Chronicles of Benjamin Jamison 4: Empires at War (Part One)

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Chronicles of Benjamin Jamison 4: Empires at War (Part One) Page 26

by Thomas A. Wright

  “I can’t say that I’m happy about it, but I think Binda is right,” Snake said. “The boss doesn’t always see things clear when it comes to women.”

  “No shit. All the way back to Adeen poaching in the ranks. She got her hooks in him,” Ronnie replied. “Now quit stating the obvious and let the admiral speak.”

  Snake motioned her to continue and Binda outlined her plans. “Ronnie, if we get the go-ahead, I want you to stay onboard the Claymore. Snake, I’m putting Adeen in charge of the operation, with you and Angel as her lieutenants. Genius should go to access the tech, and the rest your team leader can pick.”

  “Yes ma’am. I’ll go find Adeen and Angel and start organizing our gear while they pick the rest of the team.”

  “I wouldn’t do too much, Snake. It may be a waste of time,” Binda said.

  “It won’t be, but in the slim chance I’m wrong it’s never a bad idea to check your gear over. What else do we have to do?”

  “True and when we finally meet up with Benjamin there is going to be plenty of action.” Binda said. “Taz wants him to take an occupied planet with less than three hundred able bodies.”

  “Maybe it’s another stupid test. She’s the type to keep him jumpin’, provin’ himself to her.”

  “You might be right,” Ronnie said. “Or maybe she wants to make a hero out of a criminal.”

  “Possibly. That makes sense if you look at it from her point of view,” Binda said. “Acceptance of a non-Cjittan as her mate is a strike, and killing those two aristocrats for what they did to me is strike two. She needs to give him a new image to make it work.”

  “And get us all killed in the process.” Snake laughed at his own words. It’s the same no matter where you serve, he thought. “Nothin’ we ain’t faced before, huh, Ron. I’ll see you later,” Snake said, off to search for his new team leader. He thought it would be good to spend some time with Adeen, to see how she handled things and verify whether he was right about her feelings toward Binda.


  “You two, come with me. I can’t have you looking like peasants. You’ll wear these while we tour the planet. You can change on the shuttle.”

  “Yes, master Overseer,” Joon answered. They hurried to catch up to him as he left them staring at the new clothing.

  Other than climbing trees and vines, the twins’ feet had never left the ground. While Joon still hated her captors, she did feel a sense of awe and excitement over the chance to fly. They boarded the shuttle, and the first thing Joon noticed was there was no place to change that afforded her some privacy. She walked to the back of the shuttle to the rear loading ramp.

  “Doon, stand still and don’t move. I am going to change and you are going to be my curtain.” Doon nodded, silently staring at the floor. Joon pulled her slave smock over her head. Joon zipped the one-piece suit and turned to find her brother in a stare-down with the master. She stepped around to face him.

  “Doon, stop it and put your suit on.” She heard the master snort behind her. It sounded like he wasn’t impressed with either of them. For that she was happy; they didn’t need his attention.

  “You two, sit, secure yourselves. We are departing.” The shuttle lifted off the platform on top of the mammoth World Eater.

  Joon felt the motion of the shuttle and tensed, gripping the arm of her seat. Doon patted her hand to reassure her. She wished she was like him, fearless and strong. He had saved her. She wasn’t sure how he knew what to do and when, but he did. He didn’t look at her when he squeezed her hand; it was almost like he understood what she had been thinking.

  “Slave, come here,” the master called, looking straight at her.

  She hurried and bowed. “Yes, master.”

  “You and your brother will attend me in much the same way you have been, but you may be required to sleep in my room. It is for your own protection. Your brother will take quarters with the crew.”

  She watched him, waiting for him to continue, to explain. The corner of his mouth twitched as he fought back a smile. At that point she knew he was lying. Knowing that, she could guard herself. She knew she may not win but she would not be caught unawares.

  “Some of our soldiers are no more than animals, recruited from peasants like yourself. They become hard and unruly when they are not on a battlefield.”

