Monroe, Marla - The Ranchers Take a Wife [Men of Space Station One #1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Monroe, Marla - The Ranchers Take a Wife [Men of Space Station One #1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 6

by Marla Monroe

  She missed her mom. She hadn’t appreciated all the little things she’d told her at the time, but found them so true now that she was older. Were her mom alive today, she would call her if it were possible here, and ask her opinion on what to do about her men. But she wasn’t, so she had to figure it all out on her own.

  * * * *

  Early the next morning, Lacy felt something nudging at her back. She frowned and rolled over to see what it was. Then it dawned on her. It was Phillip’s hard dick.

  “Roll back over, Lacy. I’m going to fuck that tight cunt of yours. I woke up wanting you. But I was nice and let you sleep for a while longer.” Phillip urged her back over so that her ass was pointing back at his cock.

  She waited as he explored her pussy with his fingers, making sure she was wet enough to ease his passage. When he removed his fingers and fit his cock into her slit, she shoved back until he was lodged midway inside of her. He groaned and pulled back out before ramming forward once again. He met her pushing back.

  Over and over he pounded into her until she couldn’t stand it. She reached between her legs and began to play with her clit. She was so close, but just couldn’t get it right. She whimpered as Phillip tunneled in and out of her wet cunt.

  “Here, let me.”

  Cam had turned over and reached between her legs and began rub her finger over and over her clit with expert knowledge of what it would take to send her over. Using her finger, he drove her up and over the line until she was screaming her climax.

  He slowly let her down as Phillip stilled behind her and shot his cum deep inside of her. She closed her eyes and rested her head on her elbow, drifting in and out of sleep until she felt someone began pushing inside of her once again. She opened one eye and groaned.

  Cam lay over her smiling as he slipped his dick between her folds.

  “Morning again.”

  She yawned and opened both eyes when she felt him pull out and scoop her cream in his fingers before rubbing it around her back hole. He massaged her juices into her ass with his fingers. When he began pushing one finger inside of her, she winced and pulled back.

  “Easy, Lacy. I’m just playing right now. Let’s stretch you some,” he said softly.

  “It pinches.”

  “Push back as I push in,” he told her. Then he pushed in with his finger until it popped through the tight ring and he lodged in her up to his knuckles.

  Lacy winced, but had to admit, it was better than it had been. He pushed in and out of her back passage over and over until it no longer bothered her. Then he pulled out and added a finger. The burn was back, but she pressed back, and he eased in with both fingers now. He pumped them in and out of her until she could take him without trouble. He spread them inside of her. When he pulled them out, she realized she missed them being there. She’d gotten used it.

  “We’re going to take that tight ass one day soon, Lacy. I promise it will be good for you. It will burn for a few seconds, but then it will feel too good to handle. You’ll be begging us to fuck you then.” Cam smiled at her.

  She wasn’t sure about that, but she had known from the beginning that anal sex would be a must with two men wanting her. They would want to take her at the same time sometimes. She certainly hoped it wouldn’t be very often. One of them in her ass would be quite enough. One in each hole would be overwhelming, not to mention nearly impossible, as large as they were.

  She could feel his breath on her shoulder as he slid back inside of her, both of them on their sides. He held her leg up over his and fucked her slow and easy. It was nothing like earlier with Phillip. It wasn’t like Cam to be so gentle and slow. He seemed to be the more intense of the two men.

  “Your hot cunt is burning me alive, baby. I want to feel you cream all over me, squeeze my dick until I can’t hold on.”

  “Faster, Cam. Please. I can’t come like this.” She tried shoving back, but with him holding her leg, she had no traction. She groaned.

  “Yes you can, Lacy. You’ll come just like this.” He reached around and began to tease at her clit without really applying much pressure.

  He changed his angle and soon he was brushing against her hot spot, and with every thrust inside of her and every slide out, he slid over it until she could feel her climax just out of reach. She growled in frustration as he continued to tease her clit with his fingers.

