Chronicles of Benjamin Jamison 4: Empires at War (Part One)

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Chronicles of Benjamin Jamison 4: Empires at War (Part One) Page 20

by Thomas A. Wright

  I left my small, cramped quarters to harass the captain again. “Don’t say it, just get in your shuttle and go,” she said, exasperated. “Maybe by the time you are through on the planet they will have sent away all of the ships. Otherwise, if you require aid it’s going to be all about timing. I hope you aren’t injured and are at least able to fly the shuttle, since that will increase our odds of collecting you and getting away.”

  “Don’t worry about that part until it’s time. If it gets hot, then you may have to leave me behind and come back. It only makes sense. I’ll say it again—no use worrying about it until the time comes.”

  “I am the captain. It is my job to worry and I wouldn’t want to face the queen or your people if anything happened to you. Your daughter has insisted on journeying with you, and no order I could give would stop her.”

  “If you want her to stay, I will handle it. I need her to learn to follow orders, but only this once. If you can’t control her then there is no use having her serve under you.”

  “Come! I will walk you to the shuttle and we will talk along the way,” Sash offered. “Your daughter is almost a grown woman and she has a spirit, a raging fire inside that will one day make a her a great warrior and leader. This is the life she was born into and it was hard to the point it broke her, but you and your people have loved and nurtured her body and soul and she is going to take on anything that stands in her way with a vengeance. While she was not born to you, she is yours, Benjamin, and I’m afraid no other can live up to that. I will keep her as my officer, but her training will be slow and you will need to spend time on my ship with her in the future.”

  “I thought my absence would be better for her.”

  “But you’re here now, aren’t you? If you put all your people under my command, they would do as I ask until they felt the situation warranted you and your leadership. If I were to object, your daughter would be the first to shoot me. That I have seen with my own eyes. Now, I like the Trillond woman you have put in charge. I will follow her orders; she has wisdom and patience, and all of your people, young and old, the crews of all the ships, need a singular voice to guide them. It will take time, but I believe Binda, with your support, will win all of them over to her.”

  “Yes, she is special and I am fortunate to have her. We all are,” I said, walking around to the back of the shuttle. A wall of hair greeted me; I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. “Imelda, get your ass out of there. There’s no way you are going to spend days like that. While it would be hard on you, it will be harder on us. Now move it.”


  “You have to, please. I’ll make it up to you and bring you back something to eat that you haven’t had before.”

  I’ve eaten Khalnalax before, as well as their servants.

  “But not in a long time I’m sure. I’ll even keep them alive if possible. I’m not sure about the warriors, I may have to kill them, but it will be fresh enough.” Sash was looking at me. Her white skin seemed pale, which was hard to believe.

  “What! You have a problem with it?” I asked her.

  “You would just feed a live person to her?” she asked and stepped back as Imelda unfolded herself, pulling with her front legs and scooting along. She wiggled and squirmed and finally was free.

  “Yes, Captain, I regularly feed a live person to her. There seem to be an abundance of fuckers who piss me off. She goes for the head first, bites it right off, then feeds the body into her maw like a shredder. It’s best not to stand too close or you’ll get hit by the pieces of meat and bone that go airborne. She is part of my team and her diet is what it is. If I had Allith or animals, I would feed them to her instead. She isn’t picky. Cjittan tastes just as good as anything else, so don’t piss me off.”

  “Why was I not told this before you brought it on my ship?”

  “You mean my ship and my crew? You would do well spending some time with Imelda.”

  “It seems barbaric even to me, a pirate, when I think about what you’re doing, but it’s not, is it?” she asked.

  “Nope, a girl’s gotta eat. It solves many problems and prevents future ones.”

  Do not forget your promise, or I will eat that one.

  Have I ever? And no you won’t, she is off limits.

  “What are you thinking?” Sashet asked, watching my eyes and body language.

  “Imelda said if I break my promise she will eat you. I told her to go ahead.”