  “Thank you, master, for watching out for us,” Joon said, feeling no thanks. If the way he looked at her was any indication of his intentions, she knew she would always loathe him. She wanted to crack his face like an egg.

  “Tell your brother that if he defies me again he will suffer in the mines. I appreciate his spirit and his need to protect you, but you are under my protection. Anything other than his loyalty and obedience will cost him.”

  “Yes, master. I will explain it to him; he’ll not do it again.”

  “See that he doesn’t.”

  The rest of the trip was spent in silence between the twins, and the master never called for any further discussion. While he didn’t talk to them, she overheard him lose his temper with someone over lack of production and that they would be there shortly to rectify the situation. She did not wish to be that person.

  Joon knew their master was not a warrior—he was an administrator, like the mayor of their village. The thought of her village panged her heart and vengeance rose inside her. Her master might not have killed everyone she loved, but he and the others with him would pay the price for those who were not there.

  “We have arrived. Follow me and bring my things to my quarters. Your brother will come with me and you will unpack and have my room ready.”

  “Yes, master,” Joon acknowledged. She picked up one of his cases and followed. Doon had the larger on top of a small hover lift. Joon spared a moment to look over her shoulder. In the distance was one of the two spaceports Kanlost could boast of. Nothing moved in or around it.


  The boarding team was picked and Adeen had divided the team members between her two squad leaders. It was decided she would accompany Angel’s team. Snake had many more boarding actions under his belt than Angel had, and he thanked the stars he wouldn’t have Adeen looking over his shoulder.

  “What’s taking Benjamin so long to respond?” Adeen asked. She was in for another ass-kicking if she didn’t watch out, already bitchin’ about the boss for somethin’ that wasn’t his fault, Snake thought.

  “It’s transmission time, and on top of that we are barely moving; the distance between our ships continues to grow as he moves away from us,” Angel answered. Snake gave her a nod. Adeen should have known, but she just liked to bitch and moan. If she started that shit with the boss once they were all back together, he might let her go next time he held her body off the shuttle bay ramp 300 feet up.

  “Snake! Quit daydreaming and get your team ready,” Adeen said, sounding like a barking dog. One of those bastards that nips at your ankles.

  “Aye, I’m on it,” Snake replied. “Anything to get away from you.”

  “Excuse me!”

  “You heard me.” Walking away made saying things like that easier.

  “I won’t put up with any bullshit from you. Remember that.”

  The ol’ one finger salute was enough. No reason to waste his breath on her. They were privateers—that’s what the boss called them. There was no handbook. He had looked over the potentials earlier and the pickings were slim. He had Buddy and one young kid. He hadn’t seen a Cjittan with one solitary whisker on his face; they were all smooth as a baby’s ass. It would just be a guess as far as his age. Angel had Adam and an older pirate. He didn’t look like much but Snake wouldn’t turn his back on him. Both teams wanted Harry. They argued until Admiral Binda said Harry would stay back in reserve and guard the airlock on the Claymore. Minus the weapons, which he wasn’t handing out until they left the ship, for obvious reasons to him. One, he didn’t trust the pirates yet, and two, he didn’t trust the pirates.

  Pirates were supposed to be in h
is sights, not covering his back. It put him on edge. It would be hours before he heard from Reaper. He hadn’t thought of him like that in a while; he started calling him boss and thinking more and more about settling down. Ronnie thought I should if I wanted to. That wouldn’t do. Am I the only one who longs for the old days?

  What team? She was crazy. Buddy might hold his own in a firefight, but the pirate kid was green. There was nothing he could do to get them ready in such a short time. He would talk to them then take a nap.

  “Hey Buddy.” Snake waited for the beep. “Get the kid and meet me in the hold. Let’s talk, then get some rest before we have to shove off.”


  I sat on the bridge with my eyes closed. My thoughts were running amok. “Sash, get Captain Dakkon for me.”

  “He is about to leave.”

  “Don’t remember asking you for his itinerary. I said get him. I’m tired of waiting on Binda and the rest. They can catch up with us on Kanlost after they meet up with you.”

