You Don't Know Me

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You Don't Know Me Page 12

by Mandy Lee

  ‘Oh, for God’s sake.’

  He steps out, grabs me by the arm and drags me back into the lift, holding me up close to him as the doors slide shut. I close my eyes and drink in his smell. It’s bloody wonderful. Does he ever smell bad, this man?

  ‘We’re going up,’ I grumble.

  ‘Indeed we are.’

  ‘To your office?’

  ‘There’s nothing else up there.’

  ‘For lunch?’


  I open my eyes and find his bright blue irises staring into mine. They’re filled to the brim with desire. Yes, I’m absolutely certain of it now: he’s not talking about sandwiches and a bag of crisps at all.

  ‘This is going no further.’

  ‘It takes us to the top floor, Maya. That’s enough.’

  ‘You know what I mean.’

  ‘Of course I do.’

  As the doors open, I falter. There’s got to be some way out of this, because I strongly suspect that if I let this man do what he wants with me, then I’m going to be smitten. I glance over at the receptionist and decide that I’ll have to be very careful about this. Whatever else happens today, I don’t want his secretary earwigging what I’m about to say.

  ‘I’m on my period,’ I whisper, leaning my head in towards him.

  ‘No, you’re not,’ he whispers back.

  ‘We’ve got no birth control.’

  ‘You’re on the pill.’

  ‘How do you know?’

  ‘Lucky guess.’

  ‘I’ve got a sexually transmitted disease.’

  ‘Maya,’ he sighs. ‘You’re perfectly clean.’

  ‘You don’t know that.’ I point a finger at him.

  ‘You are though, aren’t you?’

  ‘Well.’ I fold my arms and shrug my shoulders.

  ‘I knew it. And for the record, I’m perfectly clean too. I’ve been tested. I can even show you my certificates.’ He raises an eyebrow and grins. ‘Oh come on, Maya. You want this and so do I. So, come on.’ He holds out a hand. The grin widens. ‘Let’s go for a spin.’

  I’m in a daze now, and I must have been hypnotised by those eyes because somehow I’ve raised my hand to his. It’s gripped firmly and I’m yanked out of the lift into the clean, bright reception area of Daniel Foster’s office. I watch as it passes me by in a blur, catching sight of the receptionist for just long enough to register the stunned look on her face.

  ‘No calls, Carla. No interruptions at all for the next hour.’ What? An hour? He’s going to have me at it for the whole of lunchtime? ‘This way.’ He guides me into his office, kicking the door shut behind him.

  ‘There’s no lock,’ I gasp.

  ‘Never needed one before. Don’t worry. She won’t come in.’

  He swings me to a halt in the middle of the room and releases my hand. I stand still, trying desperately to calm my breath but it’s next to impossible.

  ‘So?’ he begins, stalking round me. His whole demeanour has changed now and I’m all at sea. A few minutes ago, he was almost playful and now that he’s got me here, a cloud has descended over him. ‘Are you going to tell me why you bailed?’


  ‘I made you a tent and you bailed on me.’

  I begin to tremble. He really is angry.

  ‘I’m so sorry.’ I can’t help the edge of sarcasm in my voice.

  ‘So, what’s the problem?’

  I shake my head. Can I really tell him the truth? That in spite of all his shortcomings, and those seem to be legion, I actually quite like him? That I could imagine falling for him big time, and then he’d break my heart? That in spite of everything he says, I just don’t trust him? Perhaps not.

  ‘You’re very sexy and all that, but I’m afraid I just don’t like you very much.’

  ‘And that’s because I’m an arrogant shit?’

  ‘By your own admission.’

  He raises a finger.

  ‘You don’t …’

  ‘Yes, I know,’ I snap. ‘I don’t know you. But I know enough about you to know that this is just a bloody bad idea.’

  ‘You don’t know anything about me.’

  ‘No, I bloody don’t. You peeled back my layers on Friday night but I found out nothing about you. You gave me nothing.’

  ‘How about this then?’

  He stalks back to his desk, grabs hold of a silver frame from his desk and turns it around to show me. I hear myself gasp. He’s had my sketch framed and it’s on his desk. So, what is that supposed to prove? That he’s a narcissistic prat?