  “Cam. Please,” she begged, hating that she was reduced to it.

  “Easy, baby. I’ll take care of you. Just ride it. Let it last.” He continued pumping in and out of her in long, deep strokes.

  Finally, he massaged her clit with his fingers and sent her over the edge in a long, slow swell. She clamped down on his cock as he slid in and out of her and forced him along with her. He called out her name as he came for what seemed like forever inside of her. Then he wrapped his leg over both of hers and pulled her in tight against him.

  She felt his lips along her neck as he kissed and licked his way to her ear.

  “Damn, that was good. I love waking up to you, Lacy.” He kissed her neck again, and groaned as he pulled out of her and rolled out of the bed.

  Lacy sighed and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. She glanced over at the clock and found that it was nearly eight. She was making it a habit to sleep in. That wasn’t a good idea on a farm. She would have to start getting up early soon enough, that she better not get used to sleeping late.

  “Come on, you can share the shower with me.” Cam walked naked into the bathroom.

  She heard the shower turn on and groaned as she scooted out of bed. She was sore all over. Two men made for sore muscles, she decided.

  Cam was already in the shower when she stepped into the spray. He immediately stepped in front of her to shield her face from it. She smiled and turned around to grab for the shower gel she’d put there the day before. When he took it from her and spread some on a sponge, she realized he planned to bathe her. They’d been doing a lot of that.

  “Your skin is like silk. I want to keep it that way if we can. The weather out here is harsh. You can see how it treats our skin by how rough it is.” He rubbed his arm along hers, proving it.

  “You just need to put lotion on your skin when you’re out in the sun so much. I’ll rub you both down at night,” she offered.

  “Not with yours, you’re not.” He laughed. “I don’t want to smell like some fruity flower.”

  “We can get some unscented I’m sure. You would feel better if you weren’t so dry.”

  “I’ll just rub up against you when I feel dry.” He demonstrated by rubbing his hardening cock against her ass.

  “Funny.” She shook her head and turned around to hug him, but he was already getting out of the shower.

  “Where are you going?” she asked with a frown.

  “Going to get a cup of coffee before Phillip drinks it all.” He walked out of the bathroom, leaving her in the shower to finish her bath.

  Lacy sighed and figured she had best get used to it. Men tended to have short attention spans when it didn’t involve sex that very minute. She chuckled and finished her shower. When she had dried off, she dressed and made the bed before walking down the stairs to see if there was any coffee left for her.

  The men were discussing fertilizer when she arrived, so she grabbed the last few sips of coffee and cleaned out the coffeemaker to make another couple of cups. She needed the coffee to get going after such an eventful early morning.

  “Morning, Lacy.” Phillip got up and walked over to where she was sipping her coffee to give her a kiss.

  “Morning. What’s the plan for today?” she asked.

  “Not much of anything,” Cam supplied as Phillip nuzzled her neck.

  “Oh, I wouldn’t say that. I’m thinking of a snack before lunch.” Phillip licked her neck.

  “I’m going to have to get in better shape if I’m going to keep up with you guys,” Lacy said with a chuckle.

  “Are we wearing you out, baby?” Phillip asked.
  “Naw, just not used to so much, um, sexual activity.”

  “You’ll get used to it soon enough,” Cam promised her. “We’ve got over a year of celibacy to make up for.”

  Lacy’s smile faltered slightly. Was she only a hole to them? She turned in Phillip’s arms to reach the now finished coffee and refilled her cup.

  “I need to do some laundry this morning. It looks like a sunny day. Can I hang it outside somewhere? Is there a clothesline?” she asked.

  “No, never was home enough to risk leaving them out in case a storm blew up,” Cam told her.

  “I can rig something up for you,” Phillip told her.

  “What would you two like to eat for lunch? I’m assuming you’ve already had something for breakfast since the kitchen sink has dishes in it.”