  “What’s the plan?” Natalia asked.

  “I don’t know.”

  “Here we go. Is this the part where you say I can’t go and we argue, then I go anyway?”

  “I didn’t say you couldn’t go, I said I didn’t know the plan.”

  “That’s not like you.”

  “Making plans sucks. Someone once said a plan never survives something, something, and some other bullshit. Here’s the plan. If it’s red, shoot it. If it has tentacles, shoot it. If it looks at you wrong, shoot it. If it doesn’t belong, blow it up. If it says it loves you, shoot it.”

  “Finally, we’re gonna have some fun. You’re the best dad ever.”

  “No, I’m not. I’m no father. You should stay here on the ship with your captain and continue learning how to operate every station. Now I’m saying you can’t go.”


  “You see, Natalia, if you were my daughter you would listen to me. Do as I ask.”

  “You’re not making any sense. What’s wrong with you?” Her hurt was unmistakable.

  “I’m going on this mission alone. When the rest of our little fleet gets here there will be other missions and—”

  “No! I’m going with you.”


  Sashet and the rest of bridge couldn’t help but hear the whole conversation. The young woman didn’t get it. Even Sashet could see the cold in his blue eyes, but the comment about love had gone over Natalia’s head. Something had happened, she could guess, but wasn’t about to open her mouth and ask questions. He didn’t want the girl along and he would have his way regardless. He could have handled it differently but probably not in his current state of mind. Before she could intervene on Natalia’s behalf, the girl did something stupid.

  Natalia sped past, then leapt at the man she called Dad. The humans would call her spoiled. It was a term she had heard some of them say when Natalia wasn’t around. All Sashet knew was the pair loved each other and were too much alike.

  The console behind her beeped and Dakkon lit up the screen. Reaper batted Natalia’s flying punch aside and everyone felt the sting of his hand when it connected with her face. Everything was happening in just a few blinks.

  “Take her to her room and lock her in,” he ordered the two crewmen who were acting as bridge security. Natalia lay on the floor fuming. Tears formed in her eyes from the sting—and not just of his hand.

  “It seems my timing could have been better,” Dakkon said.

  “Are you going on to Kanlost, Captain?” Benjamin asked. It looked like his plan didn’t include her ship or any of the crew.

  “No, Benjamin. After some deliberation, I am being recalled. We will be the flagship of a patrol fleet of ten ships guarding our border.”

  “I see. Thank you, and tell Xamand thank you for all his help. It’s not your war.”

  “Not right now, but it will be. The Khalnalax will not forgive our aid to the Cjittan or our actions today. One offensive assault on their part and we will begin destroying every Khalnalax ship we come across.”

  “Well, I hope they do something stupid soon. The Cjittan are going to need your help. Maybe you could just disable a few of their ships and my people will do the rest.”

  “I will give it some thought; there are consequences leaving an enemy at your back. Benjamin.”

  “Yeah, I know.”

  “Do you remember my niece Kimit?”

  “I do. Is she working for you now?”

  “No, she has her own ship and will be arriving shortly to replace us. It is the same class as the Claymore and very fast. I am sure that if you ask her she would be willing to help you.”

  Sashet could see that the news made him happy.

  “Captain Sashet, a message has arrived for Reaper from the Claymore.”

  “Is it personal?” Sashet asked.

  “No, it is not marked or encrypted.”

  “Read it,” Benjamin said.

  “Hey, handsome, we are on our way. We didn’t have any trouble at Naloon. We bent the Khalnalax over and spanked their ass, then shoved torpedoes in it until they couldn’t take it anymore. You know, if you’re lonely, when we meet up we could go to your room and I could show you how the battle went down.”

  “Stop!” he yelled at the crewman reading.

  “Why? It was just getting interesting.” Sashet said. “That one there, is she always so direct.” Sashet saw he had a little color in his face. “Is there more to the message?”

  “Yes, Captain, Shawna continues with a few more innuendoes, then says they have come upon a Cjittan Generation ship and want to know if they should board it and or take it.”