  ‘So, you like looking at yourself?’ I laugh. ‘I could have guessed that.’

  ‘No.’ Slowly, he places the frame back into position. Slowly, he turns around and steps back towards me, homing in for the kill. He reaches out and I flinch momentarily. ‘I’m not that hung up on myself,’ he says quietly, skimming his index finger down my cheek. I feel myself begin to cave in at the sudden contact. I close my eyes, my breath coming in shorter spurts, and I lean in towards his touch. ‘The reason I like that picture is because of the eyes.’ His voice is soft now, low and gentle, and it’s melting me. He runs the finger under my chin, tilting my head up so that I have no choice but to lock eyes with him. ‘It’s because you’ve seen something in them that no one else can see.’

  ‘I don’t understand.’

  Through a haze of confusion, I remember. They’re too vulnerable.

  ‘You see the real me.’

  ‘I don’t …’

  It was an accident. Surely. I hadn’t drawn for a long time. I simply got it wrong. He moves closer.

  ‘I want to peel back my layers for you,’ he whispers into my ear. ‘You just need to give me time.’

  I feel a hand come from behind, cupping me softly around my waist. I smell his freshness as he nuzzles his head into my neck, his lips touching gently against my skin, sending a tsunami of tingles through every last corner of my body. I’m losing my ability to speak, my ability to think. The last few ounces of sense that I had in my possession have been wrenched from my grasp and now I’m at his mercy. I could stay here forever, held tight in his embrace.

  ‘I need to have you.’ Pulling back, he places a hand on either cheek and stares intently into my eyes. ‘This feels so right.’

  I just about manage to nod in agreement, and that’s all I can do because my mouth is refusing to budge. He’s rendered me dumbfounded. He’s having his way. I’m being womanised … and suddenly, out of nowhere, I just don’t seem to give a damn.

  He lowers his lips to mine and kisses me deeply, his tongue exploring my mouth, encouraging my own tongue to dance with his. He wraps his arms around me and begins to kiss me harder, his lips moulding themselves around mine, firmly and possessively. I want to reach up and hold him. I want to run my hands across his shoulders, around his back and through his hair, but I’m held firmly in place by his grip. He presses his crotch against me and I sense the hard edge of an erection. Oh God, this is going to happen. He’s going to fuck me, right here in his office.

  I’m vaguely aware that I’m being manoeuvred away from the desk now and before long, my legs are halted by something. He begins to ease me down. Releasing me from the kiss and then from the embrace, he lays me flat on my back on a huge, plush leather sofa. My pulse is racing at the sight of him arched above me. Breathing quickly now, his eyes filled with determination, he pushes my legs apart and kneels between them. Urging my hips upwards, he works on arranging my skirt, hitching the material up towards my waist.

  ‘There’s no getting out of it this time, Miss Scotton,’ he grins. ‘I’m going to fuck you good and proper.’

  ‘Oh,’ I gasp, and I really don’t know what else to say. ‘Okay.’

  ‘Hands up.’

  Without arguing, I comply. I can’t help myself. There’s something about his tone, mixed with that fucking gorgeous face that just makes me want to cave right in and be his slave. In one fell swoop, he slides a finger inside
my knickers and tears them away. Shit! Where did that come from?

  ‘My knickers!’

  ‘You’ll have to go commando for the afternoon.’ He tosses the ruined underwear onto the floor. ‘Ah.’ He smiles appreciatively down at my crotch. ‘I’ve been here before, only last time I was rudely interrupted by a set of severe meteorological conditions.’

  Without warning, he thrusts a finger into me. I cry out at the sudden intrusion and silence myself immediately. What on Earth is Carla going to say? She must have heard that, but the big kahuna doesn’t seem to be the slightest bit bothered. Instead, he simply readjusts his position. Moving his left leg to the outside of my thigh, he lowers himself down on top of me, one hand holding my forehead, the other continuing to work me up into a storm of sexual want. The finger is withdrawn for a split second, and then he breaches me again, this time with two, stroking me on the inside with a gentle, unhurried pulse, while all the time his thumb slowly circles my clitoris. He watches me constantly, gauging my reactions, adjusting his fingers until he’s finally satisfied that he’s found the right spot. And then, he picks up the pace. Bringing his face down to mine, he slips his tongue into my mouth and seals his lips around my own, soaking up my moans.