  Cam nodded where Phillip had the grace to look uncomfortable.

  Lacy just ignored the two of them and looked through the pantry for something to eat. She decided on a cereal bar and a glass of reconstituted milk. The milk left a taste in her mouth. She had forgotten it would do that. What she wouldn’t give to have fresh milk on occasion.

  Chapter Seven

  The next several weeks flew by as the three of them got to know each other. Phillip felt like Lacy was settling in just fine. Cam had proven to be easier on her than he’d expected. He had the tendency to be harsh without meaning to be, but had obviously made an effort not to be with Lacy. Probably that first time of catching her running up the stairs had led him to realize she wouldn’t be as understanding of his overprotectiveness as he had thought.

  Phillip spent as much time with her as possible. He wanted her to be happy there with them and hoped that maybe she would fall in love with them. He knew he was already halfway in love with her. She was perfect for them. She loved working in her garden and kept the house nice, and was warm and satisfying in bed.

  But even more than that, he enjoyed hearing her laughter and seeing her smile. Perhaps the best moments of their times together had been when she smiled at something he had done for her. Something as simple as picking one of the wildflowers for her made her face light up. It humbled him to know that she enjoyed something he did.

  Cam spent time with her, but not as diligently as Phillip did. He called him on it one morning when they were out checking the irrigation systems.

  “You hardly spoke to Lacy yesterday while we were at home all day. What gives?”

  “I talked to her. We fucked first thing that morning.”

  “It’s not the same thing as just spending time with her. I thought you liked her.”

  “I did, I mean I do. I’ve just been busy keeping the journals up and worrying about that damn mole thing that keeps setting off the traps.”

  Something that looked like a giant mole the size of a small beaver was digging under their fields and damaging their crops. They had traps set around all of the fields, but so far they hadn’t caught the thing. He just kept triggering the trap without getting caught.

  “I’m thinking I might stake out one of the fields and see if I can catch him one night.”

  “Don’t change the subject. What’s going on?”

  “Nothing. She’s really into you. I don’t think she’s that fond of me. I’m the one who tells her no, and you’re the one who makes it up to her.” Cam pulled off his hat and ran a hand through his hair before settling it back on his head.

  “She likes you, Cam. You’re just not spending enough time with her. I’ll stake out the field and you spend time with her. You’ll see. She’s shy around you because she doesn’t know you that well.”

  Cam sighed and shook his head. When Phillip glared at him he threw up his hands and agreed.

  “Fine. I’ll spend more time with her, but I’m staking out the mole. You need to watch her at night. I don’t trust the animals not to enter the yard, and she likes to sit outside on the porch at night.”

  Phillip smiled feeling as if he had won a small victory over the battle to get Cam to fall in love with Lacy. He knew his friend would resist all the way. He was just that sort of man. Falling in love was for other people, not him. Well, Phillip had made it his mission to see his best friend fall.

  Later that night, Lacy finished up the dishes and said she was going to sit outside on the porch for a while. Phillip was usually the one who went with her, but he nodded his head at Cam. At first Cam played dumb, then he sighed and followed her outside. Phillip waited a few seconds, then peeked out the window to see how they were doing. By the frown on Lacy’s face, not so well. He groaned and walked outside to see what was going on.

  “I just want to see what my garden looks like in the moonlight. What’s wrong with that?”

  “I told you. It’s too dangerous at night to be walking around out there.”

  Phillip stepped between them. “Cam, why don’t you walk her out there? She’d be safe enough with you.”

  “Why would I want to go walking around in the garden at night? I do enough of that during the day.” He truly looked dumbfounded.

  “Never mind. I think I’ll call it a night. I’m tired, anyway.” Lacy kissed Phillip on the cheek and walked back in the house.

  Cam started to follow her, but Phillip grabbed his arm. “Wait up.”

  “What? I came out here with her like you said.”