  “Tell her to board and take the ship and bring it to Kanlost. Tell her if they do a good job I might take her up on her offer to reenact the battle of Naloon,” Benjamin said.

  “Benjamin, you shouldn’t mislead your officer with such base remarks. You have someone who would be very displeased with you. And you most certainly should not attack a Cjittan vessel for the same reasons,” Dakkon admonished.

  “Dakkon, Shawna has been propositioning me since I’ve known her. It’s her personality. I have always turned her down in the past. She’ll know that it’s a tease. As far as the ship is concerned, it’s going to be mine. Be happy you will be far away when the shit hits the fan.”

  “Another visual. Thank you so much,” Sashet said. Benjamin smiled.

  “Captain Sashet, just wait. I’m sure Benjamin can top that one easily,” Dakkon promised. “It’s a dangerous road you go down. I do wish you would heed my council on this and let the ship go on its way.”

  The smile was gone just as quickly as it appeared. “Captain, if you would put in a good word with Tawniz for me I would appreciate it. And maybe some weapons.”

  “You will need them, my friend, when your queen hears of your actions.”

  “She isn’t my queen. You should know that in case something is said later. I don’t want you blindsided.”

  “I’m sorry, my friend. May I share this information with Xamand? What was it you said one time? I remember. So, he would not have egg on his face. Not what you would expect someone to say to the emperor of a reptilian race. What do you think, Captain?”

  “You said that to him? What were you thinking?” Sashet said. “Are you a walking death wish?”

  “I didn’t know!” He shook his head, staring at the floor. “I never claimed to be the goodwill ambassador or an authority on Allond biology. There was no briefing on proper customs. I met them during a very busy time. Gifts were exchanged, and we talked about the possibility of war with the Cjittan, not child-bearing. Yep, go figure. Taz had been duped by the Allith after the Allond backed out of helping them. It was a mess.”

  “It was funny. You should have seen his face, Captain. Xamand quickly realized he meant no insult.”

  Benjamin looked over at security. “When you guys locked her in her room, did you by chance take her weapons from her?” The look they gave him w
as answer enough. “Sash could explain to security that if we are confining someone, no matter who it is, we need to relieve them of their weapons. Thank you.”

  “We have a lot of things to learn.”

  “Thanks. I think I will go see Natalia before I go. Check for life signs in her room if you don’t see me soon, ok? Dakkon, I will talk to you once I’m on my way.”

  Sashet noticed Dakkon didn’t sign off when Benjamin left, so she waited for him to say something.

  “Captain, a word of advice. You and your people shouldn’t speak of anything you saw or heard today. I’ve known him longer than you have. Your good health is secure if your lips are tight. In this case, the two halves are stronger than the whole. Keep an eye on Natalia. Benjamin will think clearer if he thinks she is safe.”

  “I can assume he has never laid a hand on her.”

  “Never, to my knowledge. He is not himself. Queen Tazleaha told us the Khalnalax wouldn’t know what hit them. She was unleashing the Reaper on them. I can say now that she has. Good luck to you, Captain Sashet.”

  “And you, Captain Dakkon.”


  It was a long walk from the bridge to Natalia’s room. I was thankful the door didn’t automatically open. I stood staring at it for minutes. I entered my override code and walked in. She sat on her bed, knees pulled up against her chest, arms wrapped around them. She didn’t look at me. I couldn’t see the side of her face.

  “I’m leaving soon. I wanted to say bye.” She didn’t acknowledge she heard. “Do as your captain orders.” Nothing. “The Claymore will be meeting with this ship once they finish some business they have. You can transfer to it if you want.” Silence. “You don’t have to be an officer or a crew member but you have to do what you’re told. Your friends will be depending on you to do your part when things get rough.”

  She turned her face toward me. Bloodshot eyes like glass. “She dumped you, didn’t she, and you slap me and tell me I’m not your daughter. Did you slap her and tell her you didn’t love her? ‘Cause that’s what you’re telling me. You’re an asshole.”


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