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Henry Page 33

by Starkey, David

  Henry VIII, king: ACCESSION AND CORONATION: 4, 254, 255, 257–62, 316–17; cancels many of Henry VII’s ‘bonds’ and ‘recognizances’ upon 303–4, 313–14; commissions of ‘oyer and terminer’ 302; contrast with father’s rule 264–6, 270, 271, 300–14; coronation 7, 286–96, 318, 356; exhilaration of kingship, experiences 275; general pardon 262–6, 299–300; House of York, treatment of upon 8–9, 18, 305–12; household 265–6, 272, 320; Magna Carta, respect for 302–3; More on 4–5, 297–302, 305, 312; Mountjoy on 5; nobility approves of 303–4; patronage 269–77, 318–20, 324–5, 349–52, 360–70; Tower, move to between father’s death and 258, 260, 261, 263, 264, 265, 268, 275; Wars of the Roses end with 4, 8–9, 18, 305, 307–12

  APPEARANCE: bust by Guido Mazzoni 133; Edward IV and 23, 83; Holbein’s portrait of 3, 5; lack of decent youthful representations of 5; paintings of 2–3, 5, 133–4; shape 2; stature 226–7, 234, 289, 322

  CHILDHOOD AND BIRTH: Arthur, prince of Wales, relationship with 67, 169; birth 11, 13–14, 15, 61, 68; births and deaths of siblings, effect of upon 69–71; christening 11–14, 59, 144; conceived 149; Cornish rebellion, flees with mother 114, 260, 332; cradles 60–1, 75; early memories of stories of turbulent family history 16, 127; education see education; Eltham 87, 88, 90, 98, 100, 103, 105, 110, 116, 125, 129, 135, 173, 177, 228, 236, 342; femininity of upbringing 66–8, 172–3; household 66–9, 70, 71, 72, 73, 173; lady mistress 68, 71; mother, closeness to during 4, 18, 81, 111, 112, 163–4; nursery apartments 60–4, 66–9, 70, 71, 72, 73; parents, relationship with during 72–3, 146; rewards nursery staff when accedes to throne 331–2; ‘rockers’ 47, 59–60, 62, 63, 69, 70; second son, effect of status as 15, 133, 134–5; sisters, brought up with 4, 62, 63, 64, 66–8, 69–71, 103, 118–20, 129–30, 172–3; tutors see education; war with France and 64–5; wet-nurse 59, 60, 62, 66, 71, 77, 290, 332

  COUNCIL AND MINISTERS: clerical ministers 47–50; clerk of the hanaper 319; deny H’s wishes 275–7; discuss Catherine’s miscarriage 335; dominated by father’s ministers 317; Foxe and see Foxe, Richard; great councils and 301–4; H defies 325; Howard family’s accretion of power and 352–5, 360–3; lord chamberlain’s department 78, 89, 95, 98, 176, 182, 195, 219, 238, 273, 286; lord steward’s department 238, 268, 273, 281; make up of 273–4, 278, 280, 318–19, 320; Marney and 269–73, 274–5, 349, 360; ministers, H’s attitude towards 234–5; negotiates H’s marriage to Catherine of Aragon 277–80; patronage, involvement in 269–77, 281, 306–14; Wolsey and 367–70 see also under individual minister’s name

  EDUCATION: 4; in arms 181; astronomical and mathematical lore, love of 123; books, love of 128, 132; Erasmus and see Erasmus, Desiderius; in family history 127; in French 179–80, 220; handwriting 118–20; Henry VII and 118; history, role of 179; in the company of women 118–20, 129; language, sense of English 3, 7, 123–4, 358–60; Latin 5, 46, 121–2, 123, 178, 179, 181, 182–3, 220, 242; lute 180; More and 129, 130, 177, 182, 175; mother, learns to read and write from 118–20, 170; Mountjoy and 175, 177, 181, 182, 225, 241, 242, 257, 287; musical 4, 180, 348–9; physical 181; Reformation and 181, 182; scholars, reverence for 127–8; Skelton and 16, 17, 118, 120, 121–9, 131, 136, 166, 173, 174, 178, 179, 180; tutors 16, 17, 118–29; verse composition 123–4; vocabulary 123–4; wind instruments 180