  It’s not long before the pressure builds, forced on by the constant thrumming of his fingers. Clenching deep down inside, muscles begin to spasm. I try desperately to turn my head to one side, to free my mouth and gasp for air because I don’t seem to be getting enough of the bloody stuff through my nose, but I’m held firmly in place by his hand and his mouth is still securely locked onto mine. In an instant, I come apart at the seams. A rush of heat spills its way through my vagina and every single muscle down below clenches and pulsates. I cry out into his mouth and shudder my way through the most intense orgasm I’ve ever experienced. At last, he lifts his head, leaving me to gasp and pant.

  ‘Goodness me, Miss Scotton. You’ve come over all flustered.’

  I gulp, swallow, try desperately to stop myself from trembling, but I get nowhere near to achieving my goal. His fingers are still slowly massaging me inside, taking in the slowing contractions. At last, they’re removed. Raising himself up on his knees, he slides the same fingers into his mouth, watching me mischievously as he sucks on them for a moment.

  ‘Nice and sweet. I knew you would be.’

  ‘So that was your lunch then?’

  ‘I think it’s called an amuse bouche, Maya.’

  I gaze up at him, knowing that the edges of my lips are curling up into a smile. Good God, this man is all manner of crass. But I seem to love it.

  ‘I’m going to skip the starter.’ He moves his left knee back between my legs, reaches down and begins to unbutton my blouse, taking his time like a child on Christmas Day, prolonging the enjoyment of unwrapping a present. ‘I’m ready for the main course now. Keep your arms where they are.’ At last, when every single button is undone, he gently lifts the edges of the blouse and parts them. His smile deepens as he runs a finger across the cups of my bra. ‘You are too fucking beautiful,’ he whispers. ‘I want you to come like that when I’m inside you.’

  Unfastening his trousers, he pulls them down over his hips, taking his underpants with them. When his cock is finally freed, my heartbeat jitters and my breathing falters. In the cold light of day, it seems even bigger than it did on Friday night. He must have seen the panic in my eyes because he smiles down at me.

  ‘Don’t worry. I’ll break you in gently.’

  He lowers himself again, planting a hand on the couch to either side of my chest. I feel his penis nudge against my opening, once, twice, and then it’s eased inside me, stretching me, filling me completely. I suck in a breath and hold onto it for a moment, wondering just how far this is going to go. He withdraws slightly, giving me a chance to adjust to the intrusion, and then he pushes his way inwards once again.

  ‘Shit, you feel so good. Enjoying that?’

  Well, what to say? I close my eyes, shutting myself off to everything else but the sensation of his warm, erect penis as it pulses inside me, probing further still until he’s fully immersed, completely buried inside me. Oh yes, I’m enjoying that. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed anything quite so much in my entire life. I’m pinned down by a hunk of lean muscle, and he’s deep inside me, and I can feel every inch of him, throbbing with desire.

  ‘Oh God yes.’

  ‘And I’ve not even started yet.’

  He changes his position now, propping himself into place on his left elbow. Reaching up with his right hand, he grabs hold of my wrists, pinning them down against the leather. He pulls back out of me, right to the rim, and then slowly pushes in again. I open my eyes to find his face right in front of mine. He’s watching me closely, his lips parted, moistened slightly, his eyes glazing over with need. I sense a shimmer of electricity as it tickles its way through my groin.

  ‘Now, let’s get some ground rules sorted out here.’ He brushes his lips against mine.

  ‘Ground rules?’

  ‘Ground rules.’ Withdrawing again, he gazes down at me, completely serious now. His fingers tighten around my wrists. ‘No talking unless I ask you a question. And you don’t come until I tell you to. That’s the deal. You control yourself until I’m ready. Is that understood?’

  I nod breathlessly. He’s obviously forgotten that I’ve never come during penetration so this really doesn’t seem like it’s going to be a problem at all. In fact, in a couple of minutes’ time, he’s probably going to end up feeling severely disappointed in me … but never mind. He pushes his way in again, readjusting his position one more time, and somehow, somewhere inside, a warm glow sparks into life. I hear myself gasp. God knows how he’s doing this, but he seems to have found a spot that no one’s ever found before. And fuck, I might just have to control it after all. Staring down at me intently, his eyes hooded, his lips still parted, he begins to pick up the rhythm.

