Chaos: The First

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Chaos: The First Page 2

by Tammy Fanniel

  Adamas, the Iceland’s were antithesis to the burning mountains of Sapphire. Covered by ice that averages a mile in thickness, the cold, dry, and windy landscape is a desert of bleak white snow and ice. The creatures found in this icy climate adapted through years of evolution. So extreme in temperature, it is the one place almost uninhabited by man. 98% of the land is covered by the Arctic Ice sheet. Rivers of ice flowed slowly through the ice shelves. On the periphery of the blue ice, the fisherman Kingdom of King Adamas rose proudly. A strong, resilient people, their lands protected them from the turmoil of their neighbors. They lived side by side with the people and creatures of the ocean, forming a kindred relationship and alliance through marital bonds and friendships. The diamond dragon flourished there, with their blue tinted icy scales and potent breath that countered even the hottest flames from Hades. Virtually cut off from the rest of the world, their land remained in relative peace because the diamonds of the realm were not accessible under the frozen tundra.

  With the coming and going of each year, the human population was almost obliterated and the magic and technology that created a learned society left humans in archaic turmoil. As the human population struggled, waging a losing war against the Dragon realm, thousands of years past and more creatures flourished. Some horrific and evil, born of the rage and hatred. Others were profoundly good, innocent, and joyous, born from the blood of the minor Gods that cherished their human children.

  The Dragon Elders, whose wisdom was great and memory long, yearned for the times when they held court with the human kings. Their symbiotic relationships fed the land…but as time passed the knowledge of the dragon kinship was lost by their mortal brethren. The dragons withdrew from the human lands withdrawing their ancient wisdom along with them.

  But within their magic they felt a change within their earthen mother through the blood of the mighty Gods. A new time was coming as they felt a presence greater than any God tread the Earth. They waited with bated breath as their magical minds touched this omniscient being and waited for the sign of change. A great change was coming, and soon all inhabitants, magical and mortal, would have to make a choice on which side they would take up arms.

  Chapter 1

  He was beautiful. Zoe remembered the first day she’d laid eyes on him. Her and her handmaidens were laughing over the antics of the children splashing in the ocean when her eyes were caught and bound by the black, mysterious depths of his. He stood half in the water as the waves gently pulled at his calves. If she weren’t overwhelmed by the intensity of his gaze she would have realized that the water circled him, as if bowing down to his innate force. She would have noticed the small silver fish brushing against his legs through the clear blue water, as if vying for his favor. But all she saw was the intensity in his gaze as they locked on her. He stood still, as if one with the Earth and all her senses tuned into the Aura that surrounded him. His physical appearance would have created a swell of female admiration but strangely enough only she was aware of him. She saw his Aura which was unique, brilliant, and bright. Most humans softly glowed with their inner souls. Those that were pure shone white, and as life transgressed on hopes and desires, they became tainted, subdued, and murky with the burdens carried by all men.

  She saw this because she was different. Her lineage bore the mark of her Elvin and Angelic heritage even though her line was gradually diluted by human blood. She was one of the last of her lineage, and her dwindling skills attested to the rift between Gods and mortals. During this time of turmoil as Gods clashed with Gods which filtered down into the mortal realm, much history of the old was lost. With the loss of their history, her people also lost the knowledge of the old ways. What she did retain of her ancestry was the ability to see the true self of people and with this gift she saw the swirling colors of this man who so intently scrutinized her.

  She felt his presence as he gently touched her mind. Through their connection she knew she was looking at something more. His Aura swirled with varying shades of grays, blues, and purples. His Aura contained every color held by the great Dragons that wandered the Earth. Even though the knowledge was lost, she knew she beheld an omniscient deity. Her heart stood still and pounded with awareness, fear, and amazement. Gods have not been seen in the realm of man for centuries and she knew she was not mistaken. She turned to see if any of her handmaidens noticed the incredible being so close, but they were otherwise entertained with the children splashing in the water. When she turned to stare back at the stranger he was gone.

  Chaos watched as his seed destroyed the Earth. He watched their petty bickering and their greed for power. His heart saddened at what his essence created. Thought to be a silent observer by his own grandchildren, the Titans, and his great grandchildren, the Olympians, he could stand by in silent consent no longer.

  Chaos watched the maiden as she searched for him in bewilderment. She was the last of the blessed line. She was an ethereal beauty with hints of her lineage shining through her human shell. During this time of destruction, she shone with a purity not tainted by death, pain, and mayhem. He’d been watching her since her conception. He’d witnessed her healing hands giving life or comfort to those in need. He’d witnessed her gentle leadership, as her kin fought to keep order in the Kingdom. She would be his chosen; the decision was made when he first released a part of himself into this complex world centuries ago.

  Zoe sat in the private flower gardens deep in thought. Her mind went back to the man standing in the water and wondered what it meant. She told no one of him, even doubting she saw the God…wondering if he was just a figment of her imagination. As she sat alone a breeze tickled the hairs on the back of her neck and she became aware that she was no longer alone. She froze and slowly turned to face whoever intruded into her private haven. There he stood, tall, magnificent, and deceivingly human. His arm raised and cupped her lovely face, and her heart drummed out a staccato in her chest. His eyes were not black but the swirling depths of the universe. In them she saw the worlds reflected in subdued tones.

