Now play nice, Lorelei, you know father trusts you. Don’t be so self-conscious."

  "You are very sure of yourself for one so young. Do you have what it takes to back your words, or are you riding on Reaper’s reputation?" Sash said.

  "We have a workout area in the hold if you wish to find out. If I was you, though, I wouldn’t want my crew seeing me get my ass kicked. Could be bad for morale."

  "Lead the way, child. I expect no interference from your father either."

  Natalia did an about face and headed for the workout area. Upon arriving, she began to remove her armor, electing to keep the thermal suit on for the match. A pecking order would have to be established and she had no qualms about holding back. She did with some of the others her crewmates, but not here and now with this pirate.


  The water felt so good that I didn’t want to get out. I had washed twice to make sure the stench was gone. It seemed something was going on outside in the hold; it sounded like there were people having sex. Imelda would have warned me had there been a problem with the new employees … ha, they were pirates. Who was I kidding? It was best to just check it out and hope I wouldn’t need more than the towel wrapped around me. There was a crowd standing around the sparring mat and I pushed my way through. Some of the spectators didn’t like my pushing through their ranks, until they realized who I was.

  My daughter, my daughter—what was she doing now? Sash was struggling against Natalia’s legs, which were wrapped around her neck. Buddy had just realized I was standing next to him; he clamped his mouth shut the minute he realized I wasn’t happy. I grabbed his ear and pulled him back into the crowd of my crewmembers.

  “Get me a bucket of water now!” I wasn’t going to ask politely. Lorelei was watching and made no move to intervene. I didn’t feel this was just a friendly sparring match. I took the bucket and walked out onto the mat. They both saw it coming, then a second later the spitting and sputtering started. One poor fool didn’t like my breaking up the fight and stepped out onto the mat. The back of my fist connected with the side of his face as he took his place on the ground with the other two.

  “Lorelei, Sash and Natalia, I want to see all three of you right fucking now. Anyone else got a problem with me stopping the fight, step out here and let’s address it! What, no takers? Maybe you are all smarter than you look. Let me tell you, this was a one-sided match. No matter what the outcome, has any of you looked up? Go ahead, look up.” I loved surprises and in this case the reaction was priceless. A mad rush for the door ended in bodies falling all over each other. Imelda just sat motionless in her web, watching.

  “You didn’t have to do that! I wasn’t going to kill her!” Natalia yelled, water dripping off her nose.

  I just gave her my best evil look. “Sash, let me introduce you to Imelda. Imelda, this is Captain Sashet, Sash for short. You may see her from time to time. Sash, just so you know, she would have killed you if she thought you might kill Natalia. Lorelei, I want the three of you in the conference room now. I’ll join you shortly.”

  Lorelei opened her mouth but shut it just as fast. I think she gauged my mood a little more accurately after studying my face. The three walked off, oddly enough together, two leaving a trail of water on the floor.

  “Grubb, you and Buddy get some towels and dry the floor from here to the conference room.”

  “On it, Boss,” Buddy answered. I left to get dressed and think about the dressing down I was going to give those three. I was never the model marine, but I had learned many things during my enlistment and even more since departing. Those three were going to get their shit together or the list of trivial jobs I would give them would never end.

  I sat on my bunk when the door chime rang. “Enter!” I yelled, slipping on my boot. Binda walked in the door, looking healthy and alert. Her color was normal and her smile made me feel better almost immediately.

  “I hope you don’t mind the intrusion,” Binda said, standing just inside the doorway.

  “Come here,” I answered, holding my arms out. She stepped into them and hugged me tight around the waist.

  “How are you feeling? Sorry I didn’t come see you right away but I needed a shower in the worst way, and then I found Natalia choking out one of our captains.”

  “I heard already; Nedra was watching from the bridge. Your daughter is driven, much like you are, to win or accomplish whatever task is set before her. The Cjittan captain underestimated her.”

  “Are you busy? Come with me just in case I need a level head to keep me from beating the hell out of one or all three of them.”

  “Benjamin, before we go I wanted to say thank you for everything, and that you didn’t need to put your life in such a predicament over me. Just saving my life was enough. No one on Trillond would have ever even tried to avenge what happened to me.”

sp; “It’s good we aren’t on Trillond then. Don’t think about it, Binda, it’s the past. I need you now more than ever to help me keep it together here in the present. Our little family has grown tenfold in the past three days. And one more thing—I want you armed every day. Until we have a good handle on everyone, I need you to be on your toes. Now let’s go find out what kind of crazy thoughts those three are thinking and straighten them out.”

  Chapter 11

  Captain Dakkon sat on the bridge, deep in thought. His latest conversation with Queen Tazleaha was different than many conversations he had with her over the years. Xamand would be curious as well once he relayed the information and his own thoughts of the conversation to him.

  “Captain, we are nearing the border of Cjittan. We aren’t detecting any Khalnalax activity in the area. Should we proceed to Kanlost as the Queen of Cjittan asked?” the helmsman asked.

  “No, hold here until I speak to the Emperor. I will be in my quarters, so notify me and transfer the emperor’s com there. You will have your orders after that.”

  “Yes, Captain.”


  “How are you feeling, Dela’maah?” Taz asked. “I am happy to have you returned to us in one piece.”

  “Are you really? My life out here in this nothingness makes me think that if this means you’re happy with me, I would hate to see you angry with me.”

  “Things change, Dela’maah. That was another time and I have changed, or grown might be a better word.”

  “I admit you seem different. Is it your infatuation with that human? That is what they are called, if I understand correctly.”

  “It is more than an infatuation, and spending time with Benjamin has taught me more than he realizes. I would not expect you to understand; your exposure to him and his people has been too short for you to truly understand them.”

  “I was beaten over and over because of him and his lies. I know all I need to know, my queen. Maybe if you had suffered the beatings you would have a different view of him.”


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