  A huge claw attached to a fifteen-foot-long leg pushed me from behind. I took a few involuntary steps and turned to look at my friend. “I told her not to eat you, that you were off limits. She still doesn’t get humor, but can sniff a lie from a mile away.”

  “I assume that is supposed to make me feel better. I will take the time to get to know Imelda, but try to hurry back!”

  “Dad!” Natalia yelled, “I already loaded all your things and some food. Come check everything and let’s get going.”

  “Have you run the checklist and engaged the cloak? If it doesn’t work, we aren’t going anywhere.”

  “Checklist is done. I’ll check the cloak now.”

  “Are we finished, Sash, or do you have something else you want to talk about?” I asked, getting antsy now.

  “I believe I’m done. Just get back here in one piece. Everyone around you is dangerous, your woman, child and friends—all killers, and I like living.”

  “Get a message to Taz. Tell her we are leaving and not to go anywhere near Kanlost until I send you both some recon.”

  I felt a static charge in the air as Natalia tested the cloak. Sash walked back to the bridge to send my message to Taz. Taking a moment, I surveyed my weapons and realized I was going to need something new. I was down to my pistol, katana and knife. Harry and Nedra had my gifted weapons, the axe and long knife. I had warped the barrel of my rifle and would need to get to the Warhammer and have the chief make me a new one. It wasn’t going to be any time soon, though. After this Kanlost operation was over, I needed to get a message to Aisling and ask her to join us. The Warhammer would be a welcome addition to my little armada.

  “The cloak is stable. Let’s go!” Natalia hollered, as if I were the teenager. I shut the ramp behind me and took my place in the co-pilot’s seat.

  “Bridge, we are departing. Safe travels, Captain Sash,” Natalia reported.

  “Safe travels. I am transmitting coordinates, Natalia. Once you reach them, it will not be safe to make any transmissions of any kind. You should reach Kanlost in three days. Sash out.”

  “Just you and me now for three full cycles. Did you bring any cards?”

  “They’re in my bag.”


  “Captain Dakkon, we are in the Kanlost system. Can I suggest reducing our speed and approaching the planet, scanning in wide sweeps?”

  “Excellent idea, Commander. That’s why it’s standard procedure.”

  “Yes sir, I’m aware, and I’m aware we haven’t been in an engagement since the Allith at Hyson, sir. Trillond wasn’t a threat after the human destroyed the bridge of the battleship, so I’m just making sure you had nothing else in mind,” Commander Izzak replied.

  “No, Commander, nothing yet. The time for straying from the proper procedure is close at hand, but until then, follow it to the letter.”

  “Can we expect the Cjittan to arrive in system and join us?”

  “It is unlikely, Commander. The battle will be over and decided before the Cjittan reach this system.”

  “That is good, Captain. We shall show them that Allond is a fierce ally to have in a time of war.”

  “Yes, Commander, we shall. Have the weapons officer inspect every station. She will grumble, since I am sure she has completed this task already, but we have time to do it again before we arrive.”

  “Yes sir, her log shows it as completed. I believe a horde of screaming Allith will be closer to the reaction she will have when she sees this order.”

  “You see, Commander, she will be in
the proper frame of mind when the battle begins.”

  “Yes, Captain. I will be glad to be behind locked doors. Should we add another drill to the roster right in the middle of her inspection? Nothing like organized chaos to cheer up the senior staff.”

  “The crew will do their duty. They never disappoint their captain and will be all the more eager when it becomes more than just a drill.”

  “Captain!” the tactical officer interrupted. “Three Khalnalax ships patrol Kanlost space, and something small, most likely a shuttle, is inbound.”

  “Helm, adjust our course to intercept the shuttle. I would wager a guess as to who that might be.”

  “Your friend the human?” Izzak asked. The crew to the very lowest rank knew of the human and his companions, whom the emperor and their captain had grown fond of.

  “I am quite certain.”