  ‘So, how do you want this?’ he breathes.

  ‘How?’ I swallow. Just like this seems to be doing the trick.

  ‘Slow and gentle, or fast and hard?’

  ‘Oh, the second one,’ I grin. Shit. Why have I said that?

  ‘And what’s the magic word?’

  I’d like to say ‘now’, but I’m not entirely sure he’s in the mood for humour. Instead, I go for the blatantly obvious. After all, it’s going to get me what I need.


  Almost before I’ve finished speaking, he draws back and slams himself into me. Shocked at the sudden onslaught, I cry out. Again, he withdraws and pounds forwards. I sense an edge of pain in the depths of my body, alongside a tightening of muscles I never knew I had. Maintaining eye contact, he slams again. And something builds inside me, a fizzling pressure right at my core. On a fourth pound, I’m thrust back against the couch and the pressure increases. I gasp to catch a breath. My lungs seem to have been squashed, driven upwards by a slowly expanding tension that’s threatening to explode any moment, sending me into freefall. I bring myself back from the edge for a second or two, listening to him, focusing my eyes on his face. And I realise that he’s struggling too. His breath is coming in short, ragged spurts. His forehead is moist and he’s biting his bottom lip. He’s on the verge of being torn apart by this, just like me.

  ‘Fucking hell, Maya,’ he growls. ‘You feel so fucking good.’

  I moan and that’s all I can do. His cock slams into me again. I feel it running against the inner walls of my clitoris, increasing the pressure one more time. I sense a spasm deep inside and I know I’m already close to losing control.

  And then he stops, still throbbing deep inside me.

  ‘Are you ready for some kink?’

  My eyelids flutter.

  ‘Kink?’ What the hell’s he going on about now? How much more kink can the man want? I’m already under orders to control my orgasm, and if I’m not very much mistaken he’s got my hands in some sort of vice-like grip.

  ‘If you
like.’ I push the words out, staccato, deciding that the bloody man can have anything he likes as long as this carries on.

  Raising himself up, he tugs down my bra, revealing my left nipple. He leans down and begins to suck while he pounds at me again. And then suddenly, without warning, he grips onto the nipple with his teeth, biting viciously, sending a surge of excruciating pain throughout my body. It scrambles my brain with immediate effect.

  ‘Fuck!’ I scream.


  He sinks into me again, latching his teeth onto my nipple, and I’m lost in a second surge of pain. Shit. That really is kink. And shit, I think I like it. Pleasure and pain, all mixed into one. Oh yes, I like it. The problem is I have no idea why. All I know is that I want more. And it’s not long in coming. He bites again and I scream, and the pressure inside increases tenfold. My climax is close now. It’s going to be a bloody miracle if I can hold it back. I cling on for all I’m worth, fighting back a floodtide of spasms in my vagina, grateful when he picks up the speed again, ramming into me relentlessly. At last, his fingers tighten on my wrists, squeezing me hard.

  ‘I’m going to come, Maya. Let go.’

  On a final surge, I’m ripped apart. And so is he. He thrusts into me one last time and he’s spent, emptying himself out inside me, his body juddering and twitching as he buries his face into my neck. At last, my hands are freed. Instinctively, I wrap my arms around his back. I lie panting beneath him, loving the sensation of his big, exhausted body draped over me, the quick rise and fall of his chest, his warm breath against my throat.

  ‘Fucking hell,’ he mutters. ‘It’s never been like that before. I don’t have a fucking clue what’s going on here.’

  He raises his head and stares at me, as if he’s searching my eyes for an answer to his puzzle.

  ‘Well,’ I sigh, reaching up and touching his chin. ‘As far as I can see, you just fucked one of your employees senseless on a sofa.’

  ‘I think it might be something more than that.’ He kisses me gently on the forehead.

  And then we lie coiled up in each other for an age. While he strokes the side of my face, gazing into my eyes, my hands are allowed to roam freely. For the first time, I run my fingers across his broad shoulders, down the side of his glorious face, along the edges of his soft lips. It’s strange but right now, without knowing the first thing about this man, I feel like I’m a part of him … and he’s a part of me.


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