  “Who are you? What are you?” She whispered, caught in the web of his gaze. His touch shooting sparks along every nerve ending causing her toes to curl. She licked her lips in apprehension and desire.

  He stood in Chaos, as he was aptly named. He’d never taken human form and he’d never touched a woman with the hands of a mortal man. He ignored her question as his thumb explored the curve of her cheek. Her skin was smooth and soft. As his fingers caressed her neck, he heard her indrawn breath and watched as her Aura of soft yellow’s and white pulsed with awakening desire.

  “So this is desire?” He said as their Aura’s intermingled where they touched. His misty dark hues danced with her light ones. As she turned and gazed into his dark mercurial eyes, his thumb caressed her lips. Her eyes darkened with desire even as her heart beat with fear. He stepped closer and her innocent scent and pureness of heart thickened his blood and pulsed in his loins. He bent his head to taste her breaking eye contact which released her from his magnetic pull. She gasped and stepped back, hand over her heart, eyes wide. He slowly dropped his hand looking at her intensely.

  She asked again, softly and tremulously, “Who are you? What God are you?”

  He tested a smile. “God? I am no God. I just am.”

  She gazed at him in confusion, resisting his pull. A small crease marring her otherwise smooth countenance. “I don’t understand. I see your Aura. It is…” Her eyes became unfocused as she studied its brilliance.

  “I am the forgotten.” He replied on a sigh. His statement confused her further. He turned his back on her and gazed up at the Heavens, weary and suddenly lonely. His colors dimmed as he was lost in thought. She stood there, filled with uncertainty and fear, which was eventually overcome as her heart read the loneliness in his personal signature. He was tall, her head barely reached his shoulders, and they were massive. She raised her hand and placed it on his back, she felt his muscles tense. He turned again and caught her hand in
his. They stood there holding hands staring intently at one another. He then began to fade and her empty hand fell to her side as she was left alone in her garden.

  She roamed aimlessly looking for the forgotten Stranger with No Name. Her handmaidens fell behind, quietly whispering about the sudden shift in mood that had their lady wandering aimlessly through her garden, wistfully looking at the heavens for days on end. No man had yet caught their ladies fancy, but they secretly thought it was a man that had their ladies mind in turmoil and attempted to surmise who caught her eye.

  Why had he come to her? Where is he now? What does he want? What is his name? Why does he think he is forgotten? What has he awakened in her that lay dormant around other men? Will he visit again? These questions rolled around in Zoe’s head as she unconsciously searched for his face in the crowds at the market, at the water, and in her garden. When he withdrew from her, and their Aura’s separated she felt bereft. He frightened her, yet he also intrigued her. She saw but couldn’t understand the depths present in his Aura. His eyes were a myriad of mazes and she thought she could see the constellations in them. Was she being fanciful? Was he just another God playing in the human realm as was read to her in her bed time stories of old…to be wary of the Gods for they were trite and spiteful?

  She tossed and turned at night trying to understand until one night she felt his presence in her room. She quickly sat up in her bed, eyes wide, searching for the intruder. Her eyes lighted on him as he stood by her window, the moonlight caressing him as an intimate lover. He turned to her and pinned her to the bed with his penetrating gaze as the silence stretched between them.

  “So many questions little one.” He whispered as if he read her mind. “Come.”

  She should have been frightened but she felt nothing but the warmth of his gaze and the calm of his presence. She rose and stood by him as he gazed out the window. He reached for her hand and a warmth spread through her entire being as their Aura’s reunited in their intimate dance.

  She gathered her courage and looked him in the eyes. “What do you want from me?”

  “Everything.” He simply stated.

  “I don’t understand. Who ARE you?”

  “Beautiful Zoe. I am everything. There is no way that I can define who I am…so let’s just say my name is Chaos…and I have been watching you grow through the puzzles of life, the choices and freewill of men and deities shape to create you since the beginning of time.”

  She pulled back wary and fearful all of the sudden. He made no move to stop her but moved closer to her. She found the fortitude to hold her ground. She could feel the warmth of his body through the think material of her nightgown and her body tingled with awareness.

  “I can smell your desire. I can sense your curiosity. I can taste your fear. I can almost understand why the Gods play on the mortal realm and become addicted to the emotions you mortals exude. Your purity caresses me, your fear excites me, and your desire enflames me. Your destiny has been written long before your birth, and I have waited in silence for your conception. You are mine.”