  “Why didn’t you walk her around the garden? She wanted to spend time with you and you shot her down.”

  “We were spending time here on the porch.”

  “What happened to the man who was worried about how the women would feel once they landed? You were worse than a father waiting on the birth of his baby while we were waiting on the shuttle to land.” Cam shook his head.

  “Things change, Phillip. We have a farm to run that provides wheat, corn, and grain for the community. If the crops fail, we’ve got one hell of a mess on our hands. This mole is threatening to do just that. Kill our crops. I can’t help but be a little uptight.” Cam’s voice had risen slightly.

  “Hey, easy. I’m not criticizing you.”

  “Well, it sure as hell sounds like it to me. I’m doing the best I can, Phillip. There just isn’t a lot of me to go around. I guess it’s a good thing you’re here to see about her.”

  He stormed off the porch and disappeared into the night. Phillip felt guilty then that he’d pushed him so hard to spend time with Lacy. He was right. The farm was important, and lots of people depended on them to bring in the harvest at the end of the growing season.

  Phillip leaned his hands against the railing of the porch and sighed. He needed to back off of Cam, but he didn’t want Cam and Lacy to become strangers to each other. He knew Lacy liked Cam, but she acted a little afraid of him at times. It was his gruff manner, and lately, his sharp tongue.

  His friend hadn’t been this way a year ago. But then they were just getting there and starting out. They had all sorts of plans for the farm and couldn’t wait to get started. They had planted small fields of each crop to see how they would fare and started building their house. By the time the crops were ready to come in, everything was going smoothly. They hadn’t had a single problem setting up house, but once winter was over and the promise of the women arriving problems began to happen.

  At first it was small things. The late snow that prevented them from getting their seeds in the ground on time, the mole that began to outmaneuver their traps, and the tracks from an animal they had never seen before showing up close to the yard all proved to be added pressure on them. Well, he had to admit, Cam was taking most of the pressure on himself. Phillip vowed to help him more. Lacy would be fine now if they didn’t spend as much time with her as he would like. She knew all about farm life and would understand.

  * * * *

  Several weeks later, Lacy woke to find Cam climbing out of the bed nearly an hour early. She waited until she heard the shower running before slipping out of the bed and tiptoeing to the bathroom. She eased in the bathroom and walked into the shower to find Cam fa
cing the back, scrubbing with the sponge.

  Lacy wrapped her arms around him and squeezed. He grunted and turned his head to watch her as she walked around him.

  “What are you doing, Lacy?” he asked.

  “I’m taking care of my husband.” She sank to her knees and grasped his hardening cock with her hands.

  She squeezed and leaned in to lick the drop of pre-cum that formed in the slit at the crown. He hissed out a breath as she licked his dick from top to bottom and back up again.

  “You don’t have to do this, Lacy.”

  “I know. I want to, Cam. I want to taste you. You taste me all the time. I’ve never gotten to taste your cum.”

  She wrapped her mouth around just the head of his massive dick and sucked hard, drawing Cam up on his toes.

  “Fuck! Yeah.”

  She nipped at the underside of the crown and then sucked him into her mouth again. He moaned as she took him to the back of her throat. Lacy enjoyed hearing him moan for her, and swallowed around him. Over and over, she sank down on his thick cock only to pull back and suck at just the head. She bobbed a little faster now until he took her head in his hands and held her still so that he could fuck her mouth.

  “There you go, baby. Take my cock. Take all of it. Relax your throat and breathe through your nose.”

  Lacy struggled to do as he said. He was gentle with her at first, but as he grew closer, he became a bit rougher. She loved that he was losing control. She’d made him do it. Still, he was careful enough not to choke her, and she didn’t fight his grasp as he held her head for his questing cock.

  She reached between his legs and gently rolled his balls in her hand, then lightly squeezed them, sending him over in a rush of cum that coated her throat and filled her mouth. He shouted and let go of her face as he leaned heavily against the back of the shower.


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