  “The Khalnalax will certainly identify the shuttle before it gets close to Kanlost,” Izzak said, thinking the human to be both brave and foolish but holding his tongue.

  “It is true, but Benjamin is using what he has available, as he always does, and I hope to intercept him before the Khalnalax and take his shuttle aboard. Helm, increase speed to full power. I wish to arrive ahead of the enemy.”

  “Yes, Captain, increasing to full power. Sir, the Khalnalax have just taken notice as well and one ship is adjusting its course.”

  “Understood. Helm, watch the others. They will adjust their speed momentarily to intercept us.”

  “You are correct, Captain.”

  “It seems it is not a drill any longer, Commander. Ready the ship for battle!” Dakkon’s voice rang out, his tone meant to inspire his crew.


  “Dad, I miss Anubis and our friends there. While I’m happy now, those days were very special to me. I miss the Andrea I called mom, not the one who broke your heart and kept so many secrets from you,” Natalia said out of the black.

  “I know, Natalia, I miss them too. I even miss Andrea. I have memories that I cherish and I don’t know if she could have done anything different, but I know she did love you, Natalia, and those days were special to her too. I know what we had during that time was real. She walked away from her mission for us, not just me. She loved the farm and all of us being together like a family. I believe she felt some peace in her life out from under his control.”

  “Well, he won’t be controlling anyone ever again.” Natalia snarled.

  “No he won’t, General Gray is dead, but there is always someone who will, and we will cross paths with people like that sooner or later. Adeen, Angel and others we may not even know about are free to live their lives without looking over their shoulders with him gone.”

  “Do you think Taz is manipulating you and the rest of us?”

  “I’m sure of it,” I answered. Natalia’s head spun my way, staring in disbelief.

  “What are you going to do?”

  “Nothing to do. I do the same to her and you do the same to me. It’s not all evil, is it?”

  “I do not!” Natalia exclaimed.

  “No, not like General Gray. What he did was called blackmail, as well as other names. What I’m saying is that when a person wants a certain outcome and knows they might not get it, they begin to do things to set in motion a series of events to achieve the desired result.”


  “Yeah, oh.” I watched her look away. “Natalia, as long as you’re aware of what you’re doing, you’ll be able to decide according to your conscience if it’s what you should be doing. You’ve grown so much both mentally and physically since Anubis, and I’m the last person who should judge you. I don’t know anything about being a parent. A real parent wouldn’t let his daughter go on a life-or-death mission, but I’ve done it over and over. All I know to do is to make a survivor out of you, and that can’t be done sitting it out in safety all the time. If anything happens to me, I’ll die knowing you will have the skill to live on.”

  “Ok, shut it now, I don’t want to hear that.”

  “But you need to, Natalia. I’ve been at death’s door a few too many times since you’ve been with me. One day Death is going to open it and let me in.”

  “I said shut it. All I wanted to say is that I miss those days and I hope when we get done kicking the shit out of these jackasses we can ease back into that kind of life again.”

  “Ok, ok, but you have to promise me something. Promise me you will listen to Sash and do as she orders. She is a survivor and learning from her will serve you well.”

  “I’m not going to promise. I’m going to kick her ass again in a rematch.”

  “That’s fine, but promise me. There are a lot of people whose asses I could have kicked, yet I still listened and followed orders and learned.”

  Beep, beep, beep. “Shit, we have company heading our way!”

  “Just keep on course. We knew it would probably happen. Everything else was wishful thinking.”

  “Two ships from different directions.”

  “There were three last reported around the planet.”

  “One is coming from the direction of Allond space and is at least four times larger.”

  “That would be Dakkon, I imagine. Things aren’t as hopeless as they looked, now, are they?”

  “Um, yeah, they won’t be the first to arrive.”

  “Well then, we will have to stall or improvise. Increase power to full and make straight for the Khalnalax.”

  “You sure?”