  FAMILY: Arthur, prince of Wales, relationship with 67, 169; Arthur, prince of Wales’s wedding, role in 144–5, 146; death of son, reaction to 345; family tree xiv–xv; father, abominates meanness of 4, 127; father, contradictory attitude of towards 157; father, relationship with after death of brother 185–6, 187–9; father’s achievements and 38; father’s favouritism towards Arthur, prince of Wales and 40; father’s illness and death, effect upon 239–41, 262–3; house of Lancaster and 8–9, 16, 18, 19–21, 23–7; house of York and 8–9, 18, 81, 156–7, 305–6, 308; mother, identifies with 117, 118–19, 120; mother, love for 18, 83, 169–70; mother, reaction to death of 169–70, 220; sister Mary’s wedding, role in 249; son born 6, 340

  FINANCES: debts 320; father endows on creation as duke of York 100, 157–8; father’s financial gifts to 117, 138; gambling and 162; H’s attitude towards 4, 127, 319–20; land revenues 319; letters patent and 319

  LOVE LIFE: Anne Stafford, rumoured affair with 337, 338, 339; Catherine of Aragon, love for 317, 327–8, 331, 335, 343, 344; fear of incest 129; marriage to Catherine of Aragon 189–92, 199–200, 208, 240, 253, 270, 277–8, 280, 281, 286, 291; marriage, negotiations for first 277–81; marriage, values 127; repudiates marriage to Catherine of Aragon 191, 263; sex life with Catherine of Aragon 334, 337; women, attitude towards 129

  PERSONALITY: adolescent behaviour 330; builder, great 214; charm 330; chivalry 343, 353, 361; counsel, attitude towards 128; desire to be good 284; etiquette and 89; fame and greatness, appetite for 132, 301, 305; fast learner 89; feminine influence 66, 172–3; gambling and 162; greatness, capacity for 301; history and books, turns to for guidance 16, 127, 128, 132, 206, 257, 285, 302; learned men and scholars, treatment of 127–8; love of fortifications and ordnance 315–16; models on Henry V 4, 6, 20; musical ability 4, 180, 348–9; patriotism 123; pleasure seeking 367–8; role models 206, 215–16, 218–20; rule breaker 146; Thomas More spots capacity for greatness in 301; tyrant 3; women, attitude towards 129; xenophobia 123; younger and older, differences between 3, 4, 6–7

  PRIVY CHAMBER: early days of 317–18; function of 1; groom of the 339; groom of the stool 1, 2, 317–18; privy purse 320; William Compton see Compton, William

  RELIGION: ‘bede’ or prayer roll 199–205; break with Rome 3, 128; burns heretics 3; dissolution of monasteries 3; H’s reformation 7–8; jewellery 197, 278; mother and 197–8; piety, conventional 4, 289, 292, 294; pilgrimages 4, 7, 197–8, 341–2, 345; Pope, attitude towards 4, 7; royal station and 289; supreme head of church, makes himself 3, 128; William Thomas and 199, 281; writings on 7

  SPORTSMAN: 4; birding 329; bow skills 211; competes at tournaments 226–33; hawking 221; Henry VII’s attitude towards H’s involvement in sport 231, 232–3; horsemanship 87–8, 349; hunting 329; jousting 221–33, 320–5, 341, 342–3; physique and 226–7, 234, 289, 322; royal studs 87–8

  TITLES: archbishop of Canterbury, father’s possible intention to make H 157–61; duke of York, created 81, 82–97, 149, 157, 270; knight of the Bath, created 82, 85, 89–92, 127; knight of the Garter, installation as 110–11, 156; knight of the Golden Fleece 210; lord lieutenant of Ireland 112–13; lord warden of the Cinque Ports, created 79, 94, 112, 289; office of the keeper and the chief justice of Galtres Forest, given 166; prince of Wales, becomes 166, 172, 184–5

  WARS OF THE ROSES: attempt to knit up wounds of 4, 8–9, 16, 18, 305, 307–12; learns of in childhood 16–18, 127

  WRITING: Assertio Septem Sacramentorum 7; letters 169–70, 179, 218–19, 328, 329–30; speech to parliament, 1545 124; verse 123–4, 358–9