  He heard her sharp intake of breath as she attempted to scramble back from this powerful being. He stopped her by gently grabbing her arms and waves of reassurance held her still. His arms gently caressed her, moving up to cup her face. She was entranced by his strong, chiseled face and held her breath as he moved closer. His body brushed against hers and her nipples tightened into pebbles. He slowly moved his head towards hers and brushed his lips against hers. The shock drove a gasp from both of them. Their Aura’s mingled in an explosive mix of vibrant colors that softly glowed off her bedroom walls. As their breaths mingled, she breathed in his exotic scent. He smelled of the oceans, the sky, the rain, and wildness uninhibited by humans. She smelled of sunshine, flowers, and the gentleness of the meadows.

  She placed her hand on his bare chest and felt the erratic drumming of his heart which echoed her own. She saw and felt a piece of his Aura slip into her body, uniting them as no other bond could. His eyes widened as he saw her Aura change, blending and melding his essence with hers. He smiled at his creation. For this is the truth. He was the Creator, and he sat back too long allowing his creations destroy one another. However, after tasting her exquisite essence, he understood this creature and why his line envied them. Their souls were unique only to their species. Unlike himself and the Gods, they had no souls. He was the ultimate soul that gave birth to the Realm, without him there would be nothing. How could he have misunderstood the passion present in his most complex creations? Although not descendants from his loins, they were of his blood, blood being used in a relative term.

  He shook his head as he continued to hold her face. Her desire was palpable and his hunger exceeded anything that he ever knew. He slowly closed the inches that separated their bodies and received another jolt of longing so intense his knees almost buckled. In this human form his emotions and desires made him weak. Mixed in with her desire he also felt her fear. She was a maiden, and was only valuable to her Kingdom through the match her father arranged. He stepped back and took a fortifying breath.

  She whimpered with the loss of his closeness.

  “What are you doing to me?” She shakily whispered.

  “Nothing you are not doing to me, little one.” She shook her head disbelievingly. He would not take her against her traditions or the flimsy rules her culture cultivated. “Tomorrow I will approach your father. He should know that you are mine.”

  “Wait.” She cried, but he had already disappeared before her very eyes. Zoe slept fearfully, realizing that her future was spinning out of control. She was confused and scared. She still felt his Aura inside her…as if he left a piece of himself with her just to keep her company. It stroked her soul, placated her heart, and whispered in her mind. It awakened a part of her she didn’t know existed. She finally fell asleep as she accepted that her fate was different than other maidens, and there was nothing that she could do about it. She also realized that she didn’t want to. He woke her body as no other has ever done. He woke the latent magic in her blood that lay dormant. He made her feel alive and cherished. He made her feel safe. But how do you feel save with someone shrouded in mystery?

  Chapter 2

  The King stood alone in his room, gazing at the mountains that surrounded his Kingdom. He watched the majestic beasts of Alexandrites as they flew through heavens in the distant mountains. Their scales shimmering with magic and beauty. He remembered the stories his grandfather use to tell of the magical beasts. Were they the ramblings of an old man?

  The dragons were once an integral part of the old world. Every year, the brightest students, boys and girls, were sent to the dragons gleaning information from their ancient minds. There they honed their magical skills, giving life to the lands. Some helped heal the crops whereas others healed life forms. The children with more darkness in their souls were tempered into soldiers, protecting their land from the evil creatures that sprouted forth from the Gods blood. That time was passed. The dragons now maintained their distance, as if watching to determine the mortal’s fate and worth.

  He felt old, as more news came in from the outer lands. He feared that soon, it would touch his beautiful lands. An evil had begun to spread, and he knew that he had nothing to save his people with. His people lost the ways of the old. Most were simple farmers and hunters. Others were gifted in the arts and healing. The magic in his ancestral heritage was diluted, the knowledge lost and with them his hope began to diminish. He sighed in his solitude, shoulders drooping, and eyes cast down in defeat.

  “It cannot be that bad King Abelard.”

  King Abelard jumped at the voice and immediately pulled out his dagger. The sight of the young man leaning on his massive table shook the old king.

  “How did you get in here?” he demanded. As he was about to call for the guards, the doors closed as the man raised his hand and the dagger crumbled to dust, leaving behind not a trace. The King gasped and stepped back from this being
. He knew he could not run and although his heart beat loudly, he raised his head and stood with pride.

  The young man frowned and thought on it, “I willed it to be so.” Chaos closed the distance to the King and looked out the window at the scene the King just recently beheld. “It is beautiful, and you are a good and just ruler. You people may have forgotten the ways of the old, but they have not forgotten to respect and honor the Earth as she bears fruit for your survival. Gaia has not been forgotten. This pleases me.” His eyes penetrated the King. King Abelard’s shoulders momentarily sagged with the burden of his knowledge then straightened again.

  “Who…or what are you? Which God are you and have you come to destroy my peaceful lands?”

  “Quite the contrary…you have something of mine…your lands have flourished as the outer lands diminished. This is because you have respected mother Earth, and because in the heart of your Kingdom you hold my Aura, or as you mortals would call it, half of my soul in your keeping. The time has come for me to claim what is mine and make whole what has been divided.”

  “I don’t understand what you mean. I have nothing of yours. Our Kingdom flourishes because we are fair and just. We have never taken anything from the Gods.” The King stuttered.


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