  “Nope, but they won’t be sure of anything when they detect our speed increase with no change of course. My bet is they expect us to run any direction but straight at them. When we are within range, open a com so I can talk to them.”

  “Shouldn’t be a problem; they have increased speed as well.”

  “Ok, let the bullshit begin. Send a message requesting the captain to contact us because we have valuable information about the Cjittan navy.”

  “The Allond will see we sent the message as well.”

  “That’s ok. Dakkon knows I wouldn’t betray Taz. He will figure it out.”

  “Ok, we have their attention. On screen now.”

  “Are you the captain of the Khalnalax vessel?” I asked.

  “Who are you?”

  “I am a man with information willing to trade it for asylum within your empire. We only recently escaped from a Cjittan naval outpost, stealing this shuttle. Can you make a bargain for your government? As you can see, we are about to have company.”

  “Give me the information and I will determine its worth.”

  “You take me for a fool, Captain? You might as well fire your weapons. I want asylum and at least safe passage to Kanlost. It is known you control that planet and it is where we we’re headed. No, sir! It is information for safe passage or nothing. You will still have to deal with the Allond battlecruiser I see approaching, regardless.”

  “We could destroy you and leave before it gets here.”

  “The Allond know we have important information. Or do you think that a battlecruiser would be in such hurry to intercept a couple of criminals in a shuttle for the hell of it?”

  “Change course heading for the Allond cruiser and maybe they will be merciful.”

  “Captain, you better hope your emperor doesn’t find out you passed on an opportunity to find out what your enemy is up to. I hear he is not very tolerant of stupidity.”

  “You had better not be lying, criminal,” the captain barked.

  “We have it on good authority. The information comes from a member of the royal family who is an officer and very upset with that bitch Tazleaha, Queen of Cjittan. She occupied the same cell as us, and when they came to take her we jumped their lazy asses and escaped.”

  “And she shared this information why? Treason carries a death sentence on Cjittan.”

  I laughed, trying to sound evil. “We were to help her escape, and she would give us information we could use, just as we are doing right now. We helped her as
promised and it’s a damn shame she didn’t make the shuttle before she got caught again. No loss, and more air and food for us. Pirates attacked just as we were leaving. Their scanners are not as good as yours, because they didn’t see us leaving the system. You can have spies check it out. You will see I am telling the truth.”

  “I will. We are agreed—unless I find you have lied to me, and then I will kill you.”

  “In times like these that is a fair arrangement.”

  “Power down the shuttle, including life support, and we will retrieve your ship. You should have extra atmosphere to breathe, yes?”

  “No problem, just don’t drag ass, Captain.” I motioned for Natalia to cut the com and power. We were strapped in, but our playing cards began a journey all their own with no gravity. We laughed as we grabbed for the cards. We didn’t have long to wait.

  Chapter 13

  “It seems your friend is a traitor, Captain. They cut power and let themselves be taken aboard the Khalnalax vessel,” Commander Izzak said. Captain Dakkon rose from his seat and approached his bridge commander. Izzak immediately understood he may have made a mistake. He edged away from his captain, only to back into a bridge security officer.

  “Izzak, if I understand correctly, you feel the Emperor, the Prime Minister, myself and a number of citizens of the Allond empire all associate with a traitor. If Nedra heard you speak such things about her friend, she would more than likely slit your throat. She, like others, has grown to respect and even love the human you just slandered. While love is an emotion we do not often display, I can tell you it is a very strong and influential emotion that would cause your undoing if your words ever traveled beyond my bridge. Is it possible, Izzak, you meant to say that my friend is a warrior, survivor, even a hero—and confused your words?”

  “Yes, oh yes, Captain, that is exactly what I meant to say. His exploits are known in three empires, so yes, all of those are exactly what I meant to say.”

  “Helm, adjust course to pursue the Khalnalax vessel and keep the crew battle ready. Weapons, if they fire on us, you may return fire, but disable only. Any other Khalnalax vessels you may destroy on sight.”


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