  YOUTH: becomes heir 165, 172; coming of age 346; court, first goes to 185, 188, 189, 190, 348; feminine influence in 173; father’s influence in 157–61; household 173, 318, 351; Philip of Burgundy and 206, 215–16, 218–20; role models of kingship in 206, 215–16, 218–20; Suffolk rebellion and 148–9, 157; summit conference, first 209–11

  Henry, prince (first son of H and Catherine of Aragon) 340–5

  Herbert of Cherbury, Edward, Lord 158, 159, 324

  Herbert of Raglan, Sir Charles Somerset, Lord 273, 286, 304

  Heron, John 102

  Historia del Concilio Tridentino (History of the Council of Trent) (Sarpi) 159

  History of King Richard III (More) 312

  Hobbes, Evelyn 47

  Hobbes, Thomas 365

  Holbein, Hans 3, 5

  Holt Castle, Denbighshire 112

  Holt, John 143, 173, 174–5, 178

  Holy Roman Empire 79, 248

  Hone, William 119, 178

  Howard family 105–9, 352–5, 360–3

  Howard, John see Norfolk, John Howard, 1st duke of

  Howard, Lord Thomas 105–6, 107, 108, 360
  Howard, Lord Thomas (son of Lord Thomas Howard) 107

  Howard, Thomas see Surrey, Thomas Howard, 2nd earl of

  Howard, Sir Edmund 353

  Howard, Sir Edward 312, 353, 354, 355, 360

  Hussey, Sir John 155

  Hussey, William 155, 224

  Ireland: H made lord lieutenant of 112–13; imposter Yorkist prince in (crowned Edward VI by earl of Lincoln) 53, 54; Warbeck in 74–6, 112, 113, 117

  Isabella of Castile, queen 138, 139, 141, 143, 189, 190, 207, 248, 253, 307

  James IV of Scotland, king 113, 114, 117, 136, 162–3

  John of Gaunt 20, 328

  jousting: Golden Tree tournament, 1468 153; H’s coronation 294–5, 356, 360; H’s creation as duke of York, to celebrate 95–7, 149–50, 153; H’s friends within and heroes of 346–57; Henry VII creates post of spear 223–4; H uses Compton to free him from council control over participation in see Compton, William; in celebration of H’s first child, 12 and 13 February 1511 341, 342–3, 346–7; in celebration of marriage of Catherine of Aragon and Arthur, prince of Wales 152; June 1507 tournament 221, 225–7; Richmond, March, 1508 348–9; nobility and 232–3; Richmond, 12 January 1510 320–4, 330, 349; Suffolk and 149–50, 152, 223–7; tournament in honour of the lady of May, 14–21 May 1507 222–7; tournament to celebrate Princess Mary’s betrothal 231–2; Yorkist sentiment surrounding 233, 348

  Juana ‘the Mad’, queen of Castile 190–1, 207, 208, 212–13, 218

  Kenilworth, Warwickshire 54

  Kent, Richard Grey, 3rd earl of 155, 224, 225, 230–1, 232, 233

  King, Oliver 93

  knight of the Bath 57, 82, 85, 88–92

  Knyvet, Sir Thomas 287, 311, 312, 342, 344, 350, 353, 355, 360

  Lac Puerorum (‘Schoolboys’ Milk’) (Holt) 174–5

  Lancaster, house of: battle of Bosworth and see Bosworth, battle of; Edward IV wrestles throne from 22–3, 26–7, 29; H’s ancestry within 16, 18, 19–21, 23–7, 134; H’s view of 18; Henry IV and 20, 23–4, 26–7; Henry V and 20; Henry VI and 20–1, 23–5, 26–7; Henry VII and 18–20, 24, 32–8, 40, 53–6; Henry VII’s parents and 19–20; Perkin Warbeck and see Warbeck, Perkin; Richard III regains crown from 29–31; Stoke, battle of and see Stoke, battle of; Suffolk conspiracy and see Suffolk, Edmund de la Pole, earl of; Tewkesbury, battle of see Tewkesbury, battle of; union of house of York and in marriage of H’s parents 16, 18, 32–3, 38, 39; virtual destruction of 28, 29

  Landais, Pierre 34–5

  Langton, Thomas 161

  Lark, Mistress 366–7

  Layer Marney, Essex 271

  Letters (Cicero) 123

  Liber de optimo fato Henrici Eboraci ducis (Parron) 160, 167–8

  Life of Henry VII (André) 228

  Lincoln, John de la Pole, 1st earl of 8, 54, 55, 150, 350

  Lionel, duke of Clarence 22, 87

  Lisle, Muriel, viscountess 353

  London: Bath House 237; Brandon House, Southwark 351; Cardinal’s Hat, The 290; City of London 258, 262, 264, 288, 297, 340; Coldharbour, The 114, 332; Durham House 191; Marshalsea gaol 350; Tower of London 25, 28, 30, 31, 32, 66, 75, 76, 98, 104, 106, 114, 115, 116, 140, 156, 167, 168, 169, 217, 218, 237, 255, 256, 258, 260, 261, 263, 264, 265, 268, 275, 279, 282, 287, 288, 315, 316, 317, 340, 342, 356, 357, 358; Winchester House 51

  Louis XI, king 26, 28, 35

  Lovell, Sir Thomas 217, 286, 304, 350

  Ludlow Castle 31, 49, 66, 147, 162, 164, 165, 307

  Luke, Walter 59

  Luke (formerly Uxbridge), Anne 59, 60, 62, 66, 71, 77, 290, 332

  Lyng, Thomas 94

  Lytton, Robert 85, 111

  Magdalen College School 174, 364

  Magdalen College, Oxford 174, 175, 364

  Malory, Sir Thomas 41

  Manrique, Don Pedro 219

  Manrique, Doña Elvira 219

  Margaret of Anjou, queen 21

  Margaret of Burgundy, archduchess 138, 341

  Margaret of Savoy 253

  Margaret of York, duchess of Burgundy 53, 77–8, 79, 80, 88, 103–4, 137, 138, 151, 153

  Marney, Grace 270

  Marney, Sir Henry 269–73, 274–5, 349, 360

  Marney, William 270

  Marshalsea gaol see London

  Massy, Alice 45, 168

  Maximilian I, emperor 79–80, 84, 103, 104, 137, 154, 188, 193, 216, 248

  Mayland, Ann 63

  Mazzoni, Guido 133

  Meautis, John 218

  Medina del Campo, treaty of, 1489 139

  Meno, Pregent 74

  Millyng, Thomas 25, 26

  Milner, Richard 198

  Montague, John, marquess of 194

  More, Sir Thomas 143, 175; A Rueful Lamentation of the Death of Queen Elizabeth 170–1, 312; Erasmus and 129, 130, 177, 182, 242, 285; H’s education and 129, 130, 177, 182, 175; hails H’s accession 4–5, 297–302, 305, 312; handwriting 118; History of King Richard III 312; Holt and 173, 175; law studies 175; on Catherine of Aragon’s arrival in London 143, 175; ‘Yorkist’ vein running through early works of 312–13

  Morte d’Arthur (Malory) 41

  Morton, Cardinal 92, 95, 161, 174, 175, 178, 205

  Mountjoy, Charles Blount, 5th baron 179

  Mountjoy, John, 3rd baron 284

  Mountjoy, Walter, 1st baron 176

  Mountjoy, William Blount, 4th baron 130, 225, 241, 242, 282; bond with Henry VII cancelled 304; enters into bond with Henry VII to repay a debt 247; Erasmus and 177, 178, 179, 181, 182, 243, 285; great council and 242, 301; H’s coronation and 287; H’s education and 175, 177, 181, 182, 225, 241, 242, 257, 287; hails H’s accession 4, 283–5, 297; marriage 282, 328

  Mowbray, Anne 106

  Mowbray family 106–7

  Nanfan, Sir Richard 364

  Nattrass, James 168

  Netherlands 26, 53, 54, 77, 79, 80, 100, 104

  Neville, Sir Edward 322

  Norfolk, John Howard, 1st duke of 105, 106

  North Marston, Buckingham 7, 198

  Northumberland, Henry Percy, 2nd earl of 93, 259, 272, 304

  Ormond, James Butler, earl of 176, 182

  Our Lady of Walsingham, Norfolk 7, 197–8, 341–2

  Oxford, John de Vere, 13th earl of 43, 44, 47, 51, 52, 89, 90, 109, 176, 258, 273

  Parker, Henry (later, Lord Morley) 296

  Parron, William 159–61, 167–8, 170

  Paston, Sir John 85, 94

  Peche, Sir John 152, 153

  Pembroke, Jasper Tudor, earl of, (later 1st duke of Bedford) 19, 24, 28, 29, 100–1

  Pembroke Castle, Wales 19, 27

  Philip ‘the Fair’ of Burgundy, archduke of Austria, king of Castile 79, 80, 104, 138, 191; death 220; earl of Suffolk and 151–2, 154, 216–17, 218; England, time in 207–19; H and 206, 208–9, 211, 215–16, 218–28; Henry VII and 207, 208–9, 210, 211, 213–15, 218; knight of the Garter, made 209–10; Queen Juana and 190–1, 207, 208, 212–13, 218; summit conference with Henry VII 137, 139, 209–11

  Plantagenet, Anne 105, 107, 108, 376

  Plantagenet, Elizabeth 54, 148

  Plantagenet, George see Clarence, George Plantagenet, duke of

  Pole, Reginald, cardinal 308

  Pole, (née Plantagenet), Margaret 306–9 and see Salisbury, countess of

  Pole, Sir Richard 306–7

  ‘Poynings’ Laws’ 113

  Poynings, Sir Edward 79, 113

  Prosopopeia Britanniae (Erasmus) 131

  Puttenham, Frideswide 59–60, 173

  Pynson, Richard 248, 263

  Queens’ College, Cambridge 176

  Raglan Castle, Wales 24

  Reading, John 102

  Rede, John 122

  Reading, Mary 173

  Reformation 7, 181, 183

  Richard II, king 20

  Richard III, king, 29, 30–1, 32, 33, 34, 35–6, 37, 43, 49, 50, 53, 54, 75, 105, 106, 139, 140, 151, 176, 284, 287, 312, 352

  Richard, duke of York (Edward III’s grandson) 22

  Richmond, E
dmund Tudor, earl of (H’s brother) 19, 21, 70–1, 96

  Richmond Palace, Surrey 162, 163, 167, 180, 189, 212, 213–14, 228, 231, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 247, 249, 250, 254, 255, 258, 260, 261, 263, 265, 266, 274, 279, 282, 315, 316, 320, 321, 325, 340, 345, 348, 349, 352, 356, 358

  Rivers, Anthony, earl 49

  Riviere, Sir Guillaume de la 153

  Rochester, John Fisher, bishop of 267, 296

  Romsey Abbey 205

  Round Table 41, 203

  Royt, William 318

  Rueful Lamentation of the Death of Queen Elizabeth, A (More) 170–1, 312

  Ruthall, Thomas, bishop of Durham 243, 261, 274, 276, 279

  Ryalle Book, The 11, 60, 144, 333

  Salisbury, Margaret Pole, (née Plantagenet), 8th Countess of 306–10

  Sandys, Sir William 90

  Sarpi, Paolo 159

  Sayes Court 129

  Scotland: Princess Margaret’s marriage to James IV of 114, 136, 162–3; Warbeck conspiracy, involvement in 76, 113, 114, 163

  Scrope of Bolton, Lady Elizabeth 26

  Sheen, Palace of 52, 63, 86, 114, 146 see also Richmond

  Schorne, Master John 7, 197–8

  Shrewsbury, George Talbot, 4th earl of 268, 273, 274, 281, 286

  Sittow, Michiel 186

  Skelton, John: dismissed as H’s tutor 173, 174, 178, 179, 180; Erasmus and 131, 178, 179; Garlande or Chapelet of Laurell, The 120–1, 124–5; H’s handwriting and 118–19; H’s tutor 16, 17, 118, 120, 121–9, 131, 136, 166; Speculum Principis 125–6, 259, 326–7, 368

  Skern, Alice 70

  Skidmore, Avice 173

  Somerset, Prince Edmund, duke of 71–2, 130, 138, 166

  ‘Song of the Lady Bessy, The’ 119

  Speculum Principis (Skelton) 125–6, 259, 326–7, 368

  St John, Maurice 164

  St Paul’s Cathedral 37, 51, 143, 144, 155, 165, 177, 266

  St Peter’s church, Calais 136, 137

  Stafford, Lady Anne 337, 338, 339

  Stafford, Lady Elizabeth 337, 338

  Stafford, Lord Henry 231

  Stanley, Sir William 37, 78, 95, 98–9, 106, 112

  Stanley, Thomas, Lord 32, 37, 